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Show T i: THE CKANTSVU IE QiyFRVEK. CRAXTSVILLE. 1TAH. yVWWsVsVYWWWkVaWYWYVWWsWSrMVWWWxVV'kWYW I AAfffwylW TEACHER PAYS IT NEW STYLES IN LINGERIE; GLOWING TRIBUTE IDEAS FOR SPRING SUITS Top oil cock Dttl a kit of wllk vtcet la (be Iona ol WKIGLEV&. alUtlcs tkc sweet tootk aa4 aids dlgesttoa. Plcasare ail beoellt comklaed. Chronic Constipation Jtofi'fsud Without I Im i- As of igusMieal kMawl-- Mt RlM hi toMdav ao kiMw-- w nwM gripe. V km fan in onttpoieA. at raMtb of taftrr hi krkMlM tamt la rudora'd ta Oia pinil to keep tha fuu4 MM iuA Ml touthl. ll lltMtn tola N h tai biM Ilka lb tout to SORE EYES nuMiuna um ITmI eyas aud strong. Sadsfytngt mwt Mfunded. MAI fug this punutcad tnanaanb HMmI RMMdr Cm aitaamlaktoto bwCto,lto Cuticura Soap Is Ideal for The Complexion Talma 1 8 aad lnl.a Txitnrr" HAIM BALAAM I If SO i Pa. aodl, IllNDIRCORNIh. WHM MH . m ail poi LIKE A 0 Inp-and- By JOHN K1N0KICK tt l ! Ip A KIbOLVI day will I bo aid That Wtos vats Touin I la ewar oi cold, dad Farhap Van Knew Thw Kind. Mary Ritnin Klmdiart write lunnt Mugs entertainingly la the America ctiiiiiilnK Ian alMHil her eierlem-mna m III with mm. Khe uya the preseai- - or a woman la ramp, but hr dorrnt a ant la hr bothered with lir. la lila attitude, he la. alia declare, like the slovenly dressed woman of whom II was said thnt elie Mid to her clothes: Well, clothes, I ato going downtown. If yon want to com alone, bane on aunllahl Mr spirit fail la rhaar. Waea tlwra shall emno a mors IVkea la Uis dar rabora 1 truly fail ta see Tha ny It huida for ma. Thaa will I turn the yaga Thai Sahara aia ta Aga, AUmltting tha sad truth Thai pona Inilaad la I ouch Hut until tnaa anil I Tha Inaa af N dsnr hr to "Clara Nawapsaar Byadlaala ) r satisfied with herself until aha has put It all am mi hnr neighbor way A woman la never ; rs Mru J. B.JUm thmo onlw-k- drnp-velope- . i J lac y nstoNOPW'mo g"""' honw-h.d.- lurnd-eon- , .o Sg s-.- i'izi Ache, paina, nervnuunewi, in urinating, of'en moon aerioua dimsdera. Tlir world difTi-rul- (ViVAVW. moiii lovi: MAE!; HALL Durrce j LATH HOPS if lr-- declur.ui , ty atatulat d remedy for kidney .liver, Ltodder and uric arid trouble IE TI!EI!E wc.-- nc-- boa in Hi world tlu-rwnu'd I,, less danger of aar cf every kind. Iiirernarh.mil couhl be avoided If all men lovd Cod and followed III leaching. ust r In I strife also would answer i lealh knell If and er nyce followed every emph-.- rr a tlie gulden rule. The prunlpnl nf til achtsri. refer M.innh-kr- Qt SLOW DEATH The Friendly i !tos HsaaiaM on ( bet ii ciutyca Knisenasthroatssisl k relief sod often ward off i- - rvmei'.y ol IMlstid f s more than full yeax. All driqqisr, m liirrv siirs. LaO t- -r ths mm fed Oc.l mm esarv : "Love of nciglhor reads Iff over nntlisml Imr ndiirtea "Love of litel towe shore all d f ferencea .'ween ujh" If one the asserthms as or. are hojie a 'll-- fa he not t chun-lic1 hound to dm f ore deyotirg t.m mm h 'me to enreent at- J too llirle t worldly proMem leach lug men in love Inflii-enc- e eey j 1 , r Byrtisaia - i Wkssi-- A (Fol letters like this brine out th merit of Lyd.a E l'inkhsm'a Vc yets his Com- l liey tell ol th relief from su h sms and ailments after taxing I ydia L. Iiiixiuubs Y rye table Cunipuund. i s it Sr Iks Nu Mr. M. lAUUGk Tyrone, l a. Iw-k- II a a 1 ; three-quarte- s . r i tlat j ; ht-aertpt- ioa fcsara "AI," the s 1 tori vl ttcr t fthoV. s ft j How Lydia nin-duw- each petal the t Greek egch.niatloa of grief. Emerson this Attiactivs Undsrahp bhsws Widsr Skirt. speaks af I'i-rhiiiic.