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Show THE GRANTS YILLE OBSERVER. GRANTS VILI.E. Professional TOOELE WANT ADDS DfOR'.LEASE OR SALE-C- oL mat HoteL Apply. Art KeWon. Two Hudson bicycles for sale torjr tUop M Art NooB.-Ad- v For Ctlrimining, Paper bsng-ic- g A Plastering. T. Lr Breton GS N. Viaia StnwL Adv. FOR SALE Best Ford Bag body in town $60, or put on Chassis for $65 Inquire of ML & Leo. FOR KENT Building formerly occupied by the Tooele Drug Co. Entrances from Vain and Vine streets. Beat business location in Tooele city, will bo vacant Juno 1st Inquire at Tooele County State Bank. FOR KENT-S- ix phone 46.1 room house and NOTUK Citiseaa sf Tophf petit far BOUNDARIES e OF PROPOSED Beginning on Five Mile rasa at the uiteraeetiew of the Township line between Townships su and seven south, with tk boundary lui bo. ATTORNEY AT LAW tawonUtah and Tousle counties, extending west along said township line 0 to tbs turner of seclioM 2, 8, S4 and 36, thence south three mites, thane Notary Public west fuur miles to rouge line between ranges four and five, oust, thanes . . Tooele, south slung said range line throe mites to the corner of Townships 7 end a south, Ranges fuur end west, thence west slung the township line between townebipa T and 8 south to the eastern bo undry sf the right of HOME OF COMMERCIAL MEN way of tho Sea Pedro Railway, Uumce southerly along suit right of way to Headquarters .for Smelter the boundary line between Tooola and Mining Men. and Juab counties, thenca sailorly Hot Water Baths. along said lute to tho woatent bounof county, thence northar-l- y Dinning Room in Connection. dary Utah along tho boundaiy brtwooa Utah and Tooele counties to place of beGarage in Rear. ginning. Tooele, Utah. Ary protests to the foregoing may be submitted at tbs regular meeting of the Board of County Commiaaion-tr- s KTEB CUGG, Fat, W. I HA UR Vus Jm. Monday, February Blh, 1923. d29-Jedtimhobme. FEED BRYAN, County Clerk. Market price paid for hides, M. pelts, wool, furs, ete. W. Second North 257 Martensen, West street, Tooele, Utah. FOR SALE Five room modem bouse on Glenwood Ave. Inquire of John C. Bryan for BUY TIRES NOW RUGS AND RANGES JOHN B. GORDON . luh. 2t TOOELE COUNTY STATE BANK Capital and Surplus Easy Terms TATE-K1CK- In Tte Third Judicial District Court of the Bute of tub, in nadfor Tooele Ceuaty. TOOELE FURNITURE CO. hfTeea Blk.,, Tooele, I'Uk. Phone S3. 30x3 u -- i $12.50 to $14.65 Cord, Ian All Standard Makes. pwii baa GUstes in Watch Our Windows Tier, Save Sight TOOELE MOTOR CO, Neglect to have them properly examined may cause a of aor-oand regret. Small disorder grow more acriou every day. There ia nxliuf action in knowing fur sure that hfq-tim- e - w I4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444t4 Gued Health. TOOL1.E, 0rloLr Now gentle. UTAH FALL AND W INTER-Su- lta, Coats, and Dmaes, mass to meaaure and Heady to Wear from Victor Ladies Tailoring Co. Mrs. E. J. Baker, Agent for Tooele County, l'hone 37-J. Adv. f Furnished rooms for light housekeeping at Colonial lluteL Inquire at tho hotel. FOR at KENT-Tw- w FOUND Improved Dietetic tope Inquire euro la winding bos. this oflieo and pay fur add. SALE Young pigs from Chester White sow that took first pnso at tho fttato Fair, also on old. Chaster White boar two iuhn E. Loo, North Main Street. riGS FOR y-- FOR RENT apartment. Throe furnished room Phono I"J. FOR SALE First crop pigs nil sisee, olico or dre-Shields, Bauer. hoc M FOR SALE Autto T ple machine, nrw. Ale some Inquire of Russell H rison, Terms if dee d. Point end -M knit-tin- g n lake rooms for WANTED Pumishod light housekeeping. Lesc word at Trsnwript office. LOSTjOpen case gold watch, with leather fob. Reword offered Merrill Shields, Phono M J. BRYAN, Attorney A Counwief-et-La- w SALT LAKE CJTY, UTAH. MORONI ENGLAND U ndertakcr and Licensed Embalmer Utah, Tooele, PHONE 42 PHONE J. WJ LE ROY LEE PLUMBING and oil kinds of Repair Work Window HOME lass replaced. A332ES& PHONE NO. 114-- 15 $ collar, I 1 1.00 8 pair fur Fine Silk Sock, Heavy KiMiecT Unions, Boys Amy Style Shoes, 1.00 The V. Temple Tooele Depot; Oquirrh Nolel 1.50 Lake Stages are heated for the comfort of their patrons. lt 5.95 Order Now 3.00 and up 2.95 3.95 Leather Sleeve Vctt, Chamoa lined, .70 The outlook is not favorable for coal this winter. Stock up for that zero Weather. 