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Show JL JT - ,V bijMI ; . '.;': r. ; f X r r . s " v ; ; i Select Poetry. hrgliuly Is Published every Evening, except ';;r.7 . ': n &,. 8. A. KENNEB & B. UNDER A STONE. J. EDMI8T0N. One Copy One Tear. That glad smile brings. And your love, my dearest one. $8.00 4X9 2.50 Six Months Three Months One Month... Single Copy... ....' Awaits you alone; But my beloved lies asleep Under a stone. 1 00 10 Ah I Mem'ries that haunt me Creep back to the past; Arise not to daunt me, And crush me at last. ADVERTISING RATES : One Square One Week One Month - 5.00 13.00 Three Months Six Months 41 y 2.50 One 25.00 40.00 Year ....... Tiro Squares One Week One Month Three Months $ 20.00 85.00 50.00 Six Months .One Year ti Hide in my heart, Ptor Love, Make not a moan; Sleep where your love sleeps, Under a stone. 4.00 9.C0 i . by saying, Bhe need have no fears of that; as I was satisfied her rights would not be interefered with, as no gold would be found and further offered $50 for a piece of gold as large as a pea dug from tho hill they, were working on. They all seemed in earnest at their work whieh I was sorry to see, as the people werfe all poor and could not afford to lose their labor. After a time, a very enthusiasiid old lady the most energetic person on the ground, showed 'us what they called gold carefully wrapped in a paper, also a small quantity in a vial, all of which was nothing but Mica of the poorest kind. There is no gold here and none will ever be found; the formation is entirely sandstone, and has no indication of mineral .whatever.; We camped for the night here, and left next morning accompanied by three enthusiastic miners, who wished to show us some place: they left 5 or 6 miles, farther on, having shown us some specimens similar to those we seen. Proceeding in a. northerly direction to see If we Could get into a different formation we camped that night at Monte Armijo, three miles' south of Casa Salazar. Tho next day we passed through tho latter place which is a small village on the Rio Puerco ' containing a church, and a priest, and camped at night near the Rio Puerco station of the Ft. Win., gate mail, near tl e .Cerro Cabezen. Next morning wo went to El Ojo do Limits, found nothing of interest and returned to camp; next morning we went-tEl Ojo do Aearaclie, 'irhero . w found coal, good water and wood. This in my opinion, although I am not a judge, is good coal as it burns freely; it is in sufficient quantity, and I think will some day be of great 'value.: It; is situated about ' of this place and ninety miles north-weabout one hundred miles west of Santa Fe. Wq returned to camp at Cerro Cabezon, and next day went by trail to San Isidro, passing large deposits of plaster of Paris (Gypsum,) ' Soda and the Soda Springs. These springs, of which there are quite a number have undoubted medical properties, the water is effervescent and has a pleasant taste, when facilities for reaching them are more perfect they will undoubtedly be a resort for invalids. We stopped to 'see our friend A. W. Branch, in San Isidro, who received us most cordially, and insisted on our staying; this is the first night we slept in doors while on the trip. Next day we proceeded to Jemes hot springs, passing through the village of the Jemes Indians; the town Is like all Pueblos, in good order, the Indians thrifty and their grounds lookT. C. Staixo. ing welL Yours, . It Is her love has kissed her, It is his love who sings; It is your love whoso footstep SUBSCRIPTION KITES: . T Miscellaneous.' A LETTER FU01I NEW MEXICO Interesting Extracts. AlbjtquebquHj N. M. April 24 1873. Sir: A short time ago the rumor of gold, having been discovered on the Rio Puerco, causing no little commotion lii ourTtraually; quiet town; and a fine specimen of gold quartz having been brought to Mr. Charles W. Lewis, said to have come from the Rio Puerco. I was induced by several friends to give that locality a visit, and report whether gold existed or not. Myself accompanied by Dr. John Sym-ngtof this place; and Don ;John Padilla and . old. government .guide, and at one time guide the late lamented General Can-h- y, visited the locality were gold was said to have been found. We left on Monday' 6th Inst., one of the coldest and most blustering days