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Show asparagus long a favorite. ginAtsorda Data Rack Almost to ning of Authentic History. Of all fuxl plants there la non which baa been ao lone known or been possessed of no distinguished a Uncage aa the asparagus. Ita records reach hack almost to the beginning ,rf authentic history, and It la mentioned by the comic poet Cratinua, who died about 42S B. C. The Roman a held the vegetable In high esteem. The elder Cato wrote a work whlrh la still extant, De re Rustics,'' and ft treats at length of the virtues and proper cultivation of asparagus. Pliny, in his natural history, written about (V A. I)., has much to aay about it. He feelingly observes: "Of all the products of your garden your chief rare should bo asparagus. sod ho devotes several chapters to Ita many good qualities and the beat methods of raising It. He asserts that the soil about Ravenna was so fivorabls to Its production that three bends grown lu that district had hern known to weigh a Roman pound. This pound seams to have been about equal to eleven ounces In our day. so It would apparently have taken four of the stalks to have reached a pound of our weight Tha asparagus being essentially a tout hern plant, it is possible that tha stuck growing in Italy was of s mora rigorous growth than that of our northern dims, it la found nil around the shores of the Mediterranean nnd branches off Into four or five distinct species besides the one ordinarily esed for edible purposes EXPENSE OF WEALTHY WOMEN. New York Leaders of Fashion Spend Much Money on Dress. Mrs. Salford Baratow, the New York woman who spends her entire time simply designing on paper new creations In the garb of American womanhood. was asked if the statement made In the dressmakers' convention that u some women spend as much as on tbeir clutbt-- la a year was an esaggeratlub. "That Is merely a fair Ear from being average. abe said. distorted, the figure named Is very const rvstlve. Mrs. John Jacob Astur, I think. Is admitted to be the best dressed woman la New York. I am certain that abe spends nil of SO,Vdu a year on ber dresses. Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt is n rlose second. Her dressmaking bill certainly runs over 40,(K0. while Mrs. Stuyvessot Fish and Mrs. Joseph Widencr, fur Instance, are In a big class that easily part thelr.husbands from upward of f35,0)0 each year for the benefit of the dressmakers. shoemakers, glovers, etc. 25.-OO- s A Servant Problem. woman In Baltimore recently Inst two servants the same day. Remembering a girl whom a friend has recommended, a message waa aent to The ber by tha Baltimore woman. girl Immediately replied to the message In person and waa engaged on the spot When she was ashed whether she could at once enter upon the duties of her new. place she replied that she could do so. at the same time Indicating her bag in the hall. I fetched It along, mum," said she, "as I thought mebbe you'd want me right away. A week's trial proved the girl to It was then be quite aetlsrectnry. that the mistress Inquired: "Maggie, do your people know where you are?" "No, mam, waa the answer. "Ye sec, I came here at once." "Won't they worry about you, not knowing where you are?" Wall, mum." said the girl. "Mr. 1arey might be a trifle anaious. mum. That's me husband, mum." A ON OF MATABELE KING. Prince Hosanna" a Resident of Baltimore, Maryland. "Prince Hoe anna" la the name by which a very black and enormously Powerful negro living in Baltimore chooses to be known. Ills father Is king at the Matabeles In South Africa nnd thither Hosanna means to go before long. At one time he was body servant to Cecil Rhodes, after whose death he was brought to this country by a missionary. He does not entertain n high opinion of colored effort among his people. "The he says, "come out missionaries," there and they preach to the savage that he mustn't have hut one wife. And then, after the preacher has been there n while, he wants ns many wives as the rest of them. A negro preacher does little good." When he returns home he will do what he can In the dlrectkm of eduentlng his people. mle-slonar- y Tress Comments, drew IV White may have been