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Show VERMONT THE UTAH FAIL VOTERS The orchestra played No. I, a selection that seemed to the bachelor very TO ELECT GOVERNOR j beautlfuL He leaned toward his comA man answering the description of and whispered: the companion of the young man mur panion 'How lovely that la! What la It do deredhtar Thistle has been arrested yon knowf Returns Indicate Thera la No Choice at Green River. In She Perfect Team Work of Perfect Units and It Will Be Duty of Legislature to Select Chief Executive. the Typewriter Aaa-Farle- Game THE NEW MODEL FIVE 1 Smith & Bros. Typewriter LONG-WEARIN- G G) is a rare and unusual combination of mechanical features of superior excellence, each of which is designed, Firsti To do its individual work better than it could be done in any other wayi and Second! To work so smoothly and accurately, in conjunction with all the others, that the completed result is just as perfect as the work of any indis vidual part. That is what m;kes a good working typewriter, it is what justifies the overwhelming verdict of 150,000 users in ap proval of the L G Smith and Bros. Typewriteri it is why this typewriter dees all kinds of work superlatively well without attachments and gives no disappointing results. Send for free descriptive matter today & Bros. Typewriter. Co. 38 West 3rd South St., Salt Lake City, Utah Travelers to Colorado and the East Should select a route famed for Scenic Attractions and Superior Train Service The Denver ft Rio Grande railroad and 29, 1912; July 2, 12 and 23 and 31, 1912; 1, 10, 2, September 4 and 6, 1912. gust er 1, 5, 8, 12, 15, 20, 22 SO, 1912; Au Through Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars dally ' to Denver, Kansas City, 8L Louis, Omaha and Chicago. SUPERB DINING CAR SERVICE. .Fares and full particulars will be cheerfully furnished on application to any Rio Grande Agent 1. FIVE THOUSAND F. Pouts, Agent A. Benton, Gen. Agt. Pass Dept Ogden, Utah. Salt Lake City, Utah. Frank A. Wadlelgh, General Passenger Agent . Denver, Colorado. You will always remember your trip East or West if you travel the FEATHER RIVER ROUTE Flames Sweep Seaside Resort, Destroying Property Valued at $1,500100. Cal. Five thousand Los Angeles, persons are homeless in Santa Monica aa a result of a flic which originated In the kitchen of the Casino cafe at Ocean Park. Six solid blocks of cottages and apartment houaea, crowded with summer visitors, were destroyed. The estimated loss is 32,500,000. The famous Frasers "Million Dollar Pier, with all its concession buildings, was totally destroyed, except for the concrete idling of the pier itself. One Japanese is known to be dead. He jumped into the ocean while trying to escape from the biasing pier and ' Fatal Shooting at Election. New. Orleans. Two men were snot in a parochial . election fight here Tuesday. Adolph Banee. a "reformer, shot in the abdomen, will die. Harry Pettlngill, a foreman of the water board, a "regular, objected to swearing in Bonee as a commissioner of polls, declaring that Bonee was a negro. Bonee resented the remark and kicked Pettlngill in the stomach. drew hie gun and fired. The first shot struck Bonee and another hit a bystander. Pet-tlngl- Orozeo Outwits Federal General. Mexico City. That Orozco has outwitted Huerta in the Initial moves of his new campaign became more apparent Tuesday when it waa learned that from bis concentration camp at Villa Ahumada, eighty miles south of Juarez, and almost nnder the eyes of Huertas lieutenants, he had divided his army. He sent one body north and east of Chihuahua via Cuchlllo Parado, and the other paralleling the Mexican Central railroad. Western Pacific COMFORT ; SERVICE : SCENERY SUPERB TRAINS : EASY GRADE I. TO DEATH. Helplesa -- Crowd Listens to Thsir Agonizing Screams. Halley, Idaho. Two men ..were burned to death In the Central hotel st Bellevue, Idaho, early Tuesday morning, while a pitying crowd listened to . their agonising screams dying away- - tisiw moans ' Robert L. Hodglns, a brother sf a former United States marshal of Idaho, and J. A. McGovern, a miner, sere victims of the fire which destroyed every building in the block of which the hotel was a part Th$ bodies of the victims were found later. Via The , HOMELESS. IDAHO MEN BURNED This Route offers the "Back East Travelers more varied scenic attractions, that can be seen from the car windows without extra expense for side trlpa, than any other line. Special Low Round Trip Fares to Pueblo, Colorado Springs, Denver and principal eastern points, on sale May 18, 25 and 31, 1912; ir"" . was drowned. The Scenic Line of the World Every Mile. a Picture 4 It appears from thfl latest returns that the people of Vers tnont failed to elect a governor on Tuesday, Returns received from more than half the state give the Democratic and Progressive candidates together about 8,000 more votes than the Republican cadldate received, with less than 1,000 votes each for There is n reasn onnonoet et orhr the Prohibition and Socialist candidates. There is no reason to believe that the remaining towns will change this ratio, and aa a