OCR Text |
Show THE Published ftsr by Th Gft I" Day Iwj Standard SUBSCRIPTION Publleh-la-g RATES. Delivered fey Cantor to Ogden City, Including E Sunday Mom-n- g amlnar. par gjaila oopiaa cl ADVANCE. BY MAIL IM She Examiner to aaat By nail ouuida of Ogdaa par yaar At bait auarterly. la VMC$ siaiataaM' AND INDEPENDENT. FEARLESS la Tha lapandant ad-- new-pap- ta- - a strictly tt Wi er. all aldaa aa agnal ahow. Tba Examiner baa aa aa anamtoa to paalah. U U slva tba aava uubiaaad H FIRST Utah. Green, Utah. 417 City, la Colo. 421 ..Na Independent Phono.... Na . . Na Ball Phone. . . . WM. GLASMANN Independent Phono.... Georgt Edwin Pace, Salt Lake, David A. Johnson, Colorado Cola Oldver, Sever X. ant, Utah. o nn.t. v 425 eadville. John Jordan, Mt. Bwi-nse- Pleas- tion, 43d 431 Utah. Na 259 Na Na 6 621 Wiiliam Shire. Mesa. CoL Wilkins. Provo. Edward Na 632 Selma U. Wauon, Denver, C. Benjnmen Heilman, Pueblo. Colo. James W. Morends. 8pu-U- h Fork. Utah. Na No. .578 V. Willard William, No. 639 Cola Na Mark No. 642 Gerry, Cola Hotchkiss Owen Beulon. Vernal. Utah. Asper Bracken, Msrcur, Ut. 435 Joseph II. Becker, American 433 434 Na H-- McBce, Daniel Burch. Employed by Smith, Offered 19.000 for Hie Rights. SS No. 120 Ne 130 Phono No. 120 of both telephone cloaad attar S p. m. aye-tam- e CROP CONDITIONS. Comparatively cool weather prevail' d last week, according to the weekly wop report, particularly over tbe eon them portion of the etete. Preclpita- tion was fairly generous, soma south- era valleys receiving heavy ralaa with some hall. This precipILstlou 1U timely and com and lucerne werp im- proved, end the water supply greatly indicated Increased. Local reports rr When tbe news spread about tbe street of tbe good fortune of that gen tleman, be was the recipient of many congratulations. When seen by a reporter, Mr. Burch stated that he was I excited at that time over hia I good fortune to express himself, but down to the 0tenrte and select his section of 1 land at once. "I have been offered, aald he, "9,- by Ogden people for my choice, but I have refused the offer, which was a thins fid one. 1 will go down nnd 1 look the land over Immediately. Olhere among the lucky once all I Jif SJlrSS ligation water wae unavailable; and drawn. Barlow B. 1ha flrlt winds and inaerta were also a data-- 1 Wilson, deputy sheriff, was No. IS lerlous feature, though less than last 1 the Hat. When informed by tel. office of this paper Of week. Grain harvest and tnrasnwg 1 Phone from the a doubting way. h Nplie4 hB were well along, with average returns UYou wllJ fcav t0 kb0w me. When secured from th machines. Tha see--1 informed that It ws no Joke the depend crop of lucerne was being cut and I uty aald. well, I cant say Just yet ?!! anL stacked lu good condition, but the Ijr11 I worth 1 did draw something yield was below the average. Timothy I whlle and millet were promising abundant-- 1 w. R. Emmett, hlsrksmlth, 3247 Beets I Washington avenue, wa highly elated ly in the northern counties. .luclf