3.50 .95 We arc still receiving regular shipments of that good old LIBERTY COAL. lhone 5 i fr 1$ IV A 14fc-j- , CO. Tooth, L'Uh . One Equals T wo! One'pair of shoes properly taken care of by our Repair Shop will equal two pair of new shoes which are allowed to go unrepaired. Englands Repair Shop. I. Com-orlab- le 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 3.95 Atkin Bros. Coal State Ecg'neer of first yuhlieati' Jan. 12, 1922. Dale of completion of puhlL rsti.in Feb. 9, 1523. Tooele-Sa- 1.29 Tooele Trading Co t Dst S-- . I Ex-pre- 1.00 Boys lAgtish last welt Shoes, IUn iUtM, 4 Okie. Overshoes Boys' Winter Unions 3 lt, .75 Fart Vxl Union, Beal Army Shoe, Edmund's Farm Filter Shoes Co.j 69. TIME TAME: 1922.) (Ffferlive DeoemlxT Lv. TixK'le Ar. Salt Lake Lv. Salt Lake A Tom le UMiOa. m. 12'DOm. 8:00 a.m. 10:0i)a. ni. 7:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m. Fa :0 p. m. 7:00 p.m. VIE UAUANTEE SERVICE. Stage will receive paisengers at I.ilxrty Cafe In Newlown and Oiiunrh Hotel a induaied on The Time Table. Phones: Oquirrh Hotel 131; Lilx'rt.v Cafe 20G For Informal i"n rrganl.ng I Mi very of Light I artels Call Ojuirrh Hlil. 1.00 Bad Wool Six ka, 3 pair for Fine Dreaa Sink, 6 pair for Pakardhne Salt Ijike Depot: Hotel, 3nt Fifry Me-idia- UTAH AVENUE rnoNE .... PASSENGERS AMI EXPRESS. ..19 Hall post-offi- ce puros LUMBER Tooele Salt Lake Stage Line f 2.95 Gauntlet Glove, Leather, iit)i 44H444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 7i 1.00 i 14444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444! 0 Mona Canvas Gloves, Genuine Horae Hide Glove, Saxony Wool Socks, NOTICE TO WATER L'SLRS. gt.se Engineers Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, Jan. 4, 1923 Nutiet is hem y gven that Joe. E. and Florence C. Johnson whose address is Vernon, Utah, hss made application in aceordnnre with the requirnmerte of the Compiled Laws of Utah, 1517, ns amended by the Session Laws of Utah, 19i9, to of water appropriate Four (4) Sec, Ft. from Oak Brush Creek in Tiaa-l- e Codiunty, Utah. Said warr will be verted at a point N. 27 deg. 21 min. E. 23.6 ft from the Sou'hwest comer of Section I, Township 10 South, Range 6 West. Salt Lake Bane n, and eonveyed Ly and of n canal a distance of three miles and the-- e used fro Apr. 1 to Nov. 31, Inclusive, of each year to irrigate 320 srres of land embraced in the Sec. 26. EW14 See. 23, and NWi 7 Wert. 16 South, Rnr.ge Township S. L. Mer. As much of said wster vRI be ued the may be neri--j- f nr tire year for d'lmertif is deigr.a.ed in the This spplk-stioState F.rgineers office as So. 9 ".8. Ail protests against the granting of said appMcstion, ssting the reasnm therefor, must be mad by affidavit in dupirste, ncromparied with fee of flJK), and find in this office with'n thirty (31) dy after the eompleti'in of the publication of thte notice. R. E. CALDWELL, Shirt, with Work Shirta, Elue, Grey, Kaki, Army Wool Shirta WM.S. MARKS When You Are Constipated. To insure a healthy action of the bowels and correct disorders of the User, take two of Chamberlain's Tablets immediately after supper. They will not only cease s gentle movement of tho bowels, without r pleasant affects, but banish that dull feeling, that dull, stupid feeling, that often seeonr.psnies constipation. Adc. Dreaa imprui-ni- and we will give jou a figure on the cost. Highest Quality Guaranteed. INSURANCE Funeral Director ye-- Sdme'Special Prices For Men: Tie Suite 414 Judge Bldg. FOR SALE T or B tone of hoy in tech, rloee In. Inquire at Tronsrript