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Show MUNICIPAL OFFICERS. Awy WOMEN AND HEALTH. BMura SWb m Storf Mijor Richard Jefferies. Recorder TreMuror an Women beginning to naHM more fully that good health is not to be found in tha um of ooametlca and The appearance of face powders. E. M. Clark. Mra. B. M. HslDdsy. COUNCILMEN. Gsorge Hammo-- d. M. Rydalch, A. W. r, Hudson, R J. Anderaon, Eph. Rowberry. Game Warden John Hammond. GRANTSVILLE COMMERCIAL CLUB President J. C. Woodmanaee. Vieo-Prea- . C. R. Rowberry. . . Secretary B. W. Black. Treasurer Fred H. Cooper. DIRECTORS. Warn Jennings, Alex Johnson, W. K Solenburg. Directors meet every second Tues-dof month. Members meet erery third Tuesday of month. OFFICERS GRANTSVILLE DESERET BANK.. President Eugene T. Woolley. Vlce-PreLeo. Johnson. DIRECTORS. C, Leroy Anderson, Robert T. Brown, Wm. J. Clark, J. Alfred Elision. Charles 8. Burston. Cashier Fred M. Cooper. Supt Public Schools B. W. Black. . TJ. STATE OFFICERS. S. Senator George Sutherland and Reed .Smoot U. S. Congressman Joseph Howell. Executive. Governor Wm. Spry. Secretary of State C. S. Tingey. Auditor J. D. Jewkes. Attorney General A. R. Barnea District Attorney E. 0. Leather' wood. Supt Public Instruction A C. Nel atm. - Librarian H. W. Griffith. Bank Examiner C. A Glazier. Coal Mine Inspector J. E. Pettit. Horticultural Inspector J. E. Taj . lor. Engineer Caleb Tanner. Fish and Game Commissioner F. health may follow facial treatment, but health lteelf lies much deeper than the surface. Moat Important to the health of every woman la regularity of the bowolg The - weary and dlgeetive ' organa. eyes, bad breath, frequent llH,l,vil pimple and general air of laaaltud la in moat erery case due to constipation or indigestion, or both. Than are various remedies prescribed for this condition, hut the easiest, most BAD BACKS pleasant and certainly effective. Is a combination of simple laxative HAKE WORK HARD herbs with pepsin known to druggists Backache makes the daily toil, for sa Dr. Caldwells Syrup Pepsin. This thousands, an agony hard to endure. simple remedy Is far preferable to Many of these poor sufferers hays harsh salts and cathartics and violent kidney trouble ana dont know it Swollen, aching kidneys usually go purgative waters that disturb the hand in hand with irregular kidney whole system without affording more action, headache, diwinraa, nervous-m- s than temporary relief and despondency. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin la a Just try a box of Doans .. Itonlo laxative, mild la its action, the last I could distinguish Pills, the to 016 taste and positive In boat I was In pulled away from the kidney remedy. Thie good has cured thousands. Its effect, strengthening the muscles steamers side. itlkof stomach and bowels ao that after "Archie himself put me Into IEEES A TYPICAL CASE short time thee organs regain the I boat, wrapped blankets around me and Henry J. White, 418 N. 8rd St, Ft power to perform their natural fpao-tlotucked me In aa carefully as If Smith, Aik., says: I suffered everywithout assistance. thing out death from terrible kidney were starting on a motor ride. Dr. Caldwells Syrup Pepsin Is sold trouble. I had awful headaches ana Ha entered the boat with me, perdimy spells, urine scalded and my back by everywhere In 60c and forming the little courtesies aa calmly 1 1.00druggists ached constantly. Doan's Kidney Pills If you have never tried bottles. and with as smiling a face as it death cured me completely and I have had W.