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Show yov JF WISH TO 'REACH THE VEOVLE cimuTien lot fc.rJi bo jeez lha dKMUUoa of th U tiirfC -4 tk rnaimi. 1 half tbouMBd Bick iWa u puwl load AP. .V If AVIS COVfiTy ADVERTISE 11 VOLUME I. NUMBER 30. FAUMINUTON, JVetuf From KjayfOiIte . date the crowd. Although dancing waa iiupoaeible, for a while, there were no complainta; but notwithatauding thia everyone prceeut teemed to have a good time. An eacellent lunch wa aerved on the ttage. It waa eatiwaled that 450 people were in the hall. The Woodmen degree team, together with a large delegation, came down from Ogden, chartering a special coach for their accomodation. Owing to lack of apace, it waa imjioaeible for the degree train to present ita drill, but what they were able to do, waa beautiful to behold, anil waa highly appreciated. Miaa Hazel Oarnea and Mra. Sarah Taylor ach rendered a beautiful Ming. Team Break Through Ice. Word route from Canada, tbat Chancy Layton, formerly of thia place, while going over a frozen lake, broke through the Ice and loat hia team and wagon Mr. Layton, eared hinieclf by graaping acme ice floats. He hail left to get a load of wood, and lu going, took the regular road aronud the lake, which iaaliout fire ulk-After getting the loaJ, he decided to make the journey ahorter by crowing the lake. When about two mile acioto, the ire gaee nay and team and all went through. The lake i over 30 feet deep, and the fart that Mr. Lay-to- n eared hit own llir, miiaculuui. a bt 1 toon Jump Hi Board. A man by the name ot Jainr Boyle, of Ogden, who waa canvaaaing the town with advertizing matter and who, rather than pay hia railioad fate, I iiol to beat hia way out of town, waa put off the Hurchaa Drug Stock. J. Sheffield has purchased the stock formerly owned by the Kaysville Drug Co. Recently the Drug company ceased huainess operations, and Mr. Sheffield bought the goods on hand. He will now j carry a complete line of druga in connectrain. Rather than to walk, he took tion with hia other departments. lodging at the Layton hotel, and iu hia hurry to catch the train uni day, for-gKAYSVILLE BRIEFS. hia hotel bill of $1,50, and the waa that he waa overhauled George Plint of Canada is here visiting about ten milea north of Kuyaville, by the hotel proprietor, and waa taken to his folks. Mrs. k. W. Barnes was a Salt Lake Acting Marshal Love, who in turn visitors W. him before Barnes. Justice R, Saturday. brought The fellow was fined $6.50 for his little Misses Myrtle and Pauline Owen were game. The line was paid by hia father capital visitors Wednesday. i Ogden; mid the hut seen of Mr Mr. and Mra. J. W, Thornely were Jimmy Boyle, he was traveling afoot Junction City visitor! Tuesday. for Ogden, a ladder hut wiser man. Hyram Stewart and Frank Edmonds were Bountiful missionaries Sunday. Small Pox in Kaysville. Hon. H. J. Sheffield and T. G. M. We are again confronted with the Barnes were Salt Lake visitors Tuesday. dread disease, email pox. Joseph Payne Mra. Charles Bennett is dangerously has contracted the diaease and no doubt sick. Her baby of about two weeks, is has exposed the whole town. A short doing nicely. time ago, Mr. Payne went to Fairview, Mr. Charles Burton, Emily Flint, and and from there to Manti, where' he was Blood went to Porterville WedMaggie married in the Temole. There are about to attend a wedding. nesday 150 cases of small poz in those towna, Mrand Mrs. Peter Barson of Clarkand more than likely Mr. Payne carried the disease from there. His sister, Mary, son, who hvi been spending several daya who has been living with them, and who here with Hon. H. J. Sheffield, returned has been attending the academy daily has home Friday. Mra. Grande Raymond who baa been no doubt exposed the whole school; for Mr. Paynea face has been broken out sick so long, and who took a backset is for several daya with iinall pox, and was reported as now on the improve. Mr. ot aware that be had the disease, until and Mrs. Joseph Jarman of Ogden were Wednesday evening, when Dr. Gleason Kaysville visitors thia week. waa called to investigate the case. The Thursday, Jsuuary 19th Mr. and Mrs. yellow flag was ordered put up at