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Show THE SUNDAY MORNING EXAMINER, DECEMBER 18, 1904. at the gown. It might not be thought iiiCrtniiiry to be par:lcu!ar about every detail of a ton. gown, and jet while it ran be one at t.ie init becoming garments worn, if nut prop?: ly cut and shaped it will be luuud one of the moat unbecoma Too much ing antwoman evertoowear much biding of the tbs aide, ins lire, too many loosa. and flowing lines and add many are anything but gruM-ful'hicbce to tne waist line, not to mentun the width around the hips, and make evca a divinely tail and divinely Blender woman appear u.ie snort and thick 'aw. I on of the moat practical and Inexpen-;it- a tea gowna min be made of velveteen or aaiin, not of an expensive quality, or f flowered taffeta. Tbs only truiiio.ug a 'deep capo collar uf lace, the plan of the rowii iirinrecw atyle, and aklrt open iu i front only to aliow a narrow line of either pl.uted lace or eniffen or a succession of narrow lace ruffle, and nlseve ui big pu.V. 'eluow length and finished with lage ruffles. This la on the pietureaque order, and luere-!for- a in tha height of fashion. f.il-:r.e- i For the Holiday Pie. time immemorial tha mince pie has beeu counted an Indispensable fuc--. tor In the Chris Unas dinner. Properly made it grows richer with age, iand It is always a couvenieuoe to have on 'hand, A good, rich family mince meat may be made aa follows, though additions and auiitractioua are always lu order: Chopped prunes are doomed by many an Improvement over currants, while any bitof left over Jelly, fruit Juloe, candied tberl ies, pise pmwrve or onuige peel may always be adaed to advantage. If the mince luvat Fvtous a little dry when making tha pies it may Iv moistened with coffee, tea, j cider, brandy or wlnu lu the consistency rROM 1 I required. Weigh after it la chopped three pounds jof lean, tender Juicy beef. Add One and quarter pounds of suet, chopped and freed from at rings; sla pounds uf tart apples preferably greeulnga chopped; six piuinda of eiignr, four pounds uf seeded rulelus, three pounds of currants, washed and dried; a half pound or citron, cut in tha thinnest posalbia ah rede; three pints of insot cider, three quart pints of rider bulled down thick,wasonecooked, beef i ho moat universally popular one, for II tired, and, of course, for any ona who of tha stuck iu which the admits of a I ana! front, and while the doves beautiful things rrul lave secma thn three tal'luejiooiifuls of powdered cinnamon, two tublexpuonfuls of powdered empire iiiodvl la alxo nlways fashionable, moat desirable thing In the world; hilt even it soinslnnv has morn the effect of a neg- In these days of extravagance and with un- ckives, one tcaepoonful each of niuoa, all-of lige r.uhcr tlmu a lined garment. A very limited allowance for dress, when it comes spice and nutmeg; two tuhlespoonfula ono of white pepper, charming effect can be gained If tlie lining to spending thousands of dollars on a tea salt, one teaspoonful of the gown la tight fitting in princess gown, the majority of women find it pomd-bl- pint of molasses. Hires pints of Jolly and aa to get along with the fine imitation. much more preserve Juice or Jelly aa tha style that ia aa light fitting an a tea gown should be which lucutia tight lltllng at There are all over lares and neia ai eom- - housekeeper may elect, Brandy, sherry or st the last, ritia tho hack and shlca und loose Just In front, low prices that n.akVnH mm1"" wsler may bs added minoe mnit may he scalded or packed and then over It the thin material of which psratlvely model ia Ills and a effectively, very good In Jars without that formality, it the gown Itavlt la composed lace, chiffon, half-f- it looaa over tha tight lin- away rich ness Insuring Ita aafa keeping. net or veiling luingi, In king line fitted ing. andlingfinished gown flounces several of with close only over the ahouldrr. A lace luce, tha crust in a cool (if course, ttie lines era nut ao long If possible, make gown of thla description of a creiun yel- am in th accordton plaited or fh ordicrlMr. tnoimn tven lull la or tho pantry , low I jcc over a pink aalln lining la a moat nury plaited gown, trimmed Just around! not essential If ou works charming garment, the narrow front being the hem with bands of rueblng or entre The great secret of euccese is In having Imply a niasa uf rufltca and Jabots of lace. deux of lace. Oi the other hand, there ie the flour, shortening and water as cold as always something very aUrarlive about a possible, and the tourh quick and light, A It Id Cwlwra Pwwwlar. aklrt finished with many flnuneea, and The proportions of ingredients to be used Dark tea