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Show TJHE BESEFET Eft&LE. Printed volume toy the Pupila in. the Denf Nlvito Department of tHe University of Deweret. salt lake ciiy, utah, lellmblr 2d, i. that it is beli ved no improp r familDKAF AIUIK INSTITUTION iarity takes placi between thim 1'he lit pait(.rt nt of deal mutes, us. -- Toere seems to be a system in the 1 r Professor Metcalf, I am phased t entire management of the departis dow In a coiid U n ment; a time for study, for retire-ieg- , 1 T e total i:umer ot pup eur 1 e i for rising, for school, for meals, the last term wast . i rt eigat; tweut) for work, and for recretion; and s ven m lies and fit vtn male. T i tbougbthe discipline seemed a little and too restrictive at first, I am p.Uonag: is wiiidy dis ri u td uv i tae teiruuiy, i ven the extreme ion row convinced tlat such has not ben .nd M)iitb counties being rtp eeu e i. the, case, for we have betkr order Tiere uavcoteu nuauyimpioveme.it contentment, and impiovtment as iu ihe department since last jar. Uc remit. Bepcrt of Dr. Park to the Regents. sati.-facto- ry y, number ltby. 6 stretches 12oo miles ami g t'ie Pacific, from eight o rif y mile wid. The Great Ainorican D sert, f the Uniud 8 a e i"1 :a basin r eion ef many hundreds of square miles of ro k, sand and aikal with a y growth of sage brush, a id a litt le animal lite. 1 1- - Tuc c u&ldei Igood and P oper. Wneu not engaged in their ttudie, or iu tfco c oul nom, oi at iciplitie 1 Great Waste Spots. Tie Sahara I) hert, nccordirg to M'. lecreation, he pupil are kept busiy Joseph F. J Huei, is a div rsith d area ruplu) i d lit laoiii , m Kcted ai:d direc 3100 miles long t y 000 wide. Suwiuei t d wi: ti tue view ot prepairng theiu is its nl seasoi , i a dajs tc:rcbing, Oetu r to support itKiuselVis ryprac its night cold. 1 s soil is chit 11 gravel lie ii ludustiy when they leave the and coarse san. Its oasis enable caravans to cross it, a t louiru much of 'he iusiitutiou, B sides general out-doarts is otherwise watering and di sti work, tile buys are employed in shoeiLaking and pri liu, unc tute of all vege'a tun ai d anim il life. me adva .cement they are making ia T.e Desert ( f G be, tLe Asiatic Sahara taesj trades is veiy pioruMeg. Tde Is more than 1800 miles long ai d 50) grN uwl r the t?upeiviiju of Mrs wide. It is a plateau 500 feet high, and Me calf are divided into s and a waste i t sand and re ck, with 1 w g Veu regular duties to perfuim Iu oa es, and onlo fiv.-- trees iu a distance t lis way tiey are employed in plain of 500 mi:e. Ice forms nearly tvery ueedlt-woi- k, as making garmeuts, nigh, and the temperature often ta'ls patching, mending, etc.: in fancy to 30 degrees or 40 degrees below iicedie-w- m k a cruchetiu, lace work Tneinteiorof Ausralia rivals these and chamber work. Tue wo:k done two great deserts, atd is the most of all to travelers on account ol by the pupils in hese various diiec-tion- s is certain y credirable alike to its heat and lack of water. It contains th- uiielves and theirs teacher. 1 have about om half million square miles, and ihe same commendatijn to make in the northern part is almost entirely rega ds to their scholastic work One, destitute of vegetation. The Aiabain and it may be two of the pup. Is, how- desert is a sandy wa&te of about 50 000 ii a re miles, dotted here and there ever, It wiil be necessary to smi home, as their m util cojdition is with a few stunted bushes or dwarfed Mien as not to warreut the efforts palms. A characteristic ef this and made to teach tium. I have instruct- other Aplastic deserts is the suffocating ed the principal so to inform the simoon. A large part of Persia is a parents, as tue department is not an desert tract, in which vegetation is so asylum, a hospital nor a pure charity. rare that one may travel 3oo miles and I approve the general discipline of the see only one tree. Here the salt desert, department. While amp e opportuni with a porous crusted surface, often ty is given the pupils for recretion, extends loo miles in length by half as they ate not allowed to roam the much in width. In Sout'i America the streets uncaied for. They need, of Puna extends for 35o Spanish miles in course, at times to goon the streets. length at an elevation of 12,ooo feet. Wnen this is necessary, hey have A brown grass covers the ground, there some one along to care for them, are but few trees and a single tuberous wno does this, however more as a plant alone can be cultivated. Auimal companion than an overseer, so as to life is comparatively abundant. Anavoid any reproach of espionage. other desert of Te ru, no w partially subTue sexs are carefully guarded, so dued by man and crossod by a railroad, -- or cu-pent- ry, z-ii- te-rib- - le Fleeting Fame. What dueh i he w.r'd cure for had filk!? Getugt' Idol's giave sliainefuily luglecled over . gioun wiih wt'tdN and grns. (araiilV tomh in New Yolk Cty is Ot-n- would a e'eniehtciy. il is so poor and t ne.t t ly ui run ided. Gieat people ought to make their wills in luvnr ol and mo avoid the danger of di.4gr.tre hack-cuiJiitr- y trit-matiu- living in neglected gravt. It n, lists eNii (lis oveied that Miral i eposes under ono of the r found-atiu- ii stuneof n new building in Paiis, hut the eity did nut think it jnst been worth while to pj:l ujf the foundations, now nearly completed, to disccver beneath which slmie the mighty nrutoi'H (M.fTin of lead is stowed away. Exchange. Au officer of tne American steam- ship ,Santi8gon sends to the hydrngr" aph'c burea an account of a water spout which that vessel passed through near one of the lUbama Islands last, sprinp. He said: ''The steamer paed tnrougn the outer edge of the whirlpool, the diaueter of which I Judge to have been fifty or siven'y yards. On passing through the outer edge I obsei v. d that the center was nollo n the water circling from west to east, or against the sun. The. water that fell on deck was very salt, and the drops as large as 50 cent pieces. During the jew seconds of our passage through it ihe wild blew at the rate ot tnirty or miles per hour. I did not thirty-fiv- e observe any calm in the center at all, he water rising from it resembling an nverted fountain. After clearing it the wind resumed Us original forc; abont fifteen miles per hour. B2T Fiftv cents pays for Tnr. Eagi i:. |