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Show T RUT H. OGDEN LETTER. splendors of a shone with never Christmas morning Ogden, Dec. 27.-- The populagreater cheer on the prosperous which those tion of Ogden town than last in brilliant robes in this the Bill of the Inauguration week preceding in waa ushered' Yuletide First; The iutth gifts from home and. abroad. The greatest In importance wao the assurance from General Manager Krutchnitt Ogden-Luci- n of the Southern Pacific that the was to across the Lake cut-othe In addition, be built dn the spring. Immense work of Improvement on the roadbed and straightening curves will of fall as a rich, ripe plum in the lapwas our chief present Ogden. Locally, a Christmas edition of the Standard, in that holiday attire. Of course, the fact of the in cuts, shape these purple robes, have adorned each special edition of the paper for these many years, discounted somewhat, the local pride which our patriotic citizens had a right to feel. However, the effort was accepted with many thanks, and Bill is entitled to whatever credit an easily satisfied public chooses to give him. In connection with Christmas, let me say that a discriminating Providence willed it that there should be no enow or ice this year. Fate can always be relied on, In the end, to do the right thing. You see we are somewhat handicapped for year, skating rinks Just now.areBut next in the hands when the waterworks of a triumphant public, we are going to ride our bobsleds rough shod over the water company and turn Union we will park into an ice pond, where skate all day and all night on the free, frozen water of the people. Hurrah for . ff -- Bill! wind that does not blow some one off the Christmas tree. And so it happened that after all a part of the Mammoth Western Union plant was removed to Salt Lake. But the fact has been greatly magnified. Ogden should take comfort, and at the same time rejoice that her overgrown sister, city is no longer sidetracked on a single wire connecting her with Ogden. Charity is the thing. While a few of the many operators have removed from Ogden, left us give them to Salt Lake not grudgingly, but Joyously, knowing that Ogden can spare them without tears, and knowing what rapture their removal to the city by the lake is caused in the hearts and homes of Zion. It is always more blessed to give than to receive. Salt Lakes gain is Ogdens crown of glory. Selah. It is an 111 -- It now develops there is method in Senator Allisons madness. Not the dean of the United States Senate, the pride of the Hawkeye State, but our ow'n gifted, emigrating eon of Weber, Col. E. M., Jr., as Senator from Ogden, with another term to serve, he finds it convenient to conduct his business at Salt Lake and still keep his residence at Ogden. In this arrangement, he has a in the shape precedent of pro tern. Jones of contingent fund fame. Jones sells the cut rate In Salt Lake during the day light and hibernates In Ogden. Col. Allison finds this precedent good in law and Just in equity. So long as he t an hold his Job as junior Senator in Ogden, Just so long will his Job last, and that means he will take a crack at the next United States Senator. It is not known Just what induced him to take this course, but it is shrewdly guessed that his decision to stand pit' was arrived at after a talk with George Sutherland. Whats i ne matter with George for Senator, anyhow? For reply see Col. Allison. time-honorex-May- ed or hear-to-hea- rt time playing the political game, there would be some lively passing of the buck. Then there is Henry Peery, a Democrat, to be sure, but did you ever see a political game in which he did not play a hand? Fred Adams, bank cashier, is another skillful artist. Col. Allison, dignified and conservative, is exceedingly well versed in the art. ney-General Breeden, debonair and docile, has a keen nose v for politics, while Assistant W. R. White, fat but fit, is as full of. politics as Reed Smoots head is full of dreams. tive, dried up, six by four and a half soul that a worm. And what do you suppose his reasons are? VToo prosaic. But that isnt all. This same person wants to stop- us from singing "Sweet Hour of Prayer." "Too much imagery in It. Oh, what a warped mind that Attorchump must have.