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Show ALEXANDER Re MASTER, Prebate and Guardianship Notices. Pith of Palm Tree as Food. use the pith A1T0RUEY-AT-UPeople of Madagam-aa nf a certain kind of palm tree as an Consult County Clerk of Davis county, 1mm T.haaaaa MID. Russia ordered that the private man- article of food. After cutting down Utah, or tbe Respective Signers for Otllf Btnral ufacture of vodka (the national drink) tbe tree, the natives take out the pith SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. further information. should cease, and that the business which runs front four to ten poutuis should be taken over by the state and to, each tree, dry. powder and lhllip Uaycork, Than,. conducted on temperance lines. The sift it. thus forming a kind of flour. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. new state monopoly was inaugurated It Is a fine yeliuw powder and when IN TI1K INI) JUDICIAL OOFKT, IX AND THOMAS AND FUR TUX rol'NTY OF DAVIS, STATE OF Priests at- fresh has a soiuvwhat sweeti-d- t taste. In a remarkable way. UTAH. MAYCOCK tended at all the drinking shops by When shaken up with watei. t.ie lit mutter of tl:t btftt of Kapolooa Urovur, official command, and conducted speflour swells and a light yellow liquid Not. e U Creditor. LA WYER S The drinking houses Is obtained which liaa the odor of will irMfiit ciftftua with vou hm In cial services. New the .it uinlerPwiitMl bmJtiiutf, ltentrrt to God. and prayers beer. were dedicated Suite Joi-3-- 5 Deseret News Building hull Ukf iMy, I'mti, on or before Un ttthduyof offered that under the new regime February, A. 1). J'Juft. lraciU' in all Ffelrral 1'ourw AETHVBN. (iB'VEH, drunkenness might be abolished and iersrii! uttwiMF for American AduitulMmtnr of Ibecwtute of Nnpoieou Uruvsr, N of Cu. Yuri. tiunrtj dtfCWMHl, the spiritual welfare of the people World's Champion Tea Drinkers. , Hatoim-bThom ah ami The champion tea drinkers of the Atuimej fur AdioInlDtmbjr. world ari the Tibetans. They buy it iaio of flip! 1111101111 ort. 'At A. U in "bricks and drink It in pints. It Man. The all conies from outside, carried over Give me a boat, a rod and gun, the mountain passes on yakbark from When summer days are Ions. t'n where the creek comes wiiullnR down. Cbinu or India In handy, tightly-presseSalt Lake and Ogden Railway. And yon may have your life in town. bricks sewn up nine together In Your women, wine and sonic. those rawhide yams" that hang over Give me a lonely, wooded walk. the yak's back in pairs like panniers Where feet have seldom trod. And you may have your boulevards. Where min la scarce and that is Cut Paths and artlfli-laSALT LAKE CITY'S In Tliit Lafu out by rule and yards practically everywhere I .cave Salt Lake rod. Slid 11 a. III., t lu " these hrirks are to as money snd iu. Give me an open. Musing hearth, 5,30 p. ouy all the desirable things of life, A kitrhen low Hnd long: Leave Farmington and Lagoon 7 30 slid A rood old country dinner rare. !rom a sword to a plow share. DON I'OUtEIt And you mnr have your hotel fare 10 a. ui., 4:30 snd 6:30 p. in. With Ita dyspeptic throng. Extra trains at 11 a. ni. and 1:30 p. in. Oiva me a hard and horny grasp. Too Much for Bismarck. An honest, fearless eye. Advertisement on Sumlays aud Holidays. A skin that's rough and weather-tanneDuring a visit to Loudon Bismarck And you may have the limpid hand a famous brew to was Invited REPUBLICAN TICKET inspect Of arialuvraey. A. 1. PIERSON, Gen'l Pans. Agt. Joe Cons. ery, and, lu acknowledgment of his B. BEAN, Excursion Agt. reputation for beer drinking, an enorJ. ELECTORS. mous tankard of old ale was set be- FOR PRESIDLNTIAL Office lu 1 Main Street 80ME FINE WEDDING CAKES. I seized the tankard, fore hiui. E- - W. Wade. said the iron chancellor, "and 1 H.P. My ton, Remarkable Creations