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Show THI GRANTSVILLI -. HEWS, QPANTCVILLE, UTAH. r Who BendFits By PHces? High .. ' - iof shiver or sneeze, take Bub this soothing, penetrating liniment right Into the sore. Inflamed nerve; and like magic neuralgia disconappear!. "St Jacobs Liniment quers pain. It Is a harmless "neuralgia relief which doesnt tram or discolor the skin. Don't suffer! It's so needless. Get a small trial bottle from any drag tore and gently rub the "aching nerves and In Just a moment yon will be absolutely free from pain and aSCARApUININE A WEAK BODY . and-allie- . . . ' old-tim- . -- 4 h-- lp No. one, apparently, is responsible. No one, apparently, is benefited by higher prices and higher income. We an all living on ahigh-price- d scale. One trouble is, ; COLT DISTEMPER . d that the number of dollars has . multiplied faster than the quantity, of goods; so that each dollar buys less than formerly. to - -- Swift & Company, U. S. A. safe the No Posing for Josh. ' Tour boy has proved a wonderfully of hla type, If I Industrious chap. "Yes, "Why notr replied Farmer CorntosseL They any he's gone through twj "He never would let us have our own fortune already. way. Now- - that Ms mother would be "What ofthat? I should think It perfectly willing to have him do noth ery nice to'be married to a man who lng. but visit an tell stories, he Insists la inch a liberal spender. on bein' out where die real work is ' . . goln' on. Kmo skis IreM re wan re nWh by tsMst a d.lmlln it hart oac. a wart, aacfe aa No tightwad, shouldn't-man- y Anyhow. a young were you." man . . BOSCHEFS SYRUP determine moral action; and moral Why nse ordinary' cough remedies when Boschees Syrup has been used action leads to necessary law. so successfully for fifty-on- e years la ' all parts of the United States, for no lore. Blander gains coughs, bronchitis, colds settled la the throat; especially lung troubles? It DONT FEAR THE FLU gives the patient a good night's mb free born conghing, with easy expecIt cant get you, if you use "DR. toration Jn the morning, gives nature ESSENTIAL - OIL TABLETS. a chance to soothe the Inflamed part all relieve colds, cough Theyquickly throat and lung trouble reduce fevex; throw off the disease, helping the par to regain hla health, lfade la prevent attack if taken lit time and an tient America and sold for more than half free from drugs or opiates. A real century. Adv. which should be used in every home. Trial package of 2 tubes, fLOa Fullpack-y- b Foresighted. 10 tubes S&flOL Complete direction ' "Jack, dear, before our wedding; I Postpaid on receipt of pricei wlyh yon would see a doctor." ' .. FREDERICK HILLER, If. D. should I? I am well, except ; for Why P hy ftaiti ITT frl a touch of dyspepsia. Lee Augele CiBush "That's just It. I'd like yon to get a Certificate from him which would show that your dyspepsia antedated our Boston Transcript. marriage. HIL-LER- 'S . life-sav- er su, Heal Itching Skins RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. WitH Cuticura To half put of water add 1 os. Bay Rum small bn of Barbo Compound, and y os. of tycarine. Any druggist can put thb up or you ean mix it at Dome at ray lit tie cost. Full direction for making end nae come in etch bn of Barbo Compound It will gradually darken streaked, faded gray hair, and make it soft sad gkw. II will not odor (ho scab, ie net (tiny ar greaay, sad doas not mo off. Adv. a - . - There la no rhyme for silver, but It jlnglea with gold very nicely. - YourWSSS IMMUMfeSlWbMk KF.VBVar.AFNM1ta.lMBfM.Nais. Tour Druggist or by mail Me per Bottle. Da Ejo fret writ For an Marina Eya Remedy Cs Chicago Mm ; Tran iy tor to Break opi up cnM To have any plans for the whole dty grip in 3 day, Morey ja 34 Sour. ctIWvc. brtk if it frill. Th guiiinc boa ha sited top on which all Its people may unite Is a risk Mr. Hill' picture. At All Drug Slam great gain. We can hardly conceive of suffering. any dtisen's starting to build a house No difference whether your pain or without any plan for the building. But Is In the face, head or any dti-senneuralgia s It never aeems to occur to gll the 'T'HE ona bread that part of the body, yon get Instant relief In starting or developing any A exoelt la both beat honest pain dewith this sad milk Is ths Short-hortown or. city to have a plan worthy of stroyer It can not Injure. Adv. Shorthorn steers that larger home which every town repeatedly broke the and city is, on which to lay It out or record at the market In The Way of It 1818, making (ha high-- t build It up. Bo towns and cities are liurimiul Tooted the "Madam, your noord os th opea built In a way. They Freesone on an market nffSO.BO parent. bill. I . knew he'd kick "There ! own, instantly aching seem to be thrown together at the And Shorthorn sons lift about it. have mHk Noord oC start and run np haphazard as they that comoutstops hurting, then you It Yea, On. over 17,000 magic! ItkOmfrrrm'ihmJ. per right year. grow. Their future aeems to be alThe man wli considers bis own having vira tort. rerirt and aM S ici nt A tiny bottle of Freesone costs "but a out mind. of of oat and ways sight but is suff- faults has but little to say concerning cento few at store, drag any Buildings are crowded together withW- - N. 0., Salt Lake to remove every hard com, soft the toults of others. City, No. out apace for sunlight, and fresh air icient or and the com between the toes, corn, to keep their people welL- - Scant