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Show 19.. 52. Agut THE EUREKA REPORTER Page 3 Juab County Men Named to Orem Electric Line Doing Sa.;v Hit. Shooting Will Attend National Tax Meet Best Business in History Apply to All Utah Counties Ed's Farm Williitm EGOS AND CHICKENS A SPECIALTY. h.nf .lint !li 27c Imili Slav liu.iril ril llii list liy I!., II. V u ' to I in-,- i I , I ,. ( .'!i Muli ;.i!;.ii nm ci Ilf ru Tin a in 'lie upi'li mi . i 'i. a'l tfimlifS . , l i la'!' tiv 'i.i.i ,i Sept.-II- al'e Hllie.l liii.ii. is Xac.i't lie ..i,l I.. ic 11 liuwriior .In'll h, m i'll ,1 r:!i.ir Mot. li.it : ,'.l't and lies' el i lie ivad .ippe.il' Mn :iil Ml- Me. liaill Sieeli s' a !! .ill.l I. ii .i'iiI ies win iv Iliere and a fa.v 111 juir oi ilu Ill I,!. krill to tile l.flllC .'Milled Tile reietwr al l'l!,ll ed n I lie 'purl smell ohjre! l'l .1 . si.tv .ii , ilil. .'.Cfs w.is f.irw.i (if !i : vil-ii- li - .H y n . V i.f It. i . a call'll. .'1 - who will msii Ih-rn- . tli'li-aal.'- 1 '. Headquarters for Mining Men I I RATES: . $2.50 hundred lbs DRY LAND NEPHI Guide for Tourist's. 'Vi'.nia'.vul Mens Home. Ill 111.' I s I Ground Grain, per iiafi'i. ill ti-- 30c ROOMS COOI. AND CLEAN I . I 'a'.. 'liuuiiiK .nrt'kas Leading Hotel line ' r- , fiviclil sliTpiiients lo sap I.. unless siirroun.lma erea'e lie roii.l .'sieila".N ly request fur tlu ir alien. !ui..v i nillli lire .i!so Opened llellce i pull L'tveii tl..a .111 Kinhte.-Me de. lai'e loeal from I'lali was a .r..iesi: n.it of opening peuple all lie .eal1 will lie at tli, it run Vf in ion h Is '11' il'ulrr uf il(.k fur til'' of keeping ail . lo'e.l luiiiilir' ' 'll."-.- ' a l.i'Ver i Is ein ...ir.icnic and it is iiliM'iiu; 1,1 learii ilial Juali I'uuniy will ! ex.vpi i.uliiiKe ut l.iihim-s- ' in .ir.lil Ilian 1. M I I 111 K M KltllH lswell repies.-iur.l- . l.eeii liaii.l'i. d ..I .'.n lime .u Mie hi' H;uie ix well known fur his III Ml Tll.I.k OI I'ltoVO ion of i he . , m.i (.a ti wuik aluti taxation lines ami duriui; Ins term Cue of oa: loii'tant i,.ad.,i,s rises of off ire Joel Taylor lias performed Mlmr Oil 'u ii of Knr.-kand Ada . i . la rk Ilial he is off lliese p iteil exrellent work for Juali cttiimy Issued a Tilly of ITovo license lat Salurilav at the ed lireakf.l'l foods for life lieravise lhl-Ml Vi Inin ll.l fl'M-rTry the home merchant flrrt." county co uri house at I'rovo e Eggs, dozen Jml T.lli.r, J.u'i ilfli'Kdtrrt t .1 :i:ii in H.iilfV, t.,s for oflii'ili'l.t'r'ij Miii'illi. i'.i tmw Pressed Springs, lb. 30c farm Poultry I ii.y-- .m,.. ;il lurk. N w itnj T.I : ; timi , ON WHEELS pressed Roasting Hens, lb ri.illiiy Mill t,i Ihr N'.I K.1..1 .U HKBB The Tintic Hotel . Jllilli Products store KZ2ir.7'TA: mii-all- - Per Day Si. 0 and Up , . FLOUR $16.00 Hay, per ton Cash and Delivery Every Friday and Saturday. ' e w.