Made for EngJames A. Miner. thought of my country and drank to lish Royalty. Prussia and tilted U till It was emA wedding cake once made for the FOR CONGRESS, Then 1 thanked tuy entertainers pty. Duke of Albany stood sis feet high and succeeded in maklug my way as Joseph Howell and weighed 2u0 pounds. It was dec- far as lxnulon There I sat bridge. orated with a chain of reading cupids, down in oue of the stone recesses FOR STATE GOVERNOR, : AT Tnu in compliment to his royal highness' and for a considerable John C. Cutler. , of time length taste. Tiie Marchioness of the literary bridge went round and Lome's cake, I hough uot so high, roundgreat FOR SECRETARY OF STATE. me. . weighed 300 pounds and bore on its Chailee S. Tlngoy summit a replica of a famous piece of TWO Immense Swimming Pools FOR JUSTICE OF SUPREME statuary. The Duka of Yorks cake Prizes for Winners of Races. was made in the royal kitchens at COURT. TUB BATHS and PRIVATE Prizes fur winners of horse races Daniel N. Straup. Windsor. Five weeks were expended hundreds of took rurlous years ago 'J PLUNGES. over it and the decorations were mag- forms. The earliest was the briglia FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL. nificent. They reproduced episodes in Natural Hot Sulphur Water. or golden bridle. After this tbe M. A. Breeden the life of the sailor prince. It was d'or," in England was a bell. This prize TURKISH BATHS OUR SPE- six feet ten inches high and weighed idea was taken from the custom FOR STATE TREASURER. 300 pounds. The Princess Maud's was CIA LTV. James Christiansen. among owners of pack horses of decodecorated with wreaths of flowers and Separata Turkish Halim lor Laillf. Hair- the best horse, which led tbe rating tinted to match nature. All except the cavalcade, with a FOR STATE AUDITOR. arlora. droaalng and bell, ao that on A. leaves were edible. J. Edwards. In dark nights and dangerous places the whereabouts of the leader might FOR SUPT. OF PUBLIC be known and the others follow boldj; 52-5- 4 LONG SPEECHES THE RULE. W. 3RD SO. ST. INSTRUCTION. At Carlisle, silver bells were ly. A. C. Neieon. Salt Lake City, Utah J. How English Parliamentary Orators raced for by the moss troopers and dalesmen and of FOR these DISTRICT JUDGE. specimens WkVsV.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.'.V,' Spoke a Century Ago. bells are still retained In the town James Albert Howell. Edmund Burke'a greatest speech la hall. generally considered to have been the FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. one on "Conciliation with America." Geerge Halvoreen. C NOT A TACTFUL REPLY. The report of the speech, supplied by FOR STATE SENATOR. Burke himself, runs to as mauy as thirty-tw- o Wesley K. Walton. It contains over Farewell Might Not Be Construed as pages. Too Courteous. 30,000 words. It, therefore, could not FOR REPRESENTATIVE. have been delivered under less than The old friends had enjoyed their Ezra F. Richards. five hours. It Is curious, by tbe way, three days together, in spite of the d how all the great Brit- fact that-tac- t was not a conspicuous FOR COMMISSIONER, Four ish orators were in Burke's time. The quality of either of them. Year Term. older Pitts was the first to indulge James H. Larkins. You have quite a pretty place here, In long speeches in the house of com- John," said the guest, as he took a FOR COMMISSIONER, Two mons. After he had delivered one final look about him on the morning Year Term. of these famous orations he was hail- of his departure. "Quite a pretty Jens Nelsen. ed by crowds outside the house with place, though it looks a bit bare aa enthusiastic cries of Three hours yet. FOR CLERK. and a half! Three hours and a half! "O, that's because the trees are so Henry W. Stable. LI0JEBH0, "Just as If a man can talk sense for young, as Id the