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Show THE GftANTEVILLE NEWE, SRANTIVILLE, UTAH. Blue and Worried 14 EVERYONE PAYING half-tic- k people ehonld find out the eauae of their trou- Often it ie merely faulty kidney actum, which allowe the blood to get loaded up with poiaona that irritate the nerve Backache, headaches, diarineaa and annoying bladder trouble! an added proofs that the kidneye need help. Uae Doen'e Kidney Pilla. Thousands thank them for relief from juat auch -- troubles. TO CRUSH ENEMY New War Tax Squeezes ' of Wage Earner, but ft!1 w City. kid-ney- awful backachea I hardly gat around to do any1 waa thing. finally laid up. The nurae who waa taking can of me told me how Doene Kidney Pilla had helped her and I uaed them. They regulated my kidneys and rid me of every (lgn of kidney trouble and the Buffering turned." Gat Daeahat Any Sim, Ma a Baa could -- 11 DOAN'S V55 Hffll fUWTBrMB CO. BUFFALO, M.Y. SELDOM SEE a big knee like this, but your hone . My have a bunch or bruise on hie ankle, hock, atifle, knee ordinal WBSORbine will dean the hone. it off without laying u No bUator, nohab gooe. Concentrated only drape required at an application. $2 P mdBook All Must Help. A Utah Case Balt Lake a Utah, aaya: "My became very weak and I had auch Purse IN tnefi&RBmZTilU FriesSlaaklZabactlaaUiiaha Mads la As U. I. A. by W.F.VOUNt, P.D.F..nBTNetittlfaHnelIaMleM. Reada Lika Fiction. One of the moat nnusual salvages yet recorded in these days of submarine warfare, says Popular Science Monthly, is that of the Norwegian steamship Kongsll, whose cargo' of grain swelled to such an extent on the Inrush of water through the ragged hole torn in her side by a torpedo, that the hole was clogged up and the water prevented from flowing in and sinking KAISER TO BLAME FOR COST Mad Prussia Must Be Broken Before Conflict Can End Good Patriots Steel 8elves for Sacrifice and Then Victory. . Postage. Three cents an ounce or fraction thereof on letters for other than local delivery; two cents on all postal cards. Admissions Ten per cent tax on tickets to theaters, cabarets, and other amusement places. Due1 Ten -- per cent tax on dues of clubs exceeding $12 a year. Tobacco Graduated taxes on cigars, tobacco, cigarettes, cigarette papers and snuff. Express Five per cent tax on amounts paid for express transportation. Passenger Eight per cent of the cost of railroad tickets, except local. Bertha Ten per cent of the coat of bertha, staterooms, and parlor car seats Oil Five per cent tax on amounts paid for transportation of oil by pipe lines. Messages Five cents tax on each telegraph, telephone, or radio message costing 15 cents or mors Insurance Eight cents tax on each $100 or fractional part thereof of each life insurance policy; one per cent of the premium on fire, marine, inland, and casualty Insurance policies. Uncle Sam is rather Washington. pleasantly surprised at the way the A party of fishermen, clambering aboard to discover the trouble, were nation la standing the war tax gaff. amazed .to find that the ragged hole on The grouching, such as there Is, has one aide and hull plates tom loose on been growled in a minor key, and most trouble-maker- s, the other by the force of the explosion of It comes from the had been effectively plugged by the the whining pacifists, those of a sickswollen grain. The fishermen were ly cast of loyalty. Nobody really enjoys paying excess afraid to attempt to tow her because such as three cents postage for taxes, the rush of the water along her aides extra charge for freight, exletters, have washed effective might away the and press passenger transportation, grain seal. Accordingly, they improvised bales made of cotton filled with telephone and telegraph messages and amusements. But all true Americans grain and forced these into the holes. who realize that the kaiser is to blame This made the stoppage secure enough to enable the vessel to be towed to a for the trouble, stand ready and willing to pay their share of the cost of her. nearby port. exterminating the world's greatest menace. Ridiculed His Wife. By the way, do you know that if Mental cruelty was the ground upon me single and earn more than which a woman obtained a divorce in you $1,00(- yearly, yon must pay two per Iteno, Nev. The woman said her hus- cent tax on what you make over $1,000. band constantly ridiculed her, refused And are married, you must pay if yon to be seen alone with her