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Show ,.rr.. Tooele Local Items a their future home. Martiu Hezek 'left for Kaunas luui niy Mrs. Victor Thomas and daughters Vida and Georgia were the guests of Mrs. Ernest Olson during the week. Edwin Anderson and Charles Wright went to Clover Creek FriThe day. returning Saturday. .foraier wont as far as Government FISHER BEER Kay Goodman aud wife I(ft for On.it Falla, iiout., whore they will Wednesday to atteml the Creation convention as a delegate representing Tooele and! .Mali-- iWMtHWtiMlltWttllUHW UTAHS FAVORITE BREW tial Murray. (3e rart H. Williams, manager of j llio Williams Electric Supply Co.,! avcompanied by Mr. Wiltianjs amU Order a cane J. P. Merritt has. an automatic Brswing Company Salt Lak city, Utak. to-day- ?. ni to-visi- Are you Stanley on Andrews, the hog the T. V. R..R., went to Salt Lake City last Wednesday to ti:d Mrs. A. M. Day. who was in Tyoole last week visiting Mr. Day, ' returned to Salt Lake City Friday, j , Mrs. Mary Heims, who. for the. fm'it couple of months, has been entering with dropsy, is reported A not improving any the past; tfoch. i ' Richvfile Grantsville, Utah and Mrs. Lofgren and daughter were in Vernon during the week. They expect to spend the winter with us. , Arthur Green was iu Vernon nst week moving his household "uruiture to his new home. m Salt Lake Lumber 460 v o. 6th Co. Street West Mr. and Mrs. Do yon know i that the above Arm is selling lumber, thia-gieetc., at the lowest prices ever sold at in Utah, and do not belong to any trust or combination? Aak for their price-lisalso bargain list of I cross pannol and front doom. Privilege given for one or morn to go in together to make up carload, and got carload freight rates. V -- t, Lumber Under Cever) . John Fredcriekson - guaranteed. TRADING COMPANY Tooele City, Utah Are You Going To Build? If you ara get ear figure oA builder supplies. We arry a full and complete line of lumber shingles, lath, doors, windows, hair, lime and eament. J If V Peoples Trading Company Grantsville Utah Mrs. Sarah Green and daughter Grace were visiting friends and iil Vernon Sunday. 3rs. Kate Anderson' and of Tooele were visiting with her broiher. David Strasburg, during the week. pleorgo Wright went to Mercur during the week with a load of beeves.' , .Jos. .White of American Fork was in our towu again with a load chil-drq- p emememem meeeeeemeee mmmmq S of $ $ ;$ ; - '' A , . ' . ..- . Hmvj gad Light Work Done. t fait Lolm Route Depot. .a: Upland Saddle fanes Seem To Grow The Typewriter ' without a & Speed Limit t - . Commercial L.C Smith & Bros. Typewriter i HAUL. BEARING LONG 'WEARING The escapement ef the L. C. Smith permits the carriage to get away from the lact printing point inkantaneoualy that no qpeed of operation is too tepid. The hair trigger touch of the hall bearing type bars, a carriage that is aeyer eh&ed for capital a capital shift key requirn ing only ordinary pressure, a combined carriage return and line space, which spaces one, two or throe Knee with the Mine sweep, and the lightest possible carriage tension pve an ease ef operation that makes all day speed for the operator. n - rt- Plat C Tooele, Utah. fd ono-motio- The always ilia urnfm-aika hat tkat bo tha wrilia We Share the Profits with the Workingman t mbbiv apaiatiea lake tha hands from L.C L C. farMMXTVX Hand OMtaa HIHIIIIIiliiliiiM peed wilk ascuracy ia tha M a pwtdfr RtaMkwc fa BR064. bit. TYPE'WRITER' CO. i SYRACUSE, It Y, a ' S. A. Denver Branch, 1674 Champa It Denver, Colo, elt Lake Office, 379 9. Main St. Salt Lake' City ( J ! ! In .the BntMvlIle Precinct of aald County. I have In my poaaeiaton the followln described eitray animal which. If not FhoaaNo M ; claimed and taken away, will be cold at public auotlon, to the highest cash In Batesvllle Precinct, bidder at Rrda, on the 14th day of September, ltlZ, at the hour of a. m. , Animal. