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Show THE CITIZEN 16 court for the relief demanded in the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court and of which a copy is hereto annexed and herewith served upon you, (or) and will take judgment against you for the sum of dollars ($26), with interest twenty-si- x at the rate of 8 per cent per annum since the 6th day of September, 1917, together with plaintiffs costs and disbursements herein. J. J. WHITAKER, Plaintiffs Attorney. P. 0. Address,. 315 Kearns Rldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. SUMMONS. Leona Long, Plaintiff, vs. Thomas Long, Defendant. Summons. The State of Utah to the said Defend- ant: You are hereby summoned to ap- pear within twenty'days after the vice of this summons upon you, if ser- served within the county in which this action is brought; otherwise, within thirty days after service, and defend the above entitled action; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. This action is brought to recover a judgment dissolving the marriage contract heretofore existing between you and the plaintiff. STRAUP, NIBLEY & LEATHER-WOOD- , Attorneys for Plaintiff. P. O. Address, 316 McCornick Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. SUMMONS. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT NO. 8. 32028 Mining Company. the State of Utah. Location of principal place of business, 810-1McIntyre Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. Pope-Sheno- In the City Court of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, State of Utah. Harry S. Joseph, Plaintiff, vs. George Collins and Georgia E. Col- lins, Defendants. Summons. The State of Utah to said Defendants: You are hereby summoned to appear within ten (10) days after the service of this summons upon you, if served within the county in which this action is brought; otherwise within twenty (20) days after this service, and defend the above entitled action; in case of your failure to do so, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint, of which a copy is herewith annexed and herewith served upon you, and will take judgment against you for the sum of Forty Six and 30100 ($46.30) Dollars, Avith interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum since the 9th day of January, 1920, together Avith the plaintiff's costs and disbursements herein. BARand PIERCE CRITCHLOW RETTE, Plaintiffs Attorneys. P. O. Address, 307 McCornick Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dated January 9th, 1920. SUMMONS. Summons. The State of Utah to the said Defendant: You aro hereby summoned to appear within tAventy days after the service of this summons upon you, if sensed within the county In which this action is brought; otherwise, within thirty days after service, and defend the above entitled action; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the Clerk of said court. This action is brought to dissolve the marriage contract (or bonds of matrimony) heretofore existing between you and the plaintiff. ROLAND R. WOOLLEY, Attorney for Plaintiff. Bank P. 0. Address 1406 Walker Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. ap- days after pear summons of this the within if served you, upon the county in which this action is brought; otherwise, within thirty days after service, and defend the above entitled action; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the Clerk of said within service twenty Court This action Is brought to rec'"' a judgment awarding to the plaintiff the immediate possession and restitution of the premises and land described in said complaint and to recover the value of the use and occupation of said premises from the 10th day of July, 1919, to the date of such judgment and restitution. BAGLEY, FABIAN, CLENDENIN & JUDD, Attorneys for Plaintiff. P. O. Address, 409 Kearns Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. No. 27746. fendant: You are hereby summoned to ap- pear within tAA'enty days after the service of this summons upon you, if served Avithin the county in Avhich this action is brought, otherwise, Avithin thirty days after service, and defend the above entitled action; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed Avith the Clerk of said Court. This action is brought for a judgment dissolving the contract of matrimony existing bctAveen the parties hereto. II. J. FITZGERALD, Attorney for Plaintiff. P. 0. Address 425 Atlas Block, Salt Lake City, Utah. In the Third Judicial District Court of Salt Lake County, State of Utah. Rose D. Stpcker, Plaintiff, vs. Joseph P. Stocker, Defendant. Summons. The State of Utah to the said Defend- ant: You are hereby summoned to ap- pear within twenty days after the service of this summons upon you, if served Avithin the county in which this action is brought; otherwise, Avithin thirty days after service, and defend the above entitled action; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the Clerk of said Court. This action is brought to recover a judgment dissolving the marriage contract heretofore existing between you and the plaintiff. N. J. SHECKELL, Attorney for Plaintiff. P. O. Address, 510 Boyd Park Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. 12-20-1-- , 126-12- Secretary. South West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. P. O. Box 1756. 126-12- 8 7. 1 City, Utah.. assessment; Eureka Lilly Mining Company. Location of principal office, 414 Judge Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. Location of mine, Tintic Mining District, Utah County, Utah. Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the Board of Directors held January 14th, 1920, an assessment to be known as assessment No. 12, of one cent (lc) per share, was levied on the outstanding capital stock of the corporation, payable immediately to Gideon Snyder, secretary, 414 Judge Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. Any stock upon Avhich this assessment remains unpaid on February 16th, 1920, will be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction, and unless payment is made before, so much of each parcel of stock as shall be necessary will be sold on March 12th, 1920 at 4:00 oclock companys office, p. m., at the 414 Judge Building, Salt Lake, City, Utah, to pay the delinquent assessment, together with the cost of advertising and expense of sale. GIDEON SNYDER, Secretary. 