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Show Three? r In these days of high taxes, high high everything wouldnt like to make a big saving in your tire bilk? You can do it, but iq just one way namely, by selecting a tire that win give you the greatest number of miles of safe, sure satisfactory service AT THE LEAST COST PER MILE. The Hood Extra Ply is THAT tire. For the purpose of illustration, think of the 33X4 Standard tire which guarantees 3,500 miles and lists at $36.00. Then consider the Hood which guarantees 6000 miles at a first cost of only $13.50 more. Figured on a basis, isnt the Hood the least expensive tire by $12.00? And isnt it the most economical tire for you to lmy? PUT ON A HOOD TODAY; FORGET IT FOR A YEAR. Adamson spent the fore part of the week visiting with relatives in Salt Lake City, returning to Tooele Tuesday, - Mrs. Fanny .Ebert was a Salt Lake visitor the fore part of the ' week. J"- - County Attorney J. B. Gordon spent several days in Salt Lake City during the week. coet-per-m- Deloy Tanner who was in the Naval Radio service at Gann bridge. Mass., returned home Mr Tanner is. the Wednesday. Mrs. Alma Tan-nerand of Mr, sqp W. K. SOELBERG to Salt Lake City Thursday ta attend the game between Tooele and GrantsviDe. Mrs. EDen Hogan of Salt Lake City came out to visit with her son, Arthur. She also Bpent a shell time visiting with Miss Eva Davies. Mrs. Walter Wilson is visiting with her daughter in Salt Lake -- The Amusement , 1 the Committee entertain at a grand ball in Hall Friday evening. - "j . ta. , Tooele Newt Notes. i Alfred Anderson pf Cedar ValPublished Every Friday by Utah, was in Tooele on busley, BULLETIN PRINTING GO. iness Wednesday, returnihg to GrantsviDe, Utah Salt Lake City on the late train. Florence Drury entertained at a chicken fry Sunday evening. Miss Eleanor' Drury spent the 2-- week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Drury, returning HIGH COUNCIL AND HOME to school at Grantvaille Sunday MISSIONARY APPOINT- evening. Mrs. W. G. Clark and daughter MENTS SUNDAY. : Mrs. J. H. Peterson was a Salt D. R. Brown went to Salt T&e Mrs, ... following are the High Lake visitor last week.. ... Lake Council and Home' Missionary City Tuesday. Tooele Stake ; Miss Nellie Griffith retained for appointments Oliver DeLaMare who had for Sunday, March 23rd.. This to her home in Salt Lake City been in Butte for the past J whi- is the . first appointments in six During the week after spending last Fri- months on account a week with relatives and friends ofthe flu. Lake City, was visiting with her day. He reports Butte rather BatesviUe Benj. L. Bowen in Lake Point. now after the strike severSubscription, $L60 per Vear. sister, Mrs. H. H. Dunlavy dur quiet and Geeo. L. Tate. al weeks ago. Entered as second clan mail natter ing the .week. Benmore Alvin A. Walters at AnniverO ' Miss Annie Caffey of Salt ter, returned to R. D. Haladay, Editor. Tooele March 8, 1871. ' Policeman Jas. K. Dunn went to Salt Lake City Sunday night to get Pete Botis who was wantADVERTISINB RATES Display, One Dollar per Inch per ed here for the larceny of an Month; Single Iaane, 16c per Inch; overcoat from Nick A. Poulos. full Position Top of Column, Next Reading Matter, 25 per cent Addition- The case was tried in the City al. Court before Judge John A. Bev-RRRRnnnRWMRWRWRWIRHWimnitRWnilRMnRnWWWRIWWlWWWIHRRMRIlRW The large and attractive, new Fashion Book from VICTOR LADIES TAILORING CO of Chicago, has just arrived and the beautiful styles and materials shown will be sure to greatly interest you. RELIEF SOCIETY PROGRAM. The following program has been arranged by the South Ward Society to be rendered in the South Ward Meeting House Monday afternoon, March 17, at two oclock. Singing Invocation Singing Address'of Welcome Mrs. Lottie Shields Vocal Solo.. Mrs. H. H. Johnston Reading ...Mrs. Clara DeLaMare Duett Evelyn & Mabel Isgreen Retold Story. Mrs. Annie Frank Stake Officers Remarks' Singing Benediction