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Show VOL IN. Ogden, Utah, December 7, 1908. Secoid and .Last Session of Sixtieth United' States Congress Opens Today CROOKS GET DEFENSE IS AWAY WITH TRYING EO T JEWELS L Canadian 'Arrests May lead to Would JOE CANNONS GAVEL UNCLE Discovery o NIHIL Congress Convenes Promptly at journs Until Tuesday Noon-Se- nate Ad- Nearly a Billion Do- llars in Appropriations to be Made BIKE RACERS SPRINGFIELD, Ills, Dec. 7. Acting Governor Sherman today granted Herman Billik, the Chi- 6 cago Bohemian, convicted of themurder of the Vraal family, a reprieve until January 28th. Bil- lik waa sentenced to hang next b Friday. BREAKING Open Dee. V. . of Sixtieth noon. 4, noon. - March Senate: Cloeee . Hepubllcana, 81. Total, Cl ; Democrats, . ML ginning their last terms today are: Ankeny, Washington; Foraker, Ohio; Democrat, Fill ton, Oregon; Hansbrough, North Total, Ml. Dakota; Hemenway, Indiana; South Dakota; Long, Kansas; McCreary, Kentucky; Platt, New York and Teller, Colorado. Those whose WASHINGTON, Dec. 7. With a eehas already rie of resounding whacks of a mahog- been accomplished or seems sure are: Brsndegee, Connecticut; Clark, Arany mallet, wielded by Uncle Joe Cannon and three gentle tape of an Ivory kansas; Clay, Georgia; Dillingham, gavel In the hand of Vice President Vermont; Galllnger, New Hampshire; Fairbanks, the house and senate opened Gorge, Oklahoma; Heyburn, Idaho; today for the final aeaalon of the Six- Hopkins, Illinois; Lattlmer, south Cartieth congress. olina; McEnery, Louisiana; Newlanda, Whereupon the colons formally got Nevada; Overman, North Carolina; ready for the business of deciding how Penrose, Pennsylvania; Smoot, Utah; Uncle Bam may beat spend a billion odd Stevenson, Wisconsin; Stone, Missouri. The latter and Brsndegee (correct) dollars next year. An hour before the beginning vf the have s fight on their hands. Vice President Fairbanks, who will session the galleries were packed. A large majority of spectators wera wom- retire on March 4, was early on the en, and they were arrayed In the latest scene. He was all urbanity and smiles. After the opening prayer by the venfashions. Their presence and . their finery were due to the fact that eustom erable chaplain. Edward Everett Hale, has made the capital, on opening days land the roll call, the three customary j resolutions which mark the beginning of congress, a ahow placer At least ten senators are starting to- of a new aeaalon were adopted. The first fixed the hour of the dally day upon their last term of duty. On the other hand there are nearly meetings at noon. The second directed twice as many who are receiving con-- jthe secretary to notify the house that ' gratulatlona on the apparently sure In- the senate was in session, and the third authorised the vice president to dications that they woulu be or upon the accomplished fact. appoint a committee to Join the com- exAmid all .the handshaking and (Contlnued on Page 4.) change of congratulations, or of con House: Six-da- Contest Stick to y Game, Shattering Previous dolence, It waa evident that the senators felt keenly the death of one of their number. This waa brought prominently to their attention later when a resolution waa offered and adopted In memory of the late senator William B. Allison of Iowa, . The senators who are probably be- Republicans, 221; 168; vacaactea, 2. Kit-tredg- e. OMAHA, Neb., Dee. 7. The defense In the Davis murder trial today attempted to Impeach the alibi of Mrs. Abbie Hire, when Mrs. Etta Allen waa summoned, testifying that she had seen Mrs. Rice on Farnam street betwsen ating with crooks In America fur the 1:80 and 4 on the day of Dr. Ruakln'a of disposal diamonds, silks, fur and other valuables secured by shoplifting. death. The authorities are wiring to Chics, The defense attacked Mrs. Rice's go. New York, Cincinnati, Uinaha and entire testimony on the grounds that Denver for Informs tlon. part of it waa manufactured and tha rest might have been. Other witnesses were called to substantiate Mrs. Allen. GUARANTEE Riders in j NEW YORK, Dec. 7. Sixteen teams entered in the bicycle race whkdi started at midnight. At I o'clock this morning the leaders had covered 185 miles and 4 laps, which was I laps better than that done by the Bedell brothers In 1802. Logan of Ireland, was leading, the rest of the bunch trailing a abort disStandard Magnate Again Takes tance behind. At nine this morning, nine teams had covered 206 miles, I Witness Stand in Government At ten laps, making a new record. o'clock the teams had covered 227 miles, Dissolution Suit 7 laps. Other teams dose behind. In a aplll on the Hoodoo turn this afternoon, Menua Bedell waa picked up NEW YORK, Dec. 7. John D. Arch- unconscious and .perhaps hurried to a bold was recalled for the Standard dis- hospital. Injuries serious. At 2 this afternoon the score waa exsolution hearing today for ten teams, 811 miles, 8 laps; tour amination. Testimony tended to show teams. III miles, I laps; two teams, 110 that the trust entered into the retail miles, 7 laps. Leaders are two miles, business to effect economical distribu- 4 laps ahead of the old record. tion and that It Vis done at the solicitation of Independent Jobbers and retailers. E. M. Tllford, president of the Standard of California, will succeed Archbold on the stand.1 Archbold completed his testimony TO thla morning after being given a farewell grilling by Truatbuater Kellogg. CALLED. BACK Pedeetrians returning on Twenty-fourt- h street last night from tha theaters, today assert tliey witnessed queer actions on the jsrt - of two men, heavily mufiled and skulking about In the neighborhood of City Attorney Jamea H. DeVIne'a home. Several person today are discussing the matter, believing the men were burglars. Their action gave every outward Indication that such waa their mission. They were seen to watch the DeVine home, and earlier In the evening to go up on the porch and peer In the windows. Later tha men were watching the homes of C. H. Green-weand B. R. Bowman. Tha matter waa not reported to the police, discussions coming up today through the several persons speaking of it. , Best Time. alx-da-y IflTESTIFT HEWS REPLIES TIRADE OF Davis WINNIPEG, Canada, Dec. 7. Phillip Greenbaum., Sophie Wilson, A. M. Copeland and Alexander Matthews, a negro, were arrested after robbing a Jewelry store. They are aald by the police to be members of a gang oper- SEEN IN OGDEN IS session UP in Trial Was Not Straight 6 at Present Session. conren. 