calluses, without soreness or Irritation. spaces if any are left for the chiFreesone Is the sensational discovery ldrens play and the peoples recreation, a Cincinnati genius. It is wonderful. of for thoroughfares or parks, for real: deuce purposes reserved from the inA Meek and Lowly Follower. vasion of factories, railway tracks and Much- - to her chagrin, the lady When you're fifty, yon body begins to thore stiffened joint, that backache, rheuyards, much leap for any green grass speaker had Inadvertently and con- ereak a little at the hinge. Motion is matism, lumbago, sciatica, nil stone; or flowers or trees. Provisions for tinually used the expression "Do you own ilod "brick aust," etc. They are an sad deliberate. "Not so young such common' decencies; conveniences, follow me? A meek little man In the aa I med to be" ia a frequent and unwel- gravel, effective remedy tor all dieearea of the come function Certain bodily thought. bladder, kidney, liver, stomach comforts, healthfulnew and- pleasure front .row added to ber annoyance by upon which good health and good ipint organ. are generally afterthoughts, which cost signifying each time that he did. o much depend, are impaired. The week GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Caprulra enormously more than to provide them The lady speaker was exceedingly' pot ia generally the bladder Unpleaaant cleanse the kidneys and purify the blood. s themselves. Painful and (how Symptom by planning far ahead. Thls planless-nesshe ward off attacks of the annoyed exceedingly.' Finally annoying complication in other organ They frequently la well characterised as a crasy beckoned to the house policeman. fatal disease of the kid(riie. This ie particularly true with el- dangerous andhave a beneficial effect, and guilt." They Officer, she ordered, 1 wish you derly people. If yon only know how, this neys. often completely cure the dirare of the would take this offensive mule brute trouble een be obviated. bodily organa, allied with the bladder and For over 200 years GOLD MEDAL kidneys. LOOKING TO CITYS FUTURE into custody. .Jle has persisted In folinOil Haarlem has been the relieving lowing me all evening." If yon are troubled with soreneM across convenience and pain doe to advancing Whan Remolding Is in Order, People e home the loin or with "simple" aches and pain yean. It i a standard, ' remedy, and needs no introduction. : Should Profit From Mistakts It i in the back take warning, it may be the now put up in odorless, tatelea capsules. preliminary indication! of some dreadful Mads in ths Past There are eerier and mm pleamnt to take malady which can be warded off or cured ; OPEN NOSTRILS! END if taken in time. than the oil in bottle. A COLD OR CATARRH :: The dty of the future will do mote, Go to your druggist today and pet a box Each capaule contains about one dose of five drape. Take them just like you would of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil ( Vpsulre. control mere, and forbid more than the ! I yon. How To Get Relief When Head ! ! any pill, with a small swallow of water. Money refunded if they do not dty of today; and precisely because it They soak into the system and throw off Three rises. GOLD MEDAL ere the pure J ; and Nose ar Stuffed Up. will he larger and more complicated, the poison which m making yon old be- original imported Haarlem Oil Capsules. its government will have to be organfore your time. They will quickly relieve Accept No Substitutes. Adv. ised ie a mare orderly and compact , fifty Your cold In head or. County 'fashteo. Xteariy all the recent char- Catarrh Your clogged noster change concentrate authority, ei- trils willdisappears. open, the air passages of your ther In the hands of the mayor or of head will dear and you can breathe You can prevent this loathsome disease from running the through your stable mnd cur all the colta Buffering with governing commissions. freely. No more snuffling, hawking, It when you begin the treatment. No matter how young, . It may he that the PO HIT'S COMPOUND I safe lo us on any colt. It is dty of the future mucous discharge, dryness or headwonderful will become too large and attempt too ache ; no how It prevent all distemper. no matter how for breath at night straggling the colts or hone at any aga arc "exposed." SPOHN'I ' much. Some think this point baa been la sold by your druggist. Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream SPOHH MEDICAL CO, Sole Mfn, Coaken lad. readied already. Balm from your druggist and apply a The American cities, flexible in their little of this fragrant antiseptic cream methods, should always be free to in your nostrils. It penetrates through "Out of Torment and Misery Comfort" adopt any measures, within the limits every sir passage of the head, soothing of law and Justice, that promise to and healing the swollen or Inflamed Colds Headache benefit their inhabitants. A while ago mucous membrane, giving you Instant the fashion was to shrug our shoulders relief. ' Head colds and catarrh yield Neuralgia Grippe and turn oar backs on the problem of like magic. Dont stay stuffed up and Influenzal Toothache we are munldpal government Today miserable. Belief Is sure. Adv. Earache Colds beginning to see In the remolding of our cities a great and golden Rheumatism Stiff Neck O. Going Therefrom. remarked Brethren and sisters, Pains Joint Lumbago . the visiting presiding elder, looking Victory Gardening Encouraged. at