nd wssted no were continuing thrifty with some II for tha reservation. He la leaving time rare exceptions, where white Alee and I u,a Mrjy afternoon train for the ether Insects were ravaging tha crop. Isouih today. Carden truck continued good, with the I Edward Hansen, one of the lucky at the railroad exception noted last week, of tbe gen--1 winners, la employed era blight la tomatoes. Apples wera I charle 8. Warner la employed In Improving, and plums wera ripening I the store houae of tha Southern Pa- I profusely. The range pastures wera elite. He will make his home dowa were genemlly poor though (bqr when wal Btoep much Improved In many localities; I thikrttry was adding to his wealth. eon-In and stock was reported good The others from here who Intend illditlon. Field mice were working soma I ing on the land will leave at onre, in I order to get ,,rlr cho,c local damage In Summit county. I time prescribed. The OGDEN AND SALT LAKE. No. 19 Danlsl Burch, 126 Z9th. No. 59 Edward Hansen, 1190 Fa- The 8laU Board of Health la issuing I efle bullstins showing tba death rata In No. 99 Robert W. Emmett, Black-smiteach county of Utah Tbs rate ia Na. 79 Bartow B. Wilson, Deputy figured on an estimated population Sheriff. for 1905." Tha board credits Balt No. 90 William H. Parry, 2243 Ad- Lake county with 87,399 and Weber I aml' These wvldenUyl Na 173 Charles A. Warner, 590 county with 36,497. unfair figures caused tha Mayor of ZSr- C I Ogde. to. send an objection to 1 State Board of Health, claiming Og N, 222 William Thompson, Wilson den to have over 80.000 population, I Lana. and Wber county over 32,000. This I N. 249 Jamea A. Dortsy. 222 23rd. H. Murdock, 2455, ,1 Ns. complaint 1a met with the statement, of tha Whlt Ela. a appearing In Salt Lake paper, that phln, Caf. No. 244 Mias Rub Baeaett Ogden in 1903 had an officially eatl I No. 261 Goo. W. Gibeon, Lone star mated population of only 19,719. officially estimated! 1. I960 d N.i.b.tt, with 2. this city had over 10.000, and since I M I then has Inrrrased at least 9,000. The Ne. 309 John Q. Conley, No. 221 Wm. Btillwell, gardener at only way by which to compare the popuUtlon of th. two fVid-Eth- on J. Alton, 10 M. E and Salt Lake 4 to take the school I 1 av,,t census of this yvar as a basis. Balt n0. 420 Leonard, J. Smith, 391 Lake has 10,500 school children, Og 20th street, J!0, C,"i drn has 6,200. If Ogden has only 20,- N' 65JWI ,m ' F,f,, 2122 Ad 000 population, then Salt Lake hae not sms avenue. more than 53.000; If Salt Lake has No. 624 John Mahers. Ne. 1040 David Millen. Salt 00,000, then Ogden has 33,000. No. 1139 James N. Kimball, Lakers can take their choice. tnn( 1 ?r ig 1 r: h, 1 Ut Zitor 1 hE'How.-- o 1 24th. No. 1157 MONEY FOR PEACE. Fred A. Jarvie. North Og- den. No. 1202 Chaa. Strickland. 