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Show EXAMINER: THE 1I0HN1NG 12 i DEPARTMENT eu-o- BY W. C. T. U. EDITORIAL COMMTTTEB MISS MABEL M. CHAR MRS. CLAYTON COOLIDGE JABS LEOTA S. KENNEDY Tn1lli)i1Brjinggmnf-Tr'- T BEND AY, UTAH. march of prohibit-- , which ia some secti as of the eoantry to advancing not a hand like a prairie fire wl'-raised to atop lta prugresa. "For years we have sounded the warning of the impending storm. For yrara w have argued Aw organisation and fur years wa have, la sear son aad out of season, pleaded fur ratio unity, harmony and among all branches of tha business, but all effort oa our part aad oa the part of others haa resulted ia ao tanriawirTTminiiT TEM PERANCE CONDUCTED OGDEN, food. PE "FIt years ago a united Industry might havo kept back the situation that now eonfronis L ut Aiday too late. "Might aa well try to keep out tho town of 11.006 people, baa but twe coa- Hudson river with a wMsk broom." Optimism. sts blea. Tempers ora workers will find la (Florence U Snow ) aa tho above, la the interior of Kansu, la all the suck frank utterance 8b rams Into my narrow room. rural parte, ami a few of the larger increasing cauae f- -r encouragement la Lika sunlight and the mououta cities aad town, the prohibitory law tht battle we are waging tor utlonal breeze. ia effective ia absolutely suppressing prohibition. The Yak SignaL And gathered me out of my gloom lbs open ule of liquor, and la reduclata her precious ministries. ing aurrepUrious sales te e minimum. IHTEBMATIONAL SOCIALIST Ia Interior cliiu, such as Oita a. A moment sad she went away, the Marion, Hutrhlaaoa, Topeka, etc., Aad I waa all alona again; oepabimut prohibitory law Is, according to the But 1 oaa ahara my bleaaad day i With all the weary world of .men. testimony of its friends and the (Continued from Page Tea) astone of its enemies, as thoroughly as observed well as any enforced and THE SLAVERY OF FEAR. WOMAN'S WORLD, other law of tha state. a populaof The baa city Topeka My fear may make me miserable, tion of 40,000, and is By Mr a. Nettie P. Fox. atato capital but it cannot prevent what another aa wall aa Important the Womaa'a world to where life's moua point. railway heth In hla power end purpose; aad Hut Topeka baa as ukmaa. It hu taina heads oa high. prosperities can only be enjoyed by no no public aor pri- IJft their baa It them who fur not at all te loss them; vate recognised fariUtlu for carry- Where groat truth like aura ara nine the amassment aad pasalua oow ing os the liquor traffic. Keanus City burning In tha carnlag the future take off the Pleas- Journal. aky. ure ol the protest posse tMon. Therenot do fore, If thou bast loot thy land, ADMINISTRA- Womaa'a world ia whers Ufa's billow a OGDEN FUTURE also lose thy oonaiancy; nod if then TIONS. Fling their whit foam high la air; do not must dla a little sooner, yet Whers the clarion notes of duty is die impatiently- - For ao cheat will the future bring Ogden la Mingle with the voire of prayer. What evil to him that ia not ooniant; aad tha way of government or lack of to a rasa nothing la miaarabla unleu government?cityTsar after year and ad- Woman's world to whore fair aclenoa No man can ministration after administration baa Lifla bar flaming torch to acta it ba unreasonable. make another man slave unleaa ba apparently only added to the Uat of AU the wonders of rrsatloa, bath first enslaved himself to Ufa aad state laws aad city ordinance that are All tha glory of lta plan. death, to pleasure or pain, to hop or disobeyed by those seeking private fear; command these passions, sal gala at (ha expense of the public Womans world is whero life's valleys you are freer than the Parthian king. morals. Echo human griefs and fears; Jeremy Taylor. If them ia left one more evil which Whero despair, and pain, and sorrow aoma future administration may allow Pour their floods of briny tears. aome greedy Individual to graft oa te WHAT IN THE GLaIsT tree of evil Womaa'a world to whero tho homo life this flourishing green-ba- y It was John Q. Base, prho, fifty years knowledge, we cannot at this moment Blossoms (mo perfect flower; Wham tha Joys of tors and