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Show STANDARD Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard GoodRoosevelt, Utah went to Boulder, Cola, rich IMS November 17, Thursday,, Friday to spend the weekend visiting their daughter, JoAnn, and her family. They returned borne Monday evening. Aftan Seeley, Salt Lake, and his son, Jimmy, a 1st class by Gordo Seeley petty officer In the navy, visited Saturday here at the WalMr. and Mrs. Phil Reming- lace Seeley home. Jimmy has ton and son of Salt lake, visi- spent 30 months In the navy. ted over the weekend with Phils Randy Beal left Sunday for parents, the Walter Reming- Salt Lake. He has enlisted tons. Others vlsltlnfc with the In the Marines, and he was Remingtons Sunday were Mr. scheduled to leave Monday and Mrs. Jim Reldhead and morning by plane for San DieMichelle, Roosevelt, and Mr. go, Calif. and Mrs. Kent Remington and Guests at the BUI Whitehead two children, Altamont. home during the week were Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Bird Bills mother, Mrs. J. A. Jor-n- er of Orem, her sister, Mr. and family have moved bade home after spending the sumand Mrs. Alice Steiner and two children of WhitUer, Calmer at Moon Lake. Mary Lee Hogan spent Sun- ifornia. Mrs. Josephine Atwood of day and Monday home with her little son and her parents, the Salt Lake Is here visiting at Lee Llsonbees. Mary Lee Is the homo of her son La Von going to a beauty school In Atwood and his famUy. BLUEBELL LENNOX CONVERSION BURNER . . . LOW COST SOLUTION TO YOUR HEATING NEEDS! The constant, unvarying warmth of Nature's Freshness can be yours quickly and Inexpensively. With Lennox conversion burner you eeu easily change from any type ef tael to quiet, ll dean gas heat Enjoy the magic of a wonderful winter with Lsaaox gaa all long day spring wall-to-wa- HEBER HEATING AND CONSTRUCTION COMPANY volt MS PHONES: Hebor M4 1111 FALL HANNA by Tracy Roberta Mr. and Mra. Kay Gubeler of Los Angelus, are parents of a baby boy born Nov. 4. Mra. Gubeler la the daughter of Mr. and Mra. Kenny Smith and granddaughter of Mr. and Mra. A. Foster Rhoades. Mr. and Mrs. Leo S. Defa and Davona, went to Magna Sunday where they attended funeral services for a nephew, Kenneth L. Maddy. Who was killed by a sniper bullet In Viet Nam Oct. 29. He was the husband of Peggy Mecham, granddaughter of Mr, and Mrs. Henry Lazenby, Ray Hackett was operated on for appendldtes at the Heber hospital Monday. He returned home Saturday feeling much better. Mrs. Irene Johnson accompanied Thelma Nya to Salt Lake Tuesday where aha consulted her doctor. She has been sick with the flu and the after effects. She la better at this writing. Mr. Frank J. Defa went to Salt Lake Saturday where he got Nick Defa out of the hospital. They returned home the Nick la feeling same day. better after hla operation. Mrs. Vida Curry went to Heber Friday and spent several days there, where she attended taneral services for a nelce, Mrs. Thelma McK night, Heber. Mr. and Mr. Tom Fabrlzlo and family went to Salt Lake Saturday where they attended funeral services for Bearl Ginas, and also attended the BYU and UofU football game. --M- r. and Mrs. Brent Chugg announce the arrival of a baby boy, born Nov. 11, at a Logan The little fellow hospital. weighed 6 pounds 2 ounces. Mother and baby are doing fine. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Earl on USED TRACTORS! : INTEREST-- FREE , FINANCING until April 1, 1M1 on new and used units, up to 4 years financing with good credit rating. . Come In and let us show you what we have In used tractors and equipment! O. Diesels (3) Ford Major reconditioned new Completely O O O O O O O 0 0 (3) Gas (2) Diesel paint! 