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Show THE DESERET EAGLE 40 Look in? Kr Kaltlers. 'The Kiuk Snake Story" is the which an Alabaini Lawyer head- Harvest. Jt is in? man with the idea who de- velops his opulency today. A lawyer 11 prints the followiug: We have of this city not long since in three been informed that about one uijuth montns persuided all the manufactago, iu Morgan county, while a man urers of a certain staple product in th and his wife were sitting out on the eastern statt s to form a combine. He veranda late in the afternoon, their visited all of them and flu illy got tham attention was attracted by the appear- together and drew the articles of a ance of a large snake on the steps a agreement. He Joined aboit twenty-liv- e few feet away. They were perfectly concerts into a combination, with quiet, and the snake crawled up the a capitalization of over a million. A steps until H reached the top; then the outset be claimed 2 per cent, and it held its head up, as much as to say, his realization for his three months' Can I coma U:V Tney rm lined per- work was $3,000. This is a fact. Tvo fectly still, and the snake took it for New Haven concerns are in the combgranted that the silence g vo conseut, ination New Haven Palladium so it proceeded to enter the hall and crawled leisurely along until it reaThe Zodiacal Light. ched a bedroom where the door stood The curious phen menon of the open. I: entered toe door, making its zodiacal light may now be seen in the way under the bed. a on Hire tne king snake pounced early morning skies a little before large rattlesnake that had coiled itself sunrise. In this latitude H takes the around the bed springs Af'er a deadly form of a portion of an ellipse whose struggle with this mtnster rattler the longest diameter is inclined somewhat King snake went out in the yard and from the perpendicular, and may be -. got some kind of weed to kill th- pois- looked for in that part of the sky onous bites, after taking the medicine where the sun is about to appear. Its the king snake returned to the house pearly gray ligit is caused by the refland continued the battle until the ection of the un's rays from countless rattlesnake was dead. It was live feet swarms of meteors which revolve in length and had nine rattles."" Ex, about him at different distances. It has recently been suggested that these Vessel One of Perry' meteors are the medium by whic j the 1812 of war An important relic of the electrical connection oetween the sun has Just been unearthed at Ferrysburg. and the earth is established, in fact, It is the lower portion of the huil of that tiny pliy the sa ne pare in the the sloop Porcupine, one of the nine solar system that the copper wire does small vessels built by Commodore in the coav rya'ic of electric energ Perry n Lake Erie, and with whicri he from the dynamo to the electric lamp achieved his great, victory over the New York Recorder. British squadron, kno wn in Araercin history as Perry's victory, Perry's Around the World. nine vessels consisting of the LawThere are 1, ICO steamers traver.-in- g rence, his flagship, of twenty guns; th great, ocean routes. The first Niigira, twenty guns the Cdkdonia, the fouracross the Atlantic, another by three guns; schoouer Ariel, lour; the is that Scorpion, two; the Soramers, of two Suez to India. China and Australia. guns and two swivels; the sloops Trip, To go around the world that way takes eighty to ninety days, and covers Tigrs and Porcupine, one gun each. 23 000 miles. The passage money is The Porcupine was taken t Detroit where, in 1830, her upper works wert $1,000, a id the traveler who wishes to rebuilt and her name changed to Caro go it comfort and ease should have line. Eventually she was brought to another $1,000 with him another sea Grand Haven and sailed by Captain route described is that by which you Harry Miller. In the early fifties she start from San Frascisco and sail was set adrift in Grand river near the around the American continent to New mouth. Thecurront carried her out York. The Journey Is 16,500 miles long into Lake Michigan, but a west wind it takes 100 days to cover it, and the blew her back in a day or two, and she face is about the same as that around was afterward retltted and sailed a the world. To go around the Cape of season or two. Finally, about the year Good Hope to Australia and back 1855, she was allowed to sink, head on, around Cape Horn is about 25 000 miles, at Ferry burg. Her remains will be and can be covered in eighty-on- e days taken from the water and properly The cost is only $750. London cared for. Grand Rapids Democrat. ing und-- r cuntirm-poror- y The Association Amicale des Sourds Muets ot Paiis celebrated the one hundred and seventy-nint- h ofthebhtb of the Abbe anniversary dk l'Epkr over by our Mr. Douglas Tilden, and at which Dr. Warring Wilkinson principal of the California Institution, was the guest of honor. Mr. Tilden is a member of the Association, and the honor accorded him is a mark of the regret with which hi3 Parisian friends view his approaching departure for his native land, The respect which the French pay to the memory of their benefactors is commendable, and we hope to see the approaching anniver sary of the birth of Thomas Hopby a banquet presided friend and fellow-countryma- n, kins Gallaudkt appropriately os-1-veby the deaf of this country with something of the spirit that characterizes their French cousins. The Silent World. d A FREE TRIP TO Tin: WORLD'S FAIR Commencing; May 1, 1S!)3. The History Company of Sin Francisco, Cal. (capital stock $500,000) the oldest and iargest publishing house on the Pacific Coast, this day announce that thy will give, auollti f.ly fkkk a ticket to the World's Fair and return, including meals eu route one week (7 days) hotel accommodation, six admission ticke s to the exposition grounds, two ticket to leading Chicago theatres and such other privileges as may insure a pltasant trip.todeseiving persons, who comply with their requirements. NOTICE Those desiring to go to the World's Fair and who could not otherwise do so, can address us at once for full particulars, This offer does not apply to persons, of means who aie in a position to meet the expenses of such a trip themselves, but to enterprising, intelligentyoung men and women who can appreciate such an opportunity and make the most of it. Teachers, cleruy-me- n, students, farmers, bright eons and daughters, in fact any and all possessing energy, enterprise and character will be eligible. THE CIIAXt'E OP A LIFETIME Every young man or woman who desires to go to Chicago and see the wonders of the greatest exhibition fie world has ever known, should address us at once. Such an opportunity is rarely offered aud the trip will be the event of a lifetime to those who go. address THE HISTORY COMPANY THE HISTORY ItUIIJUXtt 723 Market St., San Francisco, Cal. |