at public two cent on what yon make over per gatherings and frequently showed his $2,000. The tax for all of 1917 must friends a little book entitled Foolish be paid by June 1, 1918. Things My Wife Has Said. All of the new taxes fall upon the , average man. They have nothing to Gray Matter Counts. do with the conscription of wealth. "The author of this story is a clever They are a part of the program of aoT That Yes, it takes taxation to make each man, woman chap. brains to sell such rot Judge. Nothing hurts quite so much as the wrong that is done to ns unintentionally. Save living. In the Use of Wheat By eating Grape-Nut- s - All the food value of the grain is uaed in making this delicious food; and its blend of malted barley not only adds to its nourishing qualities but produces a flavor of unusual rich- a ness. AD and child in the United States feel s direct personal part In the war. They apply to freight, passenger and express transportation, pipe lines, Pullman seats and berths, telegraph and telephone messages, Insurance polito theaters and cies, admissions movies and to club dues. The effect of most of them Is felt, therefore, in a slight rise In the high cost of Foo- dNo Waste! The taxes are expected to net the federal government the following revenues : $77,500,000 Freight transportation Express transportation.... 10,000,000 Passenger transportation.. 60,000,000 4,500,000 Pipe lines 4,000,000 Seats and berths Telegraph and telephone' 7,000,000 messages 5 XX), 000 Insurance policies 1,500,000 Club dues Admissions 50,000,000 The war tax on facilities furnished by public utilities is now levied as follows: Three per cent of the amount paid for transportation by rail or water or by any form of mechanical motor power in competition with carriers by rail or water, on freight consigned from one point in the United States to another. One cent for each twenty cents or fraction charged by express companies for transportation from one point in the United States to another. Eight per cent of the amount paid for the transportation of persons by rail or water or by any form of mechanical motor power on a regular established line in competition with common carriers, from one point in the United States to any point in the United States, Canada or Mexico. the ticket is issued in the (where No tax Is imposed on com mutation or season tickets for trips less than 30 miles, or In cases where the fare does not exceed 35 cents. Ten per cent of the amount paid for seats, berths or staterooms. If s mileage book used for transportation or accommodation whs purchased prior to November 1, 1917, or if cash fare Is paid, the conductor or agent collecting the fare Is required to collect the tax. Five per cent on the amount paid for the transportation of oil by pipe line. Five cents for each telegraph, telephone or radio dispatch originating In the United States where the charge Is 15 cents or more. The foregoing taxes are paid by the persons paying for the services or facilities rendered. A carrier making no charge for transporting a commodity because of Its ownership thereof, or for any other reason, is required to pay a tax equivalent to the amount which would be Imposed If it received payment, except in the case of commodities which are necessary for Its use in the conduct of Its business or the business of another line constituting a part of the same railroad system. Service rendered to the federal and state governments Is exempt from Persons collecting these taxation. taxes are required to make monthly .returns and monthly payments to the federal government The new levies upon insurance take effect in the following manner: On life Insurance, eight cents on each $100 or fraction of the amount of the policy, except Industrial Insurance policies not In excess of $500 Issued on the weekly payment plan, In which case the tax Is 40 per cent of the first weekly premium. Policies of are exempt On marine, Inland and fire Insurance, one cent on each dollar or fraction of the premium charged under each policy including renewals, but not Including policies oifc Casualty Insurance, one cent on each dollar or fraction of the premium charged nnder each policy (except Indemnity and surety bonds, which are taxable under another title of the bill) including renewals, but not Including policies. Policies Issued by any corporation exempt from the Income tax are exempt from this tax. The person, partnership