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Show 4 w w S SEPTEMBER TOE SUNDAY EXAMIXERx OG DEX. UTAH, SUNDAY MORNING, i 190G. Our Popular. irsMCa waiivrow DTHTorf rrnr TvrrJT S zarfTOrf nvrrKi rT aGf-rjrjxj- aila Esnwl 1m a Hot yon mast tb mmat - ar , girl girl that with Du Ci - la ' jug Aad - ay deep yu P" fwl avk hi ilqrt fa her am ayaa, wa Ml- aiu Ihu JW jw, whe "i her Ij m laa9iag g-V- ' I 4 s j rhint you, think aad DU C y4- - .M la haa - amit- a- - (ha blua aag wish the Nur Ika hkiis Aad of aoiilg kiaa yue them, vM&ae it-- --1 au atone hr fa their-- Tha haga bail Tun . mam & & la mam Toara hep - jy LLj that when by il year . Reia aiga j or fggfte Mk te tej--MP escrssr me: home circle Silk Gownsfor For lha early fH bmiU ahu caltea frerka look rather tna reel,' gowns at India, taffeta aag earab aril! ha aiark la farar. Fur atreat wear foaia of checked, atrtpeg aag plala ralerag allk, la tha darker shades will ha foaad hath aarvlcaabl aag hareailwg. Tha fUitrda la rartala pattarna bra alaa ahawa among auwa aery effective modal lha Urge polki-dn- t flgurlug euedally goad. The plaid earaha. a black ad white aad hrawa eapectallp la aag white, are eitraaely smart, aad oaa ar two aMdata af thla aort were raraatly aeea at au af tha fash tana Me resort Far Iwta are, au af thaw plaid gowiie which atf aerea aa a wedrl waa la Mach aad white, the aklrt cteartag the Tha aklrt gtwaad bp leaf w gre torha wu laid la twa hu plalta la the ailddia af tha float, tha plalta hetag atttrhed tha adgw ta fane tecta te be law the kaara. Dawa each atda wear the hipa there waa aa lararted plait, tha lower aklrt being trlwaied with part af twa Mu baada af tha piald, tM lower head baiag almost four la'hea wide aad lha aanud au ape red a beta it about twa aad a halt The coraage waa eat away at tha aerk ta a rounded oral ehaae wear a rhealeette af larked batiste outlining thla yoke waa a band af tar batiala aaibroidety abaped to It tha au weh aide af tha front tana aad railing wear fraaa tha Inside af the wars f square tacked raver gulape light-catere- be-la- g u tu Wear. Between-Seaso- n batiste. raver arroaa the mid die af tha front and back wu a band iWf pinch tucks shaped to dt the lunnilrd eatllae, tha lower part of tha bodice be lag tucked la groups from tha yoke to tha watatttus. Tha high tilled glrdla waa laid la flat folds and waa af the plaid allk. and the elbow length sleeves bad thg upper part made of the plaid allk, tha embroidered Batweea la which thru waa Jnlaod a tucked lower sertlua of tha embroidered batiste With thla costume use worn a very large black Neapolitan braid bat, am aide of the brim being tilled up and two or throe oreemy pink roeea without foliage placed gatamt tha hair, tha tup of tha hat being trimmed simply by a band of black velvet around lha high crown and a vary large lutfy black aigrette, which sprung tram a reaettt of mailov. - Tha sketch showing a allk street frock wu takes from another smart model, the original track being la brown and oblte Mas check, the trimming of tha gowa bring rather addly carried out by tbr aw af aery (at round brawn allk buttons, which were specially made for the gown. The aklrt waa mads with a duster of shallow plalta aa each aide of the front, nod wu alu plaited la tha renter of the berk. Tha aklrt wu aiss rat with d seam ever cacti hip, Ibis aram being revered by a stitched band ef allk, duwa the renter ef wbirh the ailk button ware sowed at Intervals. Tha waist waa made with a round yoke of errs TaBy Dorothy Dale. An Easily Made lacs tba short olsaves alu baiag af tha lac aa ahowa la tba drawing, a abort apea rap af tha allk forming tha top af lha aloovs Thla rap sierra was falahcd by a band of tha allk trimmed with aad tha tower part af lha waist wu gives a bolerollk estllae by tha saw of tba Mina buttoa trimmed bands Tba bark of the cores f at tha sbualdrr a as rut to tap aver several laches la front from tha ordinary shoulder - and waa Joined