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur .ChamberPeurtptl and( on C. P. Mahoney and wife spent On gray horse, bay. hors HOD each, neither being Labor had as their gueats Sunday nd lin Salt weigh about in Lake : Day City. branded. Said horse being about If Said animal were Wednes- Monday Aire.' Chamberlins mother, left Jerry year old each. Harrington taken up by me In said precinct on the Mrs. Foster, her sister Bath and Z7th day of August,. 111. day for Detroit, Mich., where he brother FRED WARR, .Wayland and Mr. ChamFoundkeeper for Batesvllle Preclnot, expects to spend the winter. berlins brother Frank. Where i , and SALE STABLES kotick. STATB OP UTAH. . , East Side Livery frpit.' COUNT V OP. TOOICLK . -- Pacific a prsete- - ' , BUIIWM II Zuft-PrJ- y' TOOELE ul Ws bars been in the lumber business for 28 years. . V A very enjoyable birthday party was given at the home of. Mrs.' Adam Sharp last Thursday iu uuior of her son, Allen's eighth birthday. A number of little folks wero present and spent a very afternoon in amusements after which a dainty luncheon was served. General Manager (All Every Pair . a, .-nrrrtn.f $ t went to the city Sunday. Mrs. fredcriekson has been ill for some ime .ind will undergo an operation for appendicitis while there. We wjsh her a speedy recovery. George E. Romney, i - Jast Received : . Salt Lake City, Utah Sadie Dunyuxi went to Halt Lake City for Labor Day and while there saw the bout between De uiptrfil .Slid Leon, which turned into a small sized not before the affair was over. She returned home Tuesday. ;,,4s GOODS 7 . Mr. N'lls Dio ,jiu strom and Miss Km-Geo were married Tuesday eyp'itug by Justice of the Peace F. W. Frailey at the Louie of the ride's i;a"cnt9. They. left for Salt Lake City, from wtieii p int they will g to tha act on their honeymoon.- - The J.':inei joins with their many 6 sends in wishing them a long and happy journey through life. George Lindhcrg who. for the pist two years was ou a mission to Canada,, and part of the United; with headquarters at Mon-- 1 treal. returned home Tuesday. Mrs. K. T. Bond returned from days visit in Salt Lake CifJ Tuesday. DRESS . Milling Company C. Ray Rowbarry. Mgr, J Wse s Heme Pay Roll Saildir? Ideal High Patent and Bakers No I Flour, Brsn, Shorts and oihr mill produots. hin Wed-n-adr-- In New Fall Yoar Inspectiei Invited If not, why uotT By' using home msnufkeiured preduets you build up the home pay roll and create prosperity. Home manufactured product are pure and wholesome. TRY' OUR J count of a sore foot, lie returned Sunday. 1 ff eaves ! j a few days with his family, while taking several days off on ac-- ; ; & and Bailey's circne zni with liia mother sud rela'' tives. , Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Anderson ' and dimghte.s returned home Sunday from Government Creek. Charlie Wright aud Cl&ienee.i And era 'in came in from Death ' . Canyon Thurid.iy. ; David Rockwell was' here Trom West Canyon Thursday, . turned Friday, J. B. Miller of American Fork i New ' Fall Styles v of was iu our burg this week. lie seems to do an enormous business WARNER, $. Rust Preof canvassing. Comets, 'had Brassiere County Assessor Walter. James aud Ad Sharp were outgoing Rouging in Pries from ' v5 to $7.00 a pair. pasengera Friday. eon-venlii- tu 1 Patterns cream separator with a gasoline lie intends to engine attached. start a dairy if everything goes all. right. It is ruimiren that Jack usr.l the hepara:r prove on his many lady irieuda to get Jins, right one. Jones went to the city i George during the week to take in Bar--mi- Appetizing, Pure, Sparkling, Neirishing A.fisiier r . Latest Creek. r lluirfainily, went to Salt Lake City Wednesday to have a day's outing a1.' the lesorts before they dosed fin" the reason,. lie reports having had u tine time. County Assessor Walter James went to Salt Lake City Tuesday tc attend the Republican State as a delegate from vi j non. ' lived - ; IU ' |