exactly right, after all. San Francisco iTironli-b- . The benefits to be derived from college athletic should be diffused throughout the student body. It is n grave mistake to concentrate all effort and exiienae on the production of eleven men in a student body of I.OuO or 3.0U0 strong who can excel on the gridiron. r on a picked nine for the diamond Meld, and neglect the rest. Aa a result, the great masa of students must be content to take a place on the bleacher and confine their physical development to the expansion of their lung power aa rooters, which la really not very profitable and decidedly unedlfylng and un- ftHHIllllllli ALEXAROER Me MASTER, AITORMtt-AT-L- t Washington Star. Iimi Mrs. Chadwick has again demonstrat- OUkt: rsaMinfillr. ed that it is easier to fool some men SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. for a million than it Is for SS cents. Mrs. New York American. homecoming was marked by Jeers, curses and insults. Nothing falls like failure. Chadwk-k'- a Msthealhsh Thowaa. DR. I. THOMAS i THOMAS AND MAYCOCK News. Chicago Andrew Carnegie will get 11.60 a day for testifying in the Chadwick case. He should use the money to endow a night rrhool for credulous bankers. Philip Uayonrh DENTIS 7 LAWYERS Suita aoi-J-- lb S. Main Sr. Deseret News Building S - Salt Lakk City - I 1 1. H 1 1 1 II Albany Tlmes-Unio- n. I 1 H The Ohio man may be all right st acubut when comes it to the politics, San Francisco t'hronicle. men and delicate fitness Incident to Several members of the senate com- high finance, commend us to the Ohio mittee on privileges and elections are woman. said to be using their infiuenre quietly ROAD to defeat the statehood bill, by urging its opixments to make a vigorous fight ttH'Aun. Koramhsr fli, ltvlR Prebate and Notices Ouardlanehlp against the measure on the grounds Mawr. Km A INkJn;, Salt laka ant Ogden Railway. that the admission of the Territories, 01 or whlrhatsr ima of jus that When tha Hnass Blonm Ayala throw-dowof partimhiriy Arlsona, may J ha heard ;iutngth abnva beautiful aad BlfartlDf aung Aeraral tlmra darlua the went at the bars to the practk'e of polyg- Consult Time Table in effect Sept. 6, 1904. Thcv Uaymarkrt." asd have Ukaa a uumhar of County Clerk of Davis county, ftlruda, ladtea aad suntlamau, iwanad and amy. They are basing their conduct w- u isHEm on the evidence submitted to the comUtah, or the Respective Signers for .f.tM-aTsrw?T'm 1 fepard th y Huay tNn In ov tlno. biilidMii. Iuti mittee In the Smoot investigation to th" further information. miiMirrla MlirndM. if .n.fr4oa.l od kmue Tirol? Leave Salt Lake 6:30 and 9 a. m., 3 30 the effect that many Mormons have m wfcta bMrtnjr you flan, Whoa the Rim HIimfoi Atftin." settled in Arizona, and that some of and 5.30 p. m. riu good liu and pntrir, I m j mr truly, JAKYId Ml (MR them are admitted to be polygamists. Leave Farmington and lagoon 7:30 and 536 Constitution Building, NOTICE TO CREDITORS This is. at best, a specious excuse ofSALT LAKH CITY, 1TAH, fered expressly for the purpose Of but of JnU Farvih,drad. 10 a. at., 4:30 and 6:30 p. m. backfiring. The status of Arixona and Ciwdttnra will muni claim with vouchers to tha am. H. Mraapar.'Jr., Extra traina at 1 1 a. ni. and 1: jo p. m. I'tah In their relations to Mormon-Is- awtentgsadalihtoflNaof A Wormy at law. (Valrmlla, Darti rouuly. Utah, on is entirely dissimilar. In Utah the na Sunday and Holidays. or hefora tha JAth da; of April. A . !., IMA, "Mormons' are the controlling facStim.1. PlBIWS. tor in politics. They run the state. Jours alomo Passu, Hut In Arizona the "Mormon populaFib Passim A. D. PIERSON, Genl Iam. Agt. Incorporated tion is in a hopeless minority and can haurP Passim B. BEAN, Excursion Agt. Adntlnlil ralnra of lha EttaU erf Jnal Parrish, exercise no influence whatever in the darsaaad, Ofiee 161 Main Street shaping of its policies or in the con- W. H. Hnirsh, Ja. trol of its affairs, whenever statehood AUoraay fmEtUt. is granted. There is, consequently, no 1)bU of BistpuMIcallon.nac. , INI. merit to the objection. If Arixona is denied admission to the Union on such a foolish pretense, it will be equivalent to say that the Territory never shall txxome a state so