20-1- 0 20-1- 0 Forner resident dies in CsINsrnia THESE TRACTORS HAVE BEEN THOROUGHLY RECONDITIONED AND HAVE LOW HOURS! OR CHOOSE FROM 16 NEW TRACTORS NOW ON OUR LOT! Ask about our Food Sorvlce and Free Delivery Billings Feed and Farm Supply WEST ON HIGHWAY 40 - VERNAL 7M-S24- In (Machinery) 4 M. Verholt, a one time resident of the Myton area, died November 10 in a San Bernardino Calif, hospital after s short Illness. He was born Aug. 16, 1893 In Germany, to Anton and Khrlstlne Verholt. Married Effle McCourt, Dec. 24, 1921 In Duchesne. He was a retired employee of the DeA partment of the Interior. member of the Masonic Lodge no. 20 Roosevelt; Eastern Star of Gallup New Mexico. Sur vivors: widow; daughter, Mrs. R. E. (Violet) Olson, Sioux City Iowa; 3 grandchildren, 4 greatgrandchildren; brother, Edward, Salt Lake; sister, Mrs. Sam (Christine) Fazzlo, Spr- Andrew (3) Forgusons i 7S0-10S- S (Feed) Order to Better Serve You LINK TRUCKING, INC. Pleased to Designate NEILL C JENSEN Is As DUCHESNE Area Agent Guaranteed Same Day Express Service Early Morning Delivery on Over Night Freight PHONE 738-227- 2 ARCADIA AND LETTER OF APPRECIATION BRIDGELAND Funeral services held for Arcadia native May I extend sincere thank and appreciation to thuw who confidence prompted me to become a candidate and to the citizen who supported me during the campaign and at the polls. I commend my fellow democratic candidates for a whole Home. rontrurtlve campaign which wa free of negation. son-in-la- Congratulation to my worthy opponent. Dr. Danniel Dennl. and may lucre a and wldoni accompany him. S. Naturally It I dlaappolnting to lose, hut gratifying to have accepted thl rliallenge and reponlbllity. Sincerely, Lorin Allred ALTAMONT AREA NEVIS Carle and Janice Lies and Charlene Hartman. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wilkinson of Utahn visited with the Robert Alexanders Sunday. Reay and Beth Jessen went to .Salt Lake on the weekend to get their daughter, Sherrie who came to Salt Lake from She has Kansas City, Mo. completed a months training at an airline school. Arthur Saddler, who has spent the last two years In England, Is now making his home with his daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hansen. Mrs. Lyle Young received a phone call from her son, June, to tell her the news of his marriage to Jerry Johnson of Orland, Calif. Mrs. Young also received word from June's daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hackler, that they are parents of a baby boy, weighing S lbs 8 oz. This Is Mrs. Young's great grandson. Mr. and Mrs, Grant Hansen had business In Salt Lake durThe Hansens ing the week. are taking care of the small children of Mr. and Mrs. Barton Ben non of Vernal. They are attending a school at Denver. Judy and Dlxson Relsbeck, Farmington, were visiting the Dewey Jessen s over the weekend. Lee and Linda Call, Manila, also visited the Jessens. ment. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Mitchell Mrs. Bonnie Carroll is the and family went to Salt Lake new office girl at the grade Saturday on business. An Interesting note on elecShe is taking Ann school. Iorg's place, who has moved tion day was that 80c of the Altamont preclnrt turned out to Salt Luke. The Altamont ward Relief to vote. A recent visitor ofthe Grant Society will hold their annual bazaar and banquet Friday eve- Hansen family was Mrs. Haning, Nov. 18. at the rhurrh. nsen's sister, Wanda Dalk of Dinner will be served, and a Oregon. A slumber party was held program held. Home from srhtxil over the on the 10th In honor of the weekend were Karen Brother-so- n, Uth birthday of Debra Jessen. Deane Potts. Rex Ham-ber- g, Six young ladles were entertainLinda Hansen, Valerie ed at the home of Dewey Jes-s- The American Legion Auxiliary held their first meeting at the home of Mary Dump Thursday evening. The following district officers were present Mary Burgess, Tina Last Wilkins, Leona Riding, years officers were renstated, Delaine Tidwell, Beverly Fleld-ste- d, Juanita LaRose and Lola Jones. Mrs, Dump served refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Ferrell Markham of Salt Lake visited with their partents Mr. and Mrs. Anthone Rust, over the weekend. On Sunday Fred and Shirely Lindsay and family of Vernal and Mrs. Faye Mecham attended a family get together at the Rusts. On Sunday morning the Rusts received a phone call from their son Blake, who Is In Maryland In the Servlre. He reports he has been doing a great deal of sightseeing. Mr. and Mrs. Chris and family, Salt Lake, visited their family Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Brotherson over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Reau visited their daughter and family Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tom-phsof Price. Neal Dastrup is here visiting with hla parents Mr. and Mrs. La Farge Dastrup. Mr. and Mrs. Don Karg and Scott have moved to Salt Lake where Don has employ- Buy the Best for Less In all lines of Insurance! H ansen, Bro-thers- on LIFE INSURANCE - AUTO - TRUCK FIRE - HOMEOWNERS - BUSINESS LIABILITY - BONDS REMEMBER: It's performance, not the promiite e DalgMafe ROOSEVELT, UTAH Try to relax..." fflH THUM.NOV. 17 . Ing Glen Utah. Funeral. day 2 p.m. Masonic Temple, Price. Burial Price City Cemetery. A large congregation attended the 11 a.m. servlre at the Myton Presbyterian Church to greet Floyd Potter, a layman from the Central Christian Church of Salt Lake City. The sermon was "Freedom with Mrs. Melvin Responsibility''. Schwartz presided at the piano for prelude, postlude and hymnal accompaniment. Sunday school classes were conducted prior to the church servlres with Virginia Monks. Ruby Hlg-le- y and Alice DeLuy in charge of the classes. Refreshments were served at .the noon hour when the congregation had the opportunity to greet Mr. Potter and his wife who accompanied him. -The Marlnera of the First Presbyterian Church In Salt Lake will conduct the regular Sunday service at the Presbyterian church, Sunday, November 20. A cordial invitation Is extended to all. An Infant son was born, Saturday, November 12 to Mr. and Mrs. Newell Richens, at Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Aften Richens are the proud grandparents of the ville visited Friday and Saturday with the Gary Jessens. Val Is a brother of Gary's brother-in-laDee Roberts of Salt Lake. w, 9:00 Jackie (Meason Shaw . s . .. y . . . s . ,'s f Highlights 11:30 BLACK HORSE CANYON, Joel McCroa, Mari Blanchard I TUESDAY, NOV. 22 6:30 Rifleman 6:30 Red Skelton Hour 7:30 Petticoat Junction 8:00 Daktari 9:00 Danny Kayo Show Alexis Smith SUNDAY, NOV. 20 5:00 Lassie 5:30 Its About Tima 6:00 Ed Sullivan Shaw 7:00 Garry Moore Shew 8:00 Candid Camara 8:30 What's My Una? 9:00 Secret Agent lftOO Channel 5 Nows 10:35 Channel S Newscap 11:00 AUNTIE MAME, Rosalind Russell, Roger SmiHi FRIDAY, NOV. ID 6:00 Rifleman 6:30 Hogan's Heroes 7:00 Wild, Wild West 1:00 10:00 Channel S News 10:30 CBS Reports 1 1 :30 David Susskind: BECAUSE THEYRE YOUNG, Dick Clark, Tuesday Wold Open End lOKM Channel 5 Nows 10:30 ALL AT SEA, Aloe WEDNESDAY, NOV. 23 6:00 Death Valley Days 6:30 Beverly Hillbillies 7:00 Green Acres 7:30 Corner Pyle USMC 8:00 SLANDER, Van Johnson, Ann Blyth Guinness, Irena Brown MONDAY, NOV. 21 6:00 Run, Buddy, Run '6:30 Lucy Show 7:00 Andy Griffith 7:30 Family Affair 8:00 SWEET BIRD OF YOUTH, Paul Newman, Geraldine Page 10:00 Channel 5 Nows 10:35 Channel S Newscap 1 1 KM 12.-0- Untouchables Herb Japke Show 9:30 Jean Anhur Show 10:00 Channel 5 Newt 10:35 Channel 5 Newscap 11:00 UNDERCOVER GIRL, It SATURDAY, NOV. 5:30 Lest In Space 6:30 Pistols 'N' Petticoats 7:00 Mission: Impossible 8:00 Gunsmoke Alexis Smith, Scott Brady fjjKSMV parents. 1 10:00 Channel 5 News 10:30 BYU Football 10:00 Channel 5 News 10:30 CAVE OF OUTLAWS, MacDonald Carey, from Salt Lake. They were joined during the weekend by Mr. and Mrs. Allan Babcock who came to spend a few days with t TNI RATION'S TOP THIVISION PIOSIAMS ARB BIST MOVIES ON Ml TELEVISION, CHANNEL Graco Kolly, Bing Crosby, William Holden nle Plant and baby, who came his Phone 684 or 799 6:00 Gilligon's Island 6:30 My Throw Sons 7:00 Joricho 1:00 THE COUNTRY OIRI, La-Ro- se Tues-- . new Weekend guests of Mrs. Lyle Young were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Young and family, Midvale. A birthday party was held Saturday at the home of Ken LaRose in honor of Ellis on his eighth birthday. Many little friends were on hand. Refreshments were served and games were played. Mr. and Mrs. Orlan Oman are parents of a baby born last week weighing 6 lbs. He will be named Delbert. This makes five boys for the Omans. J. Val Roberts of Center- that count! Central Utah Insurance Agency