644 Bert W. Martin, Denver, :AND: No. Utah. Ver- Howard, C46 Eihan J. Allen, Ogden, Na 647 Daniel Lybbert. Na 649 Benjamin C. Coombs, Red Utah. Stone, Col No. 649 Andrew Soudera, Junction, Col. N'a 650 Philip F. Irving, Col. Kan- sas. No. 643 Hugh P. Ramsey. Grand Junction. Colo. Na 644 Virgil M. Camo, by Cecil B. Ford. Denver. Na 651 Peter MusicalMerchandise Vernal Grand Violins, Guitars, Accordeons, Banjos, Strings Latest Publications of Sheet Music. Aspra, Paalsott, lake Shore, Ulah. No. 652 John Palmer, Ridgeway, Col. Fair-vie653 Na Henry L. Stewart, Na 645 Harry B. Warner, Salt Thomas G. Odell, by Cbas. 8. Lake. No. 646 Knuto Anderson, Prova Utah. Price, Balt Lake. 437 Benjamin II. Emerson, Salt No. 547 Joaeph W. Allen. WhitewaNo. 6(4 Edwin E. Webb, Grand Colo. Lake. ter, Junction, Col. Den648 Cowell, A. Mia 439 George W. Deyhell. Charleston, No. 655 Louia Sweat, Center Creek, Miy Na ver. Utah. Utah. FlorG. 550 Andereon, Fork, Erie No. 439 Henry Price, Spanish No. 656 Albfn Adams; Jacksonville, ence, Cola Utah. III Lake. Salt 651 440 Hugh Coburn, Salt Lk. Frank Ahl, Na No. (57 Watkin Edwards, Kimher. 441 Eddia Robinson, by Rosa Na 652 Charles M. Deardorff, Den- ly, UUh. ver. Grand Junction. Na 658 Patrick H. Cdagrore, ColoNo. 443 Jaa. Vaselnas. Castle Rock, Na 653 William S. Fife, Ogden. rado City, CoL SchoUtah. Na 659 Eltobeth Thomas. Na 554 William M. Smith, Grand 444 Kearney C. Sterling, Cripple Junction. field, Uuh. Creek. Goto. No. 660 William L. Raymond, Salt Na 655 Philip Gsmell, Maynard, Salt Cola 445 Charles F. Kutnewsky, Lakh, Utah. Lako. No. 661 Thomas H. Heal No. 556 John M. Roseberry, Denver. Prova 4G George 8. Bell, Balt Lake. Na 657 James W. Oibboney. by Utah. No. 662 Charles A. Fey, Jr., Denver, 447 Benjamin I. Norton, Vernal. Marvin A. Holbrook, 811oa Springs, Ool. Ark. 449 James L. Gibson, Vernal, UL No. 6CI Dixon Greer. Prova Utah. Na 558 Howard C. Means, White 449 John J. Gardner, Red MounUtah. Forka, Na 664 John W. Ball by Jos. W. Cola tain, No. 559 Charles Gunn, by George Dunn, Provo, uuh. Feritm, 450 Brigham Behnnln, R. Mattlock of Rosewell, Cola No. 665 Johd H. Peterson, Spring-villUtah. Na 660 William F. Griffin, Helper, Utah. 451 William C. Logan, Provo, Ut. Utah. Na 667 Francis J. Mulltn, Colorado 468 William H. Ward, Kaysvlll, Willlsm 561 Vernal Barfton, Na , City, Col. Utah. No. 668 Simon Keith, Denver. Sola453 Louts C. Anderson, New Castle, Utah. 562 William tank. Rifle, Colo. rs do. No. Colorado. Na 563 William T. Veach, Fruits. Na 669 Thomas B. Buttlemyer, Ba454 John H. Mosier. Norman, Okla. Cola salt, CoL 465 Maud Moore, Balt Lake. C. E. 564 Lorenso Bohn, by Na Na 670 James Sorensen, Kimber455 Jamea H. Congle, Croyden. ' McGerry, Beaver, Utah. ley, UUh. tab. 665 WellingDavid J. Cowardin, Na Na 671 Delbert Walker, Pleasant 457 Harry W. Jones, by Jas. 8. ton, Kansas. Grove, Utah. Hsrbaugh, Colorado Springs, Colo , Idaho 666 Patrick Finleon, Na Na 673 Irens J. Walker, Grand 459 Joseph Bishop, Bait Lake. Eprlnga, Cola Junction, CoL 459 Joseph 11. Portland, Morris, 667 Wm. McCnard, Prova Na No. 673 Alvin M. Nevits, Denver. Oregon. No. 668 John E. Greene, American Na 674 Jamea B. Davis, Vernal,, 461 John N. Ballard. Tucker, Vt. Fork, Utah. UUh. 