host, comfortably. "I FORTREABURER. three hours and a half," remarked hope they'll have grown to a good size George H. Blood. the cynical Chesterfield, who happen- before you come again. Then youll see how much Improved the place will ed to pass by. FOR RECORDER. be. and they shook- hands with muSadie Fose. good-wiltual Youth's affection and IF HE HAD BUT KNOWN. Companion. FOR ASSESSOR. John E. Wooley. Thinks of Young Hubby Regretfully He Had to Spend. Money Around Election Time. FOR SHERIFF. "Do you remember. said Listenin' tn the speeches as elect ion tints Kit, James Ware, Jr. nrar-Tli- at's draws Mr. had who been young Darlington, about the grentist fun that hapmarried about a year, how fiercely FOR ATTORNEY. pens around liere. Is fsr sweeter than the BingI. E. Willey. your mother objected to me when I The phrases in' of a bird; first began going to see you?" They beat the greatest music 'that a person ever heard. "I should say I did. FOR SURVEYOR. pictures that they're lira win' to "And how quickly she got over it? An the Imagination's eye John W. Chase. bills finest circus thnn Are the better She must have found out that I ever spy. you'll wasnt as bad a fellow as she thought An the promises they're framin of a fuFOR COUNTY SUPT. OF PUBture grand an' blest I was." most as good as sermons that disLIC INSTRUCTION. "No." said Mrs. Darlington. "She Arc course of heavenly rest. E. M. Whltesldea. didn't change her opinion of you, but It's possible. I know, when the exciteI told her Id run off with yon In ment's past an' gone. minute if you asked me to do 1L That, ns usual, we'll discover things wers overdrawn. Scott! "Great he ejaculated. An slightly we've gut to wait an labor In the What It would have saved me In way good, our hopes onto some subsequent owers, and theater .tickets, and car-;ig- e An' pin election day. hire, and boxes of candy, and lJul lmpln'a better than the realisin', I've tell. eplcss nights, and neckties, and go I heard Have made arrangements around an' hearken t the talk 4-stall' ':::e lost In primping, and all that, if t sounds so well, t"-I can furnish snd whereby thankful lor the privilege, so known it! I think It was An deliver Nut and Lump coal so fin' dear. southin' ppil unkind to let me worry my-- T Of to the speeches us ' promptly. Give me a trial order. I will endeavor to to death over you!" day draws tiehr. Ktar. Washington It took her a good half-hou- r to coax please you. 'Phone 16-- n. Mm out of his sulks. Chicago Trib- L WILLEY. FOUL BLOW IN JAPAN. -K- -l- v-! fr -H- -M- -H Russian Drinking Houses. A remarkable scene was witnessed few years ago. when the Czar of hti e s .. 1)R. J. THOMAS th--- Uklb-'iiitu- I DENTIST Hi K. jul-j-f- t, NEW MOTEL. d. I Get in the Swim I I SANITARIUM a- - e CHAFES KENT TEACHER OF M USIC. I'll ir too. Nor, tuber IZrlSil d u-- ed a c '' it.hh-h-- "m U60DNR0A0" l Salt Main Sr. Mi-- . . - lu-- l I t 'll. ! . uii.ilu-ii-- 11! you llut mug. ,i i the IbWM IIIinub Aguln." tiniM during Ins wet I .uitir.i! iiml iilTiH-liiiwuig . .mil ntt ml and nnuNM r nl n 11 tiiit iiiki-i- , o "I!,,, s.i," lu.'l. iiliriiMiv, Hr , ami an nay your rendering of lbs am j n I.ulgi-a- i all - . I --. 1- .- in.-,A'l'. iivI lion- Ii. npar- in lay Hina ImIUiII-.ml luoliy iigt-ra Iii.l 4 Mi Ii ll 11; - - .1-.1l u aiid hava ratvly Lain affacled 1 .m.l l:-no i ii:. i.i:.. i. : you -- mi;, "UIm-i- i ila- Ii m..ilmiiii iiluuronily a, all. n h 1 uiu y 'itr- Ui.luiu truly, g ! birk .iii.l piJAKMU bU UK. or 'lry -i i .1 ! 