gowna are perhaps the moat tliere la a certain finish that la only ponsl- -i of ahortenlng-U- rd, ex- bio of in of but these days any, in ouch a fashion aa this. Uut it practlcul and Srmrr ara besi--to each cup travagance It Is not faaliionable to be necessary, to make the skirt hang well, to ful lard of pastry Hour, a pinch of salt, a salt practical, end, therefore, wheu light colors have also many flounces or ruffles on the of linking jKJwdvr and Just enough jars not chosen at leuat a moat conspicu- lining: These do not look mo well made of spoon a stiff paste. This ous ahads must be tha one. A bright red aatln aa of silk or of chiffon. Tho latter ice water to make ona plu. Hilt the salt amount sufflites for velvet chiffon velvet, a deep mauve lu la meet attractive of all, but ratber perish- and baking powder with I ha flour, rub in velvet or aatln, or one, of the new cerise able for constant wear. i ho shortening, using Ilia tips of the ton waa of white over deep pink. The hades In aalln or Bilk can be made to look waist was ulnioet covered by amull very smart, not loo dark and at tha same A charming style of trimming is seen in fingers flave uut a little of the butter. In a little at wraatlia of tiny pink rhiffon roaebuda, and-- jma vrry practical. Tlicn there are the broad bice stole and yoka combined. Wet with loo water, putting below the waist also tiny wreaths were laid llh- - mpea iik. Bwi aailna and velvets made of Hie heavleai lace or embroidery or a time id make the required atlnnem, tne chiffon, the wreaths that do not anil so easily aa the of embroidered laca that la worn with the Bpriukle a mile flour on the moulding aecnnHon plaited gown of chiffon, net or hoard, and lusu tlio ball of pasta on above thn hem being larger than the all white or lightnearly colors and whloh are chiffon Moth. Chiffon doth, howover, is others. The cord girdle was of piuk tied very new at the moment. It deftly Into shape and, having Kven with the rather loo warm and heavy to wear in floured the rolling pin, roll out lightly loosely in front. front of skirt and waist mails of lace, houses overheated aa tha modern ones to iho right nr lert or even backwhich Is In contrast with tha color of die are. The Sew f blffaa Velvets, and. in fact, all thin materials are forward, gown itself, there must needs be touches ward, but always an lightly that It never tea fur perfectly Is texture from posalbia a favorite Chiffon velvet gowns at the licks. When rolled Inin a rectangular of some color; a bodice or belt showing rale of temperature that Is thought sheet over It at which to build this tea gown, and whila the lace or reverse, faced with present put a few dabs of butterroll In tha modern house. Tha heavy desirable for some people's tastes not quite ao ef- throughorange, up and with flour, rose pink or sprinkle Intervals, deep turquoise bright with tha stole effect of lore Is almost fective and certainly not. so rich looking ma- yoka Again roll nul, divide in into of color lha of same knots shape. tha pat velvet, as plain velvet, ia far lighter and more terial on the aleevea and a email touch Invariably becoming to any figure, for it the middle and stand ena piece one aide comfortable for house wear. Then, too, of the eamo color at tha throat Is decld- - gives width to the ahouidetw and seems to rolled out about the give length to the figure and at the aatne while the other la the material can be mode to fit more closeIso of the pie tin. Kxperlence soon teachedly distinctive and oeeina to make the tea Uma to to have the and la it ly figure pusslbla thuSTdoles that gown rather different from anr that baa es how to gauge this slmuKl exactly. Fold more grareful lines. been fashionable for the last few yean. in a little at tha waist and then broadon aver lift up, and haring dredged the pie Tha shading uC the neiff chiffon valval a the doubled cruat out toward tha ham of the aklrt A slender tin with a little flour, lay around the rlin, Owe Color lekeoe Artistic. Is most exquisite and the light colors are press and Unfold It. to on does nut require that the Moles figure especially attractive. There ia a shade of The all one color scheme Is also tremen- should care to get all the sir bubbles out be but it can hang straight taking rose pink which, when made up with the is carried eut vrry tha same shaped, so that tho under crust will not puff up and fashionable, dously width from beshoulder la to Jiem into tha filling. entire front of tha gown of lace well by the use of several different ma- A square neck affect la glvsn. and coming alike to blonde or brunette. The terials. Pale pink chiffon over pink aatln, If Mia In the mincemeat, adding a few