or association Issuing such policies of insurance is required to make monthly returns and monthly payments to the govern- ment For every ten cents or fraction thereof yon spend on the movies you must turn over to the government one emit Of course, the movie proprietors may save you the Inconvenience of handling pennies by raising his admission' price a nickel, as many other persons selling goods affected by the war tax have already done. Here Is the way admission tax and the club does levies will fall upon the public : One cent on each ten cents or fraction of the amount paid for admission to any place Including admission by season ticket or subscription, to be for such i paid by the person paying admission, except in the case of children nnder twelve, where the tax in every case is one cent Persons admitted free pay the tax on the basis of the charge made to other persons of the same class, except employees, municipal officers on official business Where and children under twelve. the charge for admission to a cabaret or similar entertainment Is wholly or in part Included In the price paid for refreshment, service or merchandise, the amount paid is to be computed nnder regulations to by the treasury department In the case of persons having the permanent use of boxes or seats, or a lease thereon, the tax Is equivalent to 10 per cent of the amount for which s similar box or seat Is sold for the performance or exhibition at which the box or seat Is used or reserved by or for the lessee or holder. These taxes are not to be Imposed in the case of a place where the maximum- charge for admission is five cents or for shows, rides or other amusements In outdoor general amusement parks where the admission Is ten cents or In the case of shows, rides or other amusements (the maximum charge for admission to which is ten cents) within outdoor general amusement parks, or In the case of admissions to such parks. Where the proceeds Inure exclusively to the benefit of religious, educational or charitable societies or organisations, and In the case of admissions to agricultural fairs, no tax shall be levied, provided none of the proceeds are distributed to stockholders or members of. the association. A tax of 10 per cent Is imposed on the amount paid as dues or membership fees, including Initiation fees, to any social, athletic or sporting club where such dues or fees are In ex-- 1 cess of $12 per year, such tax to be paid by the person paying the dues or fees. Dues or fees paid to fraternal or beneficiary societies, orders or associations operated on the lodge system are exempt Those collecting admission dues or fees are required to collect the tax and make monthly returns and payments to the government Suffered Several PERUNA Years. MADE ME WELL Mrs. Elizabeth Reuther, 1002 11th fit, N. W, Washington, D. C., writes: 1 endorse Parana as a splendid medicine for catarrh and stomach trouble, from which I suffered several years. I took it for several months, found my health was restored and have felt splendidly ever since. I now take It when I contract a cold, and it soon rids the sysThose who object to liquid meditem of any catarrhal tendencies. cines can procure Peruna Tablets. Remunerative Bite. The old soldier wus allowing liow fields are won. The worst time I ever had," lie said, "was when we were besieged. We only had one bite a day for a fortnight, and that was horse flesh." The young soldier sitting at the other side of the taproom chipped In: I remember living for a month on one bite, uud tliut wus out of my own The Point of View. The woniun stopped to reprove the youngster who hud chased x u cat up a tree. "You liad liny, supiiose you were a cat. would you like to have anyone chase you In iliat fashion? Gee wouldn't I, though, If I could cllud) like that! said the youngster, kind-hearte- d ! grinning. At the Post Office. The old soldier flushed. What did she do when yon told I don't believe it ! he said, angrily. her It would cost 3 cents to send a Believe It or not, its true! said letter hereafter lnsteud of 2? the young man. A dog took a mouthUinph she got so angry she ful out of my leg and the compensa- stumped her foot tion kept me like a lord for four weeks." Music of the Wind. The wind In tiie trees sounds nh eticnl. But the hot air that accomRELIABLE REMEDY panies some fun illy trees docs not. leg. RESTORES KIDNEYS To keep clean und healthy take Dr. I'ierces l'leusart