office. Il Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office si Salt Lake City, December I, 1022. Utah. Notice is hart given that Snverio Granato, of Baccua, Utah, who on September 29, 1917 made erigmal homestead entry, serial No. 021716 Wisest Tkin to do and on July S, 1921, made additional entry, serial No. 021716, for Lot I A BUY 4, RVh SWk, Faction 18; Lots 2, 1, S, 7, Scotios 19; Township 2 South, C. Rang 2 West, Stte, Section 13; Insurance Attorney. NEia, Section 24, Township 2 South, Murid tan, Range 2 West, Salt Lake Oflire J. R HICKMAN, has filed notice of intention to mska thrss-ysn- r Proof, to establish claim Utah. Tootle, ta the land above dasscribed, before tho Register A Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at Salt Lake City, Utah, on the 10th day of February, 1923, Claimant names as witnesses: Louis Frattis, of Baccua, Utah, w Attorney A Counselor-atL- s Luigi Nicolette, of Baocus, Utah, Charles Grsnieri, of Salt Lake, Utah, Bank Office Tuoele County State Bldg Wm. H. Kershaw, of Salt Lake, Utah. GOULD B. BLAKELY, Register. Dec. 8, 1922.1 (Date 1st publication, CLIO C. TANNER Ihe time to make ivpuirs and 1PARKER-WARNE- R Special attention given to Gold Crown A Bridge v ork See JOHN IT NOW d DR. GEO. R. DAVIS FOR BALE I milch coon, also Chootar White pigs. Inquire of John g. Loo, No. Mala, Tooola, Utah. in inside Ihe home. Line that unl'init-ln-rontn with wall board or have a lubim l built in the kitchen. A hew Dm': of maple can lie laid right over the old floor and will List fur a lifetime. It is just as ilicap as good linoleum. Tell u the bixo of your room Chum-herlain- 's DR. A. G. COWANS, E) might Fperialwt. I DO If yuu would enjoy good health, knep your bowels regular. No one can . rra.otialdy hop to feel well, when When needeit, take TabteU. They nr mild and your eyes are all right. WE CAN TELL YOU. PECK, $8.25 to $12.50 Fabric, Non-Ski- d earN r Allj liaia ihMiit K.(XaFwn- - tm, a II Hoais The petition of Olaf Knud non, prayTooele, Utah. lhone 25 ing for an order of the Court grant, ing h,m teava to take the name of FOR RENT- Furnished rooms. Oscar Enudaon Andeiaun in plnco of Phone 115--J. M J. A PHIPK, Dl. HOt AID NCR. the namo of Olaf hnudaon, has been set for hearing for Tuaaday, tho 13th Leather day of February, A. D. 1U23, at ten Cowhide Grip. & LOST oclock A. M at the County Court host II laches long. Finder plena and rocoivo House, in the Court room of said Court Clark I 10 a. m. to aotify County in Tuoela City, Tuoele County, Utah. Office Hour: 2 to p. m. WITNESS the Clark of said Court, I 7 to 8 p. m. with Um seal thereof ottUad, this 27th Office on North Main Street hunt-In- g A. D. 11)22. MOTICC TO HUNTEKS-N- 'o day of Rauch at FRED BRYAN, allowed oa the One Utah. Tooele, Clerk. Rrda. By ardor of tho ownar. (Seal). (Date Aral publication Jan. 6, 1923.) (Date Anal publication, Feb. Z, 1023.) FOB RENT Throe room house, 429 North Mein. BLICATION. NOTICE DENTIST 2 u ug NOTICE IDE 1-- Gstxirh Cannot B Cored won local trrutATioH MSMl IwA tee esnl u Mi Sim Csunt is a heel Si I msoaSiiiaws. iiwii MMMd by t cuesiiuiHMdipMi aoial tansHsSi-iwelllotarMi'is Caianb anS nuts inn, so (he surtauae oi ins Mags CaatwO fed.cuia Was to om rlSaS be aas aha baM ob.awiBaa lb Hub Mauf Sue aaes It la wno- baoaa pm af la Me wubaa Ulba teal bluud Tlw MTS a amatlea nt Madi-iHOrsSmie m Lall's (nun w wnat su luauhs la rals bal a Slim is In the matter of the application of OLAF ENUDSON to cluing hie name to OSCAR KUNDSON ANDERSON. $75,000.00 PHIPPS and Save Money S In OQUIRRH HOTEL terms. -- - FURNITURE IKUTNCT . SALE -- Auto Electric FOR shop. Inquire of Art Nelson. ARTISTIC PICTURE FRAMING oi tahhehmest of proewet as foUoae: Business Cards. IT AIL T00EE CITY MILLING CO. Ai Desires to state that they intend giving the retailers the benefit of the wholesale trade, and doing retail business only at the mill. C $- - C c r if Patronize HOME INDUSTRIES and keep YOUR money at home I i : I : t4 |