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Show THE GRANTSVILLE NEWS, GRANTSVILLE. UTAH. INLAND NORTHWEST Dont Neglect Kidneys lieno merchants lose approximately year through had accounts, according to an estimate made public by the secretary of the Commercial $100,000 a club. y The Increased price of fuel and other things necessary to the conduct of a steam laundry recently caused the temporary snsiteuslon of the Carson Electric laundry. Mike Cordlck, an Austrian, who violent a few days ago and lilt Joseph Caxanave over the head with a chair at a hotel in lieno, has been sent to the asylum. Federal Immigration officials are now in the hunt for Seattle's woman slugger, the penietrutur of a score of brutal attacks in this city in the past two weeks. While playing near their home on Shambers . prairie, In Washington, Lowell Click, aged 10, was accidentally shot and killed by his stepbrother, Joe Whipple. A convenient, way to kill woodchucks, prairie dogs, ground Bqnlrrels, and rnts living in holes In the ground Is to smother them by Introducing a small quantity of carbon blsulphld into the burrows. Twenty million bnshels of wheat and proportional quantities of other cereals are annually lost by waste In harvesting and threshing, according to estimates of specialises in the wheat districts of the weift. SenWill Reymers, son of ator Barney Reymers of Yerington, Nevada, was fatally Injured while duck hunting. Reymers gun was accidentally exploded while hunting In compuny with friends. Adolph Schneider, a manufacturer, waa instantly killed and seven other persons, were Injured, some dangerously, near Reedville, Ore., when a passenger train crashed Into their automobile at a grade crossing. Friends of the Mclnnls brothers at Carson City, Nevada, a few days ago arranged a banquet in honor of the four boys from one Nevada family, who have entered military training. A fifth brother is too young to go into service. The city council of Elko, Xev., has adopted ordinances covering licenses for virtually every class of business in the city. It Is estimated that approximately $24, 000 a year will be added to the resources of the city through this legislation. The reimrt of the state assnyer of Nevada shows that shippers consigned 459.45 tons of ore to the care of the state assayer during that period and that charges amounting to $123.02 were assessed, as compared with 170.38 tons' und $50.63 for August CURES THE SICK Chief of Police John Wnnewlch died And prevents others having the dlsMse no matter how desea at Colville, Wash., after he had been 1 a fcottta, 5 ROs exposed. M bottles. All food druggists and turf goods booses. shot twice by supposed burglars in a Spobn Medical Co., Mmfsctnen, Goshra, Iod.,U.S.A department store. He declared, just before his death, that he was attacked Money Talks. ns he approuclied the rear of the PARKER'S ' HAIR BALSAM . Reginald Orabcoin asked me to store, by two men, who made their VapHoandintedHdn? marry biin last night,'1 said Miss Gadescape. For Raatarins Color as der. Ive never heald a more eloRev. Father Jerome Dins, who BaaatytaGaararFadadHal life. quent proposal in my as pnstor of the Catholic served Did he use flowery language T church In Tonopuh for several years, Miss Gadder GREAT BIG MONEY Oil, no. He said, ATT, has received an appointment as inworth is fattier my (Marjorie), and Refining Freiiclsi terpreter In the United States army. Oil pricea booming. Btbcki foirln,. and Im his sole heir. Diss bears the rank of colonel Father drawing dlvidanda from .mall Investments In ground-floshares of reliable oil and probably will be sent to France at Cow. Wonderful and reflnlng companies. Write at once for an early (lute. According to tills advertisement in BIB FREE BOOK OF PHOTOS ABO OIL FACTS In order to bring the ' lessons of cow a a Connecticut paper there is about big, substantial, aha hare alike patriotism and of national and Interin New England which is possessed of oil and reflnlng company (governed by board of IS conservative bankers) owning 41,000 national relations within the comprerare accomplishments : acres of valuable oil leaaea deposited in of children, the instruction in Wanted A respectable bank, all paid for and certified by law, la hension steady, which