6 CAPITAL DONS GALA ATIIBE IN HONOR Second 6 Mrs. Abbie Rice's Testimony Wholesale Diamond Thefts. ST. LOUIS, Mo, Dec. 7. Chas, Ekstmmer, Swedish con- aul at St. Louis, committed sub clde at his home here today, tuk-Ing poison. Show That ll LAW MUSKOGEE, Okie., Dee. 7 Officials state banka from all over Oklahoma are aaaembled In thla city today for a conference, at which It la likely a atata association will ba formed. In which membership will be confined to of banka operating under the Oklahoma guaranty of deposits law, which waa made a national issue by the Democrats In the last campaign. ' MOON NEARS EARTH THIS AFTERNOON RATE HEARING IN NEW YORK, Dec. 7 Arrangements have been made by New York astronomers for observing the lunar which will take place thla afterAUSTIN TOMORROW appulae noon. According to observers, tha nearest approach of the moon to the earth's shadow will be at 4:50. New York mean time. The moon In such 7. A hearing cases la AUSTIN, Tex Dec. only Immersed In the earth's will be held by the Texas railroad compenumbra. mission tomorrow In response to an application for a readjustment of the BAPTISTE WINS AT WRESTLING. rates on Iron and atrel rails and fasCAIRO, III Dec. 5. George Baptiste tenings. Aa a basis for consideration at the hearing. It la proposed to estab- of Ht. Louis won the middleweight lish tor application, from Galveston, wrestling rontest here lust night. InTexas City, Port Arthur and Sabine stead of Joe Acton, aa at first an--1 Pass, to points In common point terri- nounred. Acton took the first Tall and tory, the maximum rate of 2.10 a ton. Baptiste the second and third. THE PRESIDEI OF Indianapolis i Disre-- Newspaper x gards Abuse of Roosevelt in Article Today Souths Representative Business . and Commercial Men Gather in Washington. WASHINGTON, Dec. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind Dec. 7. Under the caption, The News and the Canal Deal," the Indianapolis News, which was scored bitterly by President Roosevelt tor articles published with reference to the Panama canal alleged graft, s&ld that It disregarded the president's abuse and disclaimed any ambition to rival him In language or invective, but felt that It was right to give truth of the charges. The News followed with a long reply to the president, concluding, "Today the Xewa enters cheerfully upon the fortieth year of its existence." " 7. Promi- nent men, representing the entire south,- are participating In the meeting opened in Washington today by the Southern Congress, and which will extend its sessions through tomorrow. Tne New Willard auditorium la the scene of the Important gathering of Dixie's devoted adherents, and the congress, having the Indorsement of President Roosevelt end 'cabinet members, Is certain to be of Interest to the enIS tire country. Ita purpose is to arrange for practical exploitation In the north, eaat and west of the natural resources of the entire south. Among the means to he employed for this exploitation la the gathering of reliable statistics through records at Washington, on the agriRoutine business was conducted by cultural. mineral lumbering and commercial Interests of the south. These the county board of commissioners at all members being prestatistics will be presented to various commercial bodies, and especially to sent Various reports were read and ordered filed. large conventions held In other parts of The reports showed that road work , the country. in' the county la progressing favorably. Graveling haa been done In the past WASHINGTON STATE LAND SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION week In the Kanesvllle and Blatervllle districts. The board authorised appro5. State priation of $100 for road work in the OLMPIA. Wash Dec, lands and timber holdings to the ap- Randall district. The auditing commit-in tee made application for. assistance praised value of $288,000 were sold In nineteen counties fit Washing auditing county books and other mat ten, which waa granted. ton. busy on todays-meetin- to-d-v Joseph THE MAN G. Cannon. WITH THE GAVEL. g. noun Lewis Says Newspaper Articles Are Result of Work of. Character-Assassin- Who Destroy Union- s, ism, Injure Society and Eventually Hurt Themselves. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind Dec. 7. Presi- dent Lewis of the United Mine Workers' association, laued the following statement to the United Press today; "My attention haa been called to an article published In an Illinois paper, containing a number of articles designed to reflect upon me personally as chief officer of the American miners' organisation. These statements are Inspired by certain officers of the organisation and there la not one scintilla of truth In their statements. "Those who seek to promote their personal Interests, assuming for this purpose the position of are the wont enemies of the labor movement and of society In general. I shall not at thla time, dignify these individuals by naming them, but character-ae-aaaslns- , when the national convention meet their masks will be torn off. The pei fldy of these - men will be exposed t the nation. "Too much time haa been spent building up the miners' organisation t even permit selff and prejudiced pei aonal enemies to destroy It. The. mint workers will know all of the facta I good time. Those who are attemptln to injure my name and reputation wf pay the penalty when the facts ar " understood." Asks Investigation. The statement, continuing, refers t President Lewis's record, and cha lenges the most minute Inveatlgatloi Lewis Is being voted for the presldenr race and la opposed by John H. Wall er of Illinois, president of the lUlnoi Miners association. 1: . |