Refreshments will be seized In the evening there will pe a dance in the South Ward . and Moroni England. . Clover Engene T. Woolley and Harvey ' Anderson. E. T. John A. Bevan.and Le-laS. Tate. GrantsviDe 1st Alexander J. Shields and John J. Gillett. GrantsviDe 2nd Jno. A. Lind-ber- g and, Lester Pocock. . Lake;. View Wm. Franklin Atkin and Loami E. England. St John 0reH H. Banns and Henry Heinle. v .Tooele North Jas; L. Wrath-a- ll and Joshua R. Clark. - Tooele South Robt. T. Brown and August K. Anderson. Vernon Lyman A. McBride and Robt S. Rimington. .TOOELE STAKE PRESIDENCY, By John W. Tate, Stake Clerk. nd 4-- 8-- - Grutavllle, Utah, under the Act of fur United Staten Land Office. Salt Lke City, Utah, January 14, 1919. Notice is hereby given that Seminole Copper Company, a corporation, through its authorised agent. Cora M. Holderman, whoso poatoffice address is Salt take City, Utah, has made application for a United States patent for the Horseshoe No. 2, Keystone No. 2, and Keystone Lode Mining Claims in the Clifton consolidated, situate Mining District,- County of Tooele, State of Utah, being Survey No. 8448. and described in the field notes and plat on file in this office, with magnetic variation at 16 deg. 45 min East as follows: Commencing at comer of No. 1 of Horseshoe No. 2 lode claim, whence the U. S. Location Monument No. 11 bears N. 41 deg. 17 min. W. 6617.1 feet; thence 8. 4 deg. 28 min. E. 616.7 feet to. intersection line 4 Keystone No. 2 lode; thence N. II deg. 86 min. W. 445.1 fe$t to comer No. 4 of Keystone No. 8 lode; thence 8. 88 deg. 87 min. W-- 631.1 feet to coney No. 1 of said lode; thence 8. 31 deg. 18 min. E. 854 feet v to intersection line 1 Keystone lode; thence 8. 80 deg- - 51 min. W. 833.9 feet to comer No. 1 of Keystone lode; thence 8. 39 deg. 85 min. B. 1263.5 foe to comer No. I of said lode; thence N. 80 deg If min E. 844.4 feet ta comer No. 8 of said lode; thence N. SO deg 86 min. W"' 502.6 feet to comer No. I of Keystone No.. 2 lode; thence N. 18 deg. 87 min. E. 559.9 feet to intersection Urn 8 Horseshoe No. 2 lode; thence 8. 77 deg. 28 min. E. 216.7 feet to comer No. 3 of Horseshoe No. 2 lode; thence N. 4 deg. 26 min. W. 1500.0 feet to corner No. 4 of said lode; thence N. 77 deg- - 28 min. W. 827.0 feet to owner No. 1 of said lode; the place of beginning and located in unanrveyed Township 8 Sooth, Range 18 West, 8. L. B. A M containing an urea of 40.411 acres exclusive of conflicts with Mineral Survey No. 570L Gold tank. Gold Coin, Treasure, and Survey No. 6251, Reaper No. I lode; adjoining and conflicting claims aa shown by Pint Bur. No. 5701, Gold Link, of Survey-arLatrobe, Regent, Treasure, 'and Gold Coin lodes, and Bur. No-- 8251, Reaper No. S lode, and Bur. No. 8445, Horseshoe No. 1 lode, I direct that this notice be publish ed in the Gmntavllle News, published at GrantaviUe, Utah. . GOULD B. BLAKELY, Register. Edwin W. Senior, Claimants Attor-- . ney, Salt Lake City, Utah. Date first publication Jan. 17, 1111. Patent, Cj,ty: will at NOTICE. M. A. No. 028806, Application . MMnmmmimimftNNiMNWUimi . Miss Veloy skill of Dr. Phipps as a surgeon, stating that he was induced to come here by his brother who underwent an operation by Dr. Phipps here in 1910. Mr. Fred Rice of Ophir states that Dr. Phipps used the pus absorbing treatment on his step son, Kenneth Bates, who received a gun shot wound in the left shoulder last November, tearing away the bones. o fthe shoulder. Dr. Phipps learned the use of the new discovery which was developed by the war when he was back east in September. He is one of the first surgeons in the state to make use of it tal-ua- a . eost-of-Uvin- g, The firantsville i names as witnesses: Ethel Louis Elsbois. Frank W, CgtUata 'aimer, all of loaepo. Utah, and Daniel P, Calllster, of Salt Lake Ctty. Utah. BLAKELY. GOULD Register. Date first publication Feb. 38, 1919. Mrs. McKinley Quinn enter Monroe, Utah, who recently retained undera number of friends at her home Mrs. to his Orme Arthur after who "was tained . home Tooele Tooele in Sunday evening. the fore part going an operation at the visiting Miss Rhea. Anderson, the NordMr. of the week, left Wednesday for General Hospital in teacher the local schools went hbr home at Idaho Falls, Idaho; gran speaks very highly of the Are Yon Paying Too Mock' for Yonr " April. 