GALE G. HOLT, Manager m. MYTON by G (1) Jubilee Ford (1) 8M Ford The children of Overton, Nev., are program Included prelude and visiting with her parents, the postiude music by Nancy GiMark Bleazards for a few days. lbert; invocation, Marv Bell; The Primary was reorganspeakers, Hale Hoi gate, Clark ized Sunday evening In Sacrament meeting. The new offLusty, Austin Brokaw and Bishby Ida llorrock op Gilbert. A quartet composed icers are Donna Clayburn, presof Joe Clayburn, Reed Clayburn, ident; Evelyn Mullins, first LeGrand Gilbert and Gayle Gicounselor; Nancy Gilbert, secPall ond counselor and Bonnie Ross lbert sang a number. bearers were Tom Welnert, secretary. Tom Welnert, Jr., Rocky Weln-e- ri, Mrs. Della Liddell. Salt Clarence Dean, Austin Beal Lake, Is spending a few days w and Fred Todd. Benediction, visiting with her daughter, Lawrence Pace. Closing long and family, Mr. and was by Mr. and Mrs Gayle Giand other Mrs. Lon Funeral services were held lbert. Burial was at the Myton relatives. Farnsworth, chaat 9 tha ward November cemetery, with Thomas Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. Ardon Evans pel for Lawrence Odeklrk, 72, dedicating the grave. announce the birth of a new who died at hie home November Mrs. Richard Lister and granddaughter, born November 8 at the Roosevelt hospital. The parents are Mr. and Mrs. Fred Evans, Tabiona. This makes three girls for the Evans'. by Roralee Jeeaen on FROM (2) M International John Deere (1) 30-1- 0 (1) G John Deere Phone Tassell. Mr. and Mrs. Danny Fabrlzlo and Jean Fabrlzlo went to 8alt Lake Saturday where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Dell Snodgrass and Mr. and Mrs. Moral Glnes. Mr. and Mrs, Delyle Giles and fomlly of Salt Lake spent the weekend visiting Mr. and Mra. Leo S. Defa. Viewing and burial was held In TaMona Saturday for Bearl Glnee, who died Thursday In a Salt Lake hospital. Funeral services were held Saturday 10 a.m. in Granger. She was burled in the Tabiona ceme-ta- ry Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A. Foster Rhoades took a load of lambs to Salt Lake Thursday. Parents night was held at tha Tabiona school house Thur. John Deere John Deers 340 International (1) Van 6, after a long Ulnese. '"? v, i 7 ' .:V ''i- y .'ii 'v v MOUNTAIN AMCMICAS X TKLKVISION STATION MO. v 'Vx ' v : ' s ' ' ' .. arrival. Bishop and Mrs, Clark Abegglen went to Salt Lake, Saturday, on a business trip. They were accompanied by Hair who received medical attention and remained tlier to visit at the home of his Le-la- nd sister. Mr. and Mrs. Lnryn Ross attended the Utah Crops Improvement sessionutLoganlast week and then visited the Floyd Mecham and Norman Labrum families at Tremonton, Mrs. Mecham and Mrs. Labrum are sisters of Mr. Ross. -Mrs. Lydia Peatnss was a weekend visitor at the home of her sons, Robert and Will-laPeatross, In Duchesne and then continued on to Price to receive medical attention and m And we love our work. So much that we couldn't with the slickest-lookinsplit grille ever to grace a (Or any other car, for that matter.) g bear to stop Wide-Trac- We went ahead and made the windshield wipers disappear. car not only looks cleaner, but the wipers are less subject to ting and freezing, too. Then we got rid of the vent windows on all Grand Prix hard-topWa replaced them with nifty monograms and a ventilation system. tachometer We even designed a rather unique The s. flow-throug- h hood-mounte- option that's available on all Pontiacs. As are our other new options like stereo tape and stereo radio. And, of course, our handsome interiors have to be seen to be believed. All Pontiacs have standard safety features that include a dual master cylinder brake system with warning light, outside rearview mirror, and GM's energy absorbing steering column. Isn't it time you decided to see your Pontiac dealer? If you love our work the way we do, it's the least you can do. Pontiac 67 Rida tha Wida-Trac- k visit friends. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Babcock enjoyed a weeks visit from their granddaughter, Mrs. Ikxi- - CENTER SERVICE CORNER MAIN 1 LAGOON ROOSEVELT Winning Streak |