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Show TRUTH 10 THE POLICE CHIEFTAINCY. ' , The row among the members of the city council and the mayor over the chieftaincy of the police department which has been a principal feature of the present municipal administration almost from its beginning is now at white heat again after being in a quiescent state for a short time. The coup executed by the mayor and his friends in the council which landed George A. Sheets at the head of the department, was well planned, even to keeping Councilman Femstrom in quarantine, to prevent his attendance at the council meeting. It was also well executed and did credit to those who undertook it, that is it did credit to their astuteness as political manipulators. It was a trick, of course, and it is rather surprising that Mr. Sheets would condescend to accept an office so obtained. The result will be a continuation of the row of which the people are heartily sick and which has brought upon this Republican administration the displeasure of the people. The legality of Mr. Sheets confirmation will in all probability have to be passed upon by the courts. It would be a good idea for the two sides to get together and submit the case to the court on an agreed statement of facts. This would expedite matters and prevent quarreling and bad blood, and save the Republican party much criticism. The chances are that the courts however, failed to enlist the influence of the high ecclesiastics and Mr. Sheets finally received his appointment by strategy. All this was done by people who have been celebrated for their most violent denunciation f church influence in politics. The latest talk is that the matter will not get before the courts at all. will The auditor, in refuse to issue a warrant to Mr. Sheets for his salary. The ordinary course then would be for Mr. Sheets to mandamus the auditor, but in this instance, it is stated on good authority, he will not. He will go. on acting as chief without salary from the city, but not without pay, for Senator Kearns and Mayor Thompson will, it is said, pay him out of their own sockets. and trust to luck for the city The oaying some time. crowd when it comes right down to cases, havent much faith in the legality of the alleged confirmation, but Sheets has a hook in Toms nose, all right, all right. . self-protectio- n, pro-Shee- ts SCHOOL BOY DAYS. No period of life, perhaps, Is so in after with reminiscences years as growing, budding youth when it went to the common school. At least it is so with men. Then the world is his oyster and fame and immortality, like Jacobs ladder, stretch illimitable to the zenith above and beyond. Then the hot blood of adventure surges through his veins and all the romantic stops on the great organ of life are drawn and the full cadences of expectency roll boisterously soul. his through re-ole- te There is plenty of sturdy stuff in real genuine boyhood, too. There are village Hampdens in almost every flock; there are Thomas a. Beckets and John Browns amongst them who would fight for principles, aye, da fight for them and win the battles, too, if their fights are not so sanguinary as those of the great dead who fixed the bounds of citizenship, religious opinion and political equality amongst the But what a zest for life there is there! How each active, wakeful moment thrills with importance! What great fields there are to conquer anc what mighty achievements beckon us to pluck the guerdon of renown. Life seems slow to the school boy for there is so much to do. The hours drag like days and Thou sun upon Gibeon and thou moon oq the Valley of Ajalon, still linger through their afternoons. Oh, what a mighty tempest of great events hangs trembling in the balance, waiting for the right boy to roll the curtain up! But, alas! it soon passes. School days are oer and the myriads of things planned remain undone. Then the prosaic duties of life infest us and the fires sputter and sink down within us and finally go out and leave us in this lonesome old work-a-daworld, and there is no help for it either. Only the Anglo-Saxon- s. y of our school lingering recollections boy days remain. o Bricklayers are very scarce in this city, and contractors are having difficulty in getting men to do their work. There is room for a number of good mechanics right now on the new government building. will hold that the alleged confirmation was no confirmation at all. The other view necessitates a very great straining of the meaning of the statutes, ignoring of rules and custom and such precedents as have been established. Mr. Sheets would probably make a good chief, that he would try his best Truth believes. That he was the smartest detective on the force there is no doubt, but why he should go to such extremes to get a little $125 a He month