Is to be given in conversation Oklahoma and tbs richest world'a oil Texas, and young man to look after a garden inBig well now drilling. Dosen wells care for a cow who has a good voice region. ts be drilled fan. Modern Oil Refinery to bo American schools this year at the Wilson will of stance President erected. begin fair and your Positively square and is accustomed to sing in the quick opportunity (free from humbug or with and emphasize home and local choir. fakir's methods) to buy tl par shares NOW lte-cai- ex-Sta-te Distemper ul ms Swamp Root Dr. Kilmers Prescription, Overcomes Kidney Trouble It is now conceded by physicians that the kidneya should have more attention as they control the other organa to a remarkable degree and do a tremendous amount of work in removing and waste matter from the system by filtering the blood. The kidneya should receive aoma when needed. We take leas exercise, drink leas water and often eat more rich, heavy food, thereby forcing the kidneya to do more work then nature intended. Evidence of kidney trouble, euch aa lame back, annoying bladder brick-dutroubles, smarting or burning, or sediment, sallow complexion, rheumatism, maybe weak or irregular heart action, warn you that your kidneys require help immediately to avoid more aerious trouble. An ideal herbal compound that has had most remarkable success as a kidney and bladder remedy ie Dr. Kilmers Swamp-Roo- t. There ie nothing else like it. It is Dr. Kilmers prescription used in private practice and it ii sure to benefit you. Get a bottle from your druggist. However, if you wish first to teat this greet preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, N. Y, for a ample bottle. When writing be lure and mention this paper. Adv. et Quite True. Would you consider marriage to a count these days?" Oh, yes," replied the American heiress. Some of those foreign noblemen have behaved gallantly In the trenches! So they have." And after n nmn has proved himself a hero, the public Is willing to overlook his disinclination to work." RED FACES AND RED HANDS r Reason Was Plain. The magazines never seem to print any real good imetry. He I know It. They return everything I send them. She event In many mans life is an accident of birth. The Important ' In honestly-manage- d, company. fast-growi- 0SA6E ML g U flume C- Oklahsau City, Okla. Natural Mistake. The Manager Whats the kick CONSTIPATION Stop taking physics: a ilmpJa will reg-about the sleepers I sent to fill up the dietetic remedy which you !?elpe4 -band? The Bandmaster No brains. That W. N. U, 8alt Lake City, No. rummy with the saxophone is smoking his instrument How the Airmen Fight The pitfalls and dangers which an Luck. aviator must avoid at the front are "Are you superstitious ? becoming more numerous every day. 1 believe some men are luckier than guns mounted on fast others. But I never in my life met motor cars, chase around the country one who would own up that he was behind the lines and prevent the enelucky. So whats the difference?" my airplanes and Zeppelins .from remaining over our territory. This type Resourceful. of battery was responsible for the ZepStude A I need $5 and Ive only pelins brought down at Complegne In In April, got $4. April, 1917, and Pawn the 1916. In fact thisItevigny, Stude B Thats easy. invention was one $4 for $8 and sell the pawn ticket of the immediate causes of the for $2. giving up their strafing" with Zeppelins. The record for distance and height in hitting an airplane with this type of cannon Is 15,000 feet In the air at 9.000 yards distance across A very large crew Is reCM HELPING country. mun one of these cannon. to quired SAVE THE Besides the cannon a telephonist gets the report of the position over which the German machine Is flying. Carroll ' Dana Winslow, in Scribner's A O- SC Anti-aircra- 42-19- 17. ft Ger-mn- ns YOU BET WHEAT,, 63o6fy PostToasYies Hr me 3 times a day When Vour Eyes Need Care Try Murine Eye Remedy I Different Methods. Tlie prison visitor on his usual rounds' noticed that n new man occupied u cell that Inal been empty for some time. My friend, he begun, may I ask wliat brought you here? The same thing that brought you here," replied the convict ; u desire to poke my nose into oilier peoples business, only