-B- . was far away, instead of being but a It, write for a sample to Dr. Mond-Cellno sign iff kidney trouble amoe. 201 Caldwell, Washington St, M Baul at up Bug Sra.Mc.a In few moments removed .from him. I1L; he will gladly send a trial "When he had carefully wrapped without any expense to yon me up he stepped on the gunwale of bottle whatever. the boat and, lifting his hat, smiled down at me. ho said Goodbye, Miss Young, iwafr nXm bravely and smiling. Luck is with you. Will you kindly remember me Max l. Yaokriox'aoxs a oo,nw to all the folks back home? "Then he stepped to the deck of the DEFIUK -- Oiriawta onlr U steamer and the boat I wm In wm pries u DSFIANCK IB SUFCBIOB QUALITY. lowered to the water. It wm the last boat to leave the ship; of this I am OVES 100 perfectly certa'u. And I know that I mas old PettitV'F.ve'iSalve am the last of those who were saved Beauty specialists encounter many to whom Archie Butt spoke. "Aa our boat lowered and left the hard lines. side of the steamer, Archie wm For torpkl. Inactive or disordered liver, standing at-t- he rail, looking down at taka Garfield Toa. All druggists. . me. His hat wm raised, and the same DO ui DOAN'S 'si Some men never brag about selves and dont blame them. them- U. 8. LAND OFFICE. things that she why a man should make ao much fuss about a missing button. STATE BOARD OF LAND C0MMI8-- I SI0NER8. SI City and County Building. W. D. Candland, Chairman. TV. H. Farnsworth, Secretary. W. D. Candland, W. H. Thain, M. M. Steele and A G. Glautiue, Commissioners. A woman la ao need He Some preachers say dancing is hurtful. Do yop believe dancing hurts oneT .8he Yea; walked on. say to pinning In a Restaurant "What will you have, air?" "Some kind of riotous ' living for two." A Soft Answer. He (triumphantly, reading from a newspaper) "Suffragist speaker heckled by geese at s county fair." Ha, ha! Even the geese are against woman suffrage, my dear! She (contemptuously) Thats . because they are geese. Judge. Logical Millinery. "People say there is no reason, no Alma Swen-onMercur, Utah; Joseph C. Orme, logic, in Easter millinery. What a . falsehood." Tooele. Utah; Wm. J. Clark, Grants-willThe speaker was George Ade. He continued (the occasion wm an afterCounty Clerk M. dTaJsx. theater supper in Chicago) : County Attorney Wm. S.' Marks. "Hats, whether Easter or otherwise, ore full of logic, full of reason. A litCounty Sheriff M. M. Bush. County Treasurer Samuel Johnson. tle" hoy said to his father one day: Whats a wideawake hat, par 'County Record ed Bryan. "That .father logically and reasonAssessor Walter James. 'County ably replied: County PhyBiclan J. A. Phipps. " A e hat, my son, is, of Supt of Schools Lillian Rowberry. course, one without a nap. " Commissioner of Roads Andrew JluaaelL THANKSGIVING PSALM Horticultural Inspector W. M. A Rhythmical and Grateful Chant e. wide-awak- h. Surveyor E. S. Bowman. IF YOU WANT TO KNOCK, GET HAMMER. IF YOU WANT TO HOLLER, GET A HORN. IF YOU WANT TO BE A PROGRESSIVE CITIZEN, WORKING FOR A BET- A TER GRANTSVILLE, SUBSCRIBE FOR THE "REFLEX AT ONCE. To keep parasites, ignorance, super- stition, malice, greed, trickery and crime out of the human family, spray well with education. Love, oharity, and benevolence is the cornerstone of 11 good; upon thiastone erect the great throne of all good, the School House. He who indebts himself for the training of the child com mend a the respect of everyone, while the yellow pages of history behold him aa king of the good, of all mankind. WANTED You to know that we have an L. C. Smith Typewriter that we will sell on easy terms. Machine has been used hut a short time, with two payments being made on same. Call at the REFLEX office and see it 316 down and 10 per month takes it NEW TIME TABLE ON THE WESTERN PACIFIC. No. 1, going west, 2:65 p. m. No. S, going west, 11:24 p. m. No. 2, going east, 2:66 p. m. No. 4, going east, 5:05 p. m. Miss Frances. Donovan TEACHER of PIANO GrAnteville t t Utsh - Game THE NEW MODEL FIVE j i L. C. Smith & Bios. Typewriter (BALL-BEARIN- LONG-WEARIN- G A teacher in a Terre Haute public school Joins in the chorus: "Teaching Is a business which requires a great deal of brain and nerve force. Unless this force is renewed ai fait ae expended the teacher ii exhausted before the close of the year. Many resort to stimulating tonics for relief. "For 3 years I struggled against almost complete exhaustion, getting