majority is required to elect it will be the duty of the legislature to elect a governor. There la no doubt about the complexion of the legislature, and Allen M. Fletcher of Cavendish, the Republican candidate, will he chosen when the legislature meets the first Wednesday in October. The entrance into the field of the new party with a candidate for gov-- , ernor la responsible for the failure oi the Republican nominee to receive a majority, as the Progressive candidate's vote was almost entirely drawn from the Republican ranks. Cummins Will Vote for Teddy. Dei Moines, Iowa. Senator Albert B. Cummins of lows, In a public statement made Tuesday, declares that he expects to vote for Colonel Roonevelt for president, but is opposed to the formation of a third party. He does not believe that President Taft was the choice of the Republicans of the nation. For reservations and information, call on or write your Local Agent, or A. BENTON, G. A. P. D.; Judge Building, Salt Lake Gty Oregon Sterilisation Law' Upheld. Olympia, Wash. The constitutionality of the law povidlng for the sterilisation of habitual criminals and those guilty of unnatural crimes waa upheld ' For Savings and Investments, See by the eupreme court Tuesday in sustaining the sentence Imposed on Peter Fielen of Seattle, who also is under sentence of life lmprlsonmenL Salt Lake Security & Trust Company Will Not Demand Arbitration. London. A complete disavowal was . given Tuesday by the British foreign official announceoffice of the ment that the British government formally would demand arbitration on the Panama canal tolls question. . 4 per cent to 6 per cent paid 34 Main Street, S.LC Capital, $300,000; Surplus, $100,000 Montonegran Thieves Caught Mont Warned for the alleged theft two years ago of 80,000 e worth of postage stamps from the st Cettineje, Mor.encgro, two Montenegrins were taken into custody t Bear Creek on Tuesday. Red Lodge, post-offic- Dr. J. C. Woodmansee PHYSICIAN At -- GRANTSVILLE office ; Day and Night. s' : Prize Fighter Breaks Neck. Mace Jeffe, a light weight boxer, who has been training at Jamaica, Long Island, Is dying in a hospital from injuries received when lie dived into shallow water in Jamaica ay, breaking his neck. New Tork. 1 : UTAH y. n Burlington, Vt. L C. Smith t Is fust as satisfactory as If you cam to the store. In our now homo wo ero bettor able to servo you than over. k - smiled demurely and replied a low, thrilling voice: "It la the Maldens Prayer. And at the same time ahe. handed him her program, pointing toNo. 6 with her finger. He read and started, for the real name of the selection was Mendelsohn'! Wedding March. The bachelor bought the ring next day. Cincinnati Enquirer. Lafayette Farley, probably the best known barter In Ogden, fell dead juat aa he htul finished shaving his brother He was born in Ogden forty-seveyears ago,. car as ap Alighting from a street the was passing, automobile son of Barney Anderson of Sandy was struck by the auto and run over sustained Friday night at Sandy. He a broken leg- ' (BALL-BEARIN- Buying of us by mail - That is What Wins L.'C. The Santo Thing. BUDGET 100 Kai bums The man who is industrious, able has no bmdnesa for tha neighbors Seelove Hammond, the Nine times out of ten, when a lover horoscope reader. Judge. of tells his betrothed' that hes not half daughter of Clarence Hammond Providence, was found at Hyrum after good enough for her, he speaks only twenty-fou- r belt the truth. being lost In the mountains for We make a man of your boy hours. Fifty men spent the night the for girl. mountains looking in, the The hoard of governors of the Murray Commercial club la behind a plan to boost for home products, A collection of Murray made goods la being To begin arranged and whed completed the the day housewives will be invited to Inspect Sail Lake City, Utah them. Board aad Day School hi boys iaf A nasty of delegates to the Muuhi Addcnic in Snioc ckpMtaMBfefc Commercial congress visClaaiiral, Scieatifie aad Commercial other and propited the Vi ah Copper h Fall tens cnaawnraa Sept. 9tk. erties at Bingham Saturday. They exApply to Rev. PiaideoL pressed themselves is amazed at the at magulture of the work being done Fresh Roasted Steel Cut Coffee. Bingham. The Hurray Commercial club is beginning an active campaign for better DEVELOPING AND FINISHING roads. Just what steps are to he takBeat equipped plant in the went. Quick work en have not been dqcided, but ft is br expert. Soli line of all auppliaa. Write In ROGERS for sentiment FREE a to create (nr retain cnee and developinc price. coupons public hoped BALT LAKB PHOTO SUPPLY CO. favor of making the roads the best in fine silverware in EVERY The right way All Hallows College Trans-Mis'ihurip- Hewletts "uTKODAKSSSS the state. K,, F. IAS PACKAGE. of Milford is going after the grand price to he awarded The more you worry about the greatest fly swatter In Utah with a vengeance. He baa nearly a barrel hotter the weather will get. It, Itain Street Salt Lake Ot$j A POSITIVE aad thr CURE m-MANE- F0I ntf and a half or dead flies ready for shipr- ment to the state authorities and is Opin The New Walker still swatting. bwtol m ha b aa pakSdtr, aa drlim. THI deatoOatMMkia. iilaUUT D. fit a of While laboring under Bank Building STTTUn SM W. huh Tmrb Rraat, fall Ufa CBr spondency Mrs.