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Show i . i 4 4 THE CITIZEN ' 5 ' i ; r r THEY STILL READ AND THINK. They perhaps know that in Scandanavian countries unemployment is is again beginning to thrive, increasing; they realize while it remains prostrate in many of the South American countries American people and especially the people of Utah rjjat the about the impending political campaign is and all over Europe. Finally the American people know that, by wading and thinking to tame evdent as sanguinary battle at the degrees, their country is coming back to real prosperity and that the is ning more wreck of the national railroad system, bequeathed to them by the next November, approaches. to be presumed that the American people among Democrats, is being brought back to an orderly system capable of t is certainly Re remember that when a Republican playing a lone hand without the paternalistic interference and subthose who reside in Utah ve( stantial money gifts of the government. listratioii took office, and a Republican majority in congress, )mi With all these Republican accomplishments staring them in the i;, assumed responsibility for liquidating the economic soc of the war and the great mismanagement of that war, face and knowing that all these things have taken place since the quences Republican administration came into power, March 4, 1921, is it at ffcre confronted with a bigger task than that allotted to any :nt ever assembled at the national capital, all likely that they will let the cacophonous howls or the calamity life r body of legislators, appeals of the Democrats sway their better judgment on next electo be presumed that the American people have not forgotten, atio met at Washington last tion day? Verily, we think not. when the Republican administration M( n they would be called upon to arrange the liquidation of a twenty-billioiput war debt and that they had to contend with a current ill I CONGRESSMAN LEATHERWOOD TO BE SUSTAINED. nment expenditure of more than six billions, left as a legacy emb t retiring Democratic administration. Congressman E. 0. Leatherwood, it is freely prophesied, will be also presumed that the American people including the the! Iis the undivided support of his party in the congressional convenUtah appreciate and understand, that under the budget given efor tion which convenes today to nominate a candidate to carry the made effective by the Republican administration after being :r o proud banner of Republicanism to success this fall in the Second or by President Wilson, has resulted in the curtailing of the next Congressional District. national expense account to approximately three and one-ha- lf iam Congressman Leatherwood is standing squarely on his own and tiatii s; that the national tax burden has been relieved to the extent the record of his party in asking renomination and in seeking to ithi ire than a billion dollars ; that they know that the overhead again represent his district in the halls of congress at the national is against every citizen because of the income tax has been ma capital. tha ially lightened ; that they know and fully appreciate that every The constructive record of the last congress in which Congressentl le of them contributes less to the national exechequer than un-- e Democratic administration, or would have been compelled to man Leatherwood so ably represented Utah, is best summed up in Mil his own words. it i id the Democratic tenure of mismanagement been continued, ts mda paternalistic industrial policies, its bureaucracy, its gigantic Referring to the work of the lower house, Mr. Leatherwood said, recri le and its ever increasing salary toll, to be liquidated each in part : No congress of the United States, in time of peace, has passed of i erhaps the American people appreciate the fact that the tax so much constructive and helpful legislation as the present one. No ire a against the small income-ta- x payer who is ever struggling other congress in the history of the United States ever enacted a eras trying to raise and educate a family, has been cut practically greater percentage of legislation promised by the administration. atte that nuisance taxes have been abolished ; that railroad rates The debts inherited from the Democrats, however great and unwarcaln were successively increased 5, 15 and 25 per cent, first by the ranted, must be paid. They must be paid by levying taxes and all ate Commerce Commission and then by fiat of the president, revenue raising laws must, of necessity, originate in the lower house. ubst the Wilson administration, have been materially reduced. It is There are no popular forms of taxation, hence criticism of any tax ha presumed that they have not forgotten that as a consequence law is to be expected. But the new tax law written by the Republican ;ion linistrative anarchy and the. economic chaos from which the congress reduces taxes by $800,000,000 this year and will make a coi e y suffered during the last months of the Wilson administration, further reduction next year. Despite the necessity of meeting the hav ras a liquidation forced upon ever farmer and every laboring obligations left it by the Democratic administration, by the closest fli d :n every business man until each and every one of them wit-th- e between the executive and legislative branches, has ren ire, entire loss of all the big profits they had made during the sulted in reducing the national expense account by almost $2,000,000,-00to ed 9 of the war period and many of them were left. stranded, outlo that liquidation period the farmers corn dropped from the Under the Republican administration government Victory and listrat ar price to 20 cents a bushel and all other farm products came Liberty bonds have advanced to par and above ; new government seiousi Rafter. The farmer, the stockgrower, the business man and curities are finding an eager market, although bearing low rates of rhers, came down ypre off their high pinnacles of fame and fortune Federal Reserve banks have reduced interest rates back to interest; justd mere supplicants to the government for any old kind of normal, thus making it easy for legitimate interests to obtain capital ; lified 10n that would save them from utter ruin. And a Republican agriculture has been placed on its feet by a series of laws enacted nc tariff and liberal Republican government loans saved by the Republican congress, with the result, that today, that great arfS the population and 40 per cent of the industry, representing one-thir- d of th 'American people know that during the last ninety days the buying power of the country, looks forward to renewed prosperity. n as oward prosperity and normalcy has placed more than two 'die workers in paying position, despite the fact that the Quite a number of eminent scientists are crimping their mental ats, ever on carried has and of obstruction, negation party think-tanover the knotty problem of the origin of the mosquito. to filibuster in the tariff bill, solely against the pending don1 We would appreciate their efforts more if they would discover how fforeigu nations and whom from importers of foreign goods, erhap5 ve Salt Lake can get shut of them without increasing the tax levy. ever taken in national legislation, commands ofsumable the American people everywhere know that by the weather sets in there will be a How they howled and vied with each other in praise and laudjob for every idle man in ry 'f thv: tariff measure and other constructive Republican ation of the boys in khaki who went out to fight the war for the good inert ennw being savagely fought by the Democrats, are enacted; old U. S. A. Nothing will be too good for you when you get back, congf1 ust know that today the abnormal unemployment situa-re- they said. And nothing is about all they are getting. They are Britnin is six times per capita what it is in this country. making good their promise. that-agricultur- e i fr 1 to-rwi- i th - r . i . !!" r i . b, 1 I . ! ; ; ,1 co-operat- ion 0. ; ks -- at t tr I v |