dnty ago, was America's loading humorist, think what It to. who wrote this startling warning: Sunday aatooaa, gambling, prostitu- Brighton ovary passing hour. tion. wlnerooma, a turteschanga, "You bava heard of tbs snake ia . tbs gnu, Sunday Willard noma, Buadmy thea- Womaa'a world to where tha people tres, Sunday baseball, Sunday bicycle Plead their My boy. cauae; liquor afd la Asking that their country give them races, Of the terrible snake in the grass; of which era prohibited by Equal Justice better tow. But now yoa must know park, all ordinances ooulA aay future adminHans deadliest toe istration surprise as by springing Womaa'a world la tha great future, la tha venomoua snake In the glass, those vices oa tho public? to right, will ba Alu! euro as It would aeom that wo must have Where ballotright Tha venomoua snake la tha glass." fight tho battle reached tha limit aad also tho plaoo That dhaU make all women free. where the better class cf people will THE SOCIAL GLASS. feel ao dlagaated that they will bo San Jose, 488 S. Flftk Street. It Is nlated of General William willing to put forth aoma effort to "IF SOCIALISM CAME." Hvnry Harrison, by one who knew "clean house." Wo havo almost him well, that while bo mi a nradi-dul- e reached the bi annual cleaning time, and not if la thorough the cleaning for tbe presidency, at a dinner, By Mary E. Marcey. a New York gentleman, offering a extended to all the political rooms It There waa a mas la Blanktown, will wa either soles u aad he will Of kind and foolish beat. toast, naked:' "General, will you aot of bava to fumigate or put on the lid. Who loved to tall hla neighbors favor aia by drinking a glass tha aomeuao will plena "pass wine?" Tha general politely declined. Now, What BoctoHam meant Once agsln be waa urged to drink a lye?" On every summer evening to bad Idea ba would ant And it He'd haaat the market square. glass cf wins. This time ha rose from use Roosevelt's Old Dutch cleanker, And d the table and said la hla grave, loud, la fiery tirade, a aa Hla vote would read tha air. way: "Gentlemen, I bava re- and Folk's Insect Powder Just fused ttflca to partake of the wine-cu- precaution. , That should bava been suffiHe whaled the corpora tlona. PROPHECY. REMARKABLE A Ho flayed tha "soulless Trust?; cient. Though you press tha cup to Hie Jaw worked feat and faster my Upa. aot a drop shall pea tha who of editor Weekly, Tha Harpw's Aa ba pawed tha air aad euaaed; portals. I made a resolve when I started la Ufa that X would, avoid strong by the way, belongs to that pungent He aald old Rockefeller had which writer of editorial school Was a "humaa fiend," and thea drink, and I have never broken 1L I am one of a class of seventees men for a tlrae a representative oa aaa Ha spat upon tha sidewalk. haa poked always who graduated together. And called him names again. The other Ogdon paper, sixteen filled drunkards' graves, all groat deal of fun at all temperance ' waa tor reason that Tho movements. Ha "stood for lower taxes," through tha pernicious habit of And thundered with a wall, , I oww all my health, hap aot hard to find when oaa perused the pages and noted the fact That tha "new administration plaus and prosperity to that resolu- advertising one-fiftof them wore Hoover that me to hsild a stronger Jail!" will tion, aowf you urge nor advertise meats. t HaOught dramatic climax. sought But recently a remarkable thing has rural fame. THE WRONG ANSWER. Acquired happened. Whether it waa tha vie In telling how theyd ran thing! "When Socialism came!" Wa have Just road how a philan- torlea In Tennessee and Oklahoma or law passthropies! Fifth Avenue lady waa visit-In- g the more recent prohibition the caused that la ed Georgia, a lower East End Sunday school. Tbla foollah man In Blunktewa, Hla words would scorch aad burn, To tut the eptneu of a particularly chants. Harpers Weekly haa begun notlva." taka aad "alt Waa an busy teaching Blanktown, Indigent cluster of pupils, she took to And up the Harper's Weekly daring Ho hadn't time to LEARN! tbo clau la band to question thorn. startling This craay man la Blanktown, 'Children, which tha groatsat of all month of July