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Show THE GRANTSV1LLE NEWS, GRANTSVILLE. UTAH A GUARANTEED REMEDY FOR ATE3 Sv3 A nkto, after taring trial even otkee - Mo- TSKiIii !.vs&ssriiSssa C, A ScURmm oil Mta FrsorMsri, SL Paul, Haa, Coikctd xnszssFSfSsz PATENTS, TRADE HARKS, COPT-- moots sissfe.friiKi&sa NEED SOUND MIND AND BODY To keep fresh Involves determination and will. It ia so eusy to go on laboring, both at work and pleasure, until we are depleted in mind and in body. Then we are sources of danger, not only to ourselves, but our whole sur- roundings, for a depleted man or woman'is always depressing. They have not enough vitality to see things brightly, to look at events in a Bound commonsense manner. Their opinion views ore biased by their own nentally and physically devitalized ondltlon, and they take the pessimistic view of things and vents, in this way acting as poisoners of the happiness of their loved ones and others. It takes a sound mind in a sound body to see things always and to take the cheery, optimistic view of things which so helps those with whom we are associated. To keep a whole body means that we must never lower its vitality unless unavoidable, by incessant work, by pleasures which really rob the body of much necessary power needed in other directions,, but that in calculating our days or weeks work, we include sufficient rest to restore the energy we have expended. It is a duty we owe to ourselves and others to take this rest in whichever form each individual finds possible or pleasant To some a weeks end in the country will give tone and health, to others a quiet rest at home, but everyone should allow sufficient rest every day in the silence away from other society, in which to relnx and be perfectly quiet This will help keep the balance of body and soul and its continued practice means a continual refreshment Mary Yeates. d, rose-colore- d, To Open Free Music School. Any mnn or boy in Atlanta who 'HE BOTTLED UP VALET DID WELL Amassed Fortune of 25,000 France Whila on American Tour With the Noted Marshal. When Marshal Joffre went to tile United States he took with him a l body servant who was to act ns his CORDON OF GERMAN WARCRAFT valet The man formerly had served BARS EGRE8S OF BATTLE8HIP8 in the fumlly and there was nothin? INTO GULF OF FINLAND. said about what pay he was to receive, until the journey was over, when the marshal asked him what he owed him. Outclassed by Reason of Superior Gun I couldnt ask for any pay in view of the petite fortune that I have Range, Brave Russians Give Desperate Battle to Germans and Lose brought back with me. One of Ships. What little fortune?" asked the marshal. You havent been speculatLondon. Apparently, contingents of ing?" Main non, monsieur de Mareehul, the Russian fleet in all about twenty but there were times when I could be botwarships of various classes are of service. People who wanted auto-- 1 tled up in Moon sound, with a cordon and those who wanted to see of German ware raft barring their graphs, the chambers occupied by Monsieur le egress northward back into the Gulf Mareehul; and those who sent notes of Finland or to the south into tho and messages ( I understand, said the marshal, Brave, but outclassed by reason of but, if I may ask, how much did you superior gun range and heavier ton- bring back? nage, the Russians gave battle to the Eh, hen. Monsieur le Marechal, Germans and attempted to force back about 25,000 francs. the enemy armada off Oesel island. It Is Mme. Joffre who has let the Standing far outside the shell zone story out She has told it to some of of the Russians, however, the guns of her acquaintances In the American the German dreadnought sank the bat- colony In Paris, who repeat her assurtleship Slava, a relic of the days be- ances that it is perfectly true. Brookwar and so lyn Eagle. fore the Russo-Japabadly damaged other units that the Russian flotilla was forced to seek refHow Japan Deals With Bribery. Violators of the election laws of uge in Moon sound lying between Moon island and the Esthonla coast Japan are promptly punished. Five Immediately seeing thtir advantage, citizens of prominence in Osaka were the Germans, according to latest Ger- arrested on various charges of influman official communication, began in- encing voters at the last general electensive operations against Moon isl- tion. The Osaka court of first inand, hammering Its eastern shore bat- stance lined the debauchers of the teries until they were silenced, and franchise 100 yen each. From this senalso attacking the Russian guns on tence they appealed and the high court the mainland, putting them out of ac- quashed the judgment of the lower tion. Moon island was captured and tribunal, but sent each of the live pristhe Russians took refuge Inside the oners to Jail for two months. East sound. Thereupon the Germans threw and West News. warships