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Show hie jDiinim. i::;.iiiiA:i;. oiii::?:, itaii. TRIBUNE KNOCKS Tomorrow We Celebrate The doors will not open at all tomorrow WEBER COUNTY We are going to . . Says Judge Hu,an.ki Has No Show for Supreme Brnch Tr.bune Misrepresents Ogdemtes- - In erviews With Men Misrepresent j Tribune Knocking Wilt Help Judge join in with the celebration of Labor Day and give to our many helpers thewsame opportunity. Sale Starts Again Tuesday The Wi-b.- IS Sanir-issue- r Rvt- it ilelib- county vratelv mistakes ,.v and placet Ogden peo:t posi "A tion. V iunma:er !t,.r s:atc hae been fixed by Jno, lluLnitui. Will Sit-::L V. Wade. Howell. Sidney Jesse Fowers, J. F. Mujuiau and Wm. . - . Ulasaiann." The intimation tan-tor a falsehood in every panic i. a:The gentlemen uamed have met nr discussed aiate for asc purpose whatever and have nur even met for any other purpose. In fr!. the seven gentlemen turned do even know nat thev are in harmont tor any candidate for office this rar Hon. Sidney 8:evens a'fited to the Standard represen'aiive that he baa attended no meeting, has not diacuaa-e- d the matter with uy (. the gentlemen named and, therefore. It was an error on the tribune's part no use hia name: that he nothing about a slate. Will E. Howell said to the reporter that it was a mistake; that he belongs to no' machine, no ring, no EVERYTHING . . , Like 'i.iiuhh m u...i iu eiv;ireena as and with renewed energy . . the store was filled when the doors closed Saturday night . . the bargains which are being constantly added keep the interest up. COME ANY TIME TUESDAY Balt CHEAPER. t-- Wright's Removal Sale km-w- AMUSEMENTS. HIGH SCHOOL GRAND R. ALEXANDER GRANT, Manager GEORGIA HARPER BLUE JEANS Ran two entire acaaona In New York. Twelve years on the read. Holds the record In stock houses. SEAT SALE OW OPEN. PRICES: 15c, 25c, 95c, 50c. I Ita a bad idea, for nothin) Man's appearance aa hia Hat. TONIGHT High Class Vaudeville Two Performance! Every Night at 8 and 9:3j0 IT DONT MIS8 IT. CHEAT. PRICES Logos and reanrvsd neats 25c; bleachers, 10c. to 12 cvsry Dancing from Evening. irs COLDER We are reminded at the approach of fall that we must provide for the heating of our homes. Nothing doe,s it so well or adds more comfort than an Underfeed Furnace. : : : : PROPOSITION SUBMITTED BOARD OP EDUCATION. Issued . A marriage license has been to Theo. Soderberg, aged 95. and Rica Larsen, aged 94, both of Ogden. Three New Teachers Ars Named for the Schools of This The board of education met in early session Saturday. Absenre of a quorum last night prevented a meetA new electrlt turn table la being ing. Little business waa transacted, installed In the Southern Pacific as the bulk of work which always preyards. It will be eighty feet In dlam-ete- r cedes the opening of the city schools waa disposed of In other meetings. and six feet deep. Several new applications from Mlsacs Lillian Keating and Rose teachers were received, with recomFlynn s rived Saturday from Co- mendations from the teachers' commitlumbus, Neb., and are the guests of tee that they be appointed to positions in the grade schools. Submitted were Mr. and Mrs. John Keating. the names of Mrs. E. H. Barnes. Miss tlore-keepGlenn Douglas and Mrs. Anna M DalRichard B. Porter, division of the Southern Pacific rail- ton. Bills amounting to $2,4M were or road. has returned from Sparks, Nev.. where ha had been inspecting the di- dered paid. A proposition from Captain Kneaes. vision store house. of the Armory board, was submit ted to Tne School for the Deaf and Blind the board as an answer to the efforts will ' open Septem- of Superintendent Allison and high Wednesday, j secure for the ber 5th. Messrs. Thurman and Bush school teachers will go aomh to .accompany the ehlL school, use of the Aintory building and paraphernalia from the' local company dren to school. of militia. For $30 per month Captain inheritance tax appraisers met Kneasa offered the building and Its acAfter a short discusIn the county commlsaioner' room to- commodations. was left with Dr. day and considered the matter of the sion the quratlon Aa he la In favor of ectate of H. Douglas Wise, deceased. Joyce for action. military training In the High school, They appraised the estate at $26,500. it is expected that he will recommend the Armory at the Superintendent Drlgga of the Deaf the acceptance of rental. monthly and Blind school, who has been