414 Judge Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. ASSESSMENT NO. 4. Treasure Box Mining Company. Principal place of business, Salt SUMMONS. 27855. 1 12-20-1-- SUMMONS. In the Third Judicial District Court of Salt Lake County, State of Utah. Pauline K. Cook, plaintiff; vs. Robert A. Cook, defendant. Summons. The State of Utah to the said De- Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the Board of Directors, held on the 10th day of January, 1920, an assessment known as Assessment No. 8, of two (2c) cents per share was levied on all of the outstanding stock of the corporation, payable immediately to the secretary, C. R. Bradford, at 810-1McIntyre Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. Any stock upon which this assessment shall remain unpaid on the fifteenth day of February, 1920, will become delinquent and will be advertised for sale at public auction and unless payment is ,made before, so much of each parcel as shall be necessary Avill be sold on the tenth day of March, 1920, at the hour of 3:00 oclock p. m. on said day, at 810-1McIntyre Building, Salt Lake City, Utah, to pay the delinquent assessment, together Avith the costs of advertising and the expense of sale. C. R. BRADFORD, Secretary. 810-1- 1 McIntyre Building, Salt Lake No. 27773. In the Third Judicial District Court of Salt Lake County, State of Utah. Garfield Improvement Company, a vs. George Plaintiff, corporation, Christos, Defendant. Summons. The State of Utah to the said DefendYou are hereby summoned to In the Third Judicial District Couii. of Salt Lake County, State of Utah. Ethel Allen Van Allen, Plaintiff, Theodore Van Allen, Defendant. 1 NOTICE OF ant: SUMMONS. n A corporation of Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the board of directors, held on the 9th day of December, 1919, an assessment of $12.00 per share and war tax of $1.20 per share was levied on the capital stock issued and outstanding of the corporation, payable at once to F. W. Homung, the secre8 tary of said club at his office, No. South West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Any stock upon which this assessment nay remain unpaid on the ninth day of February, 1920, shall be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction, and that unless payment be made before it will be Bold on the ninth day of March at the hour of 10 a. m. to pay the delinquent assessment thereon, together with cost of advertising and expense of sale. F. W. HORNUNG, Lake City, Utah. Notice is hereby given that at a directors meeting held on the 10th day of January, 1920, an assessment cent per share was levied of one-haon the capital stock of the corporation, payable immediately to Gustave Veltz, secretary and treasurer, 319 Boston Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. Any stock upon which this assessment may remain unpaid on the 16th day of February will be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction, and unless payment is made before this date it will be sold on the 15th day of March, 1920, to pay the delinquent assessment, together Avith advertising cost and sale expense. lf GUSTAVE VELTZ, Secretary. 319 Boston Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Consolidated Mines Company. Principal place of busi1110 Newhouse Building, Salt ness, Lake City, Utah. Notice is hereby given that at a meeting held on January 2, 1920, an assessment, No. 4, of one cent per share was levied on all the issued and outstanding shares of the capital stock of the Silver Reef Consolidated a corporation, of Mines Company, Utah, payable immediately to E. W. Evans, assistant secretary, at the companys office, 1110 Newhouse Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. Any shares upon which said assessment shall remain unpaid on February 3, 1920, shall be delinquent and advertized for sale at public auction, and unless payment be made before, shall be sold on March 2, 1920, to pay the delinquent assessment, together with the costs of advertising and expenses of sale. E. W. EVANS, Reef Silver Assistant Secy. Newhouse Salt Lake City, Utah. Office, 1110 Building, ASSESSMENT NO. 4. The Price Mining Company. Principal place of business, Salt Lake City, Utah. Location of mines, Big Cottonwood Mining District Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of directors of the Price Mining Company, held on the 26th day of December, 1919, assessment No. 4 of one (1) cent per share was levied on the capital stock of the corporation, issued and outstanding, payable immediately to the secretary at the office of the company, room 1, Mackintosh block, Salt Lake City, Utah. Any stock upon which this assessment may remain unpaid on the 2nd day of February, 1920, will be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction, and unless payment is made before, will be sold on Friday, the 20th day of February, 1920, at 2 oclock p. m., at the said office, to pay the delinquent assessment thereon, together with the costs of advertising and expense of sale. J. H. WOODMANSEE, Secretary. First publication January 2d, 1920. ASSESSMENT NO. 9. Southern Swansea Mining Company. Principal place of business, 408 So. State street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Location of mines, Tintic Mining Dis- trict. ASSESSMENT NO. 11. Utaida Rod & Gun Club. Principal 8 South place of business, No. Lake Salt West Temple Street, City, Utah. 126-12- Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Southern Swansea Mining Company, held on the 29th day of Decemh ber, 1919, assessment No. 9 of of a cent was per share (110) one-tent- k |