once. E.' A. Williams celebrated their golden wedding, having been married 50 years Mr. Williams being 74 yean old and his Large Turnout at Benefit Party. A large crowd was in attendance at wife 69; both appear in perfect health the benefit party Friday evening in favor and happiness. There were present of Samuel Jones, who ia now at St. about 65 relatives, some from Salt Lake, Marks hospital. It was the largest and from Ogden. The day and evening gathering ever in the Music hall; in fact, waa spent in playing games, music, etc., it became so packed that it waa necessary and a pleasant time enjoyed by all parto open the Williams hall to accomo- - ticipants. SYRACUSE BRIEFS. Special Correspondence. Monday night Mr. Judson Thurgood waa surprised by hia friends. Miss Laura Clark of Farmington ia here visiting her siator, Mn. Alice Steed. I 11. j m UTAH, TUESDAY. JANUARY man ball given in Kaysville on Friday for the benefit of Samuel Jones. The Diug Store will remain in Kay-villafter all; II. J. Shrflirld has bought it out and will hrereafter will carry a full stack of drugs, perfumery etc. Cbailie Sandall is here from hia mines iu Spruce mouutaius. lie reports everything moving slowly but a good supply of low grade ore. The company ia going to erect a iui ton mill to work their ores. They hope to have the plant in ojwration by spring. L. S. 1 ley wood und Sons have dicssed their office and moulding slieda with a nrw coat of int, also put in place a mammoth sign. They will soon have a telephone put in their oflice. In a very short time, the firm will have one of the best equiped lumber yards ill the county. Mn. J. II. Gibson entertained the New Year club Thursday night. THe visitors greatly enjoyed several selections given by l'rof. Dent Mowery, on the piano lit" and High Five were the games of the evening, after which refreshments were served. The guests all had a very pleasant time. Mra. Bennett In Critical Condition. Mn. Charles Bennett is lying at her home iu a very critical condition. It was thought after the birth of her little girl last week, that she was progressing nicely, but three daya ago, complication! set In that it wai necessary to call in Dr. ' Gleason, who pronounced her case very serious and called Dr. Critchlow of Salt Lake. An operation was declared necessary to save her life. Alter the operation Mn. Bennett was very week, but the docton have some hope of her recovery. Professional nurse, Wilkinson of Salt Lake is constantly at Mrs. Bennett's bed-aid-e. Hungry Burglars Enter Store. Saturday or Sunday night, burglars entered the Farmers' Union store, haring taken a transom from the door. Evidently they were in no hurry, as they remained long enough to have something to eat. There waa left a part of the con-tenof a can of pork and beam and some crackers on the flow. Nothing else was missing and there is no due to the ts f 11TEB. fy'S OUH Special Correspondence. Many here are suffering with bed colds and la grippe. The Bamberger railroad surveyors were through here on Friday. Tbe road will run 40 rods east of the dairy. H. J. Sheffield now carries a full line of drugs, toilet articles, etc., having bought out tbe Kaysville Drug Co. A masquerade waa given at the Meeting house Wednesday evening. The dances in South Hooper are very slinily attended. Held, Art Stationer, has a sale on thia thia week at which you can buy boxes of stationery that were 25 to 30 cents a box at the low price of 10 cents. The Hooper Dairy shipped 25 heads of cheese to Ogden Friday, and about six hoops to Salt Lake City, also six . hogs. There has been about 16,000 pounds of corn hauled to the dairy thia' week , to be jiut on the market. A panorama view was given at the Meeting honce on Monday evening, January 1 6, in which Mr, Christensen showed some of the trying scenes of persecution undergone by the saints. His lecture was very interesting. fr lb lb vunlaifiil ratiria, ui ium cooatdito rpiwilha Rti KiapD'bWKT, ly; iBltotrU Ibd a IniiiF.nl bn lia. U, Vfu A YU with double envelopes uf the finest quality. He also has invitations at high aa $10 per hundred. All work the very best. . Alt DONT THINK Hawthorn Club at Chaao Park. Tbe Hawthorn Club ot