4(50 R. Walter No. 569 James McBreen, Edwards, Emmett, Ogde. No. 675'Wm. Smart, Bandy, Utah. 4i52 Harold Jensen, Ephraim, Ut. Colo. Na 676 George W. Brown, Vernal, 463 Lorenao 8. Jensen, Ogden, Ut. M. Lance, Read, Utah. Na 670 John 464 James F. Toland. Raven, Cola Colo. Na 677 Joseph R. Downey, Pueblo, 465 Blrdcsn Midway, Na 671 Erward Karren, Lehl Utah. cm Huffsker, Utah. Na 672 Emil Nestler. Provo, Utah. Na 673 Pat Mar ron, Leadville, CoJ. 406 Arthur L. Gray, Vernal. 673 Charles. E. Folk, Vernal, No. No. 679 Frank M. Welsh, Grand 467 Isaac T. Dyer, Los Angeles, Utah. Junction, CoL Cslir. Col No. 680 Joaeph C. Phillips, Oakley, Na 574 John 8. Hill, Montrose. Na 409 William F. White, Rock No. 675 Andrew J. Peterson, ML Utah. ford, IlL No. 681 Parker M.Heart, Eckheart, No. 470-RP. IIIll, Calder, Utah Pleasant. Na 676 Willlsm J. Cook, Elisa S. Col. No. 471 John J. Fox, Lendville, Davis, Fruits, Colo. . Na 882 Georgs E. Bests, lola, CoL Col. Na 577 Roscll Hone, Bcnjamen, No. 683 Cbrtotlaa Neilson, Salem, No. 472 Cxil A. Wolfran, Provo, run. Utah. Utah. Na 578 Aaron L Talley, Fruits, Na 684 John P. Mahan, Salt Laka Na 472' Thau El McIntosh, Bt. Colo. Utah. Johns, Utah. Na 579 Michael Mauis, Aspen, Na 685 Foseph H. Moss, Csldor, No. 474 Charles P, Winkle, Provo, Colo. UUh. Utah. Na 650 William E. Wear, Portland, No. G86 W. E. Stockton, Grand Na 4475 W. H. Daniels, by W. H. Ore. Junction, CoL Belcher, Vernal. Utah. Na 681 Dennis Gibbons, Denver. Na 687 Clayton A. Borckenatine, No. 476 W. C. Mooney, Grand JuncNo. 583 Hubert McLearn, Rifle, Paopa, CIL tion. Col. Na 583 John Butte, Bandy, Utah. No. .688 Albert A. Hoover, Prova No. 477 Alfred U Preston, Denver, Na 684 Hester A. Work, Pueblo, UUh. Col. Colo. Na 689 Neto A. Wlgrem, Salt Lake No. 475 John C. Peterson, Mont No. 585 Herman J. Winkler, Far-ro- Ulah. rose. Col. Utah. Na 690 James J. Connell, CoL Na 479 Fred 8. Kruckenburg, No. 686 Freeman H. Tabor, Point No. 691 Andrew F. Lee, Salt Lake Grand Junction, Col. Lookout. Utah. UUh. No. 480 Alma W. Wagstaff, Charla-toNa 687 Willard 8. Parson, Grand Na 698 Miller W. Gilbert, Vernal, Utah. Colo. Utah. No. 481 Edward A. Morgan, Spain-is- h Junction, Grand Hutton, No. 558 Quince Na 693 George E. Smith, LongFork, Utah. Cola mont, Col. Gibson. No. 482 W. II. Vernal, Junction, W. Finlcum, Na 689 George Na 694 John Zahler, Bountiful Utah. UUh. No. 493 Archla Robertson, Span- Fruits. Na 590 John H. Robinson, PeterNa 695 Mary a. Lockett, Grand ish Fork, Utah. Utah. Junction, Col. 494 Sarah No. Hiatt. Vernal, son, Na 691 Leroy Adams. Balt Lake. Na 696 John W. Hopper, Thistle. Utah. N. Lowe, Springs UUh. William 593 Na 485 Richard Salt Lake, Na Staton, Na 697 Emily C. Anderson, Spring-vill- a ville, Utah. Utah. Levi 693 Bprlngvllle, UUh. No. Curtis, William 486 Salt Na Ilepworth. Na 694 GesUs N. Lelchty, Provo, No. 698 Jamea H. Moore, Balt Laka Lake, t'tah. Uuh. No. 477 Charles A. Wilson, Grand Utah. Goldfield, No. 699 Henry Melee, J unci ion. Col. Na 595 Edwin