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Show TIIE MORNING THE URL OF SOCIETY Paul Ingerbretson la home from for the summer vacation. ' cal-leg- e Mrs. Juba H. White and daughter of Salt lake are visiting Ogden friends. Miss M. K. Winkler, of Goldfield. Nev., is visiting friends In the city. Mias Louise Rogers la spending a few days with Salt Lake friends. Mrs. Harry Todd entertained the members of her card club on Wednesday afternoon. Scottish song, Will To No Come Back Again," expressing thus the hope this visit of Mrs. Tulioch's will not be her last. Tbnss present were Mr. and Mrs. George W. Larkin, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moyea, Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Moyes. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Moyes. Mr. aud Mrs. John H. Moyes, Mr. and Mm. Frank Carr, Mr. and Mrs. John Fife, Mr. and Mrs. Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. David 8tuart, Mr. and Mr- Alex. Rankin, Mr. and Mrs. Juha Wotherapoun, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lochhead, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Galt, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lochhead, 8r., Mrs. Peter Mrs. Robert Hogg an, Mrs. Enoch Farr, hire. Milton Sims, of Balt Lake, Mrs. Fanny Rackham, T. 8. Hutchison, James Mac Beth, William Purdie, Feery Herrick, Fair Young, T. A. Shreeve, Robert Lochhead. John 8. Lochhead, Misses Lai tie. Maggie, Jessie and Isabella Lochhead. Following is tho song composed for Mrs. Tullock, by her brother; - Min-noc- Mias Winifred Goddard has gone to Nebraska for a month's visit with relatives. Miss Blanche Umber, formerly of now of Pension. Nev.. la friends In the city. visiting .v this city, bet Mrs. Heber Soowcroft and Miss Elva Littlefield were among the Ogden visitors at the U. C. T. convention in Provo this week. "Itounis Jessie's gaua awa Safely aalling over the main Mrs. Frank A. Cook Is In the rity Mony n heart will break In tws from Tremont, visiting her daughter Should she ne'er coma back again. Ruby, who la a student at the Sacred Heart academy. "She, trusted in her Ogden freens She trusted them sse fairly : Mrs, W. M. Rank and Mr. Larry lrp the Canyon gaed wae them Rank came from Alameda, Cal., to atViewing scenes seen rarely. tend the marriage of Mlsa Adams and Hr. True. They are guests at the "Coaxing her was s' la vain home of Mrs. L B. Adams. Tae stay wae us and mak' her bime But aye ahe said tae wait a wee I( Excursion to Utah and Idaho points Maybe I'll come back again. north June 21th via Oregon Short line See agents for particulars, "Sweet la Australia's vast domain Tae ano wha has been billing there Mrs. o. Eckardt, her son, Henry, But yet we hope ahe U ring that strain and daughter, Mattie, leave Tuesday Yes, I will come back again. for a months trip esst visiting Chicago Omaha and Denver. "Tae our Father's House on High Borne day we'll he gathered tame Among the pleasant affairs of the Then we'll sing that Joyful strain week was a surprise given Mrs. O. We hae a come back again, Echardt Thursday night. The evening RENSTROM-HORROCK.was spent at cards. Mr. Mary Parley was awarded the ladles prise and Mr. Ernest Gray, the gentlemen's. A pretty wedding took place at tho home of Mr. and lira. Axel Llndatrom, The annual outing of the Tolstoi No. S41 Twenty-thir- d street, at 8 The conCircle la Ogden canyon has been post- o'clock Tuesday evening. s poned until Wednesday, July 10. tracting parties were Mr. Geo. D. and Mlsa Christina Renstrom, Mrs. C. A. Ketchum and her little both of Balt Lake City, and Rev. O. A. son, Freddie, leave thia evening for Blmquist officiated. Mrs. Llndatrom is Missouri and Kanaaa where they will a sister of the bride. The decorations were beautiful, consisting of earns-tkmvisit relatives and frienda. rosea and ferns. Only a few of A pleasant afternoon waa spent by the relatives were present. The