lace In used tha atoie finished with and eut and rattier is neck open yoke ia Now put trimmed with pink velvet ribbon, with for old times' sake If laee that forms a flat yoke. Thn sleeves lose lira of silk nr satin nr with embroid- loo heavy to be becoming near the face It whole ralelne Roll out tha top crust, fold over can be ell her elbow length or full length, ery of roare In silk nr aatln, may be all on la not only perm Iasi bln, but considered In tha middle, tracing or pricking a and of the chiffon, with under Sleeves of the one tone of pink, and yet hy the nsoi'fJ nI1rt to use Mother kind of lace, a ones or other device to allow the aleam vino lace or chiffon. There la also an odd aiaide of the different materials will look lhat also fT Cover tha pie, shoving up to eaespe. of green that in chiffon velvet la decidedly though several different shades were emaround the edge ao ua to hands with tha tea demand in for gowna inuclt. and new Kven cruat plenty of fulness. Brush th ployed In tin ona construction. glva na same the pink, white, using these different materials. This ia made in he style the rim with a Ultle cold water, ao that by hand works out remarkably well, and another Thera are many women to whom gowna the but la more often embruldorrd edges will stick ekmely together and effect-do- wn the a Iter ie cut rat In low In the neck are not bucurains conserve the richness Intrusted ta thnlr heavy attractive scheme and having tha colored of the aide on front, either even filled Is. cm-1 on white when in that flowers the the 'soft' uiid with ground; front, keeping- - Bake Jn a modern Is oven. Mince tulle, of lace dona jn colors on tha white and: then the transparent yoka and collar car pie may be baked several days before usopen to show the undereklrt or In several jn chiffon and silk combined. ellher in one lung flounce jba substituted, with close fitting under! than reheated. A sprinkle of grated The all bice tea gown ia bound to be a aloeva of lbs asms lara showing under ing, ruffles. cheese over tho top give a Blip to ap peTha princres atyle, aa liaa been said, iajmoat costly garment If Itjf real lace Ie j the long sleeves made of tha aunts material ll la If that la needed. j ttior-ougn- ly 1 i quk-kly- ta", aide the hundreds that have gone before. In the tea gowna particularly were the lung, luuoe sleeve, effective, iiul there must now b a stiff puff above the elbow, from J ruffle of lace, and the clever niodtale can till find a way by which to make all lines Imig slid drooping- - To carry out llie Idea of long lines wherever possible in tea gowns, they should ha made longer than riNK CHIFFON ELVEF I !ny QF all the luxurious the fashionable mhid'and f other kind of costume, the fashionable length being from two 1o three Inches on chiffon over a lining of delicate shell pink, tho floor in front, graduated slowly to a I I1 blue or of yellow is fascinating' bang train at the back. The gracoful While brocade Wntleati plait falling from the shouldersbeyond all description. ali a marked flower design, makes up ex--1 from beneath a deep bertha o lace U ! tne brocade and ceptlonally. iXTto Mm u partituiaiij with wreaths or clusters pompadour of flowers worked In gold or silver thread elaborate tea gowna of are very new. must effective and unusually garments! uf woman Stnib tel shnoid be rankvi amon, the , mr the Hut. if It Is, made according to fashion's latest diclatea, a most marvelloiiK Laca tea gowns are also Inar.d can coat a most marvellous handsome. amount of money. It Is quite elaborate cluded In the outlay this winter, and like and enough for a ball gown; In truth. It is often chiffon, are equally effective If made up'tinns of the hand embroidered gowns,effee-n- ,. get there Is nothing so simple and ao more elaborate, and the fad of the moment over white or some pale becoming shade. embroidered nota th chiffona and l to have the nri,.i,w,i uim nr thn ima .nan. i tn',lvo gown cut low at the neck and the sleeves only elbow length, so that have something to all appearances Jiiade! uie1" nwmL "cuwns (hV chiffon the effect Is quite the same as a dinner loose and graceful lines, but never- jupon will be massed together andtaaves save rwn. that the lines are Ionite fitting Ulricas this costumn must be as carefully Instead of tight, and the ucck Is not cut fitted and fashioned to the figure In gar andinxlMut 'UW- ll model tlm on M ' White la always extremely fashionable, onlv'thit while here and there, apparently at ran- nd white tea towns Are most AUraellveIr,nent leaves and Vm?14 w care and rJidom, will be dropped petals, whole flowers so that the whole particularly In chiffon, chiffon clot If or lining ia some