mads the camprophecy that la tha presidential virtue?" (And ao ho want to seed) paign of llld, both old parties would With hla everlasting talking. No oaa answered. Ho bad no tlma to READ! "Think a little. What la it 1 am do- bo forced to place a plank in their themselves tor ing when I give up time aad pleasure platforms declaring It waa talking In tha evening. to come down among yon iur your prohibition 'of tha Uquar tfaffle. Tho prophecy does nofaounj ao unAnd talking through tho day. moral good?" reasonable when wa remember the He slew the Rich Man with hla A grimy fist went up. retongue. "Well, What am I doing, tittle boy?" changes that have taken place And talked hla Ufa away. cently. "Buttin' ln.M as can seems if It bow nothing And if you go to Blanktown, Moral: . Nobody likes patronising, You'll find him la the square. even In a benofactoh Central Advo- prevent tha ultimate doom of the liqalao uor traffic la America, but It Still railing at tha Connell, cate. to set a data Ilka that. seems early And the "Deals that are aot However we have not made auch a A SCOTCH EXCUSE. square!" 8 study of tho aubletlaa of politico aa aMato are his hobby. A canny Scot waa brought before a has tho editor of Harper's ao, per- "Free la right who knows ? And hell keep you cm the Jump, magistrate on the charge of being haps, ha Over "Prohibition" futures, drunk and disorderly. "Whst kayo And a new town pump! HAUNTS OF CRIMINALS. air?" demandyon to any tor ymiraelf, -Thin foolish man la Blanktown, Ton took like a ed the magistrate Ho ehatteTu Just tho same, When aa officer of a city where respectable man, and ought to bo there are aakxma to hunting for a Ob "how they'd dean the streets, air. ashamed to stand there If Socialism cams" I "I am verra sorry, air, but I cam' up criminal he very properly looks for i In bad company fra Glsseow," humbly him la tha vs loose and the re& light All hla talk about low taxes." and ba should notf the district, prisoner. why replied What's that to do with ME? "What sort of company?" It was these attractions that first "A lot of teettotalers!" was the brought tha criminal to tho city. The I do not ears a rap about How clean "the strode would be;" atari Hag answer. average man who has started out oa "Do you mean to any teetotalers era a career of crime docs not cars to Such pictures of "the Future." Seem to me a trifle THIN, bad company T thundered tho magis- Unger la a place where be can not that Interests MEL trate. "1 think they are tha beat of spend hla gains on the de- And the Deal la where I COME INI company tor such aa you." basing paatlmea that will help him "Beggtn' yer pardon, air," answered to forget how low he haa fallen. As the saloon has helped to make And I think this man at Blsnktown's the prisoner, "ye're wrong, for I had A simple-mindetool. a bottle of whnaky and I had to drink him what ha la, It la naturally to the heed Is filled with saw-duit all myarlf!" Reynolds Newspaper. saloon he tarns in time of trouble for Whose From the Populistic School.' protection end concealment It la bis And If his dope to Blanktown, THE SIGN OF THE SMILE." home, hla club, hla rendeavoua. in- Socialism's name, Thera la a tacit sympathy between We're weary a'walklng tha Highway the saloon and Its patrons and It la la right. I'd go to Boston, When Socialism came. of Life; very rarely that the keeper or emon Inform a Wa We'ro fretted and flustered with worry ployes patron. say ICONOCLASTIC GIFTS. and strife. vary rarely, for from the very nature t of the situation. It la Let ua drop by the wayatde the henry Hannls Taylor, formerly minister to -that tha times that they do Inform Spain, declared in a speech today at old load, Aad rest at tha Ian at tha turn of tho police about criminals must be the commemoration day exercises of tha road very few In comparison to the times Johns Hopkins university that recent that criminals under the Influence of big gifts to education were iconoclas. Lot ua tarry awhile liquor let slip Information concerning tic, that they shattered tbo ideals of At "Tho Sign of the Smile." the American young man. Ho aald: , past or future misdeeds. If we had no saloons