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Show THE GRANTSVILLE I Sagers 24, Clemo 54, Johnson 10, and Nelson 24. The two low men being dropped anc; the name of Mr. Sagers being The Grantsville News. Published Every Friday by Gir.ntsviJIo, votes on the second ballots o 54 for Mr. Nelson. II. M. Smith, F. W. Fridley, and Idwal Ajax were naan 1 for City Recorder, which tool: two ballot ballots to decide, the standing Smith 36, Frailey 37, and Ajax 43. As the low man was dropped Mr. Ajax received the nomination on the second ballot, getting 66 votes to 43 for Frailey. Mrs. Christine Park was nominated for City Treasurer, getting GO votes to 42 for Airs. John D. Woods. The name of SjI J. Selvin was withdrawn as he declined to run. It is reported an opiiositiou ticket will l;e placed in the field either- - by the Peoples party which had its inception two years ago, or by the Socialists who may run a straight ticket. The meeting at which the t rket will be selected will be heir the latter part of the week. Utah - - Mr. Clemo received 71 CO. PRINTING BULLETIN vith-draw- n, It. 1). H:C!aday, Editor. Subscrium, $1.50 per Y.ear. cl. iris mail is Liui-i'C'.- l matter :a L'u'ii, Uuder the Act ot Mairli 3. 1S79. advertising RATES l'Jispluy, one bullin' per lucli per Mourn; Sinnii Issue, 15c per Inch; .'uii roiii.ii Tup of Column, Next 23 per cent Addition-al- . icr, NON PARTISAN CITIZENS PARTY NOMINATES CITY TICKET. iVuiij To.uli? Citizens iiuilellu. Non-Partis- Ticket. an Mayor P. M, Clegg. Councilman term) (4-ye- ar John J. Cillctt. Councilmen term) James M. Railey, James Crellin and W. T. Clemo. Recorder Idwal Ajax. Treasurer AI r s . Christine (2-ye- ar Park. Mayor Clegg was again unanimously nominated for Mayor at pri-ar- y the Citizens held in the Court House at The eight oclock last night. above. is ticket nominated given Chairman Franklin White-hous-e called the meeting to order at 7:30 and Secretary II M. But as Smith read the call. few a present there were only Non-Partis- an iind it being announced that many understood that the meeting had been called for eight oclock, it was decided to wait until that time. After the preliminary matters, such as the method of voting and the number of votes necessary to elect, and the appointment of Fred Bryan, George Ilowarth and John J. Gillett as tellers, the name of Mayor P. M. Clegg was presented and was nominated. There were three candidates put up for four year councilman, John J. Gillett, James M. Railey and John D. Gollaher being named.. Mr. Gillett received the nomination, getting 63 votes, Railey 32, and Gollaher 7. Mr. Iiaily was then nominated for two year councilman by acclamation. Nomination for the othcV two year councilmen were opened when it was decided to place the name of James Crellin on the ticket by acclamation. FoV the other two year councilman, Wm C. McCormick, W. W. Sagers, W. T. Clemo, Nels J. Johnson, and W. V. Nelson were put before the meeting, Wm. Carder. L. A. Walters and Franklin White-houshaving declined. Two ballots were taken, no one receiving a majority, on the first ballot, the vote standing as follows: McCorpiick 8, ! NEWS, GRANTSVILLE, Plans are also being perfected whereby banks all over the coun try can obtain these bonds for prempt delivery to subscribers for amounts not over $1,000. The main differences between the bonds of the first issue and the bonds of the second issue of the Liberty Loan are, (1) they run for only 25 years instead of 30, and may be redeemed by the after date instead of 15; (2) they bear 4 per cent' instead of 3! i per cent; (3) they are liable to surtaxes and excess-profi- ts ts taxes (except as a:;.l tu the interest on $5,000 in the