what relief I could from doc tori ton-le- a Then in the spring of 1902 I had an attack of la grippe and malaria which left me too weak to continue my work. Medicine failed to give me any relief, a change of climate failed. I thought I should never be able to go back In school again. "1 ate enough food (the ordinary meats white bread, vegetables, etc.), hut wm hungry after meals. "I happened at this time to read an article giving the experience of another teacher who had been helped by Grape-Nut-s food. I decided to try Grape-Nut- s and cream, as an experiment It wai a delightful experience, and continues ao after a year and half of constant use. "First, I noticed that I wm not . hungry after meals. . "In a few days that tired feeling left me, and I felt freah and bright instead of dull and sleepy. In three months, more than my usual strength returned, and I had gained 16 pounds In weight T finished the year's work without any kind of tonics was not absent from duty even half a day. "Am still in bast of health, with all who know mo wondering at the im- G) is a rare and unumal combination of mechanical features of superior excellence! each oi which i designed, Firsti To da ill individual work better than it .. could be done in any ether way) and Seeandi To work ao smoothly and accurately) in conjunction with all the others, that the completed result it just as perfect as die work of any indi vidual ' part ' . g That is what makes a typewriter, it is what die of verdict justifies 150,000 users in ap overwhelming of die Smith Bros. and C L proval Typcwriteri it is why this typewriter does all kinds of work superlatively well without attachments and gives no disappointing results. food-workin- Stnd for frtt dejcripti'Oe matter' L'C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter 38 West 3rd South St, Salt Lake CoT City, Utah THE Young Business Man feet . undersigned, cannot give praise to the Cutlcura Rem-'Llia- d been doctoring for at least a Ttar for eciema on my foot I had tried doctor after doctor all to no avail. When a young girl I sprained my ankle three different times, paying little or mr attention to. it, when five years ago a small spot showed upon my loft ankle. I was worried and sent for a doctor. Ho said it was eczema. Hs drew a small bone from the ankle about tha also of a match and about an inch long; The small hole grew to about tha Mm of and the sesame spread to the knee. The doctors never could heal the hole in the ankle. The whole foot ran water all the time. My husband and my sons wpre up night and day wheeling me from on room to another In the hope of giving me some, relief. I would sit for hours at a time In front of the fireplace hoping to daybreak. The pain was so Intense I wm almost crazy, In foot, I would lose my reason to hours at a time. One day a friend of mine dropped in to see me. No more had he glanced at my foot than she exclaimed: Mrs. Finnegan, why in the world dont you try the Cutlcura Remedies! Being disgusted with the doctor! and their medicines, and not being able to sleep at all, I decided to give the Cutlcura Soap and Cutlcura Ointment a trial. After using them three days that night I slept as sound as a silver dollar to eight long hours. I awoke in the morning with but very little pain, in fact, I thought I was in heaven. After using the Cutlcura Remedies to three months I waa perfectly restored to health, thanka to he Cutlcura Soap and Ointment I will be sixty-fou- r years of age my next birthday, hale and hearty at Proliant.; (Signed) Mrs. Julia Finnegan, 2224 Hebert St, St Louis, Mo., Mar. 7,. 