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Show Cheapest Furniture House in Utah. 5. R. MARKS & CO. trf Qo m wv jet I I i I I wiTTimr r year I OPPOSITE TEMPLE. m evi i - mm m vS7 w n i I i E n ii i i I 11 Is the leading biSTm'Tiox of thi.s Territory for nil kinds of --1- ENERAL MERCHANDISE. cm v. Moth Wholesale and lie tail. a. AND GENERAL FURNISHINGS. W7"S' CLOTHING It caters to the Ladies in Dress Goods! Garments, Ribl)ons. Hosiery, Gloves, Laces, Jewelry, Watches and a Thousand Notions, It aims to please all its customers, and it invites the patronage of every buyer OO T. G. WEBBER, Supt. SHELLKY & BURl-KHART- . ! Co-o- 1U U Specimens. Uawiactnrvn of the titrated ; DrilGoods. Cel- - JUnky Mountain I r S3 GEfl. SCOTT (im:i')i:ati:i)) f.' Dealers in X My Cracker Factory i X h ( 'ompainj, O Main Street. 3 iirnihire, Girpofc, Curtain, Vhufnu HlmrL: V.k- i - . Putmoiui .Jewelry. 221 Main Street. tm.S13fS.Z3l Furniture p. 11-1- JUilU-E- i Minimi Y 77 i DEALERS IN r 0$ It carries the Finest Selection of . in mi STATIONERY C2MPANT- Jtm 7 Street. etc., etc. TQYS, J Hi - Hani ware and Metals, Stores Tinware. Etc. Barratt Main street. m Bros. . For Furniture. "s H3 Young Bros. Co Domestic Sewin f. C 5 haxos OliGAXS, Machines Manufacturers FIXE AM) CO 'gsZ S .... UA1. - TTOfirUv cV CO : : C?inQ. QlassQPc. J LAMPS. KTC. iv t CRACKERS. in SilVcrlQrc. i Fine Dry Goods YrLWR T FRS. ,ikp First-rlasM.onii,;- t,i' innHs,;; nprpjiuliCMl advice iven I. ;, I m ii..;";;,,,:"'! Sl'KCIALTY. VIioIs1p irico dealers. Illustrated catalogues fiv... TYPEWRITER Uroadway. W. j. BoArmd. GREEN 24 7 Sbm, k'i pOnlUfJ (rOOftS (' furilillliim . ' to N Y -. .- - liolesale and h'etail , ' r-'- - APK. !,,,. r IfonsC- Htnwln;,,.,, GROdlfS W. FIRST SOUTH. B m. u7 ' It-1- A n o I OALT LAKE HARDWARE CO ir all makes. Maciiines sold on monthly pay- IN(i n. us Main in .'L,',r:Vst iipwpruvs. . liuloalf and hi tail Dealers ty;,: ZZSZZi -( VLL : - Hah. I C1 of - Alain Street. .)H 8 C- : ' -- z 1 - L I |