la Ogden wa Let ua tarry awhile at the "Sign of "I know cf no monster ao dangerwould not only havo leas crime, but ous to the life of a republic aa one the Smile" Forget all onr griefs la tha Jots that the places whero criminals could who can In a moment throw bewildergather and hide themselves would also ing million la one direction or the beguile; Let ua pleasure the noon till It be eliminated. other, specially when those millions Slay the day he battened when onr grow out of abnormal condition that changes tonight. will Then up with our loodi and well give all Utah the should not exist Tbe omnipotent dischance to eliminate saloons wherever penser may throw hla millions la a find they are light the majority of people feel so inclined. good direction today: It la sure to hr Let na tarry awhile At "The Sign of tho Smile. In bad one tomorrow. Unknown. PROHIBITION CANNOT "But moat and wont of all. ha la an BE STOPPED image breaker, he ! aa leaoclast . AS IT IS IN KANSAS who shatters thu Ideals upon which The editor of Beverages, the official tli life of this nation was founded. Thera la not a pauper In Finney organ of the National Liquor League Thera was a time when our young county, Kansas. Logan county spent of America, closes a discussion of men thought It worth while to strive only ten dollars la a month for tha "Prohibition In Georgia" with theae to be like Marshall, Webster. Emerpoor. son, and Washington Irving. But how remarkably significant word: Kansan, with prohibition and 1M.-00- 0 The result in Georgia- present a no long will those Illusions last under tha more population than Texas, has plesani outlook tor any section of the teachings of tho new gospel, which but one penitentiary and MS prison- business. That at at In Its Judgment proclaim that nothing ia really worth ers. Texas, with saloons and 100.000 has treated all alike, and ao false no- while except the brute force wielded lass people than Kansas, haa two pen- tion that beer Is a temperance bever- by masse of money. itentiaries and 3,000 convicts. "If this thing goes on we can soon age and abould be allowed to hold on Jndge Benson, of Kansas, had bttf has been entertained or brought for- close all department of our universitwo liquor cases before him in a ward. ties except those that apply the prinmonth- "Wo dlsUke to acknowledge It. but cipals of physical science to the proOttawa, with 8.000 people, has but we really believe tbe entire business duction of material wealth or Its on day marshal aad cos night watch- all over has overstayed Its opportunity equivalent, man. Pullman, 111., a prohibition to protect itself against the onward "The long arms of tha federal gov- - "" WE HANDLE t ft w. com-gni- y ujrfrior staff only la groceria railed "staple" gad tucluM necessaries tad luxuries. Nat--i cut afford to aril at tho rally frlea of Inferior graces. Nevertheless, onr figures art calculated oa only & blr Lula of profit Wa think youll like to deal wltlj ua. d bar-roo- TRIBE & JONES ovar-arehln- g Bath Phones 217. 2238 Wash. ad-m- long-neglect- prtie-flghtin- la tku character of tha tiaaafar supply car patron. aervtog Prompt, tollable aad at low coat. Any tiara you aay wall bo oa your wa for youra. Fkcsa ALLEN TRANEPER CO. It npoditloualy Job aad hand! aad walL Bush A Barr Plane Nowmaa C iL Brea, O.gmi. WARDLE1G1I dig-allie- PIANOS . OSfiANSAND MUSICAL IIKBARJISE wine-drinkin- B sa- Violins, Unitors, Aoaurdsoaa, h les, Btrlasa, cf Ebaat Kuala. the Woadartal Pipe Ortas. Lfetaat PubUeaOoaa . Baa , a t . a - u i v 2376 Washington Avonua. OGDEN. UATM. ' ' MOVED J GRIFFIN PAINT CO. From 2211 to 2310 Washington -- text-hflonk- - . WE ARE PARED ' NOW BETTER PRE TO SHOW YOU WALL k PAPER, ETC. CALL AND SEE UB. d AUGUST 25, 19t7. eminent may be able to break off the LOBSTER AND top (4 the tree, but if wo desire to cut to the rout of these abnormal accumu- "Idiot an Broadway Discusses Newlations which are shattering u heal-tb- y est Nature Fakes. ideals, w must go for tjie ax to tha armories that hold the reserved "Its hard luck," growled the Idiot. powers of tha states. "Here 1 had Just finished a long aad comprehensive article oa the Flora