Prudence, Park Col. Grand City, Utah. No. 478 John H. Bolster, No. 700 Nancy E. Forry, Grand No. 590 Edward Byrne, Bingham, Junction. Col. Junction, CoL Utah. No. 479 Margaret McDermott, DenNa 701 Baylese Sprouse, Jr., VerNa 597 Nathan Nlshklnd, Salt ver. Col. Utah. nal. Lake. 490 J. Leonard No. Smith, Ogden, No. 703 Horaca A. Beals, FrulU, Na 698 Joseph Sutherland, Murray, Utah. Utah. No. 491 Brigham Carter, Nephl, Utah. No. 70S Ramon B. Reynolds, MurSalt Na 699 Alma V. Diamond, Utah. ray. Utah. No. 492 laithcr E. rotter. Crand Lake. Salt No. 704 George J. Maack, No. 600 Samuel Pierson. Denver. Junction, Col. Ne. 601 John A. Hughes Fruits, Lake, Utah. rayaon. Tervort. No. 43 Vina No. 706 Charles M. Eirles, Rifle, Colo. Utah. . Na 602 Frank Noble, Woods Cross. Col. No. 4D4 Herbert D. Curtis, Na 706 Jamea Campbell, Hcber, Vuh. Col. Utah. Na 603 AiLm Sehasilsno, No. 435 Bert hicr V. Barlow, dlen Na 707 Elizabeth Bak-- r, Cripple ville. Cola wood spring. Col. No. 604 Daniel Oman, Castle Dal a, Creek, CoL No. 496 --John Q. ralmer. Ridgeway, No. 708 Luke J. Crewi, Montroee, Utah. Col. No. 603 Lewis I Ellsworth. Den- Col. No. 497 Rufna P. Kyle. Salt Lake, ver. .Na 709 Chas. P. Berry. Provo. Utah. No. 606 Frank Ryan. Heher, Utah, Utah. 493 Floyd E. Driscoll, by W al No. 710 Henry T. Coleman. Midway No. 607 Samuel M. Drown, by Wll ter G. (5ana. Beattie, Kan. Utah. No. 499 Imro lmrson. Omaha. Neb llum It. Charles. Lesdvtlie. No. 711 Hertsell A.. Miner, Vernal, No. 60S Mary Btnler, Glen wood Na RO0 James M. Baker, Provo. Utah. Utah. Springs. No. 718 Joseph W. Brewzter, CripNo. 609 Adam If. Cramer, by Frank Na 601 Pavln E. Itorberg. Provo, F. Phillips. Provo, Utah. ple Creek, Ool. Utah. No. 713 Albert C. Muller. Salt Lake No. 52 Alexander McCabe, Grand K. Welsh. Grand No. 610 Frank UUh. Junction. Colo. Junction. H. Shuler. Great No. 714 Ray Brim. Echo. Iteh. ,1. 605 - Charles No. 611 Joseph A. Passey. Prova Utah. No. 715 Chas. C. Llnsley, Balt Lake, Fall. Mont. 2376 Washington Ave. OGDEN, UTAH OGDEN LIVERY --AND- BOARDING STABLES e, . oyal n, Lead-ville- Finest Turnouts in the City BOARDING OF HORSES A SPECIALTY Telephone Bell, 611 K. Ind, 715. Blackham & Taylor, Props. Servica at First Reasonable Claes Llvsry Prompt and prices. 239 TwentyFiftH,Ste Ogden, Utah BLOCKS FROM UNION DEPOT. JUST ONE AND . ONE-HAL- F CHICAGO MAN WAS CAUGHT ing and tba police were notified of the theft. Detective Pender and Capla'n Brown wen assigned to .the case and they soon had the hlg Chicagoan Crosble at first absolutely d Af-bo n?d parnied th; theft. ried with the officer for some time he was taken to a private room. to ll ro In no- easy way he was told to dig up the watch. Bering that further denial was Crosble rolled np the leg of his trousers and removed the watch from Inside hia sock, where he had secreted it. This formality over with. Cronbi was taken to the police station house and locked ufi.. A charge of la irony wilt be placed against him today. W. J. Croable, who gives his home aa