soft, clinging rilk. The. materials are thought, and the lines of tke figure must la a mass of aori, delicately shaded decidedly varied, however, and anything be must rarefully studied, for what can 'gown be long tssscls formed from silk mousselinc to brocade or velvet be carrlrJ with effect on one figure Is flowers. There may chiffon, lace and the chiffon flowers, Is fashionable the present moment. As atrocious on another. of the dress and centre -the down expense Is not to be taken at ail Into conSnARjr watch with regret the pissing .placed from ttm siAosae avm th iumh jJ sideration In thla garment, (here Is no rea- the kwe flowing sleeve and sloping son why chiffon should not be employed to der hue. but It ia inevitable that this fad An exquIalU model in embroidered chlf- the heart's content, and a gown uf while of the moment should take IU place be-- 1 JI, "T" ;c '"Jfje'hem drC.nd P81" If a-- alHiul-lJJJJ- & . nunle,! I and then exchange the parcel they getilhe screen In Ita wli.tcnesa. planning the children's ' there or some one can bo appointed to give out hang heavy, light colored stuff, so that merrymaking shadow of Santa will nut show through, uew ways of distributing the presents., !A second curtain must be stretched helling The thrietmna ta. and new games to bo to make a background for hia of. If other children AVlien Santa lilmself must be at hand, thla',rP-one the r?lnc nr Invited to the house and a ,e can be myeierlnusljr looked at through In whith the wtar ! iwaowM. 'juut Christmas star." lie does not wh0,ly children's party ia given there be a,, entirely different arrangement r r nlofnet turn thefigSu ' wJX'wVm ta taVIlch The. Ur shape Un thi. room and light Sanla'a enclosure, reflectors to throw the light on him. afler h. must appear with rnMCwi'twntwoof rJoms.inimedlstely tightly hi. Pack on hi. back and will surely be FiTleo "nlngXith a screen the little ones white cotton. In tha centre, low greeted with shouts from the star will be siifllclrnt. so Hants to reach over to the;l,!ght from can see a to lake gift from him lsmMb.it of the gucsis. cut out a itarLthal all the names are culled. The grown Aa amusing way to give out presents lsLiHe wui he large enough to show .when iparly should receive the members of below to hide them In a Christmas fern and let to Just up shove his head the little guests dig them cut at Its rods. f, Jrit OuMln0 the star broadly with! theirs In Hie same way. and Bants will First tell the children 'about the mil rmn and hollr. leaving the rest of greatly amuse the little ones by saying Cbrlednai fern, that lasts over for the futnnier and keeps green and crisp all winter underneath the snow. Bay to thorn that you have a magic ona Indoors, and' tril them that It holds the presents at :1s moia and that they can find them by oM At once throw open the door of a N Germany, where Ithe exchange heir mum in which the fern baa been kept or presents Christmas lake sway the arroen that has hklden .'t. n tenfold liM'reaeed on-- l as the fronds full apart let the little value ta regarded when they are Ciirx fall upon it and search for tlie treasgff'often this country also B,,nl 1 - rnUmc.u .hen ures II conreals. more personal a scatter The magic fern fa made and supported on ltome work and immsni. f wires, anil It is when a wire is cut that It they represent regarded as fOl is especially It ow r falls to piece. From dark green tissue " I o prrtwnt to slrU vAiifiv . Paper or cambric cut long strips and fringe tllPV hffVC (hillfffi the edges deeply. Bcw there to long, rath- there ta cndlrea vunlvc8' are c stiff wires, centre of uni suggestionsmost the down stitching New tho'h lhoPa the strip. These are fronds. Before nuki- ety. found l"j'",yfor artlsUc ones, ng up th fern from them pile tlie park-- " this year the T with expert up tho takra on a square of green denim on the floor ami cover with sawdust. who of burning1 wood?Jiud a. .well for the entirely Thli-will do for earth. Surround this pile art . photographer. thikl)- - with fronds tall enough to hide It, amateur i nd attach ihelr bases to a wooden hoop For those who88. SVMu glHso JJ" (he Inside of each frond, a little more there th" holly! the About a1 nan halt wsv up, there should be a Moth made ta repecleHF, nop. linn a wire bttween through each of these-' plnrashlw o 'tops and carry the end up to ths chende- yard and a hall a goccasurr fw WHEN A c. nsIsf. !i . About their edges a narrow, riicll like dcr Is also crocheted with ths silk. Within are three little rounds of flannel, pinked about Ihe edges, and these and ths book are fastened together with a flat bow of baby ribbon. 