-In In er liHudling It In dllferiMit wsv. thme oilier g.iriio-n'Th hrarlncli.n a boy. for hue Mora wU mlaht break aal AprU btoaai s j: nee, ihe Miiiucliie Mills of them einphnslse lng slim lines a aoh-- skirt and slid Hike up Willi the new frisit drap-It Is flu lug therefore that Cynthia trnie.1 heie rc.--lI) Is. In f.i'T, rric. a lu ihe suit plctmed. One ran alioul.1 have the fayacli h. ef jacinth a higher on'siline. pe'lh-ou- i Joim-In mie luirdiy Inmglne niiiililiig but a short fur her tiilianisnlr Jcwq. But the I'liiuifoilr und a Il belong In f lie i utig..ry rs anh a dies nf ilu kind under it. inald who hears the i, sine la more gurtueni. as dieting-- "tied The skill I arsisd ahoul the figure, than ordinarily fortuns'r, fur alia boa of trimmed lingi-rifrom tailored and may lie ilc- - lending al Ilia from U. plaited lingerie, another kn-l- j gam, lie nuNsietune In either silk nr n.llon wash ey Dial Is esnghl up under llie bodice, Tha deep blue hyacinth protects her Two! wlin-lla made of a dilfcreul insierial. from danger nf accident r disease, fntirh'to In awhite or light colors. t nl Inre edging and a Bar The fnhrlr In fins and rout la a while the neamsinn with It milky widths lu row Inaerllou provide for lls dcrora-tlon- , lieevy rrepa woven In a airiped effect 0leaceucp promises In true love anil satin rltilsm having a gnse Hint plain riee tie dune makes ihe aad Ilia power fa read tli futsr la ahl- li la liliuiveil a back la used for the durable ImuIv nf ie dr-relatfwi to Imr, if si e places lh grain, d cliine. liitle over the ginlie of rr.-patone la her nimh wiira the moon Shoulder traSk thnl there are Jul as This girdle hung Iii susli ends at Ihe It apiiears le full. Hominy Is her day sail many gurmeni inailr In ruhtied silks right able low aid the biok. A fur I her tallsniHliic muiilirr 0mi uAtq burry away from a dinner riigngement 11, ester nr a dsm-when the If a meal bns Just lieen dniue occurs the some evening II Is posKlhle to drop in" follow lug tlie dinner hut it would he fur I surer to a friend of to sMend f'irmsi 1" late to the dnmT lima to be toe lunclienn la am an Invltnilnn to spend ahrupl In leaving the dinner psrly. I" f"1" 1' ,r N". the entire sf'ernnon. At least, in amart socl-r- y a lot de fnsMoiiahle j I H considered A "'d aocle'y aims day fends "" Hie hni.lt and mode of lit Hecesanry lu reinuln more than a qnar- j enierialned ar-- the ter of sn hour after Ihe meul hu lvn I" ,,f In certain who entertalo. eoncliided, nor I It eonrtwuia to re-- is'rs.u.a wlierw It taken of an tmhnrhiin wain more than '" """1 f th" men hsv hour unless tl.e hostess hits especially catch early train In Ihe morning yeques'ed her guest to do in It may to riiufisnnry and In f'al form lu tie that the bnsfrvs hna s.me o'her so- il . purl, fairly early. cial engagement for the afteramsi. Bhe legve after dinner One Tea O'chah I li.tr et.ni.gh a tea to or at to make calls have piny ' "'v-.,rf ftl ,"rI !l" "" trad If ali la a busy woman, with ii "hmild If m In this innfter aa l mrcunel, duth-to afprofessional or end to. she rrrrntn'y will nid want inconsiderate to remain afrer tlie nvtinl bedtime of Hi person who are enteryoa to linger. In fa.T, aomeflinea Imey to taining yoa fastial evening rahera arq'ii'ln'en-- e folk lnvls be rarefjl to leave limclieon hecauae, a'nce lliey moat take ought to In goto I time time to loach "ryway. they love ao MU. Sr HsCiar swap Sr4trrwt time thnt way. 8n aunMy. niilev the IP O-bmcces eriwcfi you to Hove shortly she tndlcytea this lu after bey Irvpntion. If she Is g'rlng a forthat there mal limclieon sho hidn-r'e- s will he music or ranie er aome'hing of that aot after IttnHie.ra. Otherwise It is beet to linger n"t over of au hour. But except umong perwmu with very crowded ergvgemcnt hooka a dinner Invita'lmi means the enlre evening. That ia, hi