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Show THE GRANT8VILLE clothing he weal's, every gvii he carries, every cartridge he ."ires, shell that is .iurl-- 1 eveiy ,178-inc- h ed from the monster guns e. our NEWS, GRANTSVILLE, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ' lejnirtment of llie Interior. U. S. Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, October 20, 1917. Published Every Friday by boilers-evei-ythi- ng that to- - ches i Xotice is hereby ftiven that Philip PRINTING CO. BULLETIN battleships, and every sho elful Pialer, of Grantsville, Utah, who. on this war and involves a Go . em- - j March 14, 1914, made Homestead EnUtah Grantsville, ment expediture depends upon try, Serial, No. 012316, for WV4 of NW the money in the United S ates lA anl WV& of SW4, Section 9, Town-slil- li R. D. Halladay, Editor. i S Treasury. South, Range 5 West, Suit lcri-ca- n Ai Year. of The Lake the Meridian, has hied notice of inproblem $1.50 per Subscription, is the to of three-yea- r tention make problem Treasury proof, to Entered as second class mail matter r- - the! es:.iblish claim to the laud above :ii Grantsville, Utah, under the Act of the American people; it Akireh 3, 1879. problem of keeping the T.eas-- ; de cribed, before the Cleik of District ury supplied with the means to: Court, at Tooele, Utah, on ike 1st day" carry forward the great business of December, 1017. ADVERTISING RATES of the nation under the direction claimant names as witnesses: Display, One Dollar per Inch per of the Commander in Chkf of; U'igham L. Watson. John William .vloiitn: Single Issue, 15c per Inch; Uni-; A:, lemon, Richard Jl. Vobinson, P. P. and of the the Navy Army Position Top of Column, Next Utah. heading Matter, 25 per cent Addition- - ted States, your President, wose. M thews, all of Gruni.-villui. GfJULD 15. BLAKELY, glorious stand for America's honor and Americas rights, jusRegister. civilization and democracy Date first publication Oct 26. 1917. Miss Sarah Cook and Miss Au- tice, The Grantsville News. i ; . c, made him one of the greatrelia Bennion spent the fore have of the worlds outstanding! NOTICE OF INTENTION FOR est part of the week in Salt Lake figures. PATENT. City, returning home Sunday The problem it twofold: To! - Suivey No. 640-1- . evening. U. S, Land Office, Salt Lake supply essential credits to the al- because it i City, July 12, 1917. lied Government, Wend-ovMrs. Willard Iiigley of our cause that their! Notice is hereby given that in was visiting relatives here vitnlto and credit shall be .us-pursuance of the Act of Conduring the latter part of the strength .ect gress to and secondly, tained; approved May 10, 1872, week. our own requirements. Bee Hive Onyx Marble Co. oo whose address is Salt Lake City, Miss Grace Bonwell and Lew Utah, has made application for Foote together with the other CLOVER MENTION. a patent for 1500 linear feet on members of the Hidden Hand W. H. Cassity of Tooele ,iaid Marble Areh No. 2 Lode, 1500 of the company spent early part Clover a visit one day last rek. foot on the Onyx Marble No. 1 the week in Grantsville. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Tai ner, Lt.de, 1500 linear feet on the Mrs. Frank Bretz and Mrs. Miss Eva Russell, Tliorit Hi her--: Qayx Marble No. 2 Lode; bearClara Inman, both of Salt Lake son, Vincent Tanner and E nerl ing Travestine Building stone, City were visiting with relatives Russell went to Grantsvil! ' to the same being 1145.1 ft. north here duiing the past week, re- attend Quarterly Stake Co- fei -- westerly, 354.0 ft. South easterly from the discovery of the turning to their homes Sunday ence last Sunday. Marble Lode, 1017.2 ft. Onyx evening. Dr. and Mrs. F. M. Davis c. lied North westerly and 482.8 ft. South easterly from the discovMessrs. Will and Harry Inman on friends in Clover Sunday . of the Onyx Marble No. 1 and Mrs.,M. A. Inman, all of W, Beagley who j; em- - ery George 750.0 ft. North westerly Lode, Salt Lake City came out from ployed at the International rr.el- 750.0 and ft. South easterly rethe city Sunday morning, at Tooele spent Sunday witl his from the discovery of the Onyx same home the evening. parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. turning Marble No. 2 Lode, 158.8 ft. north westerly and 1541.7 ft The High School football team Beagley. South eelo Mrs'. Mr. and A. 1). ? easterly from the discovhas been out for practice every of Grantsville some ery at time .ith 289.3 the Marble. Arch Lode, getting spent Sunday evening for ft. , North westerly and W. with Mr. Mrs. Steele. J. and for the opening game ready 1210.7 ft. South easterly from the West Side High School of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. the discovery of the Marble Salt Lake City which takes place Meadows of Salt Lake City .ere Areh No. 2 .Lode, with surface field. local this afternoon on the with relatives a few ground 600 ft. in width respecTurn out and root for the home visiting week. last tively, situated in Unorganized team in the first game of the days District, Tooele County, Mining season. N. R. Bush attended Bishop of State Utah and described by the Quarterly Stake Conference official the MUST LOAN plat and by the field THE LIBERTY at Grantsville last Sunday. file notes in the office of the on SUCCEED SAYS McADOO. Register of Utah Land District, EXTRA JURYMEN FOR 0- -' Utah, as follows How vital to the success of our VEMBER COURT. Beginning at Cor, No. 1, Onyx country in this war, how absoMarble Lode, whence, the cor. lutely necessary to the success to sections, 22, 23, 26, common well-beiThe following extra jurymen and the safety and the 1 S., R. 10 W., S. L. B. T. and 27, week were last for drawn of our soldiers and sailors tliej and M. bears S. 2 degrees 58 who are offering their lives to term of the District Court fori E. 3194.0 minutes ft. their country in the success of Tooele County which cojiynos N.