Chicago, Just arrived from the Windy city yesterday and last night he elept in the police sution, wiih a charge ' of larceny lunging over him. Croable, who claims to be a brake-maia a powerfully built fellow, and coming aa he did from Chlcaga evidently thought that the working (4 a graft in a place aa small aa Ogden was an easy matter. But, alas, ha was rudely awakened from this illua-sloshout 4 o'clock yesterday afteri noon, after he had token a watch from the person of David Sullivan. Sullivan was taking a nap In a Twenty fifth street saloon, when Cros-ble- , apparently thinking him an easy f I heard somebody nay somethint Oh, prey, relieved him of hie gold watch. shout Mrs. Jones the other day. It isn't bad enough to When Sullivan awoke, he mad ths what was discovery that the time piece wae min repeat." Cleveland Leader. -- - use-lea- , ttr 'THE BREAKERS t10T.EL The Leading Pacific Coast Resort of the Pacific Northwest iA-a- d Wall Street Journal sees signs of peace la the gold holdings of tba great RECEIPTS FROM TONOPAH. banks of ths world, which ore here The nrc shipment via Tonopah railgiven in millions of dollars: Jun.: road last week amounted to 1342 Inns, No. 504 Hoory Link. Oklahoma ' 50. '? nf which 107 came from (,ildneld. Oli v. Okla. 1I1? Tonopah Miner. Tho shipment O, S'pwart, Park No. From Tono- - City. IDS are divided as follows: 650 tons; H company. 17s pah Tonopah Horne. Salt No. 506 Thorax 236 Tonopah Extension company, 305 tons; Lake. Monisns-Tonops130 tons; Balmont, E. Provo 507 Armlstoad. John Na 130 tons; North Star. 30 tons. From Utah. Goldfield New Western Ore ReducAndrew Burt. Salt Lake. No. SO tion company. 47 tons; Combination. No. 509 Carl J. Hahn. Salt Like. Ing. It la clear evident: of a prepara- 60 tons. No. Mn- - Anna K. 1'iMg. Butte, Mont tion In tho past six month for the No. 611 SVviTln K;U dd. by Julius ATTEMPT TO KILL EMPRESS. Suit Ijii.- -. C. rdwa-'llargo financing which will be nrcre-rarNo. r.52 liugi ne Roberts, on the declaration of peace In the Utah. Frankfort, Auc. 17. A Tlon Tsin Far East. It will he that, to the Frankfurter Fel'unw No M't Jan'.es H. McDonald. Mam' with the tingle exception of the Bank an attempt was made on the life of moth. Ut.ih. of Austria, every great national hank- the Empress of China today as she No. June R. Warner. Gumison the mrthweit Co'o. ing lnotltatlan has fortillrd Itself by n was passing ihronch summer No M I Jann-- I. Shlsler. r gste of the riiy (o her palur. In its gold holdremarkable lncn-asHer assailant was riretcd as a soldier .;o . ings in the past six months. Such gold and was hayonetted by the guard. No. MD Alvin P. Hart. Grand Jucc-tii-certain safety Colo. holdings, beyond t Bridegroom-elecWilliam O'.Ner. Salt tjike. No (purchasing ih. minimum, which was passed probably usual buMonholo- - t wan' iwNo. Edward Xnr, Utah, early In IS1, would havj no meaning er. Florist . tsjmpatlie'lca:;:-VrK'-n- . s. Vo ;iri,a if Uic large borrowing Incident to the sir. A cross or a Fumh. Nu. 