SMA8HING THE COAL TRUST. and Fauna of Broadway, or Wild AniTha headlines of the proas mals I Hava Met oa the Rialto,' when are filled with storiescapitalist about how President Roosevelt butts in aad lays Roosevelt la about to smash the coal us Nature Fakirs by tho hoots." "It to too bad," mIJ tho Naturalist. trust A little before that it waa the umbrella trust A few munths before it "I whuuld have been Interested in It." was Standard OIL A year ago the "Yes," sighed tbe Idiot, "it really Northern Securities decision had la a wonderful study taka the asso"struck a death blow" at the whuie ciation, for Instance, between the Hot trust system. Bird aad tha Cold Blue- Bottle. I The same sort of a farce has been oould tell many aa Interesting tala played over since tha flntt trust waa about that strange afflUiatton. Aad formed, and will be played aa loag as thea tho habit of the Midnight tha public will continue to bite auch I told all I know about that Crustacean it would abako New York flimsy bait HOW LONG WILL THAT BE? to its very foundation and Mag out How many years win it take tho a Presidential lioa that p walking class of tho United States to would roach from tha Battery to Bronxvllla." leara that this whole "I guess you know a thing or two crusade to simply opera bouffe. aad will have no more effect oa tho trusts about tha Broadway Jungle, all right1 than tha blowing of tho winds across smiled the Naturalist , aoma far distant Pacific island. "Yeaslrree," said the Idiot, accordThe plan this tlma la to compel tha ing to John Kendrick Bangs, la tha railroads to give up tha ownership of Broadway Magazine, "from the fiery theeual mines. Eddlefoy to tho highly domesticated Suppose they did. Does any one out- Annaheld you can't stump your Undo side the Insane asylums, or tho Demo- lddy. The habits of tha Mines Python cratic and Republican parties. Imag- that lurks la the underbrish at Chllda ine that tbla would nuke coal any are at familiar to me aa my own. The funny little tricks of the Kangcaruao, cheaper? THE SAME MEN WOULD STILL tha musical of the CONTINUE TO OWN BOTH THE Park Zoo, 1 have studied with tha AND RAILROADS THE MINES. same care that the President himalef WOULD THEY NOT? has lavished upon the Mollycoddle. The only effect which even the moat .The Tapirs who hang over the Tickers g has ever had at Delmonlcu'a I have studied closely successful has been to make aoma trifling change tor year, of the Inability of a freshla tho bookkeeping of a few great cap- ly minted gold eagle to last five minI have utes at the Actor's Fuad-Faii italists. Yet thousands of men who ara other- been a sad witness." "I havo noticed that myself," said wise Intelligent read those headlines yesterday with a thrill of satisfaction. the Naturalist, gloomily. "Than there la the Night-HawThat waa what they were written for. lying of la wait la his midnight eyrie tor tha 8o long aa there ara thousands people who will bo pleased by reading Jay to come along aad fall Into hla auch foolishness, there will 4m ao de- clutches; If I told how I had seen oaa of those Night-Hawk- s crease la tho supply of folly. pull tho leg completely off oaa of those poor little WHY WC ARC NOT ALL CAP- Pittsburg Jay a, backed up by a Sparrow Cop, President Roosevelt, John ITALISTS. Burroughs, Casper Whitney, and. all Let ua set together aome ef the the other Captains of Nature would things we have shown ao tor. Thera brand mo .as tha brother to Ananias, d la enough tor all, and yet there ara aad every Republican la poor and Buffering, and these poor ara creation would clamor to havo my found Just among those that do tho revelations kept out of the Public useful work.. The workers ara kept Schools aa not being fit reading for poor because they do aot get all they children." "There's no doubt of It," sighed the produce. Tho capitalists ara rich because Naturalist "I agree trlth you, cried the Naturthey get the unpaid labor of tho work era. alist, enthusiastically. "If I were you. Wo have aeea that, no matter how Id go ahead and do it anyhow. Roosemuch tho means for producing wealth velt toat going to be President ' bare been Improved, tho workers