1 More elaborate, of rnuroe, Is Ihe regular little book cover thug hua two pockets wlihln for package of needles and a strip of flannel fur bolding those that are loose, 11 h ,JWlJ4of ..L 'he (rsilasthtr'i Pocket. Presents were taken from a rendmntheria pocket' the arrsnge-- , " necessary would be simpler. Clothe a nru.makr'a form or a stick cambric skirt. lia '"'"mlnous, bright lha waist to grandmotherly pro- -. vT11 nd either buy a mask or stuff 5- P8,nt touvrf. goggles and hair htt-tre- of the drop light with It. Catch up the su-- 1 together with a strong sinew from a atalk pnrfluoua tubing to thd chandelier and hide lof celery. An liour before serving pile the looping with the holly and mistletoe, whipped cream on top, covering th cake which ahould be hung there In profusion, with It, If the cream is quite stiff It will fiery sandwiches and potato chips inieppg p,, lady fingers and can be alelgha that will hold spreading luuketa. ipeapafl on top tot a head. Just before On the individual plates set a little salad bringing to the table tiny chocolate of apple and celery, wllh cream dressing. candu, ran be lightly inserted on the end TTfla should be served In a iawe mode fromi0f a hatpin Into the faces of the men, and of an apple that haa been will answer for features, scooped aa clean of pulp aa possible. For thr A i brlstma Caho Party, deaaert place by each plats a snow man In a half orange. Fill a half akin with Glittering, unreal, falryllke effects deItalian cream, and thrust In thla, alter It light Imaginative Ultle folk. The table haa hardened a little, a couple of lady might be dressed to look Ilka a big Christ tlngera. crossed. Brace these by means or mas cake. It will then be prettier if the toothpicks stuck into thn akin case. The it entirely with pale eaka' cross la tha foundation of tho man shape is round. Cover - over 8 and la made by fastening tho two fingers 11",. P1? Usr "r,to divide Into 8CW? ttJL together with two Moves or hy tlelng theml tre Finish aach it twist whore It ends at the rim of tho taM wllh a cluster of pink and wtilta paper chrysanthemum. Jn tha centre of the table act a large candle euch aa la used on altars. Cut it ao that it shall be only about two feet tall and art it In a Uh snd. Heap at Ita haaa those dmpwith and tiny rare tied up wllh bo oiItHes gilt centres that corns for bo wktiots Is most fascinating home work silver tree decoration, bujrlng them at wholesale tof CirtatlB,a lhl, yMr. Such costly Half If way up th candle arnecessary. glfta aa pule lemon colored aatln sofa picture fairies in cushions are seen completely covered wllh range a oirela of scrap tissue and tinsel frocks. If then It, while many boxes for hMdlng various colored re fastened on thin, short wires tha other (hlngu have It aa a decoration on their wire ends can be melted Into the sides of biiis. the candle st the right height and will Those who are fond of working on can- there waver with every draught of air or vas ar fairly revelling this season in the jar of every footstep, making tha Berve th food In making card cases and book covers for fairies dance prettily. ones Bet a cover over t'hrialnias. Thla work la done on a amall boxes or apparent cover frame and the canvas Is filled In with silk. tlie plate, a round tinted. made out of Have them water color paper Many of the prettiest designs are Italian green and yellow. On top of each in feeling. Indeed, these silk covers seem crimson, sew a sprig of holly and clasp a tiny tree quite to have replaced the bead card eaass candle to thla twig by means of a holder. utalure frame iM the candles be v.riou.l, colored. When are now being done in thla(lha ehiidren enter these must be all lighted, land their first duty and pleasure be to An idea equally new for a frame, blow them out. Arrange tlie food on the on vnmd wllh much icm labor thin and; Uicipjatt liwlde In wxnwiti or circle around eunvns work, ta to paint with water colors a emitr of cranberry Jelly. A small round o ttriklng ,er Rro,1ouno lloworp box at ono 1W0 should contain a poppy or an lrta. This then should ba cut Tittle frosted cake and some candles. Set out and pasted on a background of Jap- - a tangerine orange on top of each, anesr grass clot h. vlvM redif a poppy and x a call to the Chlstmaa feast ring a blue or green If an Iris la chosen. Th ,1, of neigh bells, then is trained In passepartout style. This gift cost very llttls and ia highly three-quart- er Ribbon Work Among ihe New Things in this.Seasons Gifts. dlg-C-u- g. a at Christmas Merrymakings. be painted with the head of Bants Claus, a hut if this cannot be done colored heads that have no printing on tho backs can present for you." be cut out and paaled to transparent paper When Maata Is