Pellets. They regu- For many years druggist have watched late liver, bowels and stomuch. Adv. with much interest the remarkable record The fickleness of some women is maintained by Dr. Kilmer Swamp-Boo- t, the great kidney, liver and bladder rem- what makes them Interesting. edy. It is a physician's prescription. ia a strengthening mediDr. Kilmer uaed it for years in hia private practice. It helps the kidneye, liver and bladder do the work nature intended they should do. Swamp-Rohas stood the teat of yean. It ia told by all druggists on its merit and it will help you. No other remedy can ucceaafully take its place. Be sure to get Swamp-Boand start treatment at once. However, if you wish first to teat this preparation aend ten cents to Dr. pest Kilmer Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure end mention this paper. Adv. Save Your Swamp-Roo-t cine. ot ot t Supplying the Names. So you have twins at your house? said Mrs. Nnlior to little Jack. Yessum, he snid solierly, two of Cash and Your Health CASCARAm QUININE Tha standard cold cure for 20 ytiiv la tablet form safe, sure, no opiate cures cold in 24 hours grip in 3 days. Money back if it fails. Get the gsiwine box with Red too and Mr. HiU'e picture on ft. Coats less, gives mors, saves money. Z Tablets fee lie. At Any Drag Stare them. What are they going to call them, my dear? Well, I don't know for sure, but I think their numes is Thunder and Lightnin', 'cause thHts the names papa called them when the doctor came in New Puck. and told him ubout them. CUTICURA Instantly STOPS ITCHING in Most Canes FOR Write for a Free Sample. CONSTIPATION Cutlcura la wonderfully effective. The Soap to cleanse and purify, the Ointment to soothe and heal all forms of itching, burning skin and scalp affections. Besides these emollients if used daily prevent little skin troubles becoming serious. Free sample each by mall with Book. Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. hare stood die test of dine. super-cream- y Purely vegetable. Wonderfully quick to banish biliousness, headache, indigestion end to dear up a bad complexion. Genuine bears signature . Through and Through. The two men in blue were exchanging conlldences on the veranda of a big military hospital In France. Did you go to the big society party they gave for ns crocked fellows yesterday? Yes, said the other anil shuddered. Wliat did you think of It?" Believe me, old bloke, Id. rather have another ball go through me than go through another hull. PALE FACES a lad Generally Indicate of Iron In (ha Blood Carters Iron Pills W1U help this condition Do You Want More Money For Yuur Furs t Housekeepers Can Save $200,000,000 on Food In these days when the high cost of living pinches nearly every home, no waste should be overlooked. One of the most flagrant and the moat easily prevented, la the destruction of food by rata. One rat will often do a hundred dollars' damage of food and property In a tingle night, and a careful estimate gives over $200,000,000 aa the value of foodstuffs destroyed annually with by these peats. Exterminate them Stearns' Paste end save this enormous loss of food. A small box of Stearns' Paste costs only S5 cents and la usualof ly enough to completely rid the house rats and mice; also effective against cockroaches and waterbuga. Adv. A liuKliund ling grounds for divorce Write today for Illustrated price list and market report names of trappers and get our panel poat and nil rood mapofU.S. fre BOLLES O & ROGERS 513 S. 13th St., Omshs,Neb. rEvery Woman Wants if hie wife refuses to help him with ANTIS the housework. FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE Dissolved in water far douchcc elope pelvic catarrh, ulceration and mation. Recommended by Lydia E. Pinkhem Med. Co, for ten year A healing wonder for nasal catarrh, sore throat and aom aye Economical. When a man begins to burn his money look out for a hot time. ?I NI0VI3S s Marine Is for Tired Eyes. Soiw Eyes Red Eyes Granulated Bjellds. Bests Refreshes Beslores. Murine is s Favorite Treatment for Myes that feel dry and smart. Give your Byss as nmeh of yunr loving ears aa your Teeth and with the same mralarity. 1 Mi POWDER 3 j5 ;a s S CUE FM THEM. T08 CttHBT IUY HEW EYESI S Bold at Urns and Optlaal Storea or by Mali. Ask Burin En lea saHj Co, Wens, tar Fne : E P Tf C PATENTS, TRADE MARKS, C0PY- G. I'AKK.JR.. 1410 Jr KlUllia KiniAKO ffBEin,WASai8GTOM W. N. U, Sait Lake City, No. AU |