h; nds of any holder) ; (4) allotment may be made to the extent of half of and (?) the installment plan of payment is slightly dilferent. UTAH. i Or TO 2 to-wi- t; R. TR AfNS DILY THE SCENIC LIAHTED i (Westbound Leaves Burmester 12:39 p. m.) (Easlbound Leaves Burmester 2soi p. m.) (Westbound Leaves Burmester 11 :Q0 p. m.) (Eastbound Leaves Burmester 3:56 a. m.) Through Standard and Tourist Sleepers. Observation Cars. Dining Cars. Oil Burning Locomotives. . Service and Scenery Unsurpassed Literature Tickets Information Any Western Pacific Agent or .Ticket Office or . NOTICE OF INTENTION FOR . EAST The Feather River Route. Once there was a man who w m a reputation for courage by bring so scared he couldnt run. ? POINTS rJestern Pacific H over-subscripti- ud-scrib- cd ALL Via war-profi- PATENT. Survey No. 6404. U. S. Land Office, Salt Lake City, July 12, 1917. Notice is hereby given that in of the Act of Conpursuance LOAN YOUR MONEY I. JW May 10, 1872, gress approved OR THE GOVERNMEN Bee Hive Onyx M&ible Co. MAY TAKE IT. whose address is Salt Lake City, 5 Utah, has made application for BUY A LIBERTY LOAN Bl.Nl) a patent for 1500 linear feet on ' ft Marble Arch No. 2 Lode, 1500 Tiie Liberty Loan Bond cam- feet on the Onyx Marble No. 1 paign in Tooele County is now Lode, 1500 linear feet on the on in full swing. A meetir.; of Marble No. 2 Lode; bearthe Capitalists, Banks & S; ires O.iyx Travestine Building stone, ing and the Canvassing commi..ees the same being 1145.1 ft. north was held in the Stake O fice westerly, 354.9 ft. South easterbuilding Monday night to .nap ly from the discovery of the out methods for canvassing1 the Onyx Marble Lode, 1017.2 ft people of the county to pun'iase North westerly and 482.8 ft Liberty Bonds. from the discovSouth The committee in charge of ery of easterly the Onyx Marble No. 1 canvass reports that over .550, Lade, 750.0 ft North westerly 000 of Bonds have been . and 750.0 ft South easterly and that if everyone .loes from the discovery of the Onyx their patriotic duty, Tooele Marble No. 2 Lode, 158.8 ft. County wiil be able to raise ear- north westerly and 1541.7 ft ly double the amount allotted to South easterly from the discovthe county, which is $110,0i . ery of the Marble Arch Lode, From reports coining in I'rom 289.3 ft. North westerly and other parts of the country i : re- 1210.7 ft, South easterly from gard to tiie general apathy to- the discovery of the Marble wards the Liberty Bonds cam- Arch No. 2 Lode, with surface paign, it is quite probable that ground 600 ft in width respecthe government may resort to situated in Unorganized confiscation of the wealth of the tively, District Tooele Alining County, country through taxation il the State of Utah and described by monpeople refuse to loan their the official plat and by the field ey to the government. It is far notes on file in the office of the better for the people to loan Register of Utah Land District their money with its later being Utah, as follows repaid with interest than .to Beginning at Cor. No. 1, Onyx the government exercise Marble have ' whence, the cor. its power and requisition the common Lode, to sections, 22, 23, wealth which will affect' all the and 27, T. 1 S., R. 10 W., S. L.26, B. people as the working class will and Al. bears S. 2 degrees 58 probably have their incomes tax- minutes E. 3194.0 ft. ed to contribute towards, tije Thence N. 27 degrees 25 minsupport of the government the utes W. 1500.00 ft to cor. No.4, same as the owners of weahh. thence 62 degrees 35 minutes W. It is hoped that on October G00.00 ft. to cor. No. 3, thnee 10th, 1917, a supply of these S. 27 degrees 25 minutes E. 6000 new bonds ready for immediate ft. to