-i- Per Month $3.00 and Up 310.00 and Up For Reservations Phone I mar-liac- e Per Week 22 . Lighting Fixtures Being Offered at Bargain os, CANDY SPECIAL CANDY SPECIAL modelling of PayHon and Eure-houses has made available of p. (utek aale, at a fraction original cost, electrical and fana. If Interested call at ii Reporter office, Eureka. Jordan U One Pound Pkg. Roes Carnival Marshmallows ihow flx-H- 0 THE MORGAN. Plaintiff, THOMAS MOlUiAN. JAMES fendant. Hi lb. Pound 23 43 Celebrating With Years Greatest Values Our 20th & Greatest ixiurt, county ok trht JIM II, STATE OK UTAH. FEASOR u 23c IMS- - JUDICIAL Fll-T- Almonds vs. De- SUMMONS. State of Utah to the Said De- fendant: r are hereby summoned to within Twenty Pays after ser- 0f this Summons upon you, if grred within the County in which brought; otherwise ills action la service, ithin Thirty Days after actud defend the above entitled ion; and in case of your failure so 9 do, judgment will be rendered Uiinst you according to the demand ( which has been of the complaint, Sled with the Clerk of said Court.) brought against This action la ns to recover a Judgment dissolves the bond of matrimony now and heretofore existing between you and fee said plaintiff. Ton ap-n- r. 0. iFIrst Plaintiff's Attorney, Address, Eureka, Utah. pub. August 15, 1929.) $1.00 Jar Hillrose Velvet Cream or $1.00 Hillrose Cold Cream Face Powder M. A. NO. 04 MM2 NOTICE APPLICATION FOR PATENT Med States Land Office, July 19. hereby given that A. C. Hatch, whose postofflee address la Heber City. Utah, together with hia V. R. Wherrht and: claimants, Jowph Hatch, has made application tar a United States patent for the Him Coinage No. 6 lode mtn'ng; rials, situate In the Erickson Min- lie District, Tooele county. State of Utah, being Survey No. 6970, andi described In the field notea and plat: as file In this office with magnetic variation at 17 deg. 00 min E, as; 10c Creme Commencing at 25c Woodburys Facial Soap . . . . Hair Oil. 25c Hillrose Hair Oil. 30c 25c Resinol Soap 19 3 10c Fels Naptha Soap mS... Laundry $1.00 ESS-JAY- S VIRGIN 25c Register 50c Publication July 25. 1929 uat Publication Sept. 19,1929.) Mentho-latu- Mentho-latu- 25c Bell-ADyspepsia Tablets. . 43c PLUMBING! VEGETABLE COMPOUND 50c and Heating service from Salt Lake City. Beat Work Lowest Prices 24-ho- estimates can furnish free parts for every make of stove. tBT. h. TOWERS BENCOLINE. A Prophylactic for Teeth and Gums which correct Halitosis ! 37c Henson Fixtures of all kinds and descriptions. 1 QQ (JMG 30c Sal Hepatica 19 GENERAL . IQ. King Briatle-Tk- 42c GEM e 60c AUTO Tooth Brush with 35c, 25e 34c 60c California Syrup of 43 Oil 98 Figs 19c $1.25 Moone's Emerald 18c 25c Carters Pills 35c Hinkle Pills, 30c Phenolax Wafers, 30's 19 50c Phenolax Wafers, lS'j 34 35c Bayers Aspirin Tab27 lets, 2 dozen $1.25 Bayers Aspirin Tab lets, 100s $1.00 Squiblc I vad Petrolatum . . .79 rrrL 35c $1.50 LILAC SHAVING can After-Sha.in- PINAUD'S VFGETAL .. CREAM. f7g Talc g PREPEERLESS PARED WAX. r jr Floor, Auto SIM a a s a $1.50 KNIGHT pol-shin- q lJi 25c Lysol .... 19c 50c Lysol . . . 4 P I? rjTVL.la rJ .38c 45c Kotex, 12 in package. 35c 3 for 93c 45c Modess, 12 in package. 35C 3 for 93c BALLS ,llri . rwl a haara Sfeaaaa laal .aagarl RAZOR With One Auto Strop Blade FOUN- Oft 006 GOLF flit 00, rNJ2j ueliNI 73c f3 57c 12 for $4.69 4C. 49c 49c 9c 11 For Your RAZOR V'11lit VALET ,4uto5trop for . pourni 23f $1.M HORLICKS MALTED MILK . $3.75 HORLICKS Jf MALTED MILK .. 