Preseat. Bant not let wltli strong glue, and the effect will panels Christmas At a pariy why Claus preside In perron at the table when be nearljass good. This then ta ths centre- ta a children's Ohrisimin luncheon served? piece. At every plate for a name card Have the table set duecily under the chan- use ona of the standing card Santa delier and sut a drop light on the centra-pluc- Clauses, about live Inches tall. Flank the Make for this a funnel shaped large Banla with two evergreen branches frame of wire to lit over the globe of the set In pots of wet sand. Imitation moss lamp and rest on the table. Jl should lie can be pasted to the outside of the pot, just tall enough to reach to the light. On the little Christmas trees fasten fancy Completely cover it with a large Ban La baskets filled with different kinds of bonClaus coat of rid cloth. Trim thla with bons. Bet the pots on white paper dollies simulated ermine so iliat It will have four land pile figs, nuts and amall fruits about fronts, one on each side of th tamp. Csp 'their bases. Serve these with a couple of the coat with n sipiere lanternlike shade toy snow shovel, either gilded or silvered, that will envelop tiie glass globe. Tne Wreath the table with ground pine. Lay. effect will be prettiest If each panel can some about Santa's feet and twins tha tube have been It to some of their olilfiMWTAIl so here ta the good boy (or girl) thla year, inrisihie and at a given signal eut them nd tat the fern fall apart.. The little ones "ny then rush In and feel In the sawdust (heir hand for ' the presents. A "'.Id s name must be written on each As soon as anything la found the aoktar runs to the hostess with It and sho Jr transfer agent to see that It gets it owner. There muet he a package for ry child present. a"lod a..fL. New Ideas for the Entertainment of the Children Tnexo wires will support the fern In ?n npright position. Have them fine and . smstvsb the Mldr ; 'ren srh-d- that'fmw shade, so luffed with cotton formed. Three are Mwdpr- - and "di moat acceptable. In ahaie and aise thcsB wool sprinkled with united at the "P ta re very much like old fashioned that m0uchoir cases, only longer and narrower. ends of the ribbon nony of a !whl,a tb,y ovrn flatly like a book, there) these ends ahm apng then in the lining, but ribbons, ar nJJ nasKcd. A each little hag be rej) should attached to the corners cross In the cen-- j a pincushion theycolor stuck m " of each half. Under these tlis veils, Dins of different coat of tli a gift ta irts re Thr most useful of these case form a pyramid. The ta w effect Old English made of heavy Unen. small while It uou the well repay with arc than embroidered on tlu-seasonable that it as the motto. and. well, white thread, of making. within this dainty care filmy veils; bssm are this rear among the quite f. thr fair fare." and, new things that are made at home; n gmaltar. jret attractive, (rifts are needle- t home, whlrh may ba hooka ("ads crorhered or decorated with nobon oik. for the former simple, heavy hat; I I 8rlre 'decorative. Among tha burnt wood articles those new and acceptable are card boxes, cape- - company, ahe names them In turn milk, dally th tall stands for watehei and flour, butter and eggs, nntll each haa been the always uaefujpicture frames, indeed, flesignated by one of these titles. In the ao much prefer to do meantime a sheet of cardboard haa been i . miui there are who other that they pro- - pinned on the floor some distance away, this work than any vide themsrtvea with fuU outfits for burn-lan- d, toeing a mark, all the milks, flour." Ing and staining wood, which they use: AC try individually to ton a small flat at no other Ume than when making Christ-- : df nto a circle eight Inches in diameter In favor of such burnt wood mat haa been drawn on th cardboard mss s it mAy be said that the are aub- -, colored red. This ta ealled spicing the And frames the ar ta atantial gift kept of the auccesa-oriPUdding." and tally styles that Invariably look well on the y,,j throws, to see how the pudding la It ta covered with whit moire aatln, while wall. The email burnt wood trays, coy-- flavored." If tha "butters" and the flours" on th outside an exquisite little spray of ered wllh glass, for the purpose of holding',ave been most fortunate they then flowers ta made wllh ribbon work. irix to aee bow the glasses, do also extremely well test between themselves Indeed, this ribbon work of daisies, for- - for gifts to men. 'dough will come out," a gli. x--.it . , i wire is taken and crocheted over wiih silk thread. Thla la then coltad closely and eweq together like a mat. two of which form the covers if ihe net dl book. eon-eith- er i |