fashionable eociety dinner guests usually remala until ueurly els vn o'clock or later. It certainly la not eery flattering to any on te Loclic Tell A friend told try koto Tywaie. Ta band hots Lydia L. f'u.kliaina Lsinisiund had bel)d bis wife, tot niy husband Imught ma a le.ltlc I waa ao had a narvoua weaa noato no atrength in my body and tina ia my left aid an I could bad hardly do my work. Iiefor I waa married I used to tourk in th faclury, and I I have Mt the Mine tto-have dona my hmisewirk I would not be with ait a bout in tha souse now It has jipu Ight and I have found yonder ful body builder m it lias made M well and r'njnjf It h fsng to ha Ae 'old rchaiilN w!th ms hereafter, tndl am always willing to tell other women bow it baa h Iped m. Yoa ran use this letter as you wish aa I can boo-r.i-y uy t)et air wiwda are true. ship of flu- - flower and the name Is even more closely anC romantically -- pressed In tlm teyend of the hyacinth's orl;a; tha ttwrer sprang from tha blood of II.ra.HiiMina, a beautiful youth, Imluved by Aisdlo, and killed liy tha latte through aa riiflh-uTi- r ; v, blit lllost Of the Hill Uif:iiO-,;i!'it's Ihe i.piiiuhnl of ordering a light lunch"- - llirininl.ini Ate llcra id. Compound Helped Her cmu-lmle- finite, Mont. 1 an remember 59 when my mother need and sg-waned Ur. fierce medicine be. cans they bad been ao helpful to her. Vim I mi developing hwo womanhood, I wat dehca'e and needed aome aid to nature and ft waa thd amrite Prescription' that did me oo math pood, yam after my trt when the children were eornng Into onr borne, the 'Favorite me the atreoiph and pa Aleo gierre to keep vp wtth my work. found .ditd middle lie I when I wonderful help. the Tresfifittoa Ottre when efritketi wfh tphoid fever, 1 wss let in n weak' rued Meddiion, and Dr. Pierce' Golden me to ial Discovery mi wbat belped recover my health. I know kw pood and reliable IV. are. "Mrs. J. B. Piercr's medw-nr- s Lilia, 219 South Jackson St sell you Df, will Your Amrit ia tablets or liqmd. Fsra'i mrotonea or tend lie tor trial ok, to Dr. ftam'i Invalids ItHorn to Bunib fret ydncav and mrk fi. We I?" "Is It on evoinKiiirii.r?" -- L (uiLhamd VrguLl . WW1VA-VV.- ta the s. Popular Far 'hot d g' used n "I benr die I il .i In your gn-ti- l mry," remarked the foiei-- u visitor, Mr. Tatli 5y Tanluc Is for rule by all good di'Uf-dsiOver MA million lt!ca sol Advertlwme: t WHO WORK c: TTThe Right Thing dti Right Tune . HELP FOR GIRLS tid-tn- u -- tlcki-nli,- ai ea Ill nrce riiana er rynlhla virgin g.NldeM of Greek mythology England! virgin anera. Ellaalietli. waa often alluded ta aa Cyntlila la the literature of her time. The name Ml therefor very popular In Great Britain, hut It real vogue I la America, where It hai had prominence. The mush Nil quality of the name, combined with Its poetle origin, tun always made It popular among the of art. One of the loveliest the art world Is ra'led Ilnthls and lh irntdeu of Die aiglil peraofiille aa a strikingly beautiful woman veiled In aiysteiiiiua shadowy draiierlea Tli hyacinth, which breathes forth Its great fragmacr at nlghl, la Hul tha relationCyn'hia'a flower BANGS air a "t'l-srl.