fan know." "Oh- - lent ha?" aald the' Idiot have always been permitted to retain only enough to enable them to work "Why. do you know, I thought ha and live, aad that the Increased fU," "Ob, no," aald the Naturalist "He product haa been almost entirely absorbed by soma oaa else. Let us aald ha wouldnt run again." "I know that" aald tha Idiot "But watch this process a little further. When tha tools with which men tha word again presupposes that ha has already run once." work become great complex Well, ha did didnt ha? Against It required a large number of men to operate each industry. At tha asms Parker?" aald tho Naturalist "No," said tho Idiot "That wasnt time theae tools had bsoome ao costly that only those who already had con- a ran. It was just a ramble." siderable money could afford to purMILLIONAIRE BELMONTS FATHER chase them. Laborers had never had aa opporFacts About Tha Eldar tunity to accumulate money aad so oould not buy the pew machines. August Belmont Cams from Prussia Originally His Civil War When they triad: to produce with their old tools they found that 1C took Importance, them ao much longer that they could aot afford to aei their product la Very little haa ever been printed eompegtioa with . the 'machine-mad- e about the Inner 'life of August Belgoods. millionaire traction king and There was nothing Jeft for them to mont and still less about any of sportsman, do but soli their laborpower to those hla associates. In an Intimate study of who owned the machines. Thera waa another process which thu present August Belmont la tbo Allen tended to make those who owned cap- Broadway Magmslno William later-eatinital still tower la numbers. Since ev- Johnston gives some new aad light on- the Belmont family. erything waa now produced to sell, and ainoe tha exchange value la fixed , August Belmont the father of tho present banker, came to this country by the amount of NECESSARY SOCIAL LABOR, those who had the beat In 1837 aa agent of the Rothschilds, machines could produce with teas la- the great European bankers. Ha was bora la Rhenish Prussia, In 1816, and bor and could sell at a lower price. The beat plants were usually the received hla bnalneaa training in the Franklargest, and this ability to produce Rothschild banking house at prominent la this cheaper enabled them to grow larger fort Ho became aa well aa financialaad kill off their weaker competition. country politically Boob thf great corporations began to ly, aad waa rated aa a man of originalruin the little firms. Then tho trust ity. of strong prejudices sad stubborn and the combine swallowed up the Independence at thought and action. weaker corporation!, until the earth, At tha outbreak of tho Civil war ho with all lta natural resources and all would have been the governments tha marvelous tools that countless choice as lta chief bond agent begenerations of workers had perfected, cause of hla political prominence aad became the property of a few powerful the solid financial backing of hla firm: and he might easily have accumulat. , capitalists. Not only did K become impossible ed, la (hla connection, one ef the greatfor aay large number of the laborers est ef American fortunes, Belmont to escape out of the ranks of sellers however, was a strong believer In Into tho ranki of tha states rights and favored tha Southof labor-powe- r but on tho oth- ern cauae, and hla views rendered him buyers of labor-poweer hand, thousands of those who had unavailable to the government The traits of the elder Belmont have previously been small capital ate were rained and forced into the condition been evidenced with remarkable fidelof ity by the August Belmont ef today. Those who vara hern Into tho work- Up to that vital point la hla career, hla ing class ara forced to remain la that Subway deal, ha waa literally, ao far class aad to sell thalr strength and as the public knew, a reincarnation of kill each day for a portion of what hla father. He became the able banker, the prominent politician, tho active, thev produce. If now and thea aa Individual does practical sportsman. All that his fathstraggle out of tho ranks of wage- er did la each sphere of