1919. letter from J. H. Nordgran of Monday evening. an defendant fined $10. raairawnirawimMiiraiNBMaanRaaaatNNNflaaaaaaaaanaaaaaaaai The Relief Society sary will be held Monday, Mar. 17. There will be a program in the Second Ward Chapel at 1 :30. A picture show at 7:30 p. m. in the Oepra House and then a dance. e FOR OF APPLICATION PATENT. No. 023S76. Salt United States Land Office, Lake City, Utah, Feb. 18, 1919. Notice la hereby given that Geo. E. Woodman whose poatoffice address is Gold Hill, Tooele County, Utah, has filed In behalf of himself and his Joe B. Beck, an application to- patent for the lode mining claim called the Westward Ho No. 2 lode mining claim, situated in Clifton MinNOTICE. ing District, Tooele County, Uath, and and offidesignated by the field-notM- - A. No. 033813, Application for Mincial plat on file Jn this office as Patent, United States Land Office, eral Surrey No. 8460 in Unsnrreyed Salt Lake City, Utah, January 14, 1819, township 8 South, range 18 West, Salt Notice is hereby given that Charles Lake meridian, said Mineral Survey L. Morduff whose postoffice address is No. 6460 being described as follows:: Gold Hill, Utah, has made application Beginning at Corner No. 1 of the for United a States patent claim (from which U. 8. Mineral Mon- for the Homestead MinLode ument No. 7 bears south 86 degrees ing Claim, situate in the Clifton FUNERAL OF MAYOR 42 minutes west 784.7 feet distant) Hall. Mining District, County of Tooele, VCLEGGS BABY FRIDAY. and running thence north 18 degrees State of Utah, being Survey No- - 4153. 11 minutes east 1392.9 feet to Comer and described field notea. and .The funeral of Grant Lane, No. 2 of the claim; thence north 80 H. H. 'Johnston, manager of the on file in this office, with magplat 313.7 to 45 feet minutes east netic variation at 17 deg. 80 mill. Strand Theatre, with Mrs. John- the three and a Half months old degrees Corner No. 8 of the claim (identical ! East as follows: , M. and Lane Ida of P. of with Comer No. 1 Newton Albert mill j Commencing at comer of No. 1 of ston, spent the fore part, the boy Mayor 51-; thence south 85 de-- ; Homestead lode claim, whence the week in Salt Lake City. v Clegg who passed away early site. Lot 49 minutes east 108.1 feet to U. & M. M. No. 7 bears. N. 84 deg. grees Thurday morning from bronchi- Corner No. 4 of the claim; thence! 42 min. W. 1364 6 feet; theUce'N 18 S3 degrees 23 minutes east 276.6 L. W. Harton spent the week al pneumonia after an illness of south deg. 11 min. E. 1174.8 feet to comer feet to Comer No. 5 of the claim (i-- No.2 : thence 8. 77 deg. 49 min. E. end in Salt, Lake City visiting about a month, was held at the dentical with Comer No. 2 Homestead 865.8 feet to comer No. 3; thence 8 8 6453) ; thnee seuth 18 de- deg. 19 min. W. 1370.4. feet to comer with Mrs. Harton and L. W. Jr. house. Friday 'afternoon at, two lode. Survey minutes west 12411 feet to No. 4; thence 77 deg. 49 min W. 601.4 ll grees oclock. Bishop E. M. Atkin of Comer No 6 of the claim, and thence feet to comer No. 1, the place of beson who actually supports in one the South Ward presided at the north 85 degrees A9 minutes west ginning and located unsurveyed, TownI 1 618.8 No. of the claim, ship 8 South, Range 18 West, 8. L. household one or more persons services.' After the opening pray- the feet toof Comer beginning. The total place B. A M.,' containing an area of 12 720 of said claim as above descrlbedj acres exclusive of .conflicts with Minclosely .connected with him by er had been offered by Wm. H. by metes and bounds is 19.418 acres,; eral Survey No. 6484, Nemo and Reblood relationship, relationship