long as it contains Telephone 2047k John II. White, Manager Mormon residents, and neither the in The place only Farmington nor will future present any Congress 380 North Second Wont venture to put itself on record as favorAT THE where the travelling man stops. ALT LAKE CITY, UTAH ing such a proisisition. If the presence of a few "Morinons" in the Territory UTAH. FARMINGTON is a valid cause for the denial of statehood. it might have been raised against the admission of California because it harbored a polygamous Mormon" colTWO Immense Swimming Pools ony at Han Hemanlino In its territorial day. It ie, however, u. matter of hisTUB BATHS and PRIVATE Abstracter of Title residents In tory that the Mormon this state never exerted any influence R San Pedro Los Angeles & SaltHake PLUNGES. and Conveyancer. on its policies, to the extent, at least, Natural Hot Sulphur Water. of engrafting its laws and cusLicensed Abstractor of Dm vis County. toms any of the principles or practices TURKISH BATHS OUR SPH-r asses Through the Famous of their faith. They will be equally NOTARY PUBLIC . powerless in Arizona. CIALTY. Office up stairs, Farmington C. &M. Bid TurtlM Hatha for LaMra Separata New York Hun. FARMINGTON, UTAH dressing and Manicuring arlon Home ancient men can't remember a a Comprising Eurrka, Mammoth ani Silver City, also Mining ci rtuln comic, but by no means simulwhlrh with wonder fear and of Black ated, Oram, Faihpiflp, Mkrcur, they Rock, Milford regarded the graduate of the woman's and Fstsoo in Utah, and thk Piociik, DrLamar and Cal-fint- f. 52-6- 4 Wise heads rattled like peas SO. college. 3RD W, Mininc Districts in Krvada. in a dried pod and shook ominously. Salt Lake City, Utah "Female education" was desirable, but The cmapleilna of tha euoaettlng link between Calleate, Nevada and lragxsrt, the poor weak creatures stand it? (uld California will npen no of tha blggaat Bndavekiped Blnlng dlatrteu in lha watt. Now. when the women's colleges are Fall information regarding train aarrtre, Maga euanretlna In Interim snaps uui.ny and mighty and their graduates cheerfully given by ray agent of TIIK HALT LARK HOL'TI, or add rear. numbered by thousands, the folly of LAKE SALT CITYS those old fears is so absurd as most . L. MOORE T. C. PECK, R. W. GILLETT, of us are. The college girl, brimming 15 with health, bright with Intelligence, rase. Dist. Asst. Genl. Pass. Genl. Pass. Agt. Agt. Agt possesses the land. Compared with unDON PORTER dergraduate "men, her superior intel; ligence, her lack of that vealiness which SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. is apt to linger long with the trousered is noticeable. , Not only oHeglans, dees she stick to her books better, but her physical training is more uniform LUMP and not characterized by excess. IWHff'l dignified. --H--H CHASUES KEfiT 'm LAGOON TEACHER OF MUSIC.- iid - . m WHITES DRE88ED MEAT CO. weare'buyersof fat cattle. HOUSE ROBINSON SHEEP AND HOGS. Get in the Swim f SANITARIUM J. E. ROBINSON. I uj-o- Z TINTIC MINING DISTRICT Dis-Tnicr- he trgus is not an experiment it is here to stay. NSW HOTEL Springfield Republican. a circular letter addressed to the newspapers, in both Europe and America, write varientreating that persons who ous kinds of stuff should cease sending their manuscripts to her for criticism and advice, iihe has hundreds of such must stop requests, and In has paying attention to them. This llter-ary been one of the penalties of the queen, who as "Carmen Hylva" readwon the affection of thousands of ers who would not have known of her had she not been of royal rank, anfi (lightened that affection by her philanthropies, to which she gave a devotion sincere and jiersonal not merely by delegation. Hut it is not to be supposed that her literary work has really depended for esteem on the adventitious circumstances of Its production. Carmen Sylva's Rumanian songs, her "Pilgrim Sorrow," her "Rumanian a worthy place in Fairy Tales, have real literature. Hons Anderson, bad she been his contemporary, would have welcomed her as a sister and the Danish Improvisators would have done her a Just honor In that. Queen Elizabeth of Roumanla has had self-defen- se New York Evening Post. In