to the eastern part of Kas-sa- r bay, lying to the north of Moon island, barring exit from the northern WOMEN SUFFERERS entrance to Moon sound, and also rushed contingents to the south of NEED SWAMP-ROO-T Moon island, apparently dosing the Ihoumnds upm thousands of women passage to the south in the Gulf of have kidney and bladder trouble and Riga. never inspect it. Already the Germans have attemptWomens complaints often prove to be ed to attack from the north into Moon nothing ebe but kidney trouble, or the sound, but the Russian guns have held result of kidney or bladder disease. them back successfully. If the kidneys an not in a healthy condition, they may cause the other organs to become diseased. EVADING TAX PAYMENTS. Catarrhal Cough Mr. W. S. Brown, R. F. D. No. 4, Box 82, Rogersvllie, Tennessee, writes: feel it my dnty to recommend Pernna to all sufferers of catarrh or cough. In the year 1909, I took a severe case of the la grippe. I then took a bad cough. I had takqn all kinds of cough remedies bnt got no relief. I then decided to try Reruns. I used five bottles. After taking five bottles my cough stopped and my catarrh was cured. My average weight was 115 and now I weigh 148 Vi. Any one suffering with catarrh in any fonn I will advise them to take Peruna. .I de- - sires a thorough training in the fundamentals of music will be given an opportunity to receive free training under teachers of recognized ability, says the Atlanta Constitution. A new free music school will be inaugurated and maintained by St. Philips cathedral, under the direction of 1L Philip Bchllch, organist and choir master. The school will be free to all boys more than nine years old and to men. Diamonds are seldom marked down low enough to enable short people to reach them. , deal . Over 917,000,00 Held Out From U. 8. with pain in the back, headache, loss of ambition, nervousness nd may be despondent and irritable. Dont delay starting treatment. Dr. Kilmers Swamp-Roo- t, a physicians prescription, obtained at any drug store, restores health to the kidneys and ia just the remedy needed to overcome such conditions. Get a medium or large bottle immediately from any drag store. However, if you wish first to teat thia great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer A Go., Binghamton, N. Y., for a ample bottle, when writing be aura and mention this paper. Adv. gnat Government revenue Internal Washington. agents have reported that evasions of the special tax of 1234 per cent by munitions manufacturers have totaled so far approximately $17,500,000. More than $10,000,000 of that sum already has been recovered by the government The amount of tax voluntarily paid by the munitions manufacturers last year was approximately $20,800,000. Field investigators, checking the returns, notified them that in many cases By Wireless. y the amount was far below the sum of the largest Japanese war Many actually due the government ships have been equipped with wireless telephones which operate success. Bishop Jones Stays. fully for. distances up to 100 miles. Chicago. The Rt Rev. Paul Jones, missionary bishop of Utah, will not be Hows This ? ' deposed by the house of bishops of the We offer $100.00 for any case of catarrh Protestant Episcopal church for his that cannot be cured by HALLB MEDICINE. connection with the pacifists whose ac- CATARRH HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE le taktivities have taken on a traitorous en internally and acta through the Blood on tho Mucous Surfaces of the System. coloring. Neither will he be removed Sold by druggists for over forty years. from his present jurisdiction. That Price Toe. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney A Co, Toledo, Ohio. much was determined Thursday by of house the bishops. St Paul in 11 years has had 49,878 births and 26,219 deaths. Milk Drivers May Strike. New York. Decision to join the e strike of milk .threatened wagon drivers was reached at a meeting here Thursday of 800 employes The of the Borden Milk company. drivers are asking a Wage of $25 a week, with a commission of 1 per cent on sales, one duy off a month and one week's vucution each year. Suffering with Catirrh in Any form I wfll Advise them To take Peruna Those who object to liquid Genuine bears signature SmaD P01 Small Dose Small Price Thia has. been the Take one pill regularly (moro only if necessary) until you succeed. Then you can stop taking them without trouble or annoyance. for fifty years. good-health-ru- le PALLID PEOPLE A Question. My cousin who lives In Kansas City never drinks, smokes or wildcats around at night," boasted old Riley Rdzzidew, who was just back from a never visit to the Big Burg. plays a game of chance, never goes to a burlesque show, and He dont hey?" interrupted Burt Blurt Then what difference does it make to him where he lives? Kan- 'He CARTERS IRON Church Pension rajS