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Show itn'r THE GRANT8VILLE UTAH. the Tooele High School team here last Friday afternoon by a score of 42 to 0. During the first hull of tiie game the Tooele boys outplayed the locals and ran up a score of 33 to 0 during the half. When the second start- I TO ALL POINTS EAST ed the home team took a brace Via and after the first three minutes Ttoele was unable to score during the remainder of the half. They made 9 points during the first three miputes, however, and the final score stood 42 to 0 x The Feather River Route in favor of Tooele. 2 TRAINS DaILY $ CUMENT PLANT NOW THE SCENIC LIMITED UNDER CONSTRUCTION. Work on the new cement and I (Westbound Leaves Burmester 12:39 p. m.) mill at the point of the (Eastbound Leaves Burmester 2:37 p. m.) plaster mountain west of Grantsville is g (Westbound Leaves Burmester 11:00 p. m.) (Eastbound Leaves Burmester 3:56 d. m.) progressing nicely and the excavation for the lime furnaces is Through Standard and Tourist Sleepers. Observation Cars. Care. Dining completed. Cement and lumber Oil Burning Locomotives. fur the foundations are on the and Scenery Unsurpassed ground and the work will be Literature Tickets Information rushed to completion before winter weather sets in. When comAny Western Pacific Agent or Ticket Office or pleted the plant will furnish work for a large number of men. E. MAYER Thfe railroad grade is being built Utah. I Burmester, right in front of the site and the te Agent, tics and rails are laid about half BONDS or BOMBS? way from Burmester station on YOUR Dollars Will Decide the Western Pacific to the The second Liberty Loan of 1917 . 6 ( A & A A A A HEWS, GRANTSVILLE, CALIFORNIA TO 1 I wuftBss: VISITORS1 I 1 TO A Western Pacific LOS ANGELES 2 A A A SAN DIEGO 2 A oai.;. 2 SAN A , wn i RAN CISCO GREATLY REDUCED RATES 2 2 SALE DATES SALE DATES A A A Sei-vic- DEC. NOV. 24th 2 r 27th A 2 2 2 20-2- 2 24th & 29th R. R. e I A 2 TICKETS SOLD TICKETS SOLD A A A In November 2 Return Limit A A s Jan. 31, A A A A A A A , In December KICKED BY HORSE. Return Limit Vem, the eight year old son tution. We should also know how of Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Nick-- ; erson, was kicked in the face by many hours or days advance no-- a horse Sunday afternoon and tice is required, what weather Two gashes elements are most disastrous, severely injured. were cut in his face requiring and the kind and approximate seven stitches to close. It is number of animals involved. This service will be at govern-hi- s hoped that the sight of one of ment expense asjar as practic-o- f not eyes is injured but one! the cuts was very close to the able. J CECIL ALTER, Meteorolo- He is reported to be get-eye. ' ting better as rapidly as can be gist Feb. 28, 1918. 191S. T. R. Larson, J. C. Nelson, M. R. Stewart, William T. Hackett and Frank T. Roberts, their heirs. assigns, grantees, and to whom it may concern: You are hereby notified that' the undersigned have expended for the years 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915 and 1916 through themselves and their predecessors in interest one hundred dollars in labor and improvements for pvnctpdJ each of said years .upon each of NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. the Undine, Undine No. 2 and W. K. Soelberg returned from DeiKirtmeni. of the interior, u. s. Undine No. 3 lode mining claims, Salt Lake City Friday after- - Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, situated in Clifton Mining Dinoon. October 20, 1917. strict, Tooele County, Utah, of .. Notice Ik hereby given that Philip record in the office of the ReS. E. Woolley,' Joseph R. Wool- - Fidlcr, of Grantsville, Utah, who, on corder of Tooele County, at Tooley and Miss Ethel Woolley came March 14, 1914, made Homestead ele City, Utah, in order to hold from Salt Lake City Friday try, serial, No. 012316, fur w6 of nw said claims under Section 2324 of sw. Section 9, evening and returned to the city y, and of the U. S. Revised Statutes afternoon. hhii 3 South, Range 5 West, Salt and amendments concerning anLake Meridian, lias filed notice of In- - nual labor on mining claims, beBrick laying of the new City tention to make three-yea- r proof, to ing the amount required to hold establish claim to the land above said claims for the period enddescribed, before the Clerk of District ing December 31 of each of said Court, at Tooele, Utah, on the 1st day years. of December. 