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Show 43 fHE DEiERET EAGLE CORRESPONDENCE K be, XjO OAlt FROM Nw Year's Day, 18!2. Is this not a pood way to begin the N :w Ya ? It is the first time I have written 1802. It is only nine o'clock and my Fi'tiocti lesson learned and the house hold wheel set agoiug. Your letter c 111 yesterday It may not be ni ny iitn hn before wean renew our face to face talk; and walks. It is Miss Cu'hbert who shares in our family group. Sh ' is the truest friend I bav out here. We met in San Francisco on our way out. She has spent three summers with us and this fa 1 was here uu-ttie last of NJVimbvr watiag for a passport so she really seemed to belong to us. She is now in Yamagucbi teaching school. I have been kept from writing to you or any one else butmot-be- r this fall by first diptheria and then telon or something akin first on my thumb then first finger and now on the third finger all on my right hand. We spent nearly a week at Thanksgiving time with Alice and Miss Loveland In Osaka and took our dinner on Thanksgiving Diy with all the 0aka Presbyterians at the Alexanders. Christmas Alice and Miss LovrNiH spent with us. We nad a tree for the children and 8 rvauts which wea'l heartily enj yed. Even Porter was overc une with j y at a wooly dog tho1 he soon forgot his firt lov i to i'lves'Uate Disasters toys.' Mr. II w rth gave mn a as a hint for more practicing I suppose. 1 leconted wita holy, nd berries and f'rusandhid ra(S of beautiful tea rofii ga hered that monrng from our gard n. We are Laving i he moat il m-troao- me de-ligitf- ul y weather warm atd and we enj jy this house. We had to leave our semi J lpanese one because of tne draag ts aud it does seem good to have doors and windows of a civil'zed strt. Frances has taken to using Eng idb aim 'St altogether and sas everything nearly chatters all the time. Portfr does not yet walk but he i well and has sixteen tee h which is quite rtmakable for hi age and strength. 1 willfryt3 write you a better letter soon. II F. II . sun-shin- We believe that we hive the littlest devil in the United States in the Good-tooffice. So that is one point in wnich we lead all of our conttmpora n ITEMS, Pupil Earl Moore, T snow U melting. We txpect some new type soon. Misque.ade suits are being made, He is John A vey Ketis quite ie Goodson Gazette. How larj;e is your devil Mr. Libbie DeLong, Cold Editors. ) wtatber now. Valentine! Valentini! It has snowed very hard here. in tbe autal class, now. W3 all went to the theatre tbe other Mamie Young does not grow very day. fast but she does not care. Our pnpils are rapidly inproving this Ole Pettit, Elmo K mp and the other year. little boys look quite funny in their Folks are getting ready for masks in overalls. town. John and Divid Heincr got a nice letter Irrm their m tner and sister the Lyman Pobert has not been to school for three weeks. other dy. Andrew Beal went to visit his three 11 y 1) juelson sweeps out Miss schoolroom this week, and sisters last Saturday. We will have a masqutrade party very nicely too. Lmm Probert, when are you here on tbe 22nd of Feburary. Our little girls have Jolly times now. coming back? The boys and girls are and are all rosy and healthy. getting ahead of you. Mi. D iggs saw Lyman Probert Mr. Reynolds is better now and he when he was in Piovo last week. goes to school at the University. M . Driggs goes down town every Lyman does not want to come to school. day and he likes to go down town. Mr. Reynolds had quite a sick spell Tbe bo s and girls wrote letters to but n covered. He was out of sctnoi their parents and relations last Friday. one week, whica put him behind in his Leo Hawkins and Joseph Olorenshaw studies. have been sfck,but they are better now. John Clark is learning to diagram Mr. Pratt came to visit onr school. sentenc s of ail kinds with compound He liked to talk to the deaf mute boys. subjects and predicates and compleTbe boys and girls went coasting up ments. Good for Jo n. tbe side walk. It was very icy there. Rjoert Hicks Jikesto get a letter A great many trees were covered from home. The children looked at with frost last week and they looked his la&t Utter when they were learning very pretty. to speak the word "letter " Lizzie Wood went to Wonderland and to a down Provo took spin Mr.Driggs you ought to see her talk about what Friday afternoon to attend a Leap a good time the had. Year Ball. Saturday he reiurntd as far as his home and Sunday came back Libbie De Long and John Clark expect their uncle some time this week and here. are both veiy nappy. Joe Keeley wrnt ht me last SaturTuere is anew feign language going on day to tat candy. His papa and mamma bad a good many visitors now aud Libbie DeLong and Amy fun over it. from the School cn Saturday and Devine have much Roy DjnelsoH felt sick Tuesday Sunday. morning he is enjoying AttheY. M. C. A. S )ciil ton'gu night and this Mi&s Zorbaugh's school. Miss StillUr will recite Sheridan's R de himself in Miss Zoibaugh has been choosing and Miss Z jrbaugh gives "Rock-i-B- ye Baby," both are to be rendered in tbe sides in her school in lip reading and there is much fun in seeing who can sign larguage. Our pet dog, Leo died the tber day. beat. John Beck has not been to chool He was a handsome red Irish Setter, and took the 2nd priz at the Fair for a long time. His mother is sick last j ear. We suppose ne found some She wili be well soon so ht can come Zor-bdug- h's poison some where. Ada Davis looks happy and comfortGood-sou- ? able. Wonder if she remembers her first day here w'len she fought every Our devil is only 4 feet 4 inches body and hugged her little doll as tall and weighs only GG lbs. tho' it was the only friend on earth. ries. Colujim to school. Libbie DeLong went to put the rubber of her lead pencil into her mouth and there was a pin In it and she got it in her tongue. "Nice jok wasn't it?" |