- waa the I tn;iroved my general than I recently stated ll.Tlu'rt A Ihip-(il- l. a well know u acluMl teuctwr at Kaaar Tab, blunt. with a anfldra "My trvut.le aws of aimiaib Almost everything I no b..gretNi wllh mo and cuiiiunI a scnsutica that reiiiiilned with for hours. For uionths I f.nind (ILltlcuii j sreslhlng ef Iw- -I mi llguaihin, ami had eui-l- i cheat pa'ita lh.l imlpltollon I thought my hear' ass tflscled. I al-- o auffvrcd front Iteadaidiea and nerv.insm-as- . seldom Pcpt well, and felt tired and worn-- j sut nil the time. j "Hliice It. king Tnnlne no kind of fissl i Sana m and 1 have a wonderful p- I have gained ten snmda, petite i Sraatlie freely-- , sleep perfectly, and feat jta strong and well aa ever In my Ilf. Taulae ta certainly a superior Eskimo ali.il. al' hough I ilar Hear sounds bln.it ami" Teddy llciir to tint Impuli ly brok him to In right then by liilnalio-ln- t tkl-mo,the ilolle and toy as and though he la wiy luuqiy la IiakiuiS a II alwava bla Hew window, for keeW away from aa h remeiul"' the fata f I illor Ihiy Charlc. whose aam he ealal ip hr Me ars haoaaana: her dragea yah While rvathla rhai-k- s Oaally ear tha aacuaiewad aah. CHEER lu "Tahlac PUolirtito ten times Nita Na.-'- l, whs has BT n fam with bar Italian baauty la Mnwroua pramh nant piiti'aa. waa boa m Flaranca, Ita'y, and waa edaeadLia Sh cam to America shortly before this count y wont into tha war. the pramisaa lu Mntmu pronunant amanp tha "movK" stare ef Mat teuntry. Or laaoeekw Festored. i un gl-- d.irubilny I tt, Ms. Mi, by other ci.iioos or by silk hkvd I1 ki. "one cf the At h-tlw Oiieat" alueU ai aUentca. wllh his chants wi u.akuig ready for their eyes riveted umu a pretty holy lu annual while aaieo," and thv day au aiiuvital suit It b kdiv to wager afiar New k Mrs found thaw Inaugu-ratin- l but lua ar not (bo only eyes oa a iwnod at sinnIuI atl.-aim- a to Kill!, avenue that have been arrested all fubri.-- used fur luakiup lingerie ia their wandering by tailiug bhui or uuileribinga, tub hlou-o- a and waale this waneiltliig new, ia sail. Every alda dreaaew sad children a tub frock wionua will renigntse. by now, that Thor are But Biuuy new style points tbl parth ulur suit Is on of the new three pusw niodeiw lu wouieoli lingerie, hut what thee are denote tliat UBderpiiriiiciits are ai- Tl.v nlim af the tlirc piei- - le rer eoaiawdiiili IhewM'irea to nmilng taiuly lu the air with difliaeul design- - new year proseuls K ktylea in at la very because V Idle huiidiiy rusli was oa the liter THE cuua-try,- nl lebrleaas Maumd at Taut hiia to aah, "1 should like lu kauw wliat you ml In a load where jns bate playroom to a could hardly to wear atu-- thick rhubea as jnu kata pHE wait fur I lie stogie hour In strike, on for a at Esklma doll tanked at Tin lily Hear, dull had vutua to the playroom and uune of them ruul.Lwhiit he decided that, wliiir ttnd uut the name of the BewnmiiT family did led pet as tar tturih a Teddy lest spoke Aral. fur the boys wlieia k came trout, be would But sinml that It might be a eetacise of uemiou bear meat. "We lit mostly sa seal atral." aahl bis. as the irangor dull wore a fur euatuma which looked a lot like Teddy doll, "and tli blubber la the Hours coal. ulveat tbiup yon ever taateiL" "iu'iter t baa randy!" aaked I. Is. tit. Teddy did aot know suits bow ta address tha atraiirr, fur lia waa But But Kekliiai doll did not kuuw. eu he at all sure wlwtlier It was a IX'T or told t lie us how they caught the teak We dii nut hear our Utile tbiukiup tliat would be belter tluiu girt doll. atlutiwiie Mil you by numr." Mid Tedtheir quvaihsis. "When we po seal hulitlnp." be sold dy Hear. 1101 we ail weicuiue yua to our playroom. "we look for bul.ldea uoliv tli Ice, I beard her soy aha Ihoiurtit she which aliew us that a seal has rum would namo uie t 'bar lea." repin'd tha up to braatlto. Than a hole I auute la stranger, but I alnnU not Ilka that ilia tew tail when the seal cornea aloui for it la nut at all Ilka tlia iiuine the w ajiear It. On the rad of tlie aiaair la a roie, aad with lids we puli ll.e seal Eskimo gives la lila children." The dolla sod toys ell authored out of the water, We rut Hi skin Into strips fur reins, and It la also used fur lunktiig nut clothes; but everylxitly