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Show fL Thinking P3iper for Thinking Poople Red Chaos Radicals at work all over the country to cause a state of revolution. Especially active in Salt Lake. Devil A Dunce? Some suggestive thoughts concerning the spiritistic revival in England and Black Art. The Way Out There is only one method to keep our country great and prosperous hard work. Ibanez To Rescue Spanish novelist tells us how the United States should conduct itself toward Mexico. Treaty Fails MISS LOUISE CLARK, DAUGHTER OF MR. AND MRS. J. REUBEN CLARK, JR. HER GAGEMENT TO LIEUTENANT COMMANDER MERVYN SHARP BENNION HAS BEEN ANNOUNCED IN WASHINGTON. EN- Democrats refuse to accept a covenant safeguarding American rights and interests. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, NOVEMBER 22. 1919 |