ta tha tucked front by little trap of aelvat ribbon aad battoo tha middle of thr front Jus' boluw the yoku carrying out tha uaa trimming Idea. For at bom wear, Informal dlnarr a parties, tna theater, ete., thru little allk gowns la light rotor-Ingar ala charming, and, they do am require a great deal of trimming, are qnlte lumprasUo aa compared ta aioat frocks of light character. At tha lain summer auto a great muy bargains are to he found la I haa lightweight silks and It U quit puaslbl to but-lim- -- ble Cover. Tba small lllnatratloa shows a pretty rover that raa be ranted out la almost any material, the mndel, however, being designed for as In a drawingroom, . The atrip waa library or a largo circle, tba edge of wbirh was and button holed la heavy embroidery allk. Th Irregular dealga ani the band Inside th scallops waa outlined In living-room- seal-lopa- narrow gold cord and green allk cord, which was marked on, th wArk Imlng a u iwi Points as to Smart Gowning New IChlt hosiery worn with black low rut been worn at a great many of the fashionable resorts d'lrlng th tats Is a white, summer, when tha coatuai black and whit, pale gray or ecru. Colored ailk stockings to match tho frseka with which they ar worn art also vary fashionable and are seen with whit and black pumps aa well as with shorn to march The panama bat Is much fancied by young glrla and the young married women for morning wear, automoblllng. riding, driving, tennis. etc, thr correct sbapt showing a low, round erowa, with the brim turned aharplv down In th hack and up In the front. These bats arc smartest when ahowa without trimming, except for a narrow Mack in- - fully colored hat band. Aa od fashioned panama hat raa easily b rehiucked and nbapad to tha rorroet outline, one girl I know fixing her herself sf,er baring become th pusaaaror of a discarded panama of her brother's. Tha bat, uhlrh waa very much tolled, was vt stripped of th outer ead Inner bands, anj waa then scrubbed thoroughly with lukewarm eater and white soap, th high crown belrg preseed lute a low. round vltai-- e end the brim pinned ap la frost ta dry and ship whtla wet. Turnover col lari, either af embroidered linen or the etlff manatak sort, promts to be more la favor tbea ever for wear with tailored suits, very wide bow lira, pinned with n horseahn er bar pin. being worn wl-them. Smaller how tie of two end a bolt inch wide taffeta ribbon la white or colon ar aloo very protiy with thee collars, throe email bows often giving an effective touch of color to a serrre tailored gown. tVbev tba vary wide silk !iw ties ais worn, those of Mack ur sous dark color art preferred. I'OUOTUT DALE. pnmpt have d - . a llttla pepper tntg tho drawn butter, dimmer together for thro mtnntas, put thr fleh upon a warm dish and ponr of the aanro over It, serving th rest la a bout. Prop tha flab ap la tba swimming position by placing a carrot In tba dlab against It aad garntah the flab with rlugs of bard boiled eggs sprinkled with chopped pantry. Hallbat Bleak Muffed and Baked. Hf arare two etreke; wash them and thoroughly dry them with a towel. Malta a atufllng of a cupful ef crumb a tablespoonful of battor, on of rhopped -- at than reduced uIm cxcallaet qualiv peclally among tba silks at about 45 or 60 cent, a yard, from 15 to id yards being usually required. Whan a remnant la purrnaacd ubrna the quantity of thr material ta sol smpto there are arraral effective ways at making aurli gowns when very llttla of the mate rial la uel about tbr bodice, tlia sleeves of tbr and a deep yuke bark aad forth being mad of lacs u that almost the entire dress pattern outside of a yard or two ran lw used for the aklrt. to a future artlela I will send la aoma drawing giving angsaatlona for gowns nf thia sort, wber tba material la IIuIImL DOHOTIIV DA LB. lightly over tha hardened butler, taking ap a thla layer, which trill earl avar a th spoon Is draws along. Tara R off th Hast tba pooa la plocrw. apooa