- Imagine leaving out these lines: Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayer, That calls me from this world of care; And bids me at my Fathers throne Make all my wants and wishes known. In seasons of distress afid grief My soul has often found relief; No wonder, then, that the political And oft escaped the tempter's snare grist usually comes through the hillls By thy return, sweet hour of prayer. Its a two to one bet; yes worse than of Ogden. The fact .remains, though, that fellow is a member of the that, that Ogden generally exemplifies the ice trust. He says the following lines prospector who finds a mine, but who are especially objectionable to him lives to see his find enjoyed by the man and that if the balance of the comwith the dough. Ogden is long on ideas, mission objects to blotting out the enbut short on loaves and fishes. It is as tire song he is going to insist upon easy for Ogden to discover the tree of these four being taken from it. political preference as it is for Salt This robe of flesh I'll drop and rise Lake to pick the fruit. To seize the everlasting prize; And shout, while passing through the air, Farewell, fare well sweet hour of prayer. In the light of Senator Allisons deWell, draw your blue pencils through cision to hold on to his job as Senator the lines if you will. And while you from Weber, it is not improbable that are about it cut out "Rock of Ages, "Nearer. My God, to .. Thee. Come at the next State convention Ogden will Thou Fount of Every Blessing, and not have to go way back and sit down. Turn to the Lord and Seek SalvaKnock out, "Jesus, Lover of If the cold Colonel really, intends to tion. and all the balance of those back Sutherland for the Senate, the My Soul" old airs we learned when we grand stock of Congressman Bill ought to be were but you cannot make children, worth par anyway. And if Sutherland can find any justification, political or us quit singing them. They are enon the hearts of millions; writotherwise, for making a treaty of graved ten in letters of gold by the finger there peace with the everlasting candidate Cut them out, but from the north, there may be some hope of an undying love. of the Charles Wesley memory that Col. Allison will head a solid dele- by he all eternity for may through sing gation for his friend, George. At any our delight when we reach Paradise seems rate, it that politics is will with remain those us; will hymns but Bill gives no sign. It is said that comfort us and life all may through Hanson and Murphy want Bill to go to our melodious catch their hearts Congress, and if that be true, all he has sounds as our friends sing them when to do is throw out an anchor to windkind, loving hand seals our ward. It is up to you, George. Better Deaths when we abandon this for the see Bill before he breaks his neck to see eyelids above. land better you. Go on with your old revision. the reason why to Salt Lakes Paris. The number of Ogden men in high political life In Salt Lake is unprecedented. Coming, as they do, from ne?.0llUcal htted on the north, It is , at all to inject their clear-cut sdom through the business ;Vamsphere of Galt Lake, and to rat-dr- y bones of Zion. The Ogden the essence of politics. There keen as a razor, atchful m Rogers, a hawk' and farseelng as Tne Prophets of old. If he spent his - - . -- C. H. ATTER. Being the personal opinions of the writer and for which no one else is in any manner responsible. The operator of the very excellent typewriting machine upon which this manuscript Is prepared has a kick coming on the Methodists, or a portion of them. The portion alluded to is engaged in a work that is positively wicked. Ah, start devout brother, but it is so. A commission of Methodists is this minute sitting in the city of New York revising the hymn book. Several of the old sacred songs have been doomed to elimination already and more are to follow. Charles Wesley is being especially sacrificed by this body of modern religionists and many of the sweet old gems we remember from childhood are being exThis revision business purgated. seems to be popular since our brethren, the Presbyterians, have discovered that a baby can crawl through the pearly gates after all that has been said and done concerning election and predestination. Among the hymns slated to be cut out is He Leadeth Me. Think of that. Why, that-i- s one of the most grand in the entire collection. Its chorus brings peace to the soul of the earnest, noisy Christian and it has been a staff to the trembling limbs of. those, who were It is slightly weak in the faith. hummed by the mechanic at his bench; by the clerk at his desk. Even newspaper men have been heard singing it in low tones when they thought no one was aorund to hear them. The plough boy chants it as he follows his team, and it is better by far than to old d swear at the oxen. mothers croon it in the eventide; little girls warble it in the morning and when they do the very birds stop to listen. That hymn has brought comfort to lots of men who thought they were skeptics and now it is proposed to take it away from. us. Listen: He leadeth me, He leadeth me; By His own hand He leadeth me: His faithful follower I would be For tis Gods hand that leadeth me. The man who proposes cutting out that blessed old refrain is a Ham. Yes, a Ham. He has no more Christianity in his little, narrow, diminu . Gray-haire- And that suggests Ogden is Versailles 7 strangled