cor. No. 4 Alarble Arch delivery to subscribers in thence N. 62 degrees 35 not in excess of $1,000 to IiOde, any one subscriber will be in the hands of the several Federal Reserve Banks, to be delivered to subscribers who pay in lqjl. CALIFORNIA TO E. MAYER Utah. Burmester, Agent, BONDS or BOMBS? YOUR Dollars Will Decide The second Liberty Loan of 1917 minutes E. 1200.00 ft to cor. No. Marble Arch .Number 2 Lode, thence E. 27 degrees 25 minutes W. 1500 ft, to Comer No. 2 Marble Arch No. 2 Lode, thence S. 62 debrees, 35 minutes W. 600.00 ft. to cor. No. 1 Marble Arch No. 2 Lode thence No. 27 degrees 25 minutes W. 3000.00 ft to the place of beginning; containing 203.305 Acres, and forming a portion of Sec. the N. E. Vi, and S. E. 22, and N. W. Vi and S. W. V, Sec. 23, and N. W. V4 of Sec. 26, T. L. S., R. 10 W., S. L B. and M. There are no adjoining or conflicting claims known to claim- 3 T. R. Lareon, J. C. Nelson, M. R. Stewart William T. Hackett and Frank T. Roberts, their heirs, assigns, grantees and to whom it may concern: You are hereby notified that the undeirigned have expended for the years 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915 and 1916 through themselves and their predecessors in interest one hundred dollars in labor and improvements for each of said years upon each of the Undine, Undine No 2 and Undine No. 3. lode mining claims, situated in Clifton Mining District, Tooele County, Utah, of record in the office of the Reant, corder of Tooele County, at TooL. H. SIMS, ele PETE GRAY. City, Utah, in order to hold said claims under Section 2324 Bee Hive Onyx Marble Co. By R. S. Ballantyne, Agent. of the U. S. Revised , Statutes Date first pub. Oct 19, 1917. and amendments concerning annual labor on mining claims, being the amount required to hold FOR SALE Team, with or said claims for the period endwithout wagon and harness. In- ing December 31 of each of said quire of Frank T. Burmester, yearn. And if within 90 days from Grantsville, Utah. the personal service of this notice, or within 90 days from publication hereof, you fail or muse When in Tooele visit to contribute your proportion of said expenditure as the Strand always a your interest in sand claims will become the property of the ununFeature Program 10c. dersigned, your der the terms of said statute. WM. M. LAMB FORFEITURE NOTICE. Salt Lake City, Utah, SeptemJ. P. GARDNER, ber 13, 1917. Salt Lake City, Utah. To C. B. D. L. 1 rs, Diqhl, Dunyon, ft WATCH FOR DATA ON THE CHEVROLETS When travel- t Baby ing, attending a Theatre or some Social Function, or if Shopping, dont flj forget to have DR. MILES -- Anti PAIN FILLS with you. They are invaluable for Headache and all other Pains. 25 Doses, 25 Cents. IP FIRST BOX IS NOT SATIS- FACTORY, YOUR MONEY WILL EE REFUNDED. BRING DESIRED RELIEF.' I have used Dr. Mils Antl-FU- n Pills for some 'time and find them an invaluable remedy for headache. X have always token great pleasure In recommending them to my friends, being confident that Xthey am will brinfT the desired relief. never without them and uss them for all attacks of pain, knowing that they win not disappoint me. BENSON. MK3. W. West Haven, Conn. It aagfigiiWBBigBMSiB The large and attractive new Fashion Book from VICTOR LADIES TAILORING COMPANY of Chicago has just arrived the beautiful styles and and Materials shown will be sure to greatly interest you. I will be' pleased to have you look over the line at any time which may suit your1 convenience and hope to hear from ypu soon as to a definite appointment. Yours very truly, MRS. M. E. HALLADAY, Gram m Before You Purchase a Car. Tips far will be carried in stock at Tooele. OPIIIR C3EDCSN1ILE GO. J Agents. Ophir, Utah |