party left for Balt Lake City the O. A. R. veterans and their wives Thursday at the home of Mlsa Eva Erb last Thursday where they will .make on Adama avenue. As is always the their .future borne. case when old soldiers meet, the conBIRTHDAY PARTY. versation was reminliicent and inter sting. A liberal collection waa added Miaa Margery Mullen entertained a to the O. A. R treasury, and n dainty luncheon wna served during the after- number of her frienda Wednesday afternoon In honor of her sixth birthday noon. anniversary. Tho hours were spent In Mieses Mabel Knause and Florence games and music and a dainty lunch McGinnis have returned from Balt waa served. Those present were Marguerite and Lake, where they attended the closing Eileen McNulty, Arleen and Gertrude exercises, at fit. .Mary's academy, , Allen, Lucille Dowling,' Madeline Moline Cole, Bernice Fuller and May Morrissey. A pretty wedding of Wednesday CHURCH WEDDING. evening was that of Miss Myrtle Gib-eo- n and Dent Mowrey, which .took One of tho most prominent social pines at the home of the brides eleter vent of the week waa the marriage on Grant avenue. The ceremony waa E performed at S oclock by Bishop Rob- of Miss Marie Adama and Harry the True, Wednesday evening, at Rev. ert McQuarrie and about thirty-fiv- e the guests were present The home was Church of Good Shepard, the cereperforming deeorataj throughout In marguerites Alfred Brown her waa attended by bride The mony. and smllax and supper followed the of ceremony. Mr. end Mrs. Mowrey will sister. Miss lues Adams, as maidheat make their home here end will be at honor, and Mr. Harold Peery home to friends after July fourth, at man. At six o'clock, to the atrxins of played 2611 Grant avenue. Lohengrins wedding march by the orchestra, the bridal party entered. The ushers Mr. Larry Rank WITH MIBB CAMPBELL. of Alameda, Cal., and Mr. John Hey A Jolly crowd of young ladles as- wood, followed by the maid of honor, sembled at the home of M.'ss Edith preceded the bride, who entered on Herbert Campbell on Tuesday afternoon be tho arm of her brother, Mr. meet her guest, Mies Margaret Freaer O. Adama. While the orchestra playImpressive of Chicago, The house was decorated ed softly, the beautifully with rosea end sprays of trailing green. Episcopal ring service was road, tf lor Progressive hearts waa the game and which the bridal party left the church, waa followed by luncheon. Prises were while Mendelahona wedding march won by Mlsa Augusta Anderson, Miss waa played. The bride wea gowned In white silk Ulllan Miller and Mlsa Ida Grey. About twenty gueitn were present to oiulle over tafetta with a tulle veil She trimmed with Brussels lace. meet Mice Fraser. carried a large shower bouquet of brides roses and maiden hair fern. The maild of honor waa attired In pink a amall lace hat The marriage of Mias Jeannette Mc- net over tafetta andCarried roseo. Kay, daughter of Bishop David Mc- with court veil and of the pink bride had The girl frienda Kay, to Dr. Joseph Morrell, took place on Wednesday at noon In the Logan dwwait the church with exquisite rosea and pennies temple. The ceremony was performed pink and white brides family and by the brother of the bride. Apostle bring used. The the David O. McKay, and dinner wee most intimate friend occupiedwhile served the bridal party at the home of apace on one ride of the chancel, side. on tho other the groom In Logan. Dr. and Mrs. her girl friend aatfilled with friends Morrell will make their home In Og- The church was of the bride and groom, who extend den. their sincere wishes for the happiness of the young couple. ' Mr and Mrs. True left. Wednesday Niagara, Boa-to- n On Wednesday In Logan temple the evening for New York, Mr. True where and Marblehead, marrlsm; of Mies Effle Smith, Logan, lived. formerly solH. waa and Percy Barrows, Ogden emnised, President William Budge, the Surprise party. uncle of the