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Show c- - ! ' c t t U.X..C. ? COUNTY VOLUME I. UMliEH 9. FARMINGTON, UTAH, TUESDAY. the great national Democratic party, to which I have the privilege to belong. and that I have discharged my duty to you, gentlemen, who have so generously chosen to present me to the people of this district as the man whom you think worthy to be entrusted with this exalted position. Again I thank you for the honor that you have conferred upon me in nominating me for this position, and 1 feol assured that it means election because. unless all signs fall, thia la a Denicciatic year nationally, in thia state, and In this district. (Great applause.) Industrial Utah, Ogden. KAYSVlliIiE flECClS 2y Lee C ay tor. NOVEMBER 7 A YEAR 8, 1904 JOHNSON'S HOTEL! . The Argos Correspondent also receives subscriptions, and advertisements. If you know any news, tell him about it. Mercantile Institution Co-oper- Kaysiille DEALERS IN KAYSVILLE, UTIH Dry oocis, groceries, hardware, Etc - Tho Ropublloan Entertainment. Kaysvllle, Nov. 7. The Republican ladies gave a social in the Kaysvllle music hall last Wednesday. A fine program was rendered and lunch was served in Hite style. Jesse M. Smith was chairman. The following program was rendered: Opening song, Misa the congregation; recitation, Irean Swan. "The Picnic;" song. Will Kilty; speech, Mr. George Halverson of Ogden; song, the Republican, quartette; recitation, C. Burton, Jr., Sam's Letter. Lunch was then served, consisting of cake and other delicacies. The Hon. John C. Cutler, nominee for governor, spoke a abort time; aong, the quartette; remarks, the Hon. Ueorgo Sutherland; song, Walter recitation. "My Arab Steed; Miss Irean Swan, Susie's Beau; aong, the Dayton quartette, launch was served again at 12 p. m. Cot-tere- ll, men selecting the mate after drawing their letter from a box. Every one was masked until seated at the table, and when unmasked many surprises were found. At the supper table, a king string was hanging at each side of the table, to which a doughnut was tied. The command was given, and all commenced to eat the doughnut without touching it with their hands. He deals in choice and pure confections, A prise was given to the one who UTAH KAYSVILLE, could eat it the quickest, Miss Clue Barnes receiving the prise. After supper the lights were put out and the game of "pass on was played. The girls all masked again. Proposing" was played; a prise was offered to the one who got the most Mr. John Smith of Centerhearts. ville captured the prise, having gotten seven hearts. ' the CONFECTIONER K. S. SIMS KAYSVILLE COMMERCIAL MENS FALL LINE OF CLOTHING. PARADISE. EVERYTHING NEW AND CLEAN REASONBLE RATES. DRY GOODS: ETC HATS. STOCK OF OUT- ING FLANNELS, FULL AND COM PLETE. GOODS SELECTED WITH GREAT CARE LOOKING TO THE NEEDS OF THE PEOPLE. a WK HAKE A 81'KCIAI.TT OF (SKAIK AMO OOtIMTRT FBOIWCt. John R. Barnet, Supt Kaytvih, Utah BRIEFS. uaucwfst-- Barber is working in Salt Lake A HALLOWE'EN PARTY. City at the Salt Lake Hardware Co. Mrs. Emma D. Strong raised a suOfteBlven by the Mlaeee Mammle gar beet this, year that weighed lVi and Ruth Bernes. pounds. Halloween will be long rememJ. C. Jamison has moved to Salt bered in Kaysvllle after the where he expects to start up a Lake, at Mamie and Beth Barnes' last store. Monday night. The ghosts In sheets grocery Business is picking up in Kaysvllle. and pillow slips were met at the east door by a solitary witch, muttering Everyltody is busy. Election day is and moaning in a dismal manner, who close at hand. motioned them to proceed to the back A crowd of young largo door, where they were admitted into folks went to Centerville Friday night the kitchen by another witch. Silent- to the dance in Rockwood's new hall, ly one by one the ghosts visited Mr. Alexander Rowland of Texas is hades, finding companions and friends here, looking after and leasing more rethey had formerly known, and lands for the purpose of digging more ceived from 8atan an Envelope con- oil wells. taining their future resting place, on Allen of Draper bought a small slips of paper, which were then carWilliam Bodily. Mr. taken into the parlor and deciphered Allenof issheep from Daniel a lot of sheep, as up buying in small imbedde carrots. candles by Those wishing to know more of he thinks Roorevelt will be elected. At the Republican rally held at Lay-totheir future were led upstairs Into the Wednesday, the Hon. George presence of an old gypBy, who, by means of her magic caldron, read Sutherland was the speaker. After palms and heads. By some means, all the rally the people came over to the were made to take hold of hands and social at Kaysvllle. A fine time folthen proceed to take a walk over lowed. A dance was given in Farmers stumps through ditches, gp hills and out Coming back to the house, all Union hall Friday night. A large were ushered into the parlor, where crowd was in attendance. The hall has been newly papered, and is in partners were selected for supper. ' This was a new and novel way. A splendid conditon for dancing. different letter was pinned on the The Ksville people odfcht tv patforehead of each ghost The gentle tern after their neighboring towns. Will g - 11 cab buy aijywljere else, von Are YOe Ha-ciii- g the big Salt LaKe dailies to details, iI We recently House, and bought the bdee r this Sale is to raise money to liquidate the balance due. gixJe - HON. HENRY H. ROLAPP. d ; jj - for you to say. I admit and frankly confess that my Judgment tyas not alWe present herewith a half-ton- e pic- ways been faultless: that my abilities ture of Hon. Henry H. Rolapp, who have not always been either what you or I could wish they should be: but has for more than nine years occupied before the gentlemen of this convendisthe bench in the Second Judicial tion and before Almighty God, my trict Judge Roiapp's record is that of heart and conscience is satisfied that an honorable, able and impartial under no circumstnces