activity waa workers Into that of capitalists ho done by Jbe ana with equal If aot does aot thereby help the boat that greater ability, and hla present conmust be left behind, and the harder trol of New Yorks great traction sysall straggle to get out the fiercer the tems in the eutoome. fight, the longer the hours, and tho more pitiless the competition tor alL WANT ADS BRING BIG RESULTS. MOLLY-CODDL- - Lob-eter-t-- roc-la- trust-bustin- g trust-bustin- BROADWAY Broadway, the Naten'a Offers Many Striking Contrasts, Tha Broadway the Ril:o ... , of but. eight or ten fhon ia ether; that alL But and talked about from tb? eaat aad west aad every towuT;4 a street to it honor. jt uVthf oughfaro which change, w iUl fhe mor of the old city. Mr. the Bril way Magaxtoo on night (Bryan to speaking to Garden on the government owwnhh! of railroads, while Pete Dsiley sundi on a platform outside and y slags. Alice. Where Art ThSut one Bight sporting ingr; and Gans havo Just finished fortieth round at Goldfield, aad tki wondering crowd in front of the aid bulletins la blocking tha tor a quarter of a mile); one iX g Ut la New Year ms feather-ticklerrattlers and coahui HU tha air); one night parhap u horroretrickea aad curious, rtt.,7 anguished (San Frandaos to burnTT, a down great presses are thra.hu, out extra after extra, people are atoo! plug, moving. Stopping before the bX lotto boards. Soma are sobbing others biting their Upa, sad, over alL Aa newsboys arc tumbling along ihnwth the dust sad the roar with thsu "Hextry! Wqxtra!", tha towing white paper to the crowd like the rain, lug of autumn leavlea to a forest) it ia a sensitive street changing the r color of its Ufa aa w tinges; yet the old street to there, at ways (be same, la winter or in sua-- nuh, , merry-makin- j n '- aea-wale- DONT YOU Smalle STYLE OF hide-boun- Little-Know- 1113 STREET OF MOOD8. DOING BUSINESS IS SQUARE ALL AROUND KIIOW THAT FLOUR, HAY, GRAIN And Plenty of It StockRemedies and Poultry g SUPPLIES THE BEST Try Them T. B. Heller (EL Son 2314 Washington Avsmia, Both Domoto & .155 1 Co. ST. TWENTY-FIFT- H 4 1 wage-workers- Men's Furnishing Goods and Notions of all kinds Fancy Cash Groceries Wines and liquors st FRESH UTAH TOMATOES Green Corn . law-make- Vegetables T. B. EVANS & CO. GROCERS BOTH PHONES 231 2364 Washington Avenue WANT ADS BRING BIO RESULTS, j WANT ADS BEING BJO RESULTS. WANT ADS BRING BIO RESULTS. CHINESE GIRL TO ATTEND AMERICAN COLLEGE. ANOTHER Daughter of tho Chlnaaa Minister te tho United States Will Re Educated at Either Barnard or Walla, Chinese women who have been educated la America will receive a distinguished recruit when Mtsa May Liang Cheng, the only daughter of Sir Chen-tnn- g IJang Cheng, the Chinese Minister to tho United States, returns to' her native land. Mlaa Chang la a particularly bright young women aad haa attracted much attention la Washington. It ia announced that the ptqnant little Celestial maiden will be educated la Barnard College, although It la aid We! is College, Aurora, N. Y., is a possible candidate tor tho honor of Instilling the Ideas of Western civilisation In the pretty Mias Liangs bead. Well College It the alma mater of U Hnng Chana granddaughter, Miss LI. now Mrs. Biea. - Miss Cheng is under sweet sixteen aad dresses la Oriental style, as becomes the daughter of the Chinese representative to this country. She speaks English and has shown marked ability In music, says the Broadway Mage-sinTha Minister has a summer home la the diplomatic colony at Amherst, Massachusetts, although It Is unofficially announced that ha will return to China for a period of mourning by the customs as a mark of respect for his recently deceased mother. In that event he will he succeeded by Liang Tun-Tetaotal of customs at Tientsin, a Tale graduate, and Mias Liang will ba left to complete her education la charge of Mrs. Kwal, wife of the secretary of the legation. The Best p Oil Olive Imported The Roulan Brand - r Imported by us and guaranteed under The Pure Food and Drugs Act of June 30th, 1906 Use This OiL , We Can Recommend it as the Bert e. d Wm. Driver & Son Drug GEO. W. DRIVER, Manager 2453 Washington Avenue Co. |