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Show " THE GRANTSVILLE Francis Gillespie came out from Salt Lake City to spend Sunday with his parents, Mr and A i Los Angeles and Return 3S H A I Mrs. Wm. Gillespie. TICKETS ON SALE DAILY TO SEPTEMBER 30th. Jones at their home Monday evening, the occasion being Mi's. Jones birthday. Mrs. Wm. Davis and daughter, Veronica, are spