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Show FLYING MACHINE TAFTS RECORD i GIVEN A TRIAL. Jack Shay, an aviator of vide pute, from New York City, who deavored to make an ascent Monday on the Tooele aeroplane, waa unable to get the machine to raise from the ground, on account of the rough conS.'iataian law Entarcsd Wiibcut dition of the ground and the short running space, could not get enough speed to make the machine take the air. Mr. Fear or Faror. Shay will make a few alterations that ' are necessary and will then give it an-- , other trial, when it is expected that EXCELS HIS PREDECESSORS. ; the flight will be successful. Members of the Aero Club and several citi-- ; sens of Tooele were present. Watch Both In Civil and Criminal Prosecii-tie- n the TIMES for a picture . of the ma-- : Taft Administration Breaks All chine flyiqg. Records of Lagal Accomplishment Fiva Presidents Compared BOA8T NOT THYSELF OF TOMOR- ASAINSTTRUSTS To Be Honored STAKE SOCIABLE PROGRAMME Stake Presidency and the Ilishop-ric- s of each of the Wards in the ROW. ANTI-TRUS- RECORD T -- Crim- - Civil inal suits, suits. Total Under Harrison (three years)...; Under Cleveland (four yoars).... 5 48 8 Tooele Stake of Zion, j special invitation is extended to the people of the different Words in 'and towns of Tooele County and the many friends and acquaintances of 1 resident Gowans are invited to lie present, regardless of their religious belief or political affiliations The committee desires the of the Stake and Wrard organizations to ass ibt in making this event a success andto show our love and appreciation to President Gowans for his untiring efforts and labor for the 'past thirty years or more as President of tho Tooele Strike of Zion and to wish him d and good will nud comfort in his declining years of a well spent life. By order of committee John W. Tate, Clerk. The uncertainty of life was shown by reference to the Titanic disaster in a sermon by the Rev. Paul L. Ross, on last Sunday evening. He said. In part: These unfortunate friends of ours, on one of the largest, strongest, most passenger steamships, with no thought of danger, suddenly came in contact with an unseen monster and Immediately their quietude and happiness was broken. No doubt, many of these carried heavy insurance, but how many have insurance in the Heavenly Kingdom? We all believe in this Heavenly insurance and still we are all in arrears, If we carry any at all. Boast not thyself of tomorrow, for ye know not what a day may bring forth." We are pH agents for thlB Heavenly Insurance and we must answer for ourselves as to the results we get Have you any oil In your lamps? Don't forget Proverbs 27-- Under the last five administrations prosecutions under the Sherman anti trust law hovo been brought as fellows: . 7 Under McKinley (four and one- Three bills in equity years) Under Roosevelt (seven and one- half yeais) 18 25 44 Under Taft (two yea re and eleven montha) .22 40 62 . One property eeizura. The ratio of prosecutions, allowing foi length of timo m office. of the Taft administration as compared with the records of its four immediate predecessors is appreximetsly as follows: Taft over Harrison Old Taft ever Cleveland 12t1 Taft over McKinley 30 to) 4 to 1 Taft over Roosevelt anyl In honor of retiring President Hugh S. Gowans, a . sociable and program will be given by the people of Tooele Stake of Zion, at Tooele Ward on Wednesday, May lst.1912. The committee in charge is the 1 TAFTS Legal Notices Pres. Conans reen- God-spee- Mrs. Edna Gillespie entertained the Ladles Aid Thursday at the church. IlYKlUfui rn fr. u(liiiiiiiitnitiiiii lists Have you heard that song, 'They .til I1H Ill'll.- - , till lit lulls Gcftta Quit Kickin' My Dawg Aroun ? mill ivitti iiinlt! i InYou can hear it at Tooele Opera house Wii liu'.it foil i m unit lni.il on April 30lh. Other muBic will be It Ims in tin- in: r uf JiMli-i- given. You are Invited to hear the :ir.iitiii:s :i:ul I'K'-mIn :ipi!fci:i A. Slmpkin lecture. ii:,iiil'r!'.ini: in uf irnJu. Rev. P. list uilitiriiv ;.i:!,ji!i:i nf i iiiiiinn:i-- , Him li;i.'C In WHEN TO LAUGH. ii iiiiilioi'iily mill tu e- - oil raise rise In Its niiliii is two ytMi-- .in I in. mills nf li!s Come to the Opera House Tuesday ud:Ii!isM-.;i!;- .. I'nfl ('resliimi April 30, and have a good night, lai- l- ii in i limiiLlil fuiii unin- i Ivfl laugh. The Rev. P. A. Slmphealthy i rulis mill Nf.'ern iimn- rr;iu!ii:ii of Lake City, will give a lecSalt vii lulls limn .Ml i:.u.s-i'i-i- t i:i kin, linn:p!: I o.'iu tin- knit yen in ur Ills ud ture on Wit and Humor of the Na- - ii. illi-p- Take One Pain Pill, - then Take it s n.-i-s Eaay. Por Neuralgia, nothing is ii Plii-irr.;- better than a. M. T.ifl Iwr a mi- - the iivslis i;t tions." Secure your tickets at Corner 0t ifi llj,.:-',;;- : Drug Store. . . :' liy h.d ' iSe Dr. Miles Anti-Pai- n liulli i:irii. Tims I:.: ; iris:iliiii T.ill. wliu Mr The Rev. H. J. Talbott, D. D., will inuM-veii'- s im:. nriii ilnrum MU lust April 30th, at (1'!il:i;slr:i:;c.ii Kepi n Id ihe preach Sunday evening, El. M. Church. i in .iji:mlii mill n::il:i the ,i;i 1::iii m .iin. ses uf 'us iii':Jis-i'ssu- Hu- - i riacu-iip:!::,-:unl niiilcslra A BIG LECTURE BY A BIG MAN, fji iv-- i , s ni Il . lllls'. Iii !.! fC3::!i"v In t !u uf s till-- j On April' 30th, at the. Tooele Opera plaif.irai wn iiiuily in the house. Don't miss it. Tickets on sale uf IIHn r i'v: Irusls mi. I u:hii-)m- i at Corner Drug Store. - nl in.- I1 i. liunsi-velInstrumental Music ..H. M. Smith l L Hie lul'llls illi'i'.lllis(ra:lu:i tin:! ihe 2. Vocal Solo i'al ikn i!:i;fni :a George Shields f!.i rt:!i:i eii'M-ii- st si hull P- - A. Slmpkin v tnr sm l.m ike 3. Lecture ii:s,ri::;ii-:Lee Brothers ' ll.i inis o! iia'I ext lllivn 4. Music iiaM.i'.ial -i n Pis h ul sj-r- mii-ptn:- Mi i TuTt r of i!ial;itl iil.xsi-l- f tu tke lli.s law n;:i! lias i;i:it His prnmise Frofclens Confronting Tsft ripps-.- l as to l!,e ul ruiitruvi-rs- r uf exiirt krigimue uf i tliuatl irusl net. I hi- pi-linns t tin t lu:d In is- liy In mlniin.s'.r.itii'i- - nutlmrliy anil tln.-siivliu J'liilu'laly r!:ir riifiin-eiui-ii- ll br'i , ul mwif del i'll. la a:- on mi!- indl iii.i-..- i ii!.,'. i, n:i:lri.;. by jury null ibeir illlll Mi'll : liy l!i,- - i Clll ' ot (ipi'l'ills 'I'iuiia.ii .rusi iitiiKis are pmid'i.g rvvtec-- ul Ike uses i.nui,.li iiidt-i (tie m::l trust during me i.u .'duisimticn cli I'lc.iri) i lit- - to i!c Aiiii-r- l sn iiiopli- - in in.. H'lloii ill l!i:ll t'(;ll.i!ilj i, i.ppuiXu ii.: i ivka ii is ikkiiiil by the pli!lf;r;i. '! il.e i it an parly to be Ike rigii. ! hii f I'vcry iliTcl c in : ten- - nl till' llllil mis; i li e- - !ii li'.lii by in- - Tall iKl'.iiiuls'viii ih.-i-i giirs mi e:;'il:i':i! idea of ike Ini id l ips some ! il.e-'iiicgnl uiiilil t III Ilf lilllK KlPllll IlihMI rllllSIlliicrs ll Ill - s ii.-l-i't Ib-m- inr.v M'l'H'. wns to roai-l- i tb:- - im-a- t nf formerly rompptiilre dealers. IncllT'dunl nnil till1 luw irri-giitluii- s iinnini-i-r- s mid who. sfiii-lind lag mergers, enusollilutlnns a nil ntlierwise. had acquired so great n euutrul over a mi men la r line of Indnstry ns In en aide them to dominate it ami tu exclude or admit compctltlou ns (her ihoesi' upon I heir otvu terms fo tb it (111- - luw f'.i'u-WAS Ci.fiivt .i uvi'uii uf which had been given to It by some ih" Jiidgi-- s nr the circuit court in Xf-York in tin tulmcco rase nnd In the opinion of Kiicie of the Justices nf Ihe supreme court In ether cases to the effect that any combination which In to restrain to any nuy resiiect degriv a pre-e- x Isi lag comjietltloii In Intprstafh commerce wns newssarlly coiiilcuiiicd by law. In the three years of the Taft administration nil of the sixteen cast's left iei:i!!iig by the prcvlons administration imvi hern disposed of except i wo. which have been argued and m ihe supreme court of the I'nltMl States and are. now nwnltlng . Of the remaining ensca the SiiPiii.-irOil case wns argued early during the prownt administration amL nft.-- r decided entirely In an npis-iil- . favor of tin- - government. The snme Wii also true of the tobacco cases, vi;h i he Ilflinalc result of the of Hull lilg trust Into four wp'irutc and distinct uursrn-lioiiThis. It Is Ih'IIcvihI. will prevent a ontlminuce of the coiiiplnlned of , iimiiiiisi!IsiTaft Anti trust Record Miliulnl.- triiilon up Du fug i In T.-.two civil suits Febniary. I!12 uvi-nibroil!.-Il- l iiiiiI torty tj.ii, .'I mu-ill- s tniinil i::uli-- i Mu- - ln r!!:iiii ' luw uiiil loc in xiy mvo .pro-if- il II 1,'UI! 1llJ.r' hit,- - lift WII I lullMIln'll's. ullll i"i" eu III tlieiiiikh ois-rnfc- anh-miiti- dlsln-ti-rmlW- n s e.TiC-livel- - y X 1 1,- T I ili'li-rniiiii- li-- s I.i'.-l- i ciiii - a - dlr.il Pills Used by thousands for a generation Pills for live years c.ntl they are the only thing that does me any good. They have relieved neuralgia In my head in fifteen minutes. I havo aim taken them for rheumatism, headache, polne In the brenat, toothache, earache and jmlns In the bowels and llmbH. I hnvo found nothing to equal them and they are alT that Is claimed for them." J. W. SEDGJ3, Blue Springs, Mo. At all druggists 2S doses 25 cent. Never sold In bulk. Ml LEO MECICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. 1 .In 1 1 n.-- of I f iiidivi.;: i 1: ' .... !! . n use j n iiiii:ilii-- i luvuruer ii. aiti-kipli- .. .. ... . - ... ri l M rhe prli-- of ;h:;t commodity lo the ; l.iiicrs. rr mi ted some from milking my p;:ri liases and was tliprcfore re :::ilulug micrstaie In like iiiiiniii'r Ike govcniiiHMH took ojuixan c of ike issillng In tke wire industry, iviih ilu- - result tliat nine In were found In Xcw York ryalusi eiglity three persona engaged ll wns nn illegal rc-sIn tk:ii luislucss ii! lut of iratle. and when the court priHXHxliugs laid been fiuiahed the various ih'fl'udaiits were lined in nmounts iiveniglug tl.iNKi ench. with the excei-rloi- i of ike supervisor of the pool, who . 1 r T was Iln ii I $4.1.000 Due of tke most outrageous cases of lu restrniiil of trade and I notable violation of the Sherman law was tlial of I lie baud blown window glass Industry Practically all of the Tooele Stake Stake President Charles A. Orrrie, of Tooele. First Counsellor Charles R. McBride, of Tooele. Second Counsellor Alonjo J. Stook-ey- , of Clover. SupL Stake Sunday Schools J. H. Hale, of Grantaville. A. President Y, M. M. I, Lindberg, of Tooele. President Y. L. M. I. A. Ellen H. Park, of Tooele. BI8HOP8. Tooele Edward M. Atkin. Grantaville A. K. Anderson. E. T. James M. Yates. Batesville Edward C. Ekman. Lake View John G. Shields. Russell. St Johns-John'- T. Clover M. M. Blookey. Vernon Isarel Bennion. Iosepa Bishop Waddups. Mercur Alexander Moss. , President Relief Society Alice R. Woolley, of Grantsville. President Primary Hilda Erickson, of Grantsville. SupL Religion Classes Benj. L. Bowen, of Tooele. Stake Clerk John W. Tate, of Tooele. A.-nj- ohn' . it ' hf that he doesn't swear. Drawing Room Also Tourint TICKETS ON SALE, APRIL 29, 30, May 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5th. FINAL LIMIT JUNE 27th - STATE OF UTAH TO THE SAID DEFENDANTS: ''You and each of you are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after service of this summons upon you, if served within the County in which tho action is bTjight; otherwise within thirty ilny8 after service, and defend the above entitled action; brought you to collect note and foreclose mortgage on Lot 10, Block IM. Plat C, Tooele City, Tooele County, State of Utah, and in case of your failure bo to do, judgment will be rendered against the demand of the you according which within ten days complaint, after service of this summons upon you, will lie filed with the Clerk of the said Court. Western Loan & Savings Co. a Plaintiff Corporation Jas. Ingel iret non & Win. S. Marks Attys., for Plaintiff. P. O. Address Tooelo, Utah. ' Standard Compartneut , SUMMONS. Sleepers. For information ffnd tickets see any Salt Lake Route Agent or write to Free , Reclining Chair tars J. H. Mnnderfielil, A.G. P. A. Suit Lake City -- 4 1 1 1 II )4'MW44W4444W4WH4 Distributers of high class meats and perishable goods, to both the wholesale and retail trade. - 4 s t-- NOTICE TO THE ABOVE NAMED MINORS & TO SAII) DEFENDANT, GU8 JOHNSON, THEIR FATHER. WITH WHOM SAID MINORS RESIDE. You and each of you will please take notice that un'ess said minors or some one in their behalf, within twenly days after service of this notice, shall procure the appointment of a giWian ad litem for said minors, th plaintiff will move the an order designating gome suitable Tjerson to be guardian ad lilem fojrsaid miners . Jis. IngebretBon & Win. S. Marks ' Aftys. for Plaintiff. Date of first publication April 19, 1912. last, publication May 17. 1912 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of Mary E. Brim Hoffmlre, Deceased. Creditors will present claims with vjuchcrs to the undersigned at Crants-villUtah, on or before the 25th day of August, 1912. . FRANCIS G. HOFFMIRE, Administrator of the Estate of Mary E. Brim Hoffmlre, Deceased. WM. S. MARKS, Attorney for the Administrator. Date of first publication, April 19. e, Our cold storage system is without any question the best in the county. Cold slornge irsiwes sanitation thats why our goods Arc always iu demand Aljets and McIntosh Phone 116 Tooele City, Utah Hours are Valuable this busy age. This is especially true In traveling. So In, trc.vcileg east or west, noffh or south by rail, you phn to get to your destination in the SHORTEST POSSIBLE TIME; you want MODERN COMFORT, and you expect end requtro EVERY POSSIBLE MEASURE OF PROTECTION. Without these features travel is what General Sherman said war is. In regeu Shert Lise in connection with the Union Pacific, Southern Pacific and O.