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Show THE DESERET EAGLE. 86 o !tiie salt lake temple. Continued from page 83 ) Men's Youth's anil Children' c E. Young Bros. Co. M. FRIEDMAN & CO. Domestic Sewing Machines ca.se the unexpected, we might ORGANS almost say the impossible, should PIANOS CLOTHING Gcmt'H FurniHliiiiKH, Mats, Etc. happen, adequate remedy and MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. 39 MAIN STREET j SALT LAKE CITY. protection would be at hand. In Next door to Stitdkuakeh Bnos. the top of the opposite tower beyond the elevator, is a permanent reserve tank with a capacity of seven thousand gallons of water. PRESCRIHION DRUGGISTS Ucachhig the next landing 38 Main Street. CORK HUBK.EE Druehl&Franken S. K. Cor. Main & tfd South Sts. stage, the third Moor, we Removes CORNS enter at MANUFACTURING CO. LUMBER DEALERS BUNIONS. AND Prepared !y once the upper or grand assembly DORE'S Cream for chapped hands. room, which occupies the whole TRY extent of the building except the IT IS WINE. AND OUR BSEF. IRON, towers; being 120 feet long, 80 AN EXCELLENT TONIC. feet wide and 30 feet long, with a seating capacity of about 3200 SALT LAKE BUILDING persons. The gallery is of graceAND ful sweep; it is railed with bronze USE AND A. C. Smith Co. fc WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS Salt Lakk City. The Hanson Produce company. and is reached bv circular stair-way- s in each of the four corners. MEhCHANTS COMMISSION and Utah Fruits and the beau- California Vega tables, Jl utter, Jugs vast hall. (tnd Cheese. the Priestthe choice 05 S. West Temple. decorations of dais and balcony, the broad auditor& CO. - . PROPRIKTORK ium, the artistically panelled ceiling and ficscoed frieze, with 12TH WARD MEAT MARKET, innumerable permanent lights ALSO mingled in the c rniec, and five 11TH AND 9TH WARD MARKETS dependent chandeliers all comOffice 532 East 2nd South. bine in presenting to the mind a scene that will be equally impos- - Telephone 537. ing by day or by night. The seats in the body of the hall are reve.si )le, so that the audience can face the speaker from either DIY GOODS MILLINERY. stand The hitter white and gold with red velvet trimmings and Nothing could surpass teous grandeur of this Cont r;it!l;orw and HuildcM's. The elevated scats for 32 X. 2nd W. Telephone 3J,o hood at either end, hand-carve- d WM. WOOD C. R. SAVAGE, ART BAZAR. -- IIcaiNjuarters for Books, Stationary, Ai t Materials, Pic- ture. Frames, Portraits ami Views of the West. IHGKl MA HU FA GTU RJ Simon CO. seats J) sent GENERAL AGENTS Xtcs. Kc-mhi'- t ! I Kipa.is Tahu.cs cure liver : pha.u-.i- i n.u.,.i'-liipa.is'TatMhc- Brothers s DESEBST Sait ia.aric KILLE WOOLEN 1 akk City, Utah. CALLAWAY IIOOCK & CO. Vhi )i hale at d 11 till CHINA, GLSSWARE, 1) alus in SILVERWARE, LAMPS, KTC. 166 SO. MAIN STREET. t Made in all styles and sizes. Lightest, strongest, easiest working, safest, simplest, most accurate, most compact,' and most modern. For sale by all dealers In arm. Catalogues mailed free by V OFFICE nii'i State x, I'd South A Lkk City. Utah. Tho Martin Tiro Arms Co., New IIaven, Conn., U. S. A. m i Ripans Tabulcs cure nausea. Ripans Tabulcs cure headache. Ripans Tabulcs cure biliousness. Ripans Tabulcs : a Tainilv rcm?dy. Ripans Tabulcs : standard rom:dv. |