I generally used to go in by the basement window. Prisoner Lawyer will. . J The Alternative. Wliat are my chnnces? If I cant hung the jury, you For Constipation Carters Little Liver Pills will set you right over night. Purely Vegetable Small PHI, Small Dose, Small Pries Carters Iron Pills Will restore color to the faces of those who lack Iron in the blood, d aa most people dot pale-face- TYPHOID bthenno more l Smallpox, of Antityphoid Vi roar phyoldin, Uta sion vital than bn Aik row phyildan, dnoMowillgr you had Typhoid) telllii of Typhoid Vi zcnltafranna , and danger fan Typhoid Ca I, I jmlBlr. THE CUTTES HOW by LABOCATOtY, BEHEUY, CAL raaaaciaa vaccwea a aeaaaa oaaga a. a. eev, si Medicine kr Wcmen Thou-Mn- d. -- a Women frequently jump at conclusions that are anything but alarming. or -e Sam- Treatment for the face: On rising and retiring smear affected parts with Cuticura Ointment Then wash off with Cuticura Soap und hot water. For the hands: Soak them In a hot lather of Cuticura Soup. Dry, and rub in Cuticura Ointment. Free sample each by nmU with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. vIL $10,-000,0- q Soothed and Healed by Cuticura ple Each Free by Mail. ' For Forty Years Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound has Relieved the Sufferings of Women. problems. Attention is being called to the Increased facilities needed by farmers of the northwest for storing potatoes and other root crops. The high price of grains Is greatly increasing the demand for potatoes; and all who have cellar or other storage facilities are being encouraged to Iuy In a winter supply. Great Falls, Mont, labor unions and employers have sent to President Wilson, Secretary of Lubor Wilson and Samuel Groupers, president of the American Federation of Labor, a request to establish a national arbitration board and compel the submission of nil labor problems to it during the period of the war. Utah coal producers are urging the nntlonnl fuel administration to grant Utah mine owners the same concessions in the prices of coul recently ' granted the Wyoming producers. The on October 1 fuel administration raised the price of screened coat at Hie Wyoming mines from $2.75 a ton to $3.50 and reduced the price of slack from $2.25 to $1215. Sam Juich, wupted In connection with the alleged murder of Anthony Wells of Ely, Xev., wus captured in the Austrian quarter at Copper Flat a few , days ago. Juich states that he had been drinking heavily just prior to the trouble with Wells and had no very clear recollection of the events leading up to and culminating in the death of the Ely man. .. It hardly seems possible that there is a woman in this country who continues to suffer without giving Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound a trial after all the evidence that is continually being published, proving beyond contradiction that this grand old medicine has relieved more suffering among women than any other medicine in the world. Mrs. Kieso Cured After Seven Month's Illness. Aurora, EL For se ven long months I suffered from a female trouble, with severe pains in my back and sides until I became so weak I could hardly walk from chair to chair, and got so nervous I would jump at the slightest noise. I was entirely six bottles and today I am a healthy woman able to do my own housework. I wish every suffering woman would try Lydia R Pinkhams Vegetable Compound, and find out for herself how good it is. Mas. Ivakl A. Kieso, 596 North Am, Aurora, I1L Could Hardly Get Off Her Bed. I want you to know the good Lydia R Fink-ham- s Cincinnati, Ohio. Vegetable Compound lias done for me. I waskin such tod health from female troubles that I could hardly get off my bed. I had been doctoring for a long time and my mother said, I want you to try Lydia R Fmkhams Vegetable Compound. So I did, and it has certainly made me a well woman. I am able to do my ljnuse work and am so happy as I never expected to go around the way I do again, and I want others to know what Iydia R rinkhams Vegetable Compound has done for me. Mrs. Josix Copnxu, 1668 Harrison Am, Fairmount, Cincinnati, Ohio. If you want special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, Read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. IS |