Centerville, met last Friday afternoon and evening at the home of Mr. and Mis. Chase. Miss Kale M. Chase, a member of the club.was hostess, and to this l..dy, all credit must be given for the unique program arranged. The Glub took up the subject of "Russia vs. Japan", discussing the war situation at some length. A Japan :se dinner was sjiread, while little Emma a Japanese maiden, waa Chase, iretied waitress. The decorations were Japanese, the luncheon was Japanese, ami all that was pot heathen, waa the American atmosphere and the English tongue. Messrs Hyrum Parrish, Joseph Williams anil Miss Emetine Hampton discussed subjects pcrt'iniug to Russia; Mesdauies Henry Louisa Caltron, Japan. Emma and Jote-phir- e Chase sang, A Japanese Love Song." Altogether, the affair was worthy of much praise, and reflects credit ppot, the hostess for ability of entertainment. . CENTREVILLE - ' - - - POPULAR BREAD MIXER FOR $2.00 The Same Article Sells In Salt Lake lor S3. 79 KAYSVlhliE CO-O- P 4 Tbe three year old child of Mr. and Mrs.' Parley Parrish was buried last Saturday with impressive services. A full line of druga now adorns tbe well known store of H.J. Sheffield, behaving purchased the atock of the Kaysville Drug Co., recently sold onL "The Get Together Folk' metlT Wab ton Hall last Saturday evening and spent a moat enjoyable time in dancing and witnessing a farce comedy given by the bachelors. Mr! Wm. Rigby is is sick, having been laid up with a severe attack of la grippe; he says it sure enough hag a grip on him. At the Alberta next Friday, an "Old Time' danca will be given. Mr. Rock-woo- d promises to make thia ball one the beatnf the season. Every one shonld .& Because the holidays arm gc ns that you cant find bargains at our storo. We soil the 44444444444444444 4444 444444 44 BRIEFS. Mias May Gibson, of Layton, is visiting Mias Ella Chase thia week. - 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 : 4 4 44- - i 4 4 4 1 X 4-- X : t4 4 4 44 4 4 i t 4 4 4 4- - BOUNTIFUL BRIEFS. 4 Special Correspondence. 4 4 The South Bountiful Home Drimatic 4 4 4 4 Co. will play "Tony, tbe Convict." in the 4 4 44 Opera house next Saturday. H- J The Married People and Batchelors dance given in the Opera house on Thursday last, waa a success. All pres- 44444444 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 ent had a good time. Mr. Pratt, the Salt Lake druggist, was here from that city during the week, attending to the drug department of the Mr. Pratt states tbat Bountiful Co-othe drug department fixtures at the Coop are as up to date as any in the state. The annual gathering ot tbe old folka of F.sst Bountiful ward was given last DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, SHOES, HATS, FARMING IMPLEThursday , The usual way of spreadMENTS, HARDWARE, STOVES. RANGES, VEHICLES, ing a nice dinner, was omitted; instead, a waa rendered very entertaining program BICYCLES. CROCKERY, PAINTS, FLOUR, GRAIN, and dainty refreshments served. 1 Next Sunday, January 9, Sunday School Review will lie given in the South Bountiful Meeting house. Ali stake officers will be present, and also a number o! the general board. A special feature of the program will be a boys' chorus composed of 40 young men. Visitors are welcome. BRING YOUR FEET TO A wedding reception was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Parkins last Wednesday, in honor of their daughter. Misa Maud Parkin's marriage to Chester A. Call. A large crowd of relaFOR SHOES THAT tives and friends waa present, numbering perhaps 125 persons iu all. An exFIT AND WEAR. cellent supper was spread, games played, and music rendered. DISTRIBUTOR FOR J. SHEFFIELD, Kaysville. If you Want JUST CALL AT 15he Bountiful Co-o- p HYRUM . STEWART WATSON -- PLUMMER SHOE CO8 BARNES STYLISH, BANKING Mra. F. G. Ferneliua has gone to Salt SERVICEABLE SHOES UTAH KAYSVILLE, comPANY Lake City to visit her children and friends. A guaranteed fountain pen, worth from to $2 may be had fot only f 1 at Dr. f Ileld'a Pen Hospital, Held, Art Stationer Miaa Either Ferneliua and her lady friend from Salt Lake City, are visiting with her cousins, Mr. C. A. Fernelius and family. Christian Schmals left for the desert Tuesday