Cassity, the f unreal addresses from which is expressly excepted and ward No. 1 lode --mining claims; ad- by marriage or by adoption, Were made by Leo Isgreen and excluded 0.577 screw, the area. In con: Joining and conflicting claims as flict with Survey 6434, Nemo lode, the shown by Plat of Survey are'Sur. Whether in the absence of con- -, President C. A., Orme., Matthew net area hereby claimed and applied No. 6434, Nemo and Reward No;-detiriuous residence with his' .. being 18.841 acres. lode mining claims. Sprirs pronounced .the benedic-tiontio- n. forThe claim is located in unsurvey ed I direct that this notice be publishAfter the services the Township' pendents a .person is the head of 8 South, Range 18 West,' j ed in the GrantaviUe News, published a family depends, upon the char- remains were taken to the Tooele Suit Lake Base arid Meridian. . At GrantaviUe, Utah. The nearest known locations to said , GOULD B. BLAKELY, ' acter Qf. the separation. City cemetery where interment Westward Ho No. 2 lode mining claim Register. If the benefMtOr is absent was made, Judge John A'. Bevan ay shown by the official plat of survey Edwin W. Senior, Claimants Attorare aa follows: Newton Albert mill ney, Salt take City, Utah. . on business or on account of mil- dedicating the grave. site, Lot 51 B; Nemo lode, Survey Date lint publication Jan. 17, 1919. or child a naval or service, 6434; .Homestead lode. Survey 6453; itary Reward No .1 lode. Survey 6484; and temporarily at school or on' a vis. Keep Chickens at Home. Cane 8pring No. 2 lode, Survey 4387. . ORDERS TAKEN maincommon home bring I direct that this notice be published it, the With the coming ' of spring tained the exemption of $2000 weather the chickens are getting in the GrantaviUe News for a period of For aD kinds of nursery stock nine consecutive weeks. ' , NOTICE - - , ' I will be pleased to hare you look over the line at "any time which may suit your convenience and hope-thear'from you soon s toa definite appointment. in-th- ! ' . MRS. M. E. HALLADAY, Representative for GrantsviDe. T a-r- i j . . : Judge Stevens Sits en Bench to Dispose of Probate Matters. Brants Two Divorces. Sentence Ghas. Omen . J . - . Judge ; Harold M. Stephens held District Court for Tooele County Monday at which ' two divorces were granted, sentence imposed 'on a prisoner1 and a number of probate matters were disposed as follows: In the matter of the estate of Tony Gigich, deceased, letters of administration were granted to John M. McKellar, with the bond fixed at $2100. In the matter of the estate of Hyrum J. Droubay, deceased, the Court refused to permit the filing of the purported will unless authorities supporting the contention of the petitioner could be cited. Mrs. Sophia Droubay was granted letters of administration with the bond fixed at $2600. In the matter of the estate of Andrew Mattson, deceased, Harry Musser was appointed the administrator with the bond fixed at $2200. In the matter of the estate of Olof L. Ekenstam, deceased, letters. of administration were granted .to Carl B. Ekenstam with the bond fixed at $2000. In the matter of the guardianship of Ada Permelia Littley, et al., minds, the demurrer to the petition was sustained' and the petitioner given ; thirty- (toys to amend the petition. In the matter of the estate of Martin Futnick, deceased, 'Man-tiBezek was appointed the administration with the bond fixed - . - at $1600. The Court authorized the of Royal Stanley Ekman, minor, by Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Shields. Eva Sartich was granted a divorce from Mike Sartich on the grounds of desertion. Charles D. England was granted an interlocutory decree of divorce from Bertha England on the grounds of desertion. In the case of the State of Utah vs. Charles Omen, defendant was arraigned before the the Qourt on a statutory charge, and pleading guilty was given an indeterminate sentence by the Judge. applies.' If, however, the depend- GOULD a BLAKELY? out foraging