has fear of results or favor of kind formed the Judge. The lawyers and the public, least factor in theany determination of Juconfidence have of politics, regardless dicial matters coming before this in his ability and strict integrity. Al- court. (Great applause.) And rich and and though a Democrat and twice' elected poor, low or high. Republican court room in met this have Democrat, no at he has time on an upon that ticket equal, and have remained on an since coming to the bench taken any equal before the bar of justice In this part in partisan politics, nor will he district. (Renewed applause.) And so long as he is on the bench. He la when I make this statement, I do not egotism or a man of strong personality, courteous think that I am expressing because I recognize that to the humblest citizen at all times. as a matter of right such condition His private life may well be pointed ought to exist wherever the Goddess to as an example of upright citizen- of Justice presides over the controverI am ship, and In selection of Judge partisan sies among American citizens; to assure statement this making only polites will cut no figure with a host you that if 1 shall be honored with of voters. I shall continue along the We cannot better give Judge Ro- same lines that I have followed in the and I say it for the further puriapp's views on the proprieties and past; of pose giving notice here and now, duties required of a man on the bench, that so long as I sit upon the bench, acmade his to in than speech publish or so long as I am an aspirant for jtt cepting the nomination at the hands dicial honors, I cannot and will not be partisan, or take part in political conof the convention. It is as follows: or, in fact, enter the polittroversies, Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the ical arena at all; and I feel certain Convention: that you will not censure me for that I desire to express to you my deep course. (Applause.) I feel assured that you as Democrats appreciation for the hoonr of the lnation which 1 understand has Just have no misgivings as to my fidelity been tendered mo by your unanimous to or sincere belief in the greatof Dem govocratlc fundamental principles vote. I assure you that that appreci- ernment, as outlined by the immortal ation is heartfelt, because to me it Jefferson; hut I feel also assured that means not only the bestowing of a you would not want me to drag the ermine into politics, and that great honor upon your humblest citi- Judicial would even refuse to vote for a you zen, but it means to me also that which man to sit upon the bench who was 1 prize much more than even this great simply a Democrat nr simply a Republican. 1 am sure that you feci as I honor Itself, and that Is your sion of confidence in the work to feel that if there be no man within Democratic party who has other which I have, perhaps unworthily, but the qualifications than his politics, it were nevertheless, chosen, of acting as the better than a Republican be elected, common arbitrator of the legal con- even though it would take your votes troversies that have arisen in this to elect him, than to elect simply a to the bench. (Renewed apcommunity; and if I may assume to politician plause.) feel from your vote that my judicial All that is of a judge, and all conduct has met with your approval, that should be asked, and in fact, all then, indeed, 1 am the happiest man that has been asked by the people of this state In the past, is not what his in this district (Applause.) belief was, but whether he was political Nine years ago, when, at the invitaimpartial, and true and loyal to the tion of the Democratic party, the peo- laws and constitution and governto the ple of this district first chose me as ment of the United States-an- d their Judge, I silently vowed that so laws and constituion and government far as lay in my power tho confidence of the great state of Utah; and to then bestowed by the people should that, gentlemen, to the performance of not be abused, and that 1 would so act that trust, I pledge you here my sacthat whenever my fellow citizens red word and honor, if I shelf be honshould demand the return of the ju- ored with reflection to the office that dicial mantle with which they had so I now hold, that and that alone shall generously enrobed me, that I should be my ambition; and if I succeed in be able to lay it at your feet as stain, that I shall fed that I have discharged less as I had received it Whether 1 my duty to the people of this district, have lived up to that vow or not is rnl that 1 have discharged my duty to Knobu I a I j Sheffield the Great Liquidation Sale? Kaysvme 1 Merchant I Has it. It required a full page of Thai n -- you Do T elephone X Number I For Prices EVElWTHISiG GOES' . -- K. - JOHN BARTON 'hartling s MEW yOTOL CASH FUNERAL DIRECTOR a:: The only licontod tmbalmtr in the Countv. Otalorin Furniture, Picture Framee, Wall Papar, Window Blass, Etc. Alto KAYSVILLE. UTAH. SUOPE. Mitk Bonnomort Goo. M. Blood BOfWEmORT & fiLtOOD ftSB BRfiES BRIG CO. Vice-Preside- nt KAYSVILLE, A A A- - A DIHECTOBH; ms sulsv rsrn b.babtob. l. a.a. niu, Labki. jamb blood, j. s. basks on Good Drafts to loan no Wo SMurtty. Tin Drinll. pAid iinri bin Mimoj ttaa wortd. Your twclMmanlirtiwl. a. sassm, inn wiuiAS - InUraat sold paysUa anrwhart la NOTAHY PUBLIC IS BANK BRING YOUR FEET TO HYRUM STEWART THE MERCHANT that pit and Prices That Fit Every Pocket. Hi Stilt Fop Shoes DRUGS, PAIMTS, OILS, DRY GOODS, MEMS FURM-ISHIMG- S, UTAH ! Mo. 5 Keytvillo, Utah ! aa fT aT I OTHERS BOAST Because they have a fairly good supply of Fall Goods; but me let our goods boast for us. WE HAVE of A New Fall line Mens Shirts. Our shelves ere overflowing with Dry Goods of every description. FRROQINCTON COmmERCIAb A MANUFACTURING CO. ETC. KAYSVILLE, Ttitphone UTAH SURPLUS AND PROFITS $35,000 JA' m FRE8H AND CURED MEATS R. W. BARNBS, Cashier J. R. GAILEY, Ass't Csshier JOHN R. BARNES, President L. S. HILLS, Dtaltrt i3- -' |