away proposed In case the building la rented by the for the paat two weeks attending the comconvention of the Institution for the board, military training will be for certain classes in the Deaf, which waa held la Philadelphia, pulsory school. A cadet company will bo orwill return today. ganized, lifted out with uniforms, and aa regular militiamen every T. 0. Evans and son, Zeddie, will will drill night after seool. The gymnasium of deliver lectures In the Third Ward the will be available and will meeting house, Sunday evening. T. B. aid armory in this furtherance of athletle Evans will lectors on "Suggestions as Zeddie Evans' sub- training. To Conduct." ject will be, "The Wisdom Literature of the Bible." MR. BALLANTYNE EECINS HIS Rev. and Mrs. O A Elmquiet. who yesterday returned from a two months vacation spent in the eastern states, were given hearty aud enthusiastic welcome Friday evening at the parsonage bv the iqenihere and friends of the congrogatfon and the ledies Aid anciet) of the Lutheran church. The Ladies Aid society tendered a handsomely framed pastel portrait of the iiantur himself as a memento of the occasion. A fine luncheon was $3.00, $400. $5.00 Fall Soft Hats $1.50. $2.50. $3.00 to j Mary R. Terrell, aged 50. was token to the state mental hoapltal. having been committed on recommendation of Dm. Ezra Rich and A. Fernlund, who constituted the board of examiners. Sheriff Behring, with Mrs. Terrell In hie charge, left for Provo at noon Saturday. MUSICAL WORK If you come here for your Fall Hat, Sir, well fit your face and puree perfectly. STOCKINGS GIVEN AWAY For every fire dollars of merchandise purchaaed we will give yon one dollar's worth of any kind of gt or king yon may need for yourself or family, and we will guarantee our price to be aa cheap aa anything found in the atate. Come, and let's get Ve D. 4 R. G. R. R Sept. 1 and 9. Fare 990.00 for the round trip to Frankie. Lovell and Cowley. Tickets good returning within thirty days, a magnificent trip over the Scenic Route through the Royal Gbrge, Grand Canyon, Colorado Springs and Denver. Open top observation cars free through the ranyona. WANT ADS YIELD BIG RESULTS. t . at ones. Last season It was Impossible ta arrange suitable periods for all who desired to study, ao that Immediate application must bo made to aocuro Alnipda Bryan baa petition for n choice petitions. Studio 2582 Orchard from Thomas F. Bryan on A vs. Bell 'phona 788. divorce and habithe grounds of tual drunkenness. She requests. In FAIR addition to the divorce, costs of the suit and general relief. They wore married at Eugene, Ore., October 9, Tho Intsrmountain Fair association 1881. will .old ita first fair in September of this year. James T. Abbott, the son of J. W. Competition open to the world. the George Abbott vice president of track In the Has the beat half-mil-e SatA. Low Co., while out collecting country, and the purses will ba genbarb erous, attracting large strings of the urday afternoon, ran Into a wire fegco in' West Ogden and cut beat race horses. an ngly gash In bln hand and struck Wo hops to receive the hearty cohia against a post, and was stunned operation of all In making this the beat for some time. fair in the weal. Ogden, with its railroad facilities, is an ideal location for a Great Inter Judge Murphy held court Saturday. An old man from Balt Lake waa mountain Fair. given a time limit out of the city. Speed Program. He waa arrested while under the inW. B. Wedell, superintendent. Races fluence of liquor and threatened the called at 9 p. m. promptly eacb day. officer with Immediate destruction If Thursday, ,5c pt. 20th. he attempted to take him to the staPurs tion. Several forfeiture! added to the 82 10. t. class city treasury and court was adjourned. 1:18 200.00 9:00 class ' One-hamils run and repeat, PROGRAM LABOR DAY two in three 100.00 Country saddle horse, one-hal- f 10.00 mile dash Father Gov. Cutler, 'Mayer Csnrey, Cushnahan and Judge Howell Friday, Sept 21at to Speak. 200.00 8:15 clan ear: race I green Country 50.00 Speaking at lp.n. burses only) Selection by the band. One-hamils dash 7540 M. E. Address of welcome. Mayor Country saddle hone, one-haOonroy.dash . Address. Governor John C. Cutler. Free fur all 850.00 Selection by band. 800.00 8:80 class Address, Judge J. A. Howell. 