- 27 25 minThence degrees the Liberty Loan is well express- on Monday, November 5th V. to utes 1500.00 cor. ft. No.4, which set is the date ed in the following extrarts from by Judge 62 thence W. 35 minutes degrees Brown Louis trials. for J. of the the speech of Secretary jury If I: to No. 61)0.00 cor. 3. thnee Tooele II. II.- Johnston, Win. Treasury McAdoo made before E. 6000 the American Bankers Associa- S. Heggie, Wm. II. Cassity. Dav- S. 27todegrees 25 minutes 4 Marble No. ft. cor. Arch id L. Bowen. tion, at Atlantic City: N. 62 35 thence Ix)de, degrees G. Shields. View Lake John It is upon the Treasury of deA. E. John St, Morgan. the United States that every mand in time of war focuses, because everything goes back to A farmer does not seem to the gold pile. have time to dwell on the beauEvery dollar that is paid to ties of nature and the benefits of a soldier, every pair of shoe'1 he fresh air. puts on his feet, every piece of j er : TO fir CALIFORNIA ar K ar Or $ TO ar ALL POINTS fir EAST Via a Western Pacific R. R. A fir fir The Feather River Itout A 2 k fir TRAINS DAILY TIIE SCENIC LIMITED (Vestbuuiiil Leaves Burmester 12:39 p. (East bound Leaves Burmester 2:37 p. (Westbound Leaves Burmester 11:00 p. (Eastbound Leaves Burmester 3:56 a. Tin, nigh Standard and Tourist Sleepers. fi ll IT ' nr ar f $ Dining Cars. i m.) m.) m.) m.) Observation Cal's. Oil , Burning Locomotives. Service and Scenery Unsurpassed Information Tickets Literature Any Western Pacific Agent or Ticket Office or E. MAYER j i ! . s I i 4 UTAH. Agent, Burmester, Utah-- . -- j BONDS or BOMBS? YOUR Dollars Will Decide The second Liberty Loan of 1917 I ! - j i J t j : j j i to-w- it: ng j - j I - I minutes E. 1200.00 ft. to cor. No. T. R. Lareon, J. C. Nelson, M. R. 3 Marble Areh Number William T. Hackett and Stewart, 2 Lode, thence E. 27 degrees 25 T. Frank Rpberts, their heirs, minutes W. 1500 ft, to Comer No. 2 Marble Areh No. 2 Lode, assigns, grantees, and to whom thence S. 62 debrees, 35 minutes it may concern: W. 600.00 ft. to cor. No. 1 You are hereby notified that Marble Areh No. 2 Lode the undersigned have expended thence No. 27 degrees 25 min- for the years 1912, 1913, 1914, utes W. 3000.00 ft. to the place 1915 and 1916 through themof beginning; containing 203.305 Acres, and forming a portion of the N. E. Vi. and S. E. Vi Sec. 22, and N. W. Vi and S. W. Vi, See. 23, and N. W. Vt of Sec. 26, T. L. S., R. 10 W., S. L. B. and M. There are no adjoining or claims known to claimant. selves and their predecessors in interest one hundred dollars in labor and improvements for each of said years upon each of When in Tooele visit the Strand-alw- ays a Feature Program 10c. to contribute your proportion of said expenditure as your interest in sand claims will become the property of the unundersigned, your der the terms of said statute. the Undine, Undine No. 2 and Undine No. 3 lode mining claims, situated in Clifton Mining District, Tooele County, Utah, of record in the office of the Recorder of Tooele County, at TooL. H. SIMS, ele City, Utah, in order to hold PETE GRAY. said claims under Section 2324 Bee Hive Onyx Marble Co. By R. S. Ballantyne, Agent. of the U. S. Revised Statutes Date first pub. Oct. 19, 1917. and amendments concerning annual labor on mining claims, being the amount required to hold FOR SALE Team, with or said claims for the period endwithout wagon and harness. In- ing December 31 of each of said quire of Frank T. Burmester, years. And if within 90 days from Grantsville, Utah. the personal service of this notice, or within 90 days from publication hereof, you fail or refuse con-llicti- ng rs, FORFEITURE NOTICE. Salt Lake City, Utah, September .13, 1917. WM. M. LAMB J. P. GARDNER, Salt Lake City, Utah. To C. B. Diehl, D. L. Dunyon, j WATCH FOR DATA ON THE CHEVROLETS The constant strain of factory work very often results in Headaches, Backaches and other Aches, and also weakens the Nerves. DR. MILES' ANTI-PAI- N PILLS will quickly relieve the Nerves, or Pain, while Dr. Miles . Heart Treatment is very, helpful when the Heart is overtaxed. IF FIRST BOX, OR BOTTLE, FAILS TO BENEFIT YOU, YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. SEVERE PAIN. I used to raffar s. great deal with lumbago la my shoulders me and back. A Mend induced to try Dr. Miles' Antl-Fa-ta pill .mi j am only too glad to ba able to attest to the relief that I got fMm these splendid tern a valuable pill. They medicine and do all that it is claimed they will do." LEWIS JT. CUTTER. Marietta, Ohio. The large and attractive new Fashion Book from VICTOR LADIES TAILORING COMPANY of Chicago has just arrived Ihe beautiful styles and and Materials shown will be sure to greatly interest you. I will be pleased to have you look over the line at any time which may suit your convenience and hope to hear from you soon as to a definite appointment. Yotirs very truly, MRS. M. E. HALLADAY, Representative. Grand Before You Purchase a Car. t This Car will be carried in stock at Tooele. OPHIR MERCANTILE CO. Agents! Ophir, Utah |