75c MEADS DEXTP1 MALTOSE $3 A0 MEAD'S OCXTRI MALT0SE9&CU9 UNIVERSAL POCKET KNIVES. Boi.a Handle, Threa Blade SUN Q fcBC II HICKORY BEACH BALL ItfC VISORS XiIHuUmH Mrapa. akavow aad reaavlafe Madal rirr akkwl araha laal. each Mahea rae a mmmmiat ILa - S 43 CCrrtt, TAIN SYRINQS. With cam aim 0 aaaortnwnt a aarrauiiy dvatqnad Na. I klaa 75e GUARANTEED A-f- QQ. 90C ESSJAV5 BUUatt paund $1.50 75c pound tt. KNiCHT HOT WATER POTTLE, 2 quart 100s.... .23e and Furn.tur, MELLIN'S FOOD 90c MELLIN'S FOOO Tree Ta, 60c 60o A. STROP 50c Ace Strcpper. Will strop any Llade 18c m 43 BLADES ... WuC 50c PALMOLIVE 25 - MU CREAM $2.50 value, all for 40c Castoria 25c 50c SUPER LAThFR SHAV- 50c Ipana Tooth Paste 37c $1.25 LYDIA PINKHAM'S and Plumbing . IOO EX 60c OINTMENT JOB GUARANTEED 25 for ns .1 EVERY Glycerine and Ammonia 75c Hillrose Theatri-cal Cold Cream, lb. . HwW 15c STERNO CANNED HEAT. . .3 for And Sterno Stove FREE. 79c 43c GEO. E. WOOLEV, of the year hea you should have your Plumbing done and I am pre- Pn'l to handle your work In fiiM manner, 19c ounces. 5 for 19c ESS-JAY- pub-fcb- 4 5 for 19c OLIVE OIL, Pint S VIRGIN 60c OLIVE OIL, ya Pint ... Utah. h the 6 65c K Lotion. 50, for 55 d this notice be the Eureka Reporter at This Rosewater, Bubble Ball $1.75, one large package WMte King Washing Machine Powand 3 bars der Mission Bell Soap 25 MW MM claim as shown on plat of roy Survey No. 6734 Search CONTRACTING 25c Glycerine and .37 . .19 . White TPES0 djolalng t ... 49c 19 ad located In the unsurveyed por-flo- n of Townshop 10 South, Range I Test, Salt Lake Bane and Merl-9a- n, containing an area of 20.3331 atm. claims! There are no conflicting aalor Senior, Attya. < Lake City, Utah. 18c 3 for 50c 30c Sani Flush claim, whence the corner mmmon to Sections 16, 17. 20 and 11. Township 10 South, Range 6 Tiat, Salt Lake Base and Meridian, bars S 84 deg 53 min W 6074.0 ft; Thence N 39 deg 18 min E 1497.3 tact to corner No. 2; Thence N 50 fe 37 min W 593.0 feet to corner So. 3; Thence S 39 deg 18 min W 1417.3 feet to corner No. 4; Thence SSI deg 37 min E 593.0 feet to corin' No. l, the place of beginning, Iwaka. 1 1 aid lode In HiL-cs-e 3 for 19c 3 for 29c ys I of Light No. 3. I direct that ux T0 I 15c Ess-JaBath Castile. tallows: Cbrner No. 5 for 25c ill Soap. with each purchase of $!.00 or more in our Toilet Goods Department ; lar 35c package of Free zone ! and regular 35c package HZ, regular 70c value. Both for. Ese-Jay- FREE i A regu- value-givin- 1929. Notice is TR has been your Continuously for the past 20 years the name Schramm-Johnso- n service Sundries and Toiletries of of faithful highest quality Drugs, guarantee of lowest prices. To fittingly commemorate this event we have enlisted the cooperation of manufacturers as well a utilized to the fullest our own resources to offer values that are outstanding and truly expressive of our appreciation for Visit Schramm-Johnson- s ihe continually growing patronage we have enjoyed. this week. See our windows and specials displayed throughout our stores. It will be a g occasion never to be forgotten. Every purchase with 's Money-Bac- k Guarantee of Sa. (.faction. ANNIVERSAI "SPECIAL1 Siened by C. N. DEATH ERBU It Y. Generously in the Savings! & Saturday-Sha- re Thursday, Friday A Try 1 19c t lvf sharper longer lasting edge Wade 60c THOMPSONS MALTED MILK. Chocolate A flavor 7. & Butcres - SPtOfAL- tCutvcd Blades 10c each rmtSMlST' |