1, li.i, ii.. 536 Const 8 lion. 1: uni- r 1I- .'ii,: 1- - WI1011 ! salt lakh city, itulion Building, WHITES DRESSED MEAT CO. Incorporated! WE ARE BUYERS OF FAT CATTLE. SHEEP AND HOGS. John II. While, Manager Telephone 3047k 260 North Second West UTAH $ SALT LAKE' CITY, SalKalle San Pedro Los Angeles & 1 ll'RPK COMIRISINC. asses Through the Famous A, MAMMOTH AND SlLVKR CITY, ALSO MIMING nnwIliiR link ladwaan IaManta, Nevada and Daiwart. uiuIhvi-Iiihh- I mlnlUR dlatrleta In llw waaL Maga nmnrrtliai In luturlnr cnaw, atr., Full lururiii.illiin rncinliuK tmln l ul THE SALT LAKE ROUTE, or addraaa. Kivnn by any Th rauiili-lliii- i irf tin-- n I'ullturnla will iihu J. I.. MOORE Diet. Pass. Agt mu. n( Ilia blitKr.1 T. C. PECK, Asst. Geul. Pass. Agt. B. W. GILLKTT, Genl. Pass. Agt. SALT LAKKC1TY, UTAH. , l. LZA . Office and Vanl, WOMEN'S PART IN POLITICS. hts on Faces Denoted Adherence to Favored Party. Lord Lytton's novel, Devereux, :ro says to lAdy Hasselton, '. you have moved all your ..atcl'.es, one, two, three, six, eight, as I am a gentleman from the left side of jtiur cheek to the right. What Is the reason of so sudden an emigration ?" The reply is: 1 have changed .r.y politics, count, tifat is all, and have resolved to lose no time in proclaiming the change." A note reminds the reader that at that time whig s patched on one side of the cheek, lories on the other. Addison, too, has an amusing Spectator paper on the same subject, relating how he went to the theater and observed two parties of ladles In opposite boxes, the faces on mie hand being spotted on the rich side of the forehead and those upon the other on the left He adds: I am Informed that some of them adhere sp steadfastly to their party and are so far from sacrificing their seal for tbe public to tbelr passion for any particular person that in a late draft of marriage articles a lady has stipulated with her f husband that, whatever his opinions are, she shall be at liberty to patch on which tide She pleases. la-!'c- YmsauswsssssNmBmsmmsBSA Calls to Salt hake from Bounli-fu- l. Centerville, and Farmington IO CENTS From Bountiful, Centerville, and Farmingtonto Ogden llal'-uln- Are Frenchman's Skilled Kick and Jap's Jiujitsu Keys to Character? The knowledge nf the jiujitsu exercises of the Japanese brings to mind a curious ilistnction between the Germanic races and those that have accepted their standards and Asiatic races and some European nations. These Japanese exercises, used to develop tho ability to defend one's self, are based on practices whiclt throughout the north of Europe are regarded as foul play, and are, therefore ruled out of sports and the manly n He 1b a art of fighter who in England strikes a foul blow or takes an unfair advantage of his opponent. But the Japanese have elevated the foul blow and the unfair advantage to a science. The art of offense and defense Is to take one's opponent unexpectedly at a disadvantage, to fracture his leg, to dislocate hla arm or break his neck. Frenchmen have made a science of the art of kicking, snd can practice It with agility and skill which would knock out the champion boxer of the world before he had adjusted himself to the The boxcr'e chin would situation. be broken and his nose battered in before he knew what bad happened. Just what these national practires indicate In the national character we aro net wise enough to UlL low-dow- TM Lag aaa Oead" gagal Bountiful, g Utah Landscape Porbraib ai)d PI;oto6-rapl- ;r Out of door work a Specialty. Por- traits made on cloudy days as well as on clear days. Call and see our our samples. Prices low ; good work, promptness known. BOUNTIFUL, 15 CENTS From iaysville to Salt hake AD IDA HARDY UTAH DIS- of long-winde- COAL R1 Fairiti lu, Mkrci r, Rlack Rock, Milford and 1'kisco in Utah, and tiik Piociib, DkLamar and Cal-- i inti; Mining Districts in Nevada. TRICTS hc rus ts not an experiment: it is here to stay. I II, TINTIC MINING DISTRICT Manlt-urln- i uTau. 15 CENTS prom Haysville to Ogden 15 CENTS EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBEK 'rnma 1ST. jgt'3WSWSlJW'!- - focy fountain Ben Telephone company- - :: :t |