- Richard Crosley of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake attempted suicide. Her husFOB BILE DRUQ BTOBB JNXTIIMS, band saw her raise a small bottle of will be ready Counter, Show Cue. Bods Fountain, Etc. Mew aad carbolic arid to her lips. Snatching it A bargain. for occupancy from her he undoubtedly prevented Smith Drag do. 2U A Main St. Balt Lake OUv thia fall. her death. Former Governor Jamea H. Brady of Idaho, newly elected president of the Tallest building for Seed for FEES CUN CATALOGUE conCommercial bank oldest between A Sporting Oende Osstpesy Aran sesgress, predicts that the Salt Lake Belt Lake City, Utah. Missouri River and sion of the body will prove more fruitPacific Coast. ful than any previous meeting in work KODAKS to be accomplished. larging. Work done Robert Elwood of Midvale passed by Profemtonah. as a man so the Nothing keeps busy 88 C. SAVAfll CO. away August 31, at the ripe age of to ldle"&way his time. Balt Lake City. Utah attempt years. The Immediate cause of death waa general debility. Mr. Elwood has been prominent in church affalrr for ulaiiyl,$eS!ilirthd at one time was bishop of West Jordan stake. Timothy HaFringtem,' employed at Daly-Judgmine at Park City, while on the 1,200 level, was injured by a His left arm was fractured cave-iand two riba broken. It la feared he sustained serious internal Injuries and Is not expected to live. The Midvale Commercial club seeks to emulate its larger brother in Salt Lake by inaugurating a membership campaign. The membership has been divided Into two camps, the "Reda and the "Blues, and each will strive to secure more new members than the other. A fire which started in the hea. of the business district at Mammoth threatened the entire town for a time, hut was gotten under control after a loon building had been damaged to the amount of $750. The volunteer yf Are department, recently formed, saved the town. Fully equipped with Mohair Top, Wind Shield, While the labor situation at Bing-hTSpeedometer, Lamps and Generator. may become strained any day, it Is believed the calm counsel of the will prevail and a strike be averted. The operators recently raise, announced a' voluntary but the men are In favor of a Increase. Gomer Thomas, a resident of Salt City and well known as a coal mine expert, died Sunday. The lm mediate cause of death was liver i . trouble, but Mr. Thomas had not been 136 East Broadway, Salt Lake Gty well since the Scofield coal mine disaster eleven yearn ago, when 800 min V erk were killed. AGENTS WANTED a-1- .: Gugllelmo Quisle, an Italian employed at the Galena mine, Bingham, was seriously Injured in a blast. Gulste went into a stope to eat his midnight lunch not noticing a blast had been et and the fuse lighted. He received the full force of the explosion. One eye was tom from its socket The committee in charge of the Salt trade excur Tv. Commercial club'sWyoming and Idaho, .. throuSh sion Utah has invited the jobbers and of Ogden to Join in the proC The day is not far distant when every stock farm in these mountain states will have a Silo. No other method jected boosting of Utah products and of feeling equals ensilage for results. Ensilage is It is quite probable that a number of made by the fermentation of GREEN CROPS in an airOgden men. will take advantage of healthy opportunitythe tight Silo, All stock like it It keepa them market. all winter and prepares them for early spring Lonls Ellanaus, a Greek employed at the smelter In Murray, has been arrested on a charge of mayhem. Durwith RED DEVIL tort Ail ha rare the concrete le made fight with George Birch of the ing Cement. Then ym may 'he rare Inf place, It is said, Ellanaus tore pmfformer's wlU never THI nils will be hip with his teeth, inthe crack aad will lent a lifetime, write BOOKLET flicting a painful wound. FREE .an na far hew te build n rile. Red Devil" brand af Engineer Lytle reports very rapid cement la cold by all leading dealer. progress on the Strawberry project. Imaa are men building UNION PORTLAND CEMENT CO. Seven hundred mense wall across the canyon at the OCDCN, UTAH southeast end of the valiey and con-s- i J dike creek ructing the great Indian which will turn the waters from the Strawberry river Into the valley. Leslie Maycock, manager of the plant at Sjirlngville, was teelphone , testing wires. electrocuted while Physicians worked over him for oyer an. hour, after the body had been lowered to the ground, but were unTbn Substantial Robaol el Halt Lake City. Bernik jnunntecd UIctory. Fill UnrlncM, Penmanship tud Shorthand OourtM. . All year, day and evening. able to restore consciousness. . DrvnkMMtt fu Trana-Miaaisslp- WU3M! I. e n. $1,000 F. O. B. UTAH m cool-head- Meredith Auto & Bicycle Co. 25-ce- JSO-ce- . .taa.j Silos Double Feed Values mat-ufseture-ra Build a Concrete Silo air-tigh- t, V ! UTViLJi:siNi:ssf(;()i!Hi:;i.i Will tor Illiutnlod Ostalocu Addnm OnM HuOombs. Secntarv 4U Boston Balld tog |