connection with the Panama canal, the President is already beset by and others to make sure that all contracts go to Americana It la true, the law requires him to get the work done as well and cheaply as possible. but it is argued that the intent could never have been to compel highborn Americans to compete with low-doforeigners. Sharp com plaint is made that lumber from Puget Sound has been carried to the Isthmus in German bottoms, though American shipowners stood ready to undertake the Job at a higher price. Admiral Walker shows himself singularly obtuse on this point. He says that the commission Is going to get all the lumber andothrr material carried aa cheap as possible. Bids will be Invited, and if the foreigner is below the American, the former will get the contract. COAL AMUT Have made arrangements whereby I can furnish and deliver Nut and Lump coal promptly. Give me a trial order. I will endeavor to please you. 'Phone 16-- n. E. L. WILLEY, UBca aad Yard. The tape Bountifui, Head1 rfesef 4 Utah HISTORY OF IKE CHURCH This work is now being published by The Deseret News in a series of magnificent volumes, in complete form, with an Introduction to each volume and numerous notes which render it still more valuable. Volumes I, II and III ere now ready. FNIOKR - 1.60 per vul. Cloth, jjalf doth. - 2.60 per vol. Half morocco S.6C per toI. Full morocco 4.00 per vol. DESERET HEWS BOOK STOR San Francisco Call. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. The nature of this munificent concession which Is to he made to the desires of the people ran be well guessed at after a review of former beneficent reforms that hare sprang from the throne at St. Petersburg. Probably it will provide that in case of bread riots the knout may be supplanted by imprisonment for offenders; that Jews may celebrate the Passover without fear of receiving any more serious harm from local police than the breaking of their windows and the Insulting of their rabbis; that army conscription will be waived in the cases of all those bringSUCCESSOR TO JUDGE PARKER. ing testimony to show that no less than 10 individuals are dependent upon them Justice Edgar M. Cullen Appointed by for support. It is Just possible that students will be allowed to choose their Gov. OdoH. own university instead of being forced Justice Kilgnr M. Cullen, whom Gov. to attend the institution of their disOdell has appointed to succeed Judge trict. It Is even within the bounds of that peasants may have a Parker as chief Judge of the New probability hand In the disposition of local reveYork court of appeals, has a high nues. reputation as an able Jurist and has New York Evening Sun. long had the esteem of both bench In Russia is The Grand Ducal and bar. So general waa the appre- adept st curing like party by like. Reforms ciation of bis services on the court are proposed. The Liberal youth hold parades and make demonstrations In Out of door work a Specialty, lor of appeals bench that he waa renomof them. The reactionaries don't inated by both parties and elected In favor turn out the Cossacks to harry the mob. traits made on cloudy daya as we 1S9L The Republicans aspect to nomThey know a trick worth ts-- of that. inate him for chief Judge of the court Policemen, disguised as enthusiastic re- M on clear daye. Call and see our of appeals nnd aa overwhelming sen- formers, behave like disorderly persona our the streets. Result, the argument Is samplea. Trices low ; good work, timent In the Democratic party Is for on forward for the information of the put him also. Judge Cullen was born In esar that It would never do to take promptness known. Brooklyn slaty year ago. He began down the bars. Then comes the anactive life r a civil engineer and nouncement that the constitutional plan la off. It looks as if Nicholas II didn't UTAH th law. later turnef know what everybody knows. Ir An- - ALCOA HARDY a Calls to Salt Iiake from Bounlifait Centerville, and Farmington - - r-- ?- IO CENTS FrorraBountiful, Centerville, and Farmington to Ogden IS CENTS From K&ysville to Salt Lake 15 CENTS prom Kaystfille to Ogden 15 SEPTEMBER 1ST. Labels Portrait! Pl;oto- rapljQr o bountiful - ocKy Mountain Ben Telephone corppan- - |