again aad repeat tha operation, laying th pieces la a pile aa they ar me dm Flaca than. In th Icebox to hard, err trltb any broiled meats or flab. . Broiled Lobster. Parboil a to bate. Aa aooa aa It begins to turn rod taka It oat. Split It In two down th bark. Bamova and discard tho dtsmtcb and Intaattna. kemova ta groan and tba cotaL Broil It 15 to 20 ailaataa wjth tha shall aids ta tba Ara, bat tars tba flash aid to lb flr for a minute before removing It, than at one season It with butter, pepper and salt. Mis tha greea, which ta tba llvar, and tba coral silk malted batter and no as a sauce. Creamed Lobster. Cat out tba meat of a broiled lobster Into Inch dire, pat b talilrspoonful of battor In a ea scopes with a traapooafal of grated 0010; let them cook a minute; than add a of floor, fltlr for a few missus to rook the Soar, aad then add atowly a cvpful of stock and a lab let poos ful of lemon juloa or a q Barter of a cupful of white win. When all this tblckma nil tbe lobster meat, turning tt carefully, 0 a not to break IL When tbe meat Is Leaisd remora tt from tbe Are aad mu lu a qnarter of a cupful of ertam which ban the yolk of aa egg beaten Into 't. ltrplact tt ua tbe Ire for Just a mlauu. Hold It Into a block shaped Uk an Claaa a Boiled Bam with Mushrooms. flu baas aad asw It ap la a thla cloth. Put It Into boiling water In which have been mixed four table puonfula of via gar, with six wbol blarh pepper and a llttla salt Cook It ghoat 15 mlnatea for each pound of flab. Prepare cupful of diawa hotter, boll half a oaa of mushrooms 3) mtnutoa, grata them, chop them up and ntlr them together with a of wbltt win or toman Jules aad oas-rbtr- d anpro-tratlou- dud ties. Fish and Sea Food Recipes. very quickly done. Ine cover used er a model was of heavy mercerised linen of a afi green tuue, but virions other color muiMuatlons would lie equally effective, and. If desired, a alugle cord could be need to follow the deolgn. In a smaller ala the pntlara mold also he need fur white linen ccnterplecew, white cot inn loop braid, which baa exactly the effect of handwork, being used aa exBEATRICE CARET. plained. Eggs Cooked with Asparagus. Butter a dish and ponr Into it a purer of with herbs as tips, parboiled seasoning, drained, mixed with a cup of cream er white broth, aud pressed through a sieve. Arrange this event and break oicr it carefully four or five fresh eggs. Bake antll thr eggs ara Arm. This ran also h mad with a foundation of spinach or any other gram vegetable. table-spoonf- parsley, one of onion Juice, a dash of cayenne, a salts poonful of black pepper, Just a grating of nutmeg and a aaltspooa-fi- il of salt. Pat on of thr steaks la thr taking pan, lay tbr atufllng over It rara-full- y and lay above It tha other steak. Put small, piece of batter over the top aud duet lightly with Hit and pepper. Hervr It on a hot platter with lemon quarter. Mind Hue Croquette. Boll shad roes In suited, acidulated water for 15 minutes, letting ibr water only. simmer, so that tba akin will not break When they are raid rot them, using a aharp knife. Into slices one-hnn Inches thick. Hpriukle and them with salt, iepper and lemon Juic. Boll them first In egg, then In breadcrumbs or cracker dust, and fry them la inok lug-hflat to a light-brow- n color. Uarnlih them with watercress aud serve them with niaitrv d'botal butter. Maltre d'Hotel Batter. Whip with a fork a quarter ef a cupful of butter antll It ta very light; add a tablesponnful of parsley chopped very Bor. ene-haleach of mil and pepper, end lastly add slowly a tablespoonful of lemon Juice. Smooth It over and art It In the Icebox to harden. Dip a teaspoon In hot water, wipe It quickly and then dnw It nish clmw. Minced Clams. Caok In a double boiler two ubleapooDfula of Hoar trltb two of buttar; when they bubble add slowly Sft bard dams chopped flu, aud a rap of clam Jules and a dash of red oaa gill of email bull pepper; then add ' ap and aervs OLd-hi- lf