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Show THE DESEKET EAGLE, and side decorations are a perfect ecstasy of delicate and luxurious color, its magnificent ceiling a sight worth a voyage round the world to see. No tongue can express, no pen depict in language the marvelous work that has here been accomplished. Like an inspiration, it defies man's bast endeavors. Occupying semicircular alcoves to the east, and high enough to give a line effect, are two choice painting. one representing the Hill Camorah, the other Adanundi Ahman. The chandeliers are of themselves works of the highest art, the floor is richly carpeted, the furniture is 'among the finest ever produced on the continent. The prevailing color of the walls is a warm brown, and the effect produced by the contrast with the colors of the twenty Grecian columns that adorn the sides is effective in the extreme. All these 83 timid expectancy of the youth are deep and rich in tone, and the presented with wonderful accur- - contrast with some of the more The furniture of this room delicate hues of which we have acy. is mahogany. seen so much is restful and pleas- Another small room, reached ..ing. Its woodwork is massive .... i. .... mi i nice oilier by a short ascent from the main and beautiful. floor, is a vision of almost super-- ! rooms, a sui,e extending west- natural beauty. It is circular in ward toward the main corridor form and resplendent in blue and and staircase, answer the purpose gold with bmlers and panels of of additional reception rooms, red silk velvet. It is paved with In one of them will be noticed a d an artistically designed native handsome mantelpiece of mosaic, the blocks! eye maple, with base and facings bmg mostly no nure than an jj of Utah onyx, inch Making our way now to the square, finely polished, Through the dome which fur-- southeast tower, ami again essay- uishes the ceiling, the light ling the circular stone stairway, streams through seventeen circular we ascend to the second floor of and jeweled the edifice and enter a large, windows, making a thousand hues light, comfortable but plain as, softened and subdued, it room to be used as the library Tne large and recorder's room, it is homereaches the interior. art window to which the south like in its appointments, has side of this exquisite little room eight silver chandeliers and a home-mad- e is given, is a work of surpassing good loveliness. It represents the carpet upon the Hoor. Three windows to the columns, all the woodwork indeed, moment in the life of Joseph furnish evidence of superb skill Smith when he, trusting in the north, hung with rare silk curin handcarving. Bracket chand-elier- s words, of the Apostle James, tains, give us a nearer glimpse of from the columns and sought wisdom of the Lord, and the spiendid ceiling of the large abundance of light from relieeted received as an answer the visita- northeast room on the lower Hoor ail cLvjrly ar.uijjl lain s tion of two heavenly beings, one previously described; and here cause the hall when illuminated of whom, pointing to the other, ve find the proverb contradicted: to take on an appearance of over said, "This is my beloved son; it is proximity, not distance, that Two hear him! loveliness. I his benignant lends enchantment to the view. whelming From the library we enter a colossal triple mirrors occupy expression of the two divine place in the east end, and ascend- personages, their compassionate long corridor leading to the west, ing from this point a narrow yet noble attitude, the posture of ranging along the sides of which flight of stairs leads tj an apart- the lad half in adoration and are six rooms elegantly carpeted ment at the extrenu east appro- half shrinking in childish fear, and furidmed for t;ie presidency of the various quorums of the priately furnishe an designed are all delineated with for the use of the president of the and charming fidelity. Priesthood. The most striking The third small room leading of these are the rooms of the Temple. IJ.it we are not yet ready to by a couple of steps' ascent from First Presidency on the right, and of the Twelve Apostles on the left leave this eiuhaiitiu pirt of t'.ie the main room is done in b lilding, and three smaller rj Jin, an I gold with furniture of the corridor, hi one the former leading off to the south from the and trimmings toinalch. It also apartments is the art window main room, attract oar attention. has an a large jdale representing the Temple and The first, to which we ascend by mirror, and is in all respects as bearing the inscriptions which we a few steps, is decorated in rose-pin- handsome and perfect a little spot have used as a text in the begin-ninami gold. Its workmanship as taste and skill can make it. of this article. In these three small rooms last Turning to the right in an throughout is costly, the brackets, columns, etc., being handcarvel described the most sacred ordi- other short corridor we note two and the mirror bjing one of the nances for the living and the other rooms, also lor the use 'of quorums in the IViesthuod. We largest and purest in the b.iilding. dead are preformed. An art glass window of great Passing now finally from the are now at the northwest corner, size and beauty adorns the south main large room previously re- and again climb the tower stairs; wall. It represents Moroni ferred to, we enter the southeast noticing that in this tower every delivering the plates to Joseph reception room, not a large, but Hoor is supplied with lire hose Siriith; and the graceful pose of a most charmingly colored apart- conveniently disposed, so that in the angel as well as the eager yet ment. Cornice and carpet are ( Qjiitini.ttd on paye 80.) f s ! bird's-hard-woo- . 1 ! semi-circul- ar old-fashior- ed semi-circul- ar 1 1 con-suma- tc sage-gree- n art-windo- k g |