bride, performing the ceremony. . The bride la the daughter of John Powers was the victim of a Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Smith, and Is one planned surprise Wednesday, cleverly of I ngans most popular young ladies, when a number of his friends gathhaving been a teacher In the Agricuthe evening. ltural college for the past few years. ered at his home to spend by Miss Watson and After the ceremony a wedding aupper Music, furnished and McDermott, and was served at the home of the bride's Messrs. Carter were enjoyed. The fora few and relatives the only parents, tunate players, were Mrs. Holbrook, close friends being present first prise. Mrs. Joell J. Harris, a sister of the woh carried off ladys who claimed the Carrol, Miss Crystal was a hostess at supbride, wedding B. Forbes, winner of per, Thursday evening. In honor of Mr. booby, Dr. H. first prixe had Luke the gentleman's and Mrs. Barrows, upon their return the of winner gentleman's Crawsbaw, to Ogden. The young couple will make booby prise. their home In this city. A dainty lunch was Served at eleven-tIn the dining room, which hirty, FAREWELL PARTY. . carnaThe surprise party gotten np by the was beautifully decorated with colors Scottish people in honor of Mrs. Jane tions and roses, the prevailing Tullock on the eve of her departure being pink and white. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. for her home In Australia, at the resiLoch-heaE. & Bone. Mr and Mra. D. M. Mordence of her brother, Geurge Mr. and Mra. H. L. MacNevIn, rison. Twenty-aixt721 street Sr., Mrs. B. Holbrook, Tuesday evening, was an event that Mrs. H. B. Forbes, and will never be forgotten by those who Mrs. W. Carrol. Mrs. P. M. Perry Carwere present About fifty friends of the Misses Ruby Lovfe, Cryatol the Lochhead family gathered together rol, Lida Flowers. Anna Olson; Messrs. to bid Mrs. Tuiloch God speed on her Dr. H. B. Forbes. Luke Crswshaw, Joe Haligreen, J. H. Powers and Lon long Journey home. The evening was spent in Scottish Olson. songs end recitation and many fond CLARA KURPHY. recollections of native lend were brought to mind. Mrs. Tuiloch left on A pretty wedding took plare Scotland thirty years ego to. settle with her husband In Australia and the Wednesday evening, Geo. W. Murphy, meeting of two months ago with her Jr. and Mlsa Jorie F. Clare, both of only brother, George Lochhead, waa this city, being the contracting parthe first one in tho thirty years. A ties. Rev. J. E. Carver, In his usual very touching Incident of the evening pleasing manner, spoke the solemn was the singing of a few veraea writ- but Impressive words, that Joined this ten by Mr. Lochhead for the party. popular young couple In the holy Mrs. Robert H. Moves sang tho verses bonds of wedlock. The ceremony was performed at the with beautiful effect The company Joined In the chorus of the old favorite home of the happy pair, cm Washing . lfor-rock- s, Qull-llna- GIBSON-MOWRE- McKAY-MORREL- L. SMITH-BARROW- S. . card-playin- h EXAMINER: OGDEN, ton avenue, which had been neatly prepared by the groom, and was in readiness for occupancy. The little cottage had been artistically decoratrd for the occasion with rosea In profusion. Only relatives and immediate friends uf the contracting parties were present. The bride was becomingly attained in a daipty gown of white chiffon and carried a beautiful boquet of white roses, while the groom looked his best In the conventional black. Mlsa Clare le the daughter of Mra. David &. Clare of this city. She has for several years been one of tbs effIn the Ogden icient Instructors schools Bhe is a talented and accomplished young lady, and those who know her best have but words of praise to offer. Mr. Murphy is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George W Murphy of Ogden. He is a promising young business man of this dtp. and his sterling qualities have won for hm the admiration