1917. And if within 90 days from Claimant names as witnesses: the personal service of this noBrigham L. Watson, John William from pubor within 90 tice, The last block Of cement side- - Anderson, Richard M. Robinson, P. P. lication hereof, days or refuse fail you walks were put in during the Mill thews, all of GrantBville, Utah. to contribute of your proportion Keari street between Main and said as expenditure Clark streets and all that is left your interest in sand claims will of the sidewalk laying for this become the property of the unseason is a few intersections to j undersigned, your complete And Grantsville will statute of said terms der the have approximately three miles WM. M. LAMB connect-! of cement sidewalks all Salt Lake City, Utah, Septem-e- l . J. P. GARDNER, bor 13, 1917. up with intersections. A chicken supper was given Salt Lake City, Utah. To C. B. Diehl, D. L. Dunyon, at tiie home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Ijcroy Anderson Friday evening in honor of the three boys from here who left for American Lake Saturday morning with the last quota from Tooele County. The boys who left were Rondo W Anderson, Moroni R, .Woolley, and John W. Clark. ! For Tickets and further particulars see Agents Salt Lake Route, or address 2 2 j : WM. WARNER. A. G. P. A.. Salt Lake City, Utah. i A turning home Thursday. The GrantsviSie News. Published Every Friday by CO. PRINTING BULLETIN Utah - - Grantsville, R. D. Hallu&iy, Editor. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Andti-sospent the week end in Salt Lake City. i Milton Anderson was a Salt Lake visitor the latter part of the week. 3, 1879. Reading Matter, t Iteasoner of Salt Lake out to Grantsville Fri came City day evening, returning home a Mi's. ADVERTISING Display, One Dollar Month; Single Issue, Full Position Top of 25 al. RATES per Inch per 15c per Inch; Column, Next per cent . j En-o- I ut j Mrs. Herman Peck returned Subscription, $1.50 per Year. from Salt Lake City Frihome Entered as second class mail matter evening. Grantsville, Utah, under the Act of day S arch I Addition- u gain Sunday afternoon. Herbert Anderson went to Salt Lake City Sunday I Town-Saturda- y ; ; : Miss Fanny Rice returned home from Canada during the nts Jesse W. Steele, Jr., was in an on business Monday week after of the Tooele early part extended visit with her sister, Mrs. Clara Gibson, who lives at Woolford, Alberta, Canada. Arrangements have been made whereby the people of Grantsshow at ville can pay taxes at the local Amusements-Pictu- re the Opera House Saturday even- bank and get their receipts just trip ing. Feature film and comedy, the same as by making a PAY and Patlie Weekly News. Prices to Tooele for that purpose. THE AT TAXES 11c and 17c. Picture show Tues- YOUR Utah. Grantsville 17c. BANK, and 11c Prices day evening. i i rs, . , , ; i The Grantsville High School Judd went to Salt Lake was defeated by City Wednesday afternoon, re- football team D. N. ft Close attention to .work is the cause of much Pain and many Headaches. Obtain relief by taking one or two 1 AWFUL SUFFERING. "1 Buffered untold vmy whit mural;!. 1 thought I would go mad with pain. A friend of mins advised mo to tsko Dr. Miles' Anti Pain pills, x did so' and the pain almost at once. shopped Then I' commenced using Dr. Miles' Nervine and before long I was ao that I did not have these pains any E. J. WIN TEH, more." S61 E. Platte Ave., Colorado Springs, Cola -- DR. MILES' ANTI-PAI- N PILLS Then tone up the Nervous System by using Dr. Miles Restorative Nervine IF FIRST BOTTLE. OR BOX, FAILS TO HELP YOU, YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. j M. R. Woolley, Rondo Anderson, Miss Merinda Brown, Miss Emma Stromberg and Mre. Clyde Wrathall returned from Salt Lake City Thursday even-- 1 Lester Bolinder went to1 ing. Salt Lake City Thursday afternoon and returned home Friday evening. THE YOUTHS COMPANION, Commonwealth Ave., Boston, New subscriptions received at this Office. Weather Forecasts for Stock-men- .' The Chief of the Weather Bureau desires that the special forecasts of cold, stormy weather be placed within reach of every sheepman and cattleman that con take advantage of the information. Therefore every stockman who can, in any way, protect his stock against the weather upon receipt of forecasts is invited to give his name and grazing location to this office, stating from what central point the forecasts can most conveniently be received by him when issued by telegraph or telephone, whether from the telephone company, Forest Service official, newspa- per office, bank, or other insti-- WATCH FOR DATA ON THE CHEVROLETS Baby Grand Before You Purchase a Car, This Car will be carried in stock at Tooele. OPHIR MERCANTILE CO. Agents. Ophir, Utah |