job is incomprehensible. on too, a has got pretty tight cinch, who have championed some of those his cause so faithfully. If it should turn out that his confirmation is legal then let the opposition cease and give him a fair show. If it is illegal then he should retire from the ring. Truth would like to know who has been appointed custodian of a document worded in substance, as follows: 190 Salt Lake City Hon. Ezra Thompson, Mayor. I hereby tender my resignation as chief of police to take effect Immediately. Chi-cag- o, every day. That is the new overland service via the Union Pacific and the Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul railway It is worth your while to learn about it C. S. Williams, Commercial Agent Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway, 106 West Second South St.. Salt Lake City. o : The management of the Home Telephone company announces that It will begin operations as soon as the engineer arrives on the ground. He will lay out the conduits for the underground wires, and perform other duties of a similar sort. The company will erect a four-stor- y fire proof building for a central office and the officials are already looking for a suitable location. Ample funds have been secured the corporation having a million dollars with which to begin work. o- - Increase In Judges Salaries. Judge Shiras, who has just retired is a justice of the Supreme court, gains $2,500 a year by the passage of the bill increasing the salaries of the members of that tribunal. He wished to retire some months ago, but the death of Justice Gray delayed the acMeanceptance of his resignation. time the increase of salary became affective and he will receive $12,500 a year during the remainder of his life. o Canadas Timber Lands. The impression that British North America is covered with valuable timber is fallacious. Black walnut, red cedar and white oak are not found north of Toronto. A line drawn from the city of Quebec to Sault Ste Marie will designate the northern limit of beech, elm and birch. The north shore of Lake Superior will mark the northern boundary of sugar hard maple. To Settle Point of Interest The New England Society has appointed a committee to ascertain if possible, the exact place of rendezvous of the Boston tea party when it assembled. Tec. 16, 1773, preliminary to throwing the tea into Boston harbor. The stories of the place handed down by tradition have been conflicting, and many of the members of the society think the effort will be in vain. Historical-Genealogic- al o Gas as Fuel. Mr. H. A. Humphrey de- Recently livered a lecture before the London GEORGE A. SHEETS. When the friends of Mr. Sheets ' were legging for his .appointment ps chief of police, they used all imPICTO Mormon the to enlist aginable ways church leaders in their cause. They exacted! solemn promises from Mr. DONT WEAR Sheets that he would rigidly insist on the saloons being closed tightly on Yourtalf out by Sundays and that gambling would be irampinp all over absolutely stopped in the city. They town looking for the Go . Three trains, San Francisco to o Chamber of Commerce, says the Electrical Review, in which he stated that by using the cheaper form of gas, known as producer gas, at least one-haof the total consumption of coal would be saved, this result being due to the greater efficiency of gas over coal as a fuel. (Signed.) also exacted from Mr. Sheets a promise that he would run things generally in the department In accordance with the wishes of the Mormon heirarchy and to show the good faith of their man they Insisted that he write out hie resignation, as given above, and place it in the hands of toa custodian who in case Sheets failed please the aforesaid heirarchy would fill in the and hand date, which was left blank, was to turn in who it to the mayor, All council. this hand it to the city THREE TRAINS TO CHICAGO. cheapest place. direct to :::::: - lf O ! a : 75 East Scdond South St. Between Commercial and State Streets. .... Q. SCOTT, manaiih. f f I Teacher i9i mJrmmT so. of Music. coM -f- Prison o Miss Nora Gleason. a Pastime. To while away the time while in prison, M. Romain Daurignac, the brother of Mme. Humbert, is now training fleas, which abound In his cell, to perform various feats. The insects, he says, are wonderfully intelligent, and already he has taught them to approach at the word of command. Daurignacs HOTEL Rates 50c, 75c and 51.00. Everything New and First Class, J. SAL. SICKLE, jewelry repairing WINDSOR EUROPEAN CENTRALLY LOCATED. : THE JEWELER. :or reliable goods at honest prices. I have a reputation for expert watch and : . g Claim. Settled Mrs. George A. Graves of Ogden. Long-Standin- I Utah, recently received a check from the United States government, being her share of a claim that has been pending for 105 years. . |