sentiment. This is another age. Let the stones of your towers be broken into macadam and the columns of your- corridors be made of pigstyes.' Perhaps, when he reads of your passing, some warm nearted Irishman will weep oveT your naliowed past; perhaps 'some geptle Irish lassie who has read her coun-- . history will grieve that conditrys tions are such, but the one will forget on the morrow when the landlord calls for the house rent, while the other will cease, to remember when ; she is awakened by the alarm clock which tells her the factory whistle will blow in an hour-- ' and she had best stir herC. M. J. self In getting breakfast. por-noj- is -- Extra copies of back numbers of Truth oaa be had at the offloe, 11 and 12 Central Block. DISTRICT COURT, THIRD JUDICIAL district. State of Utah, county of Salt Lake. Mary Moquvst, plaintiff, vs. Frank Moquvst, defandant. Summons. The State of Utah to the said Defendant: You are hereby summoned to appear, within twenty days after the service of this summons upon you, if served within the county in which this action is brought otherwise, within thirty days after service, and defend the above entitled action; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will- be rendered against you, according to the demand of the complaint, of which a copy is herewith served upon - you. POWERS, STRAUP & LIPPMAN, Plaintiffs Attorney. P. O. address, room 28, Eagle Block, Salt Lake City, Utah.- i WESTERN M DENTAL CO. 75 W. SECOND SOUTH, f Flnt fear to J Extracting Free whan Plates are Ordered. 21 1 1 ucsmI Amt, laaai II sal Esgh Block right, 12, I ft BE8T 8ET OF TEETH 88. Cement or Bone Filling. ...4 JBO .75 Silver Filling Gold Filling f 1.00 and up 50c and up Teeth Cleaned .14.00 to f6.(w 8olid Gold Crowna $4.00 Porcelain Crowna...: 25 y Extracting. D Crowna and Bridge Work Specialties. Work guaranteed flntrclasa. Teeth extracted poeltlvely without pain. VITALIZED AIR." Tara, the spot where the. ancient kings were crowned, when "Ireland was Ireland, is advertised for sale WM. BROADBENT, D. D.S., b and will be knocked down to the high- i Proprietor. est bidder for cash at public auction. HFNF The old place has been going to ruin these many years and perhaps its a good thing after all. For as Moore WALKER BROTHERS, aptly said: Bankers The harp that once through Taras halls the soul of music shea, Established IBGB, Lake City. Utah. Now hangs as mute on Taras walls, as if Salt that soul were dead; A fiEKIAL lAIKIlTnaiESS TIAIUGTEL So sleeps the pride of former days; so oer is dream glorys And hearts that once beat high in praise, Boxes for Rent. , , now feel that touch no more. And in these days of rustle and bus- tle after pounds, shillings and pence it is not to be wondered that the glamour which once clustered around Tara; that the history which made her famous and beloved,.- - is forgotten. Gone are the memories of the ancient past. Faded are the. pictures of Irish valor on many a bloody field, when mighty deeds were inspired by the love of the country which was typified in the head crowned at Tara. You are Irish. Go on all right, you latter-da- y and race boats and build expensive for cups worth a few paltry dollsyrs, while incidentally you advertise a certain few brands of teas on this side the water, but let Tara go to the dogs. spot What does it matter that the only once left to tell you your people were feldown to a independent is knocked who will make low in a smock frock it Let it. of go, along a cabbage patch Let the with beautiful Killamey. toothsome turnip grow on the spot where Irish nobility whispered sweet where gay nothings to its ladles fair; crowds floated in mazy dances in the sang a sweet, days when Taras harpstock the dear them Let clear song. lakes of the green island with German they carp and establish placessellwhere them for can smoke them and of fish. halibut, or some other brand sweet the singer For, again quoting now dead: No more to lords and ladies bright, the harp of Tara swells The chord alone that breaks at night its tale of ruin tells. It is fitting you Farewell Tara. should be sold to some ruta baga For commercialism has grower. ...... Safety Deposit Miss Nora Gleason Teacher Studio, 131 of Music 8outh St. E. First City ROBERTSON & CO., PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. Agents Victor Safe Co. Safes, 115 to 12000. Expert Accountants, Notaries and Typewriters. Books experted and kept by the month. Incorporation papers drawn up to suit All classes of insurance placed. We represent Delaware Incorporators Trust Co. Write ns Box 119. 44 Control Block, Salt Lake City J. Mining and Stock Broker. Camapsadoscs Mlcltod. Iitonsaltoa hy Wire ar Othaiwlaa 161 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Powers, Straup & Lippman Attorhxts-at-La- w EAGLE BLOCK, Corner Second South and West Temple Bts. . b- - |