of a largo circle of friends. Fallowing the congratulations, the wedding party was ushered Into the dining room where dainty refreshment were served. The elegant and costly presents received by this happily-mated couple show the high eeteea In which they are held. A host of friend wish them all the happinesa and prosperity that can accrue from double blessedness. UTAH, SUNDAY, JUNE IlHIHWHlIllinimmHIIIlHHlIllllllHHIH IS THERE ANY IN OGDEN 9 III IIHH II I We 1 Hij III I 1 1 1 111 1 1 1 HI don't have to say sale here FIUDAY or TOMORROW. OCR REGULAR PRICES are SALE PRICES ELSEWHERE. Seeing i believing. WE WANT YOU TO SEE. SUITS, SHOES, FURNISHINGS All tbe latest arrivals both In stylea and pattern. We are sure to please. Not hing old or ancient. Tbe latest arrivals of Spring- - CHURCHES i. Lutheran Church Corner Twenty-thir- d street and Jefferson avenne. O. A. Elmqulst, pastor. Sunday: 10 a. m., Sunday school. Miss Laura Swanson, superintendent. 11 a. m., 8wedlsh service. Subject, "Self, the Standard of Fault Finding." 7 p. m., Luther League. Topic, "The Augsburg Confession," as the first distinctive Christian Confession." Leader, the pastor. 8 p. m., English service. The fourth In a aeries of sermons on amusements and social evils will be given. Subject, "Christians versus the Modern Thea. ter." You're cordially welcome to all I these services. , , 1907. Who Said Clothing Sale a I. A. RECEIVES PRESIDENT. Division 237, O. I, A. to B. U E. was honored with a visit from the grand president of that order last Tuesday. The event waa of considerable consequence a Mrs. Murdock does not come this far west very often. Bhe is now enroute home aftr a visit to California. A mernlng session was held In the division room, when an Intermission for luncheon was announced. Following is the list of ladies who are members of Salt Lake lodge and who were guests of Clara Barton lodge for that day: Mesdamea Ladd, Husband, V. Y. Wilson. Shingle-ton- . Bulk, Anderaon. Russel, McGarry, Higgins, 8henner, Dally, Everett, W. W. Wilson, Kearns, Norton, Causer and Perry. They returned on the early train to Salt, expressing themselves selves ae highly pleased with the hospitality of the Ogden Indies. A pleasing feature of the afternoon session came In the form of a "surprise treat" from Brother F. E. Grant, when he very thoughtfully sent over to the lodge room a large freeser of Ice cream. A ride to the sanitarium after ail business pertaining to the order waa over waa followed by a 7 o'clock dinner at the home of Mra. Roger Shields, with Mra. Murdock as the guest of honor. The committees are to be congratulated on their success in completing arrangements so satisfactorily. Those who were present were Indeed furl unite. 23. Suits and Furnishings fw . Thia is not a big sale. It is our regular every-daprices, and there jire no. better values in Ogden today for the money. Remember Solomon Bros, and Lemjiert, of Rochester, N. Y.f y make our clothes. EVERYTHING B GUARANTEED. 252 OMEN, St Twenty-fift- h ,I Central Park Presbyterian Church-Cor- ner Flint Presbyterian Church John Thltry-fira- t and Washington. Carver, pastor. Services at 11 and I; morning sub- Edward The Childrens Day exerciaea will ject, "The Light of the World. be held at the morqlng boar at 11, Evening subject, "Hallelujah." tho school having prepared Young People's Endeavor at 7 an Sunday exceptionally meritorious program. oclock. The Sunday school will not convene Prayer meeting, Thursday evening tomorrow owing to thia Berries. at 8 oclock. Endeavor at T. Evening worship at 8. Tho denSt. Pauls German Evangelical ude aerie upon tho creative week Church Corner Jefferson avenue and of and the present day theorise Twenty-thir- d street. Theodore Wo-t- willMoaea be continued, Sunday evening h street. pastor, 823 Twenty-fiftMosaic and No service Sunday, pastor at T re- theme being, "The Scientific Accounts of the Origin and