morning. He has gone to take charge of Schmals'a sheep herd, relieving his brother, Charles. Are you contemplating matrimony? then send to Held, the Art Sationer, for your wedding cards and thua insure ah solute happiness, you can get them for Jj AIM: I.: i Kg bviur ft per 100 SOUTH HOOPER ITEMS. relatives in Syracuse, and will return to Bountiful, in a few daya. Do you what 11 Dr, Held, D. (). IV means? It means Pen Doctor, and if you have any pens needing help call on him. Held the Art Stationer. The attendance at the dance Friday night was not very large, yet a good sociable time was had by those present. Another party will be given on February 3. All are invited to attend. The regular monthly meeting of the Board of the V. L. and Y. M. M- - I. A. of the North district of Davis stake was Death of Grandma Hall held in the Syracuse Meeting house, Another faithful and old time member m. at 2 p. Thursday, January 19th of the Church passed away yesterday at one oclock, in the death of Sinter Lucy D. O. Willey, Jr., I. 1;. Willey and Hall, known aa Grandma Hall. DeceasR, W. Dole have formed a partnership ed was about 79 years old and was a playfor the general practice of the law. They mate of the Prophet Joshph Smith. She will occupy a suite of rooms in the Scott came to Utah with the band cart compBuilding, No. 168 South Main Street, any iu lhe early fifties. Salt Lake City, Utah. The firm name ia NEWS FROM UINTAH. Willey & Willey & R. W. Dole and their is Bell number 29S9 Telephone S pedal Correspondence. LAYTON ITEMS. John Hill ia improving now, after a short illness, Miaa Hattie Lewis of Kaysville is visiting her cousin, Miss Bell Bodily. Mr. Mark Cook is spending a few days visiting relatival and friends in Syracuse. Everyone wishes Joseph Walker success in building hia bam and hope, he will soon have hia house erected. Some say that a new house is to be built on the land owned by Mr. Brig Holbrook , Jr. What does this mean? The Syracuse Comedy Co. will present Jack ODiamond" in Hooper and also in Clinton sometime in the near future. II. J. Sheffield has purchased the atock of the Kaysville Drug Co and hereafter a completete stock of druga will be kept. Mesara. Neville, Knighton, and of the Military Dramatic Co. were present at the dance Friday evento tlir Argus. Spu-ia- l ing. M. P. Adams was a home misElder theatres at the this attendance The to South Weber, Sunday. sionary week, given by the Bountiful troops, was son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred infant The large, and everyone feels to invite them of died bronchitis Tuesday. Brown, come to again. and Kldridge delivered Grant Presta. ia Mr. Karl Bodilya frame cottage in the Layton Meeting sermons eloquent if weather the nearing completion, and, permits, ha and hia family will occupy it house, Snnday. Mra. Norman Brown of Draper was in the near future. to attend the funeral of her grandhere Mra. Maggie Mabey of thia place has Brown. Leonard son, for about but she been very ill lea days, is now improving. Her friends wish her A rumor ia afloat that our blacksmith W. W. Ramsey, intends going to Canada speedy recovery. Mr. Oael Sessions was pleasantly sur- to open business, in the near future. The new school house opened Monprised at his home Thursday evening, by bis school friends. The evening was day with a full attendance of children. Min Edwards of Salt Lake ia teacher. spent in playing game. The Mine Pearl and Annabel Page j W. W. Ramsey reports the sale of hare spec the pair two week visitltigsbnut 75 IkkeU in the Wood- Buru-Inghs- A'RGVS--EVETty'BOT- COUNTY ARGUS DA VI Special id the Argva. THE CAPITAL $25,000 SURPLUS Do You AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS, S 40,000. STORE FRONT, HOME, BARN, OR DO YOU WANT A SHOW CASE, OR ANYTHING IN THE BUILDING LINT A John R. Baxnxs, President Lhwis S. Hills, R. W. Baines, Cashier JOHN R. Gailxy, Asst Cashier. Vice-Preside- Salt Lake Building & Manufactur- DIRECTORS M. G. Barnes, Peter Barton, Jehu John W. Gailey, Isa. If. Larkins, William Blood f KAYSVILLE, Intend to fiuild? UTAH ing Company. ! Offioe and Varda, 20 to 40 N. 2nd Woet St. 4444V 4444444444444444 4444444444 4 4 44444444 4444 |