100.00 One mils dash Oration, Rev. Father Cushnahan. Country saddle horse, one-hal- f Selection by band. 10.00 mis dash Spona begin at 8 p. m. Money divided 60, 30 and 10 per Baseball at 8 p. m., Brigham City vs. cent. O. S. U Winning horse in saddle races barWrestling match at 8:80 p m., Mike red from each succeeding race. Yokel vs. Pat Cannon, with prelimEntrance fee 10 per cent to all races, inaries. g to enter and 8 to start Bulletins of the prise fight at GoldHarness races, mils heats, 8 la a. field will he received at the park and American Trotting Association rules at the baseball grounds. to govern. The araodation reserve the right call off any or all races for suffl-eleto NOTICE reasons. non-suppo- rt lf at EXCURSION TO BOISE, IDA. Ogden, Sept 1, 1906. after this date I will not be responsible for any bills contracted On and Aug. Slat, .Sept by any person other than myself. ' Park City and I will meet them soon THOS. C. PANCAKE. is possible. 15th. Panic having accounts against me will please send statement to me at Utah Knitting Works 1701 Washington Avenue OC Weber Countys Candidate fop Supreme Judge. Attorney, Orator, Boluier, Republican, clique and has attended no meeting served by the ladtoa In the Sunday and Las not even discussed a slate school room, during which Rev. Elm with anybody." qulat, in a happy strain, gave expresJudge Hulaniski Mid: "I have not sion to the pleasure and Joy of being discussed the queetlon of fixing a slate homo again and the object of aurh a to send the seven gentlemen named hearty and cheerful welcome. to the atate convention or for any other place. I have, however, diacuao Ever- child ahonld have their eyes examined before STORMY WEATHER ed the queetlon of my candidacy for the supreme court with three of them, school. Our state laws will soon see that entering but neither a slate nor who should May Somewhat Interfere With Labor is done. But the parents should attend to it this even was convention state go to the Day Celebration. to. Bo often the forced dull without of." talked being So the Tribune le wrong, even on Is backward only because they cant see the scholar Usually Indifferent to the antic of the Judge, who has a right to be very the etorm king, the city to aroused blackboard or to read distinctly. Many children go much interested in who shall go to over the rain, owing to the DMr blind by overstraining weak and defective eyes, the state convention. approach of Labor Day. Committees E. W. Wade sas in Salt Lake and on Labor Day program declare that which could easily have" been' saved by the proper wu caught by telephone and 1 said, a rain Monday will hurt the celebrahad tion aa well aa financially embarrsM glasses and treatment if taken in time. My exam"Deny for me emphatically that ine lion is scientific and FREE, and you may feel perany part In an meeting or other- the unions aa considerable money hae wise In preparing a slate tor the dele- been expended to Insure the success of fectly safe thot. glasses will not be prescribed unless gatee to the au.te convention." the demouatrarlon. a guaranteed Improvement in the child can he made. Here the Tribune to wrong agtln, Aa far as praps rations for Labor o far a Mr. Wade to concerned. concluded Day go. the committee Glarmann waa seen and their labor early In the week, and Oh. do yon expect to eee any- nothing remain to be done until the said: in about the Tribune correct of the third. There has been thing morning Ogden and her people?" no hitch in committee work and. with Bo far aa 1 know," Mid Mr. the exception of the rain, everything "the only meeting that waa relative to the day augurs well for Its held this year hr any Republicans success. wee that of the executive committee of the party at which meeting the call FERSCNALS for a county convention was considered and the committee unanimously decided that it waa the duty of the Mrs. Chris. J. Brown and central committee to call the meet- Eva art spending a week at daughter the Hot executive committee. the ing and not Sprmga. been the of disposed, After that had committee adjourned and considered William Hesslar haa accepted a poof supporting Judge sition aa talesman In Wright the edvtMbllity all We Hulanlaki for supreme jfidge. department. pledged the Juilce our support and Mid we would du what we could for Mr left last Laura Melghsn him. 1 shall stick to my pledge and to Omaha with visit for evening will. We did not I think the other discuss who should be the delegates, muf You ghat was a question for the Repubreturned MIm Mayml McDermott ii licans at the