Fund Success. Final returns sent to J. 1. Morgan, treusurer of the $5,000,000 pension fund for the support of retired Eplsco-pclergymen, show that the fund was oversubscribed nearly 75 per cent, total subscriptions amounting to Of this $5,104,535 has already d; The United States Government Food Administrator Says: Baking Powder Breads of com and other coarse flours are recommended Os-ten- d, Captured at to Be Exhibited. New York. A German submarine captured by the British soon will be on view In New York. It arrived in three sections in the. hold of an English steamship Thursday and was unloaded to be assembled in Central park as un exhibit to aid the Liberty loan drive. Negro Soldiers In Stockade. neFort Bliss, Texas. Ninety-on- e Unitgro soldiers of the Twenty-fourt- h ed States infantry are in the prison were held on a stockade. Slxty-nln- e in the Houston, of participating charge Texas, rioting and held ns witnesses. twenty-tw- o were ROYAL ISffi ABSOLUTELY PURE flour breads Makes delicious muffins, cakes and coarse f NUT BREAD CORN MEAL MUFFINS 34 134 34 4 8 1 8 ul been paid. The Church rwusinn fund Is the largest of the kind ever raised, and, next to the Red Cross hundred million dosas City Star. llar fund, the largest charitable fund ever gathered in America for any one Latest In Torpedoes. A torpedo with a corkscrew course purpose. It took just a year to do 1L has been observed. If it misses the While $5,000,000 was the goal originport side it turns and strikes the stur-boar- ally set. It was announced from time sometimes on missing (here it to time that an oversubscription was eventurns again, striking the port side. desired In order to give the fund the The ship's officer unaccountably omit- soundest backing possible. ted to add that after the explosion the Outfly the Birds. fragments reunite and return to the Marvelous was the flight of an Italsubmarine as a complete missile ready ian aviator from Turin to Isaidon, G5H to be fired anew. New York Sun. miles, without a stop. No bird known to the ornithologists could have made Missionaries Slain. Ten Malekuln Christian teachers In such a flight lu seven hours and the New Hebrides islands, who recent- twelve minutes. Italy Is In the van ly went into the bush to preach Christ when It comes to uirplnnes. Brooklyn to the wild tribes,, were attacked by Engle. the bushmen and six of them were Inconsistent Teachers. killed. And how do you find school, How uriir For Cigarette 8moker. Rather difficult, sir. The teacher's Enough mutches to light all Its conIn English composition tents are attached to a recently in- Inconsistent. we are told to be original. In arithvented cigarette box. metic we are nil expected to get the same answer. Needs It. Germany After many tests under government suiiervlsion in Germany suit has been Putting It Up to Him. I bought Liberty bonds n few found the best preservative for butter. months ago. Now yon want me to buy aguin. Safety First Grent Scott, innn, you bought beefIvet us not run out of the path of steak for your children a week ago, duty lest we run into the way of too I Are you going to make them live the rest of their lives on the memory wish one a man to Its good of that dinner?" thing luck; it's, another to do something to Removable Rubber Heel. help him get it A rubber heel lias been Invented Many a plausible tongue Is operated that cun be slipped over the high hod of a womans shoe. by a deceptive brain. city-wid- 8eamen Refuse to Go on Amsterdam. A mutiny among German sailors ut the Belgian port of who refused to go on board submarines, is reported by the Belgisch Dagblad. The newspaper says an officer was thrown into the sen and that thirty mutineers were removed in handcuffs to Bruges. medi- - through the liver, to act naturally, at a fixed time every day. The beat habit in die world is the habit of health. n Yon may suffer a Any one TrainYour System Gulf of Riga. Depleted Man or Woman la Alwaye Dep re Being and Doea Not See Right 8ide of Life. dark-liore- JOFFRES RIISSUH WARSHIPS cup eon meal cups flour teaspoon salt level teaspoons Boyal Baking Fowls tablespoons sngar cup milk tablespoons ikortsninf Mix thorourbly dry Ingredients; add milk and malted ahortenlnf and beat well. Bake in greased mulfla tine In bet oven about 80 minutes. 8 cups graham flour level teaspooni Boyal Faking Fowder 134 teaspoons salt 134 cups milk and water 34 cap sugar or com syrup 1 cup chopped nuts (not too flne) or 1 cup raisins, washed and floured Mlz together flour, baking powder and salt; add milk and water, ougar or con syrup and uutmsats or raisins. Fut into greased loaf pan. allow to stand SO minutes in warm plaee. Bake in moderate even 40 to 45 minutes; t Car red, white and Km booklet, "Beet War Time Reciped containing additional eimilar recipes, serif hoe on rtqueet. Addraee Royal Baking Powder Company, Dept, W, 05 William Street, New York |