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Show 22 i THE DESERET EAGLE. SALT I AUK CITY, IHX'lvUKKK. HE DESERET EaGLE at that, ate not doing moie in this hue. Ve suppose they are ua:ting for an appropriation iarge e ough to nab. e them to stait in grand sty'e, and with a fifih number comes out with a handsome cut of the Utah school lor il v deaf, audit contains some spicy little ilens of reading matter! This Deseret Eagle ought l hat of nurse would be to have many bonus to lly to in oil1 tit. vfiy desirable, but we believe, and UtMh; it is puolUhed bi- - monthly are putting ur bt lief to tbe test, and cost only 50c. a 3 ear, and it is hit the best way to gain the entiiely gotten out by the de.if bright is to begin at the foot oi the mu?es, under the hiipvrvisiiui of hill and climo. Prof. Metcalf.-IIcra- ld. T a you; and on- - of the irgh"-e- t of tue :c:iool p ipers, Tiik Dkkkkt Hugh Jacobs, of this place, and Eaglb, wh';Mi"':i;o was a personal Miss Isabel Wist, of Pleasant fneadof M . 11 D. Walker, Miys tha Grove, were made one lat i cr 'G irut) V "u: Jut" neie Wednesday at Mailt i. The contract v k ei ly le!t y bin:. I ry probable both deaf mutes, niticaticn in ting parties aie that tht-i- wbton-and giadutes of the deaf mute is theories so stro g'v u!t our esoar:njr voudk fiie.i d depaiiment of 'he University f have tlw i inions o. eve.iy teacher wt o Deseret. May their future lives he s to clve tteni to the pub'T and happy. The wedding lng Silent reception was held at the evidence itcepttd wiih ut qiuctioL? one- - ITT A II, 2. 1SK9. PUULISHKO SJ5MI MONTHLY I) U KING T1IK SCHOOL YKAK. to-da- y, mt TKItM : For nvIiooI year In advance 8.50 Alcrtiiiitf rales made known on application. leach tlk nrt of printing to the pupiN in the Deaf Mute I) partmeiit of the University, of Desert1 1. Address all communications and Pliti obj-e- t of this p iper subscriptions to TllK DESEHET EAGLE, Utah School for tiik Dkaf, Salt Lakk City, Utah, g-- st, k-ism-s ppos-butw- Filtered at he Postoffice at Sale Lake City as second class matt r. b-c- .- - 1 FRAXK W. MKTCJAIjF, EI) IT OH. World. The Silent World in commenting on our aiticle in a late issue does not rnteiely agree with what we said on manual training. That is if we all right Hrr Divid-ou- , agreed life would become wry monotonous and "Gurney" would By no means Bu' we do tb:cK that it would be far better for 'Gurney" to write ov r his own nam . St ill we are fn c to that the argument of our contemporary carries when it says that "Gume" y weig-keeping him-- - If in the background left a'l fn e to discu s what he rays tin trammeled by persougl friendship or we will a d overawed by the (.0 iiion tum) I o'.diu the pioie.-sioIt is trur in other avocations, and what certain names way not in cirrygna weight no ma!t r if tLe value of the article to wuieh tht y Me attachtd is uoi;diii or le. s than Lot hinp. We saw s 'ineH'iug :u one of our ex chants bou having an exhibition of woitK done by the deaf, at thr. next c nvi ntior . We. think the id. a a most excellent one a. d hope it will be this school cabled out. If it speaks for a modest corner iu which to place some of our pupils work. a-nr- t 1 i have nothing to say. D-- some of ou' exchanges. We did not wish that article to convey the impre to hiiv one that perfection in manual training had b?en reached in our institutions, but what we did wish to do was in s me measure counteract the influence of the Philadelphia Press article which was very misleading. The public ned educating in regaid to deaf mute education and this education must come, to a great extent, fiom the institution press. It 1m very true, as Iiro. Vedltz said a short lime since in refer ing to thia school, Van we were a boy the country that the millennium has not ai lived west of the Rocky mountains was whe-it does we may see perfection ailed the Gn at Am ricinDesert.lt i. n. s-i- ow of Thomas Clotworthy yesterday afternoon and a very pleasant time was enjoyed by a host of friends of tho happy pair. Wasatch Wa.-e-. Rapid Progress. We hhve seen a letter written by Jacob Beck, one of the students at the Deaf Mute department of the Deseret Uni versity, to a friend in this city, and while it has been known that excellent progress was being made by the pupil of that depattment, the letter indicates a greater advancement than the public generally have any idea of. Mr When he went to the University deaf mute department a lew years ago he uid nut know a single letter. The construction of his commu nication of a few days ago, and its conect orthography and punctuation, show that his comprehension of the branches he has studied has been th o rough, and his success is in manual training as well as some it was a desert then what a wonderful lemarkable. We understand that other things. e agree with the transformation there has hi en. The others in the same department World Mat there is much to be done common belief is that a esert is have dux equally as well. tow .ids perfecting this departme- a place without moisture, or any to - Deseret News. nt. Until we can turn out work-i- n speak of. As wc wade through the mud these days we are in no sense, rtwindeil n capable of doing as good if not We are with the Home Register of a dry and barren was'e. better work than their competitors when it tells) the Bilent World to The lively little paper printed by trot out their great unknown and we have not reached the success at VVe are tin? deaf mute which we shouli'aim department of the let's have a look at him. The Eagle screams from the top of the sorry that somo of the institutions, University of Deseret; The and some of the older and larger Eagle, is still soaring onward. The Rockies, whose afraid? i i De-er- et Beck is now 19 years of age. |