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Show THE DESERET EAGLE. 38 his WHAT DEAF MUTES CAN DO. t: ; Samuel Porter, of S vir by the boys. IJeside the m mhers of the ligis- laturs present the assembly room war of botn classt p , h crowed with friends of the. school, a Na1 urnl tiirps n An Entertainment cf Intense Interest of whom expressed themselves as L zz'e Wood, of ihs clt ; auJ repreto Friends cf Humanity. senting animals by Ilath?on Hadlock, highly pleased with the evenirg's enol tertainment, and loud in their praise School entertainments are common, Fi si ate a in teaching dcat children of the institution and its excellent bur. nne of i lie unique character given toaricuia ami it ail D.vine, management.- Herald. l.st. v.'uirg is a novelty to residents of of MorjEau; Joe Cameron, of Gaiti Id T pupils i deaf county; ,1 ,hn Alvey, ol Kscalan e; OFFICIAL GUIDE SilL " C route department of the University of K mo i;mp, Mamie Young, Llllie tiii: Decent gave a vuMictxhibi iouimhe swistud I', arl Airt. The ttacber, WORD'S FAIR AND CHCIAGO. cianel of the school bui ding at the j.s wbangh, brirau with the word XOW ICKAIIY and Tnird b'ii West, Nort'i tt c .ruerot to hljovv how u.e children are ear y 400 paes fiiKi 'Jxl5 inches. nntt:( y some in'r.j- tautlit to speak a new word. Then printe . HamlsKJiueiy bound m cloth en Principal Mdealf made ductoiy r nia ks substartially as lo followed a short dr.ll in lip reading bosstd iu KO'd. Snperh y Ihis rutrd with lua renre'iitutioiiK of all th iiiamnictli More advatc d jiihii-n1) v : "We have asked you to cimie to and articulation. tee something of our woik. K must woi k in aniculition and hp reading: World 's 3'i r ISuiUtins. Ivu-- building a nil oil color lor Ami l a Comer, i Lehi; Leo Haw ns page co ored plate, execu cd in be h en to !)e g nerally aiiprei at a cost o nearly. it is very little understood by the land Aktel AmuLosin, of this city ; FOSTY THOUSAND DOLLARS public. It is only rever.ty tiv iJohii Claik and Libbie DeL t.g, ol 31 am ptiotnraphic iews ol 4'hicago includi g d al field ci uoty. yekrsinee the first school fui (h: mates was started in Ilirtlord, 1'o.ni , Couversatiod carried on orally and a Kiujerb bird's-ey- e view o .the entire city, mzh by Thomas (jalbnlet. N w there are by reading the lips, between Libbie I5x 5 inches. The crow in g feature, ib a rnd u i cyclorauia iic!ure Kird's eye View ol the Dt L mu'and Aksel Amundsen. y seven such schools in th ii rounds and Itui diig. inei;btoi colors UiUrd States. While this echool is S oiy taken from Miss Zoroaugh's ixe yx.Sii.clies, positivi ly dazz iiit in one of the youngest, it ranks foily lips and reproduced by Amelia Comer revealing what wi 1 cost over 820 0)) tilth iu s ze; tint is, there are thiny s,ud Libbie DeLong 000. iwo schools s'i:al'tr than i his one. Recitation spoken by J jhn Clark. The book is for the mi lions who couttmp'ate live As to the woik, in H citation of the Twenty third psalm visiting Chicago in Mjtf. It wilt be purchi'Md m have 2.Vj edu af nut hrn vais32 who cannot go, but who wi 1 in signs by a class of little folks. by the mitlio catcd in he United States; il,232 ee d language exercises by desire to kujw just what their friends are weir j:. 1 in school last year. On the t duy of Eirl Moore, of Enwy county, Amelia THE CHANCE OF A LIFE-TIM- E! December, ISO!, there were 7,012 in at-- Comer, Lihbiel) Long and John Claik, a,'d !"" fl" AGENTS WANTED.-1'"1'"n Ja .ce To iusti ucl them, (KJ, tea conducted by Mr. Drlgg-- . n aki'hundm'KOf dollars chers are employed. Humorous rtcita iun, "Courtship We want an agent in every town to ci culate th ;s What can pupils do after they are urdtM dillicultb s," in pantom m-- j, by boo, Inclusive t rritory given, II sells ;if tduca1 d?'' is a question asked He Joseph OUneushaw, of thiscHy. silit. Agents are iin eting with unjiaral u ed ihe i reads extracts from 'he report of Mechan'cal drawing by Earl Moore, slice ss, One aont cleare i S4."() iu y das ; w insiiurion for the deaf for Andrew Madden, Luo UawkiLS and other reports 320 orders the lirst week, 1M11 L'ivirg a list of ninety-eigItooi-on :i das' credit, Libeial terms Nephi Lirson. followed by its graduates, a Bye Baby, in the Tree Write for fu iarticu arp, or to s cure the Sons y l'rocpdinjr: "Compare a number ol Top. " in signs by the school choir, instant y. send only 7.1 eenls lor an e igant graduates of our schools for the deaf conis Asa of four young gentlemen and cnmplefe canvassing ouilit. Address the sole general agents for this with a like number of public school and four young ladies. State, graduates, and yon will find the d. af Tim programme was closed with a and child's following as honorable call ACIFIC PUBLISHING CO. pray r, in signs, by Lillie Swift. as life in a as pucces great making After the piogfamine was finished I2:i( Harkot St. San rraiieiseo C'al. their speaking rivals. Htv ral members of the legislature T : : rr i "a Then followed. for were remarks called upon present THK I'ltor.ItAMMi;. to he i upils, and President Ki i , An address of welcome by speaker Se gmiller, Mr. I vine and DeLong, of (t iHd county, a girl of Mr Snow rtgponded with appropriate fourteen years who lost her hearing at and feeling addresses. Mr. Lyman the age of live, and is uow a member of also poke in terms of warm sympathy. In the various school rooms the the lip leading das-- . Firi step in teaching the ds af. A work of the pup'ls, consisting ot map ciass of beginners consisting of Huth drawings, free hand drawings, pen(barter, of Utah c U'iy; Ada Davis, of manship exercises, journals and black Weaver county; Litlie Swift, of Salt board recitations were on exhibition, IS THE BEST. Ault, of Utih count) ; and in the front hall Aay a table was Like; Pe covered with articles of fancy work lSIgiu Jacobson, of Divis county. Second step A class f more ad from the hamls of the girls; drawings ftiiusTix. LO"LSj!!lJ!(DKSALE BY" winced piuols: Mamie Yourg, of Kane from mod Is by Aksel Amuudstn, JOHN DAYNES, county; Elmo Kemp of Salt Lake forms from the printing otilce, carvin and work and Ole of and Keelev ings Pettit, joining veneering county, Joe Salt Laik City. c mnt ; .Miss St lller being pre-itin- instructor fi-iTs- y 1 . O-jde- i;. -- ip-:A- m to Ll-u- iit ; -- t h iti-d- , g-n-- eral Ixpo-sitio- se-ii- innpui-ficeuc- ih-'pas- ' si-ve:t- v m c tt 1 'h-Oh- io ht tm-ployme- n's " agi-i- i L-'Mi- 1 m -j- -r - e JEW' e, |