primaries to settle. Tneae this week from a month' visit, to If I are the facts of the only meeting attended or know anything about. The statement that I waa to be made O. A. Skidmore, electrical engineer chairman of the delegation to the state of the Salt Lake Electric Supply and convention to also fains. No one has Fixture Co., (a In the city on even auggeated the proposition to me." The Tribune ? that Judge Huk Mis Fern Windhorst of Iowa, who aniexl baa no show for the nomina- i ha been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. P. tion of supreme Judge. That settles H. Cook, left for home this maralng. It. Every proposition concerning any has Charles Mansel of the J. C. Platt Republican which the Tribune opposed since Kearna and Cannon Saddlery Co., is UL have made the unholy alliance tn run that efceet, ha failed. Charles Nielson, salesman for the Every Republican appointment of Burton Implement Co., returned from the Ttah delegation that the Trlliune an enjoyable flaking and hunting trip A opposed has won out. A Tribune knock to Blacksmith Fork. hae been an omen of success in the James Osgood hu accepted a PMt t, with the Toggery Clothing Co. The Tribune knocking Judge omen. This will be will Weber county M. Regner. a G. A. R. veteran, who paper lays ye, if FAIRBANKS IN DENVER. weak on the loyally support Judge Hulaniski. with baa been the guest of Walter Brats, Shields has gone to will claim to the north of Sept 1. Vie President has returned to hie hms In West the knocking of the Tribune, he W. Fairbanks arrived tn Dea-a- n win the day. Bend, Wla. route to Baton. Idaho, J. McCready and family returned Svtrjr oD6 should R8t In line for where he will attmA tba Irrigation EXCURSION TO BIO HORN Hulaniski; he's all right. As a Re- yesterday from an extended tr.o to drat. As a the east. Coagraso next wt About 75 pretpi-nepublican he to one of the In as an business and profoarionnf mea officer commission rd. 1st and hia Sept. patriot wen Invited to meet Mr, VMrbanhp at n MIm Versa Fowler haa resigned her the I'nlted State army and the bear $88 round trip to VYubto, Wyo., via luncheon given In feta honor bp ThomIng of hia breast o the enemys bul- position with Last 4 Thomas. Union Pacific and Denver or via Ore- as t. Walsh and later tM riot prari-delets la a guarantee. As a lawyer he held a reception at the Reps bigon Short Liu mid Butt. Ticket David Shields and family have restands equal to the best attorney in leu dub. hia profession. Aa a politician he hat turned from Gunnison. Col. Mr. food to return until OoL IsL JUDGE E. T, HULANI8KI, NOW IS THE TIME Before School Opens - u so-call- Mr. Joseph Ballantyne announces that he will begin Instruction In music 10-0- TO WYOMINQ $400 or $500 i-- li EXCURSION 4 Fall Derbies Gven Rev. Elmquiet and Hia Wife en Their Return. Crty. lf 2530 Wash. Are. makes or mara TO -- W.E. Newman ao if it were Clothiers and Hatters 2413 Washington Avenue INTER-MCUNTA- IN GETTING wfiy--a- s Don't accept an indifferent Hat nr indifferent from any one in fitting yon. er Utahna Park off-han- HEARTY WELCOME Rov Tribe has succeeded Roswell Belnap aa second assistant superintendent of the Fourth ward Sabbath school. Arthur's Masterpiece In Joeepti buy Ilata in an a matter of little account. Moot Men FRED M. NYE CO, William Moran, Mr. and Mr. J. P. O'Neill and George Foley of Croy-deare hark from Lost Creek. n party service that entries he bee: reward in the land. a citizen his rm-rhat been c!rn. uptight and tai'bful. hat county can present a man mure qualide-- t to do exact justice to al' the people ail the time The Irtbune does not want Judge Hulanlaki on the supreme bench Is the Tribune running I'tah? Let us watt and sue o A ARMORY A new sewer system will be constructed right away in the Southern Pacific yards. Tonight feederr-- bin: MAY HAVE Tie Ladles Auxiliary to the B. of R. T. will give a card party Wed neoday. OPERA HOUSE s The Fall Ilata are now rradr. Weve not misted a at vie that! correct. lst, 0 0 Giaa-man- 30 kskkkkkbekk CARE WOULD KILL A GAT The oaf Isn't to blame. can't gut Ufa Im can. Take a policy dent to provide far. the family , then live long and well and free from care. , I ' See me before Insuring John L Harriott, stmte Dos Moines Life ugr. Reed Hotel Building With Kelly Hul-aaiak- Herrick SKKKSSKKKHKKKSSS; at 2nd. via Oregon Short Line $124)0 round trip. Acoonnt Irrigation Congress. Sept. Tickets good to return until f I |