Mantlepiece Decorations. By Beatrice Carey. During tho last few jearv a certain rich simplicity has become more and more the keynote la hone decorations, and the brlc-- i brae, showy fancy tv meenlnglee pictures and too gsndv colorings ha Ingiven wag to more artistic Ideas. deed. serve of the meet beiutlful bouse bnltt during recent year depend almoai entirely on th beanty nf the wall Covering end woodwork of the various rooms for th decoration, very few pictures, need except In Ihr drawing, etc., beu-room or living-room- . For Instance, In The house of a architect the dining-rooball and th are almost sc. vers In their following of thin Idea, but an ar'sitc ware the Airings of tha that the result was Tba mu ut Ievlev Illustrated waa sket, bed from the dining room In thin house, the wisMwork of th room belog painted while, the effect agelrst the wall paneling of a- -n green grata Doth being most Thla fireplace waa doue In auc'eaafiil dull greeu Ills, with au nnglased anr f.ive. Hi mantle, dece hsvlrg a center part forming a "rt of cabinet. In which flne ornament, sliver, tic., were placed. The ihre dcmri of tbl cabinet were Is set with leaded glxae panes the bordering of which md the aaper part being rf tinted glass, la shades of opalescent reen. delicate coral and pair yellow. The qnare place on either aide had a colonial branched candela bra fastened la the center or each one, th toaeb or gilt also bring shown In tha braes aadlront at the hearth. Another manilepteca on wbirh no brlc-- a brie nf any description waa nstd waa designed for a living-roothis mantlo-piec- e being of terra rotta. la throe panel. the upper part showing flgarc carving la ha relief, tha polished wood end walnsm'lng of the room showing above ih'.s meal ir, which waa within tour feet of th ceiling. Over th ordinary atyla mantle ahelf aeea la tba arrrag hoaae a mirror rather tloiply framed alwaya lock well, those la colonial style is oval, or oblong lqnart ahaps hang erOMwtic. bring especially good. Tht mantle oraa- Blent, which shoald be 'few. should be ecproprlve to th room, and brarn tronre or rall candleetlrka placed on each eld lo-'well la a'most aay room. mold upon a flab platter aud garIt with sprigs of celery and be , J By s. c.forJ. Deviled Crabs On plat of mb mL tba asm quantity of flne breed crumbs twg tabtoapoonfala of batter, tbe jalei of bM s lemon, half a taaapooefal ef mustard aad a dash ef cayaaua pepper. Peek tba mixture late hat's, W with poardtsred cracker, pear erw eeeh aiwll g tablaapooaful of cream, piece the bet ehelto lu e flat tla aad bake la till Clam Fritters Procure 88 large ctame; dry them la a napkfa aad cat them la two; to oea pint of flour add twa eggs one-h- a If g plat of allk and nearly aa much of thr clam Bqnor; boll tba mixture antll free from lamps; tbaa stir la tba clams Pat batter er eweat drippings In a frying pas brat te belling aad then drop In tba batter by apooo-fulFry them on both ddae and eertv n s Immediately, Deviled Clems Cat eat tba heart! ar bard cooler of two doaen clams Pat h a chopping bowl and ' chop very as Have half an many bread crumbs at dams one teatpoonful of flnely chopped spring onions oat ef partley, g dash ef red pepper, one aaltapooaful of ealt. add throe tabtoapoonfala of amlted batter. Mia all well together with a fork. Have clam abellh clean aad dry. Oiuaaa lightly, fll with thr mlstars place grated crumb with a small dot ef batter ea top, put late and brown in a good, bet ores teamed Bloeflsb. Place tbe tall ef tba blueflab la Its mouth and secure IL Pat It ea a plate aad ponr over it half a pt ef vinegar, seasoned with g aaltapooafal of pap per and half a tea spoon ful ef aaM; tot it stand aa boar la a eaid pines At tba end of that tlm poor off th vlnaqar gad pat tha flak la a steamer avar bolltBg tha water; steam 50 minutes, or loagar, K aad ah to very Urge: thaw drato well serve It aa a aapkis Garnish with eartod parsley. Berra with maltru d'botal batur. |