-R. & N. Lines, desires to serve you to all eastern points, the Pacific Coast and locally. g 875,900,000 is being expended in these lines west of the Missouri River; the block signal eystem for protection 1b being kept at the highest possible state of effectiveness, and equipment and service are continually being Improved and brought to ths latest standards of quality. Consult say double-trackin- Oregon Short Line representative when you are ready to travel. Eat California Raisins Raisin Day April 30th. 8 A. D. 1912. Last publication. May 10, 1912. Furniture! Furniture!! NOTICE. State of Utah, County of Tooele. In the Iosepa Precinct of said County, 1 have in my possession the following described estray animal which, if not claimed and taken away, will he sold at public aucton to the hgheat cash bidder at Iosepa, In Iosepa ou Monday, April 29ch, 1912, st 6:00 p. m, ' Description of Animal. One sorrel horse with brand on lei i thigh, "N 1" little white on forehead, with shoes all around. Peter Gillespie, of Tooele, used to own horse before said estray was taken up by me in my lot on the night of April 16th. Pre-cinc- L f J. K. N. MAHOE, A Carload of FURNITURE Jnst Received from the' Factory in the East. Why Bay Away from Tooele When We Have At Your Own Door One of the Most ComIn West? Stocks the plete Visit Our Store and Note Our Prices. "" Poundkeeper for Iosepa Precinct. . . suit-di'i- Excursion Rates Johnson, deceased, Olivia Johnson and Bittncy Johnson, minor heirs of Gerda Johnson, deceased, Eph Been and E. J. Warner. Defendants. Officers In num-iit-r- i (clglity-rhrc!niiiiiir:u'tiiivra formed a company which controlled the entire output of hand blown' glnss As n result Ihe price, was ul enured 100 ier cent within less than n Reform Movement. year The Indictment of the men Mrs. Benham When we women get the inqioslrifin of fines nnd :!ie rci.irniinii of the busincim nimn its to running the government we'll do a tMng or two. irr.icr lines were followed by n Benham Such aa what? Ini riihicilnn In the priee of liauu . Mrs. Benham We'll make a man I'lowu glass T!ii government is prasectit- - take out a lumber's license before bo Rils agr.lnsi Hie trnsl and Ike can look for a collar button, and In , irnst with every promise ef his application ho wlU"have to certify e The Ideal Place To Spend Your Vacation. ln ! iioii-snii'- e - Those who have suffered ' from nchralgic pains need not be told how necessary it is to secure relief. The easiest way out of neuralgia is - to use l3r. Miles' Anti-Pai- n Pills. They have relieved sufferers for so many years that they have become a household necessity. "I have taken Dr. Miles AnU-Fh- 1:- Lie California Western Loan and Savings Co.' a corporation, r Plaintiff, vs. Gu. Johnson, Geo. C. Chase, administrator of the estate of Gerda . bpliil-l- l I'ir-iiKl- IN THE THIRD JUDICIAL COURT. TOOELE DISTRICT COUNTY, AND STATE OF UTAH. TERMS TO SUIT ALL WANTED LIVE AGENTS For Tooele City and County. One of the best sellers ever placed on the market. $10 00 per day con be easily made by a young Lady or man who iB not afraid to rustle. Exceptionally good offer to party who will work country territory. Must have rig to work country territory. Apply C.M. Tooele TIMES Office, phone 118 Tooele City. Utah. , INTER MOUNTAIN FURN. C0 Tooele City, L P, L , A. AND 8. L. Railroad Time Table. Trains depart from Tooele: No. 1, Overland, west.. 1:7 No. 2, Overland, east.. 5: No. 51, Tlntlc LcT, west 9: No. 52, Untie LcT east 4: Tooele Valiev Ry. connects wit! Nos. and 53, for Tooele and SIDNEY D. COOK, F A |