of the season, crossed tho Rio Grande and camped about twelve miles west of here on La Cejadel Rio Puerco.1 The following day wo passed 'through the town of San Ignacio do Loyola, and stopping for a short time at El Ojo Jedlondo camped at El Ojo del Pino, "the place from' which the specimen in the possession of Mr. Lewis was said to have come. We found however no gold, no quartz, no indication of it, the formation in sandstone,' with some iron, as in fact all the country passed over so far. From here we went to Rio Saladaj we found a sandstone formation and saw SET1I FORM,i some indications of. coal, we picked up a to on ' ' i few fossil shells and then continued We Placer the Los Ojitos diggins. reported found here the entire population on a small hill, tho men at work, and the ladies with a few exceptions picking up rooks; anything 80 MAIN ST., SALT LAKE CITY. looking white, or having a bright spot In it was carefully perserved. Several holes were sunk, we saw not less than twelve, WAGON AND BLACKSMITHING somtf twelve feet deep. The people were much excited and were satisfied they had struck it rich. One lady was seated on a small knoll surrounded by a bevy of children and Seyorltas, her face plastered over SHOP, GBANITE. : with some white substance as. a preventiv of sunburn, and an umbrella fastened to an old sword stouk in the ground, protecting her from the suns flrey rays,' three men near by were erecting a kind of arbour of HENRY PUZEY, Proprietor. cedar boughs, frdmwhich the lady cobld keep watch over her mines, and as she j claimed most of tho land around she was very fearful that when the value of the mines should become known, there would be such a rush that all her pasture ' and 2 Cm Good work and low prices. her consoled J. would destroyed. crops First National Bank. OF UTAH, OF SALT LAKE CITY. Designated Depository anil Financial Agent of the Vnitcn States. Wabrxn Hussey, President. 1 3m Anthony Godbe, Cashier. Ghd ley, Pinlbrook & if lack's PARLOR Walker street, Alta. Beat of 2tf 25 One issue, per line, One week. One month, 50 1.00 Official Directory. J for Utah. , V. S, . Oncers . I I rtl H t Governor. Secretary. Chief Justice. I , W. M.1 Mitchell, Mioh ' 880c1ateJu8t1cc8.'y ) C. M. Hawley, Dist. ' 1st 2d Diet. Al u ii Patrick D. W. Bench D. R. Firman Isaac Evans A,. 8. . ii 111 Sam. Paul Pony Duncan Iist. Deputy Marshals. ii Wm. Cary, 111 U. S. Attorney. C. O. Clements, Ind Surveyor General Receiver of Public Money. G. B. Overton, Pa Geo. R. Maxwell, Mich! Reg. Land Office. XT. S. Assessor. J. P. Taggert, 111 XT. S. Collector.. J. Hollister, Cal , f J.H. Wlckizer, HI Special Matt Agent. ,0. Supt. Indian Affairs. Gen. Morrow, III .... i . u .. .. r-J-.1 i Territorial Officers. Delegate to Congress Attorney .General . ..... " Marshal ' Geo. Q. Cannon Z. Snow D. T. McAllister -- ' J. . Wm. Clayton John Chislett Treasurer 8uptlCommoriSchodls, Robt. L. Campbell Auditor on . George L. Woods! Oregon George A.' Black, Utah. J. B. McKean, New York.: ) st' . , . i Dlstrlet'Recordenr. 'tv.::? ..ji' iei John McDonald Little Cottonwood . Dig' Cottonwood American Fork r r H. C. Hullinger Dr. Spoerry . Salt Lako City. Retail Dealers in Dry Outfitting. Wholesale and Goods, Groceries and Miners Give us a trial 3ra 1 ROBERTSON & APR ATT, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELORS AT LAW, 2 3m Main street, Salt Lake City. HAGUE BROS., Gnu a n &' 2 ck smith a , Xro m f Main Street, Sait Lake City. 8m CHAS. H. BASSETT, Dealer in Hardware, Iron, Steel, MINERS TOOLS, Ac. Wagon Timber , etc. Agent Herrings Safes . . ' Salt Lake City. Scott, Dunham m 1 Go. & In ' Salt Lake City. Dealers MINERS TOOLS. MILL FINDINGS, - i Hardware, Iron, Steel. &o. . 3m 1 Pioneer . LAMP AND OIL STORE, SALT LAKE CITY. All Binds of Burning Fluids, lamps and Fixtures, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL , Book and Job Printer, ! Drop in and sco, us. . . l Wine, Ii'quors and Cigars. TAIIOU it CUTLER, o SPECIAL 'NOTICES: SALOON, 2 E. REESE 6m & CO. . Russell & Tullidge, Sign and Decorative Painters, Imi- tators of Wood and Mai Lie Ornamental Paint- ing, Glass - Gilding &c. MAIN STREET, Salt Lake City. a8tf THOMPSON & PAltLlNS FEED AND . LIVERY STABLES, Alta, Granite and Sandy. BEST OF RADDLE HOUSES STANTLY ON HAND. AN Z u CON- Ilf , i I |