320 Carey T. in I I s. y lhl ohn-rve- i 1 s (1 S:s'i-lior-- o. M9-Ja- wr-at- George McHugh, Salt Lake, . John All those who registered from this city for the Uintah reservation exhibited great intermit In tbe drawing, which were commenced St Provo yesWhile tba first prise went to ' terday, Provo, Ogden was well up on tba list. The first number on tbe list to go to an Ogden man was No. 19. which was drawn by Daniel Burch. fall Pianos, Organs Eph-rai- No. 645 Lavilla J. Withrow, Denver, 436 RESIDENTS OP OCDEN WHO HELD LUCKY NUMBERS. 643 Prova Christian J. Jensen, 641 Uuh. DEALER IN s s S La- Eliza A. Wilkins, No. 641 Utah, H. C. WARDLEIGH Fair-Jel- Benjamin H. Moore. Utah. nal. No. 540 Erward R Nelson, Grand Hone 8. Rasmussen, American Vt. Junction, Colo. No. 541 William McCurtain. Fruits, Richard 8. Fuller, Pueblo, Cula William J. Johnson. Vernal. Colo. William E. 640 mar, Col. Na ESTABLISHED 1875 Tartar, Salt Col. Mint Pearl Lake. Charles H. Carsoa, 639 Miss Dean Anderson. Salt Col. 547 Newman Bros. Orpam Colorad c CW. Uuh. Na No. 533 Aimed Prry. Vernal Utah. No. 634 William J. Hunting. Jensen, Cub. No- - 535 Joseph Hendrickson, As, pen. Cola Na 53(1 Willi M. Bee bee. Vernal L'lnli. Ule. 633 Junction. Colo Na Call, Ogden. William Baker, Pueblo, Colo. 427 Daniel J. Laramie, Salt Lake. 428 George W. Miller, Grand Junc426 528 632.-Fr- ank Bush & Gerts Pianos George Collins, by William A'eiser, Grand Junction. No. 024 John Mahers. Ogden. Na 635 Emery T. Milton, Hyrum, I tub. No (36 Marie Stewart Bates, Grand Junction, Col. No. 637 Alex Glrrard. Clifton, Col Na 38 Arthur E. Pierson, Grand 52b Na Jack I.Iiley. 8alt West, 631 Na George McAdams, by Al bert C. Gates, Denver. Cola Na 617 Lute R. Fuiton. Carhondsle Na 1903. Springs. Utah. Utah. ilit.su .m, .. Jt.il WSalon, c.agie, 424 LANDS 180 SS ...... Denver, I'uh. Na Na Fork. Ut. SI a.......... Na Ul Alvah L. Hardinger, 423 Guy C. Sioltx, West UINTAH TELEPHONES EDITORIAL ROOMS I nde pendant Phone.. Bell Phono, BUSINESS OFFICE Colo. It. 432 Sabaciibera win confer a favor by Informing thla ofioo of failure to receive Tha Examlaar before tbalr broakfaaL EXAMINER McNny. Salt Lake, I t-Hgh McKean. Salt Lake. Ui. Haas C. Hanson, Fountain 422 WINNERS OF Individual, but tba tro aama muat be pubUubed ia fulL All letter aad coauaBnlcatloBB algaad by aom da plum, or wlU be throw aaaumed la tba waata baakaL Tba bravo maa aavar bide behiad aa aama. Doat aak tba Editor to bo raapooilbla fur wbat you are aahamad ol. field. Olga Johnson, Wlndsiile, Neb. 419 William H. Hoyle. Provo, It. Na 420 Morgan U. iiughLd, Fruits, rork, fcaowa Fsyaon, Clayton, 418 429 oa aU aubjaeto praawtod respectful language from E. lg, No. 627 Simon J. Dunbar, Coloradi 'priogs Cola No. 628 Orange B. Nichols. Denver. Na 629 Frank B. Nash, Salt Lake Na 630 Hozict Holbrook, Provo AT J. Ik 413 413 414 BC0Mw2wkaa win ba calved Daniel 411 415 Colo. 416 DAIS DIAFTiC 'AUOrST MORNING, Na 521 Ezra T. Wil'.lums, Taylor ville. Utah. No. 522 Frank B. Todd. Chics