and complaints are '.Register. made that they frequently ,bring Date, first publication Feb. 38, 1919. stray on their neighbors garden ' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. . where the bulbs are just beginDepartment of the Interior, U. 8. ning to shoot' out the tender Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, 1919. sprouts which they voraciously February ' Notice la20,hereby given that Daniel devour. Sec. 166 of the Tooele P. Calllster jot Salt Lake City, Utah, on Jane 3, 1919, made HomeCity ordinances makes it a mis- who, stead Entry, Serial No. 015,054, for demeanor for chickens to trepass SWUSWU. Section 7, T. I &, H. 7 on others property. One fancier W., SftSEK, Section 12, and3 NWtf NE14, Section IS, Township South, of flowers said that if he is Range 8 West, Salt Lake Meridian, notice of intention to make troubled this year as he was last has filed r Proof, to establish claim to cost the would reduce high the land above described, before the he, and Receiver, U .8. Land Ofof living at his - neighbors ex- Register fice, at Salt Lake City, Utah, on the - ent continuously makes his home elsewhere, the benefactor irrespective of the question of support, is not 'the head of a family. Inthe case of man and wife, the joint exemption of $2000 allowed a married couple replaces the individual exemption allowed each only if they live together. Unavoidable absence of a wife or husband at a sanitarium or asylum on account of illness does not preclude claiming the If, however, the pense. exemption. . 1 husband continuously and voluntarily makes his home at one place and the wife at another, each must file an individual retain of net income of $1000 or more, and each is assessed on the amount of net income in excess of $1000. The law states that all returns must be made by March 15 or a f HEAD jOF A FAMILY. . . penalty, win be added. Blank reAs the question of what head turns may 'be" sepurad at the post of a family means under the In- office. come Tax law, Collector Whaley of this district says : Compliments Tooele Hospital. "A Head of a Family is a per Bulletin is' in receipt of a ! . PHILIP ARBON representative of the Utah Nursery Co. of Salt lake City, Utah. Local . CLEANING Work Guaranteed. , Prices Reap sonable. L. EARL ANDERSON, . . box-Th- Date first publication 'Feb. Register. 38, 1919. ff Utah. Burmester, third day of April, 1919. CHARLES Claimant names as witnesses: Louis Elsholi, Donald D. Calllster, Frank Civil Eaftaier Palmer, all of Iospa, Utah, Melissa D. Calllster,. of Salt take ICty, Utah. GOULD B. BLAKELY, G CLOTHES three-yea- LAKE POINT MENTION Mrs. (Diaries Yates entertained at a birthday party in honor of Oscar Erickson at .the Erickson home. A good time was had by the guests followed, with refreshments. Mi Elva Sandrup is visiting with her sister, Mrs. McKinley Quinn.' Mr. and ifrs. Fred; Dunne spent several days in Salt Lake City during the week. e Dewey Davies took in the Club ing match at the Manhatten AND-PRESSIN- 20 O St A. HERMAN I Deputy Phase Was. Salt Lake City, U. 3. 4885--w Utah. GRANTSYILLE and TOOELE NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. - STAGE LINE Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office at Salt take City, Utah, Edward Green, Mgr. . February 80, 1818. Notice is hereby given that Donald Lv GrantsviDe dafhr at 8:00 a. nu C. Calllster, of losepa, Utah, who, on Lv. Warner at OHIO a. m. April 37, 1915, made Homestead Entry, Lv GrantaviUe at 12:80 Serlsl No. 014467, for BEK8WK. Bee. Lv. Warner returning at 2:00 p. IS; EUNWK, NWKNWK, Section uu 13, Township 8 South, Range 8 West, Salt Lake Meridian, has filed" notice Packages carried front Tooele of intention to make three-yea-r Proof, Tuesdays and Fridays. to 'establish claim to the land above Leave orders at Bulletin Office described, :: before the Register and Receiver, U.v Stand Office, at Salt in Tooele and the News Office in Lake City, Utah, on the 3rd day, of GrantsviDe. , n. . |