the, evolution Sint has taken place Proved Victory gardening la to be encour- among us, considering the social upby millions" aged by every means possible. The heaval that we see on every side, United States railroad administration taking note of the turmoil thnt exists Adults Take one or two Bayer Tablets' of Aspirin" witfi on every hand, I ask, brethren and already has started to spread the mesIf necessary, repeat dose three times a day, after meals water. sage along many of the lines under Its sisters, what Is this world coming to?' dicontrol. Through J. I. Edwards, I , dont know, the resixmdeil rector of the agricultural section, the reglar minister, "but a Urge part of Holds Faith of Medical Leaders! divisional agents have been Instructed It Is. not coming to this Jiurch. to do. what they can to promote the SO eent Bayer packages also larger Bayer packages. garden movement throughout the Important to Mothoro Get original package. packages only Bayer Buy Examine carefully every bottle of country. Posters have been' sent by old CA8T0BIAr famous that to these agricultural the commission remedy -supervisors in many places throughout for Infanta and children, and see that It the South. Many railroads In the United States last season stimulated gar- Signature dening by furnishing land along rights In Uae for OverSOYSlra of way to their employees, providing Children Cry for Fletchers Cos tori them with garden booklets and putting up posters In stations and other conEasiest Way. ; How can you tell a dogwood tree? spicuous locations. They will do the ' Aspirin 1 the trad mart of Boyer Manufacture of Monoceticarideter of Sslicylicsdi same In 1919. Easily. By Its bark. . . I j WEAK KIDNEYS MEAN . . . 19. raiser points Jhe torising costs of raising live stock. Labor reminds us that higher wages must go hand in hand with the new cost of living; " At the first sign h live-sto- ck . it can be cured. old-tim- e, ; b Instant relief! Rub this nerve torture and misery right out with "St Jacobs LlnimeaL Doth Beef and Milk stock and meat move up iand down together . Apply few drops then lift sore, touchy .corns off with Plane Are When -sults.. Made forProper the Future. . is for packers profit, 13 cents is :for operating expenses, and BS cents goes to the stock raiser; and that the prices of live . Spanish Influenza can be prevented easier than Will Coat Lew and Give Better Re- - the retailer pays to the packers for meat, 2 cents ( COUNT FIFTY! PAINS AND NEURALGIA GONE PLAN CITY FROM THE START You feel that retail meat prices are too high. Your retailer says he has to pay higher. prices ; to the packers. ' Swift & Company prove that out of every dollar ' LIFT OFF CORNS! fingers j .V - - - Bauer Tablets Aspirin TheBayer Crosson Genuine Tablets Planting Nut Trees. Most' farms have a little rough ground along the bank of a creek, or some other place, that cannot be cultivated. Hickory and Mack walnut timber la getting scarce and high; and such trees do well in those locations. If when the ground Is soft in the winter or spring a boy will take a broom stick and punch a hole here and there two or .three inches deep and drop In a hickory nnt or black walnut and press down the dirt with his foot, in a tow years those unsightly places win ' be covered with an attractive grove, which quite a while later will be valuable timber. Things Making for Prosperity. dty means a dty In which badness can be moat economically and successfully conducted. Planning for good public health, long life and more leisure and contentment for all la necessary. Beautiful porks, flue streets, remonuments, welMald-ou- t lief from nglse, dirt and confusion all these things and many other are agendes that make not only for the future greatness" of the dty, but tor the happiness and prosperity of Its people. A Proof that Some Women do Avoid Operations from "I suffered Uka knife Itallan-Amcrlca- Wit, aays: female troubles which caused piercing pains through my back and side. I finally lost all my strength so I had to go to bed. The doctor advised an operation to but I would not listen I thought of what I had read about Lydia E. Pinkhams- Vegetable Compound and tried it. The first bottle brought great relief and six bottles have entirely cured me. All women who have female trouble of any kind should try Lydia E. Plnkhoms Vegetable Compound. it How Mrs. Boyd Avoided an Operation. Canton, Ohio. I suffered from a female trouble which ' earned me much Buffering, and two doctors decided that I would have to go through an operation before I could ' ge t welL My mother, who had been helped by Lydia E.Pint well-balanc- Shorter Cut Across Adriatic At Virago Garganlco, province of Foggta, a new harbor ! being constructed to shorten the distance across the Adriatic sea to Dalmatia. The new harbor will be connected by rail with the Interior of. Italy. A branch Hue from Varano to Aprlcena la being pushed to completion. The work for the harbor construction and the railway will also stamp ont malaria In n a large district News Bureau. Mrs. Etta Dorion, of Ogdensburg, - - - . hams Vegetable Compound, advised me to try it ba . ity. ladv female troubles to give Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound a trial and it will do as mock for them.,r Mrs. Mash I3oyd, 1421 6th St., 2L &, Canton, Ohio. Every Sick Woman Slid PINKHAMS mA WGETABXE COMPOUND . Before Submitting lb An Operation DflMA E.PINKHAM MEDICINE CO. LYNN. MAS. v |