In the buiitlip party pet a piece of tli bluhlier, which he likes very much." "I reckon it w.m't be very bard le dull, eok for you, honey," Mid hurry iiig back to her klli'heu. "knur atury was very Interval lug," Mid l,laetie. "1 ho you will tell us more about your country amu ailier night." Teddy Hear, however, was more Interested In hi name than In hla atury. "1 think Charles Eskimo I tlw hast " iiaaia for you la tlila part of tha The Teya Could Hardly Walt ha said. I around and rxcluliried : "Eskimo "1 do imt mind If I do not have la tunibla out of tbo window," replied you an Eskimo dull?" "ek," replied the atrananr, "and I'd much rather be railed North WUid or rotar Hear lima Charles." "t'harlM waa the name of the nice sailor-boMid Teddy Hear doll, quickly, for he was afraid Eskimo doll might cIiiiom 1olur Hear fur hla name and an become a rival. "Poor Kalb Cliarlra fall out of the window and broke hla brad and ura mlsa him very much, rharirs le a nhe Aauio and 1 eia aura you will Ilka It. "If I have la taka hia name I am clad 1 have oa a thick fur hood. Mid Eskimo doll. "When I fall out of tha CYMI1IA window It may my head" origin le GREEK mytholotfli-a- l "Oh, yoa may not fall." explained of femmoat charming Teddy Hear, "Our llnia unstress takes Ipilhlt, Originally It waa tha pretty ynud Mr nf us Homo on inine name to Artemi, er Idana, the opened the window and did hot Bid lea title poor Charles sitting liddiid tha cue moon gndriea. since aha and her tam, an he tumbled wst and rpMied hla Profiler Apollo, ' tha au god, art head." raided t have boea born npua Mount tli Kretich doll. Interrupted Cynthus In Ihdotk Liar . Milton employa I he term ftoqnently : raujv-iunL.u- a It Declares Taiiiae Ended Indices tion. Chest Pair.s and Palpitation Lest Strength THIS DOLLS PLAYROOM s Ih-i- v;--- NO DYE I ,,(l(1 (,ir,., t rcm.-n.la- re the guunel the minister lu tirnce nf tgid, M :,t men may he aved and bui't up In holy charar-ter.-" I a I i'.--- ! 0 M Big B'vff by I Warm. wls slur-glald- d tark'e It. I nl ssrl fl I 'vrt Ik Raw I t . THrt v'erf -- All 1'-and no i":,r. I Finl'l - 1 oil I, b. d. The-- fa h' h, a ted'iun lu Ihe a" s vt Po-taken et tlie It'cd. bw ! oe to lireen-wle- h To a village e I Var I The caterpillar of phlr motho slow, fat. green w7-rraabout tl.e hus'e la pi la vlesr of every Inseet aie- - I: hr no argio., r splneii, or polwm, nr hll!'y ta Itself vh icier h it the lnraid sr.yililrc aniTnachc 't, I rears up and wags Ci horned hes.i ar.d lHk ao formidable that nothing hs the serve to kiU is nv r to ' courts. WhMMf B " 9ir( (mb riqui'ar j - "Sf TK 'r Mm gx rip' Hr m lire q.ievtlne, PhnkesjsNtre, In "Whaia In a mune?" u .1 m'lliuti a favor because he tai:gh' rh-t- It's not who man Is, but wliat he d.ww whh-i t W' f II itotiw Thrss Piee Su't girphas-r- as !n and the slmder aad entt-to demand are tiir.k," peach," "henej and aim light td'iea. The dew," demand fur blue lias lticrened pnex parted', fierf.sp. na acruunt nf" the I wan, fill ahade railed "forg la the diapiays. which rt !( I'rench trip1 voi'e It eompe: tig amor.g the finest cit'ut! fithrle d cna be rxrred fa beap-- or nr'-til- x. Laeg, gl iw i'-- "V Lies ruijn. fur cuffs sod brig ,r 'hat flt lr.il the sasU efts, 'u'laim this Campistv Success :i "lea. tnru-- r rc-- ke n lie? hns'-t-P'- l ' e c :,'tr.T. " if a e.rtd weather or'Ai. but If th1 fur ftP'i.ihig were guns, it woritd hx.U aery ;c ;r.g like. vJrtotr ey ip. has to ai.-c..- - si-- flJM and Ksftlsj. jrrmg. t 'set'Xy Hoorn ywsi If they 1 Smart or Bunt, 1v ri Sarw, e. VvtC Imwtd, lrftsird often, or IJ G'anulatad.uocMirlna Botothoa. Befeaaboa. Ba'a fry LR L 1 Infant or Adn't ItwcLy Book. A al' Vrarr- - r tor Ratotgtodrlhtoag . |