go. PiGlO JOSEMTU LANDS Na 523 Walter F. Robinson, Mon roe. Ulan. Na 524 Thomas F. Keltev, Scho(Continued from Page Two). field. Utah. No. 525 Charles A. Neilsoo, Rich- leelaratioa of peace bad not been foresees. Jt bat been matter of comment to expert! la London and elsewhere that tba Bank of England thouli bare malntaiaed a proportion of re;rv to liabilities In tba past alx months out of all relation to the real aecessltles of the case. It to plain that the great Snaocial Institutions of the world sxpect a definite and practical result from tba meeting of the Russian and Japanese plenipotentiaries st Portsmouth. Space does not permit us to give tbs figures of a large number of minor national and private banks, but wa note that they have, as a rule, lost gold Is the past This to, of course, further six month rvidenoe of the concentration of power where It will be moat needed. About Russia's ability to finance a further campaign there may ba two opinions. She could probably do so for at least two years by a direct pledge such as that glees by Japan in the customs duties or tha tobacco monopoly. About Russia's ability to borrow cm a pesos basis no one can have a moment's doubt THE EXAMINER UTAH, FRIDAY EXAMINER: 'OGDEN. MORNING nm s. Iidrille, Oscae No. 612 Bills! rom, Reed, Utah. McLaughlin No. 716 Cornelius Orson Mllacn. Hebor. Uish Butte. Mont. in A. Evans. Salida. No. 717 --Roy Cock. Rifle. Col. No. 718 William McComb, Eureka, 615 Peter Frandsen. Calle Utah. Utah. No. 719 William O. Anderson, Lot'16 Cecilia Woolen. Salt Lake. gan, Uuh. 617 Franc: No. 720 John Smuln. Hayden. CoL McCarroll, Vernal, No. 721 Lewis J. Btewart, Adams-vlilS -- Frank Utah. Capra. !sdville. 619 William FrniU C. No. 722 James McAvery. Perry. Salt Colo. No. fit No. 614-F.d- Colo. No. Dale. Na No. Utah. No. No. Lake. NEW AND MODERN. OVERLOOKING AND WITHIN A HOT AND COLD STONE'S THROW OF THE OCEAN. BALT WATER IN EVERY BATH TUB. TENNIS, GOLF, BOWLING, BILLIARDS, POOL, BALT AND FRESH WATER RIDING, HORSEBACK FISHING, BOATING, BATHING, BEST MUSIC LARGE DRIVING AND AUTOMOBILING. DANCE HALL. SOCIAL CENTER OF THE SUMMER SEA. SON. AMERICAN PLAN. Rates $14, $16 and $18 Per Week Special Rates for Socities, Large Parties, Families e. n No. 620 tion. No. r: I Col. Jinje trose. Cilo. Arthur Jchle. Grand JuncMcCauley, Mon- No. 723 tion. No. 724 Utah. Asa Robinson, Grand Junc- rerry EL Pieros, ProTa Na 725 William H. Schofield, Hooper. Utah. No. No. 726 Nicholas Boteropoolos. ColVrginia Hill. Webb City, Mo. orado Springs, Col. Na P'21 0::o Lyman Farnsworth. No. 727 Creed F. Brldgemsn, Richfield. Utah. N. M. 025 WilMnni W. Bruce. Victor. No. No. 728 William N. William, by Colo. Sopen P. Olsen. Price, UUh. 026 V'v Jasr.ia vo. 725 James U Trotau Granite, P. II. Johnson, Trove. Col No. 622. rado City. ( IVlpli V. Ander-o- n, Colo- Colo. 2. Albn-Unenjn- e. - . I --we BUY YOUR TICKET F03 EREAXERS STATION i For Further Particulars Address The Breakers Hotel Lons Beach, Pacific County, Washington -- k sr te f |