191L Although Cutlcura- - Soap and Ointment are sold by druggists and dealers everywhere, a sample of each. ' hook, will ho mailed With flee on application to Cutlcura," Dept Li Boston. Bank is distinctly a Business and Stockmans It has made a specialty of the banking . needs of business and stockmen, and therefore knows their requirements.' It is in a position to render them every service, and to safeguard their, interests under all conditions. The young business man who has demonstrated ability to conduct a small business 'will receive special consideration. .The stockman has but to make his wants known in order to have them,carefully-handled- . THIS tupM V. WooUay, Proa.) Loo Johnson, VkoPwai T, M. Casper, Cashier. The G ranis ville Deseret Bank GRANTSVILLE. UTAH e, , er-fr- . If you get your ALMOST CRAZY WITH ECZEMA COUNTY OFFICERS. County Commissioners the Typewriter MAJOR ARCHIBALD BUTT. -- . That is What Wins ITIMKS The first thing a kindness deserves Is acceptance, the next transmission. George MacDonald. Re- of Perfect Units o, W. Chambers. Food and Dairy Commissioner Willard Hansen, Jr. Chemist Herman Harms. Insurance Commissioner Willara Done. . Veterinarian Dr. A C. Young. Federal Building. Register, E. D. ,R. Thompson;. ceiver, M. M. Kalghn. Perfect Team Work old, genial, brave smile was on his ace. The picture he made as ha stood there, hat In hand, brave and smiling; Is one that will always linger in my memory." Mrs. Washington Dodd of San Fran cisco says: "Yea, I saw Major Archibald Butt I know him, because he wm the handsomest man on the ship. I saw him standing by Captain Smith, alongside of Colonel John Jacob Astor, and it seemed to me that those three men were in command of everything, "I looked Into Colonel As tor's face and Into that of Major Butt and could see no Year. The last recollection I have of getting sway in a boat wm that Major Butt and Colonel Astor were standing by the aide of the gangway Mslsting the Mcond cabin passengers into the remaining hosts." - CAPTAIN REFUSED AID. "I Am Going to. Follow the Ship, Said " of Titanic, Captain , New York. At the American Seamens Friend Society institute, where 160 members of the rescued crew of the Titanic are being fed, clothed and housed, G.' A. Hogg, able seaman, told Friday night of the fate of Captain Smith. Hogg says that aa the Titanic sank a Mg wave WHhed the captain over the side and he landed on a raft persons. carrying thirty-fiv- e "The next moment," he said, I saw Captain Smith in the water alongside the raft Theres the skipper, 1 yelled, give him a hand, and (hen I did. But he shook himself free and shouted to ns Good-byboys. I am going to follow the ship. That wm the last we saw of the skipper. Worked Overtime and Saved Uvea New York. How the wireless operator on the Carpathia, by putting in an extra. ten minutes on duty, was a means of saving 745 Uvea was told by Dr, J. F. Kemp, the Carpathlas physiOur wireless operator," said cian. Dr. Kemp, was about to retire Sunprovement day night when he said Jokingly. 1 T tell them all Try Grape-Nuts- ! 111 wait Just ten minutes, then Name- given by Postum Co., Battle guess turn in. It was in the next ten minCreek, Mich. There's a reason. utes that the Titanics call for help Bvcr A above now the letter! Had the wireless man not waitae Bpveere trees time te time. They cam ed there would have been no but are areaiao, tract aaO (all at . K e, mi vlvora. - 81-pa- For Savings and Investments, See Right Jn His Lina. Who wm that man I had for a partner at bridge last evening?" "He's a writer "Of forces." I might have known it" Why?" "He made some might funny plays." Salt Lake Security & Trust Company Important to Mothers 4 per cent to 6 per cent paid Examine carefully every bottle of CA8TORIA, a safe and aura remedy for Infants and children, and see that It ' Bears the Signature of In Um For Over 30' Years. 34 Main Street, &LC Capitol, $300,000; Surplus, $100,000 Children Cryfor Fletchers Castoria WHEN About once a month the average girl of 18 meets tile only man she could ever love. Good health cannot be maintained when s ocastlpated habit. Garfield Tee OTewotnee eoaatl patios- - signifies mad- - SALT LAKE 8T0P AT there U Dream at marriage IN MS TNI Riin tor a Quiet, Rsspsetabls Trstfs Csntrally Lssatod. Closs to all AmsMmsats. MAIN STRUT RALT LAKE CITY, UTAH |