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Show THE PIONEER STORE, Sandy. Post Office Attached. 2 6m XX. M. TBVB, W. H. TSUX, TRUE, SON & MARTIN, - BROKERS, : i 4 , j . ing ana shipping of ore; A large outfit ot teams in attendance to freight with promptness and dispatch. LODGINGS . . . . J. B. MEREDITH, P. 0. Bor S81, Balt Lake City, and Granite, Little Cottonwood. , llw 45 Commercial . . . ( ' f : and Brandies, California Wines . Cost.- , - , t . . FANCY . . GROCERIE 8 AND PROVISIONS, AND STAPLE ; i , 1 ; i Which they are : , Cheaper than .the Cheapest Selling it j Dont forget the place, a few door North of the Post Office, Balt Lake City. ma8-l- y . i - . : Bourbon Kentucky Miners and Family Store, Whiskies. . Walker Street, Alta. to 50 cents per night, Clean spring beds, 1.25 to $3.00 per week. Call in. Sflm : Plantation, - Old A COMPLETE STOCK OF SOUTH COITONWOOD : Once, Regardless of , i St, Salt Lake Oily. 25 i . at a; splendid line o They have also received i Aim Agent for some of the most celebrated . ' r -- - Agent for the best r . r 1 - COMMERCIAL LODGING BOOMS, , Blankets and Notions . t B. M., ' " V-- : : n, Close .Gut i , i ' . .... - CLOTHING, Which They Have Instructions to : . f Granite, REFERENCES Walker Bros., Bankers, Balt Lake City. CJasbey & Read, Merchants, Alta. r v.r .... LODGINGS I! ! GENTS . Dry. Goods, FOREIGN WINES AND LIQUORS. Real Estate bought and sold; Houses and Stores rents collected, and all business connected with real estate and mines promptly maed to. ltf Trite, a on A Marlin. . : ' . 99 Kimball Block, Salt Lake City. Wholesale Dealer in Grain, Flour, AT QHEATLY BEDUCHD BATES, - and Country Produce. will contract1 for supplying mln$p with Grain, and Produce delivered at Lowest Prices. i Wholesale Dealer and Importer of r t . j . - . a. ..Consignment of Just Received v a ' . . ' LIDDELL & BROWN,-- - ... ' Near Commercial, ISaltXake. , I ' r - - Granite, Little Cottonwood. attend promptly to the receiv- J. r. ! ! f 1 ; : mer- chant. Care 1 . 4 BARGAINS!- -. : BARGAINS SMITH, - lit Sonth it. REAL ESTATE, MINING AND LOAN B. MEREDITH! Hark Freight, ' . . T GRANITE, Will ' . i i Forwarding and Commission M. . Judge Harrison, Propr. JOHN A. R1NBT MLABXZN. Scotch Whisky, - r . r; , JaiCAi Miller's Celebrated, Cognac, every kind of . i Brandy, Holland Gin, Old Tom Gin, Legal blanks, blank blooks of every Jamaica Bum, New England Hum, Store, Saloon; and Boarding House, description, pass books, time books,: copying books, copying books and Sherry, Old Burgundy.!Fort, Cali- - Hardware, Tools, Dry j presses, all sizes and prices. Also a complete stock of books on - every fornia Fort, Tokay, Angelica, Close by Junction of IT. 8. R. R. and Little possible subject, pocket books; bill and Muscatel Wines. books, pocket knives, diaries, news--j Groceries. &c. and all the papers, magazines, e " . . i 1 Ca-tawa- Goodsr , . ba 1 latest-periodicals- Cottonwood road; Call in. I guarantee to sell cheaper and give bet- ter satisfaction than any other house in All of the above can be had 0 2 3m . : SaltLakeCity. Cheaper than" any other Houae CRICKET SALOON, at In town, ..... T. C. HALL. ENGLISH ALES, CAUFOBBIA WHIES, Vholeuilc and Retail, at S ANGIOS. r r Call on him, I Trout Granite. Huose, . Bakery, Main St., near Third South, Salt Lake City. W.W. BURR, PROPIETOR. A -- .f..'; i ; r SALT LAKE, UTAH. I ' - - Y 'f1!. - r. I' " !i j in FURNITURE;. Heaviest ' Dealer , .. i t 9 . . ; : ; i k West of the Kooky Mountains; r r v ' Wholesale Agent for Utah, of Best , : i Etauran t Billiard Saloon, Finest " " : ? Kimball & j i f . A Trial of this Cheap and Excellen' ma83na Spring Is Invited. Lawrence, KAUTJT., SQLT LAKE .CITY 200,000 lbs Fine and Coarse Salt f,i ?AGBN0T-- . WHOLESALE AND' RETAIL Excelsior Goal, Cigars, - ,t Come and see for yourself. : , and all Kinds-o'Mattresses. i 2 6m Always on hand. 0 ; Wines, Liquors and i : of Wines, Liquors and Cigar Jones's Patent SPRING BED, t Pilot Bread, Ginger Snaps, Lemon Snaps, and Abernethy We guarantee our goods superior to any and our prices to be as low as any as cau be found. myctf , f . Constantly on hand and manufacturers of Butter Crackers, PJcnio Crackers, Boston Crackers, LeGrand Crackers, Milk Crackers, Biscuit. t. '. r HENRY DINWOODEY, SANDY STATION ' . L1NGLE A McCARTY, Proprietors. between Main and West Temple, 1 lm Salt Lake City. JULBUfiN WAGONS Established in l856. . Nearly opposite the Post Office. Orders by mail or express promptly attended to. 2 Cm at Second South St., Utah Craeker WM. GILL MILLS. 8tf DWYERS NEW BOOK STORE, CIQABSi Etc., Etc. . . i . DOMESTIC BEEBS, , . . r . Meat ! ! - i which is suitable for Blacksmithlng, Sme-l.. tors, etc. ..i l Fltf Market, - - . ..r, . Pioneer I : . i Groceries, Grain and Provisions, and . Dry Goods, Groceries, Lime, Charcoal, Fire . ' ; &o. o, OUTFITTING Brick, MINERS GENERAL Clay, . -i With Thimble Skeins, Improved and made Expressly for She UTAH TRADE, A1TD . . Alta, keeps all kinds of MEATS, AND EGGS, AKE SECOND 70 XTOffE IN TBK UAHKET. Umber Warranted to be Good. j I , t I . 'l. JNO. 't - t . . ma38m s non xhx Muhno Disnuoxs wxzl bsoxxys Psourz AzzrxmoN. Fresh Cured Hams. fitate Road Opposite 70s Hall. W- - Satisfaction guaranteed in every in-stanc- e. John sunburn. si w W. P. BOWK Try us. - 1 3m 4 I BN ELL, Idaho Store, ' ;FAHKIN80N S. BBO.;1 . ' ' - j. : ; . 4 Cor. Great Western Hotel, Balt Lake City. Brewery 4 . and Saloon, Graniti. r ' r , - nuMttf ' J ft BUTTER . s ' y 4 . ' .u Travelers passing through would dowell tocallln. 9 6m |