v monton. Unfolding of Animal Ufa, or "The SALT LAKE AND OGDEN RAIL. Sunday school at 3 p. m. ROAD HAS NEW PLANS. Firth Days Work." service at 8 o'clock. Sunday evening music aa follows: Thursday evening. "The Old Chant" Choir, The Earnest Workers meet Tuesday Solo, "Tho Place of Pity" Mlsa Routs Along tho River Bottom to the at 8 p. m. Sanitarium Must Avoid Quartette, "Redemption Song. Floods, Church of the Gaud Shepherd CorViolin offertory Mr. Davenport, ner Grant and Twenty-fourth- . Alfred Brown, rector. First Unitarian Church K. of P. Fourth Sunday after Trinity. The route of tho Salt Lake A Ogden hall, over Utah National Bank. Sere 7:30 a. m. Early celebration, railroad from the city limits to the 8 p. m. Rev, William Thursat vlcea Morning prayer and sermon, 11. of the mouth of Ogden canyon will bo ton Brown, field Evening prayer and sermon, 8 p, m. American Unitariansecretary Association, will changed to guarantee against damage or "Jacob's Ladder, Morning topic, preach. Subject, "The Church for by future floods and high water in the Way of Ufa; evening, "The Mis- Today. All Beat are free and the Ogden river. sion of John Baptist This has been decided on by the public is cordially invited. officials of the company, a number of First Methodist Church One-hal- f Church Rev. Zimmerman, whom completed an Inspection of the block east of Washington avenue, on of Baptist Wlaoonainwlll preach both morn- destroyed grade. Twenty-fourt- h the new grade will be street David W. and evening. Suhjert for morning In The line ofthe ing same aa that of tho great Crane, pastor. part I EvenBe a "Lest sermon, Castaway. Sunday school, ing subject, "Tbe Power of God Unto old roadbed. The grade, however, Sunday services: 10 a. m. B. E. Newton, superintenwill be built several feet higher than Salvation." tbe first one and not so close to tbe dent International lesson. school 13:18. at Sunday river bank. This will necessitate tbs Preaching at 11 a. m. by the paator. Midweek prayer service Thursday y purchase of Additional strips of Subject, "The Passover Blood." Class evening. between Eighteenth street and meeting follows the preaching serthe Bamberger farm tie low the Sanvice, led by E. J. Wherry. The First Congregational Church itarium, and the erection of one bridge Epworth League, 7 p. m., led by Nobis Strong Elderkln, pastor. over Ogden river. Work will comFlorence Olmstead. Topic, "Holy and: 11 Suno'clock, Morning service at mence as soon as the RJverdale end Unholy Ambitions. day, June 33rd. Sunday school at of the Interurban line hae been pushed Evangelistic services, 8 p. m led by 12:15 p. m. to the city limits. the pastor. Subject '"Safety In Christ.' People's meeting at 7 Young It ts expected that Bamberger will Miss Laird will preside at the pipe Mr. Lew Be aeon. his through the perfect organ, and the choir will render spe- o'clock, led by services will be disconThe evening cial music during the services of the city limits at tbe earliest possible summer months. tinued the during date. day. The public Is cordially Invited street the line will to worship with us. To Twenty-fiftbe brought north on Lincoln venue. SUMMER EXCURSIONS In order to run it to Grant avenue a Catholic Church Mass at 8:30; traffic agreement will have to he enhigh mass and music by St. Joseph's Colorado Midland Railway. City tered into by the Salt Lake A Ogden rholr at 10:30. it la expected that of Vis Mexico, May 1 to 7, Juno 7 to 14 with Ogden Rapid Transit company. Rev. Father J. J. Donoher will be here 17 to July 11. Round trip, $61.15. Negotiations .will be opened by repfor both meases, and he will Imme- and limits. resentatives of the companies as soon diately select some broad subject as Long Eastern Excursions May 27 to SO. as the plans are completed. his text. June 3, 7, 13, 14. One fare pins $2.00 ther for long limit Stop overs, ABTIFICUMCE The Christian Science Society holds cheap rates daring the summer. Write service at 11 a. m. In the new Masonic L, H. Herding, Belt Lake Cltr, for partWe have the exclusive sale of artiLi H. HARblNG, Temple, Washington avenue, between iculars. Twenty-sixtend Twenty-fiftficial ice. The purest of the pure. General Agent streets. Call Independent phone 234 or Bell 310X. Ogden City Ice Company, SamSubject, "Christian Science." B. OF Office 411 uel Thomas, Manager. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Twenty-fourt- h testimonial street. evening Wednesday All Brothers end Sisters are requestmeetings are held at I p. m. The public la cordially Invited to ed to attend memorial services at SIO REWARD K. of P. Halt 8un day, June 23. at attend these service. Free reading rooms are open daily at 2:30 p. m. J. T. AXLEY Master. Fur tho arrest sad conviction of any p. except Sundays, from 1 to same building. party or parties stealing the Ogden Standard or the Morning Examiner. EXCURSION TO MEXICO CITY. . LAMAR NELSON. Clrculatoa DAILY FROM JUNE 21 8T TO JULY Daily June Itth to July 11th 13th, cheap round trip tickets on sale CHEAP ROUND TRIP RATES TO to Spokane, Portlsnd, San Francisco and Los Angeles. Bee agents for par- Vis Union Pacific. $68.11 round trip. California daily, June ?3rd to July Tickets good to return until Sep. 15th. 6th. See agents for particulars, ticular. CHANGES ON MRS. DRANEY CANYON ROAD Mid-wee- k Pln-gre- waa caught Some neighbors, attracted by the sight of the burning bam, came to her rescue but before tho flames were put out her whole body waa ao badly burned that her recovery la doubtful. A neighbor's toys stretched a place of hose from tho ditch, but tt waa of little avail aa the tarn waa dry sad tho flamoe had already made good headway. Buckets were also brought Into play but tho boat drove the man away. In addition to the personal Injuries. Mrs. Dranoy'e loss will amount to ATTEMPTED TO SAVE GOODS IN perhaps $lj(HM. The kee Is nnsnslly A BURNING BARN. hard because tho lady Is a widow and Ills at beat with her la a struggle. SEVERELY Dress Caught Firs While She Was Fighting the Flames at Her Homs In Plain CHy. In A serious conflagration took place Plain City Friday aft era on. PROMOTION FOR EARLING, June tl. Announce Milwaukee, ment was made today of the promotion of H. P. Earilng, assistant geaore al superintendent at Minneapolis of bo gewul sutho BL Paul Railway perintendent in connection with tho Pacific Coast extension of that system. He will have headquarters at Butte. Mr. Earilng la a brother at A. J. Barling, president of tho BL Paul Railway company. The barn of Mrs. 6, P. Drsney, with almost the entire contents, was destroyed. It appears that Mrs, Draney and her small son want to the barn to burn out some ben's nests that were Infected with lice. The lady return' 1 CABLE. ed to the house and la a very short time the tor cam running to her Ottawa, Out, Juno 22. The Ottawa stating that the barn was oa fire, fibs rushed out and attempted to save what board of trade yesterday presented a the he could. The horse was brought out, memorial to Lord Grey In favor of state-owne- d as were some of tho hogs. But two con struct Ion of an cable to encircle tbe globe. wagons, a buggy, two hogs, some hay and other articles were destroyed. It Lord Grey expressed his pleasure in was while trying to save the buggy extending his support to tho proposithat the clothes of Mrs. Draney took tion and said he would forward tho fire. As she ran from the barn she memorial to the different governments tried to crawl under a wire fence, but of tho empire. 1 right-of-wa- h h R.r n, . BURNED e. right-of-wa- - WE LOAN YOU AN Electric Flat Iron ON 30 DAYS TRIAL At the end of thia trial period, if the iron is not satisfactory, you may return it to us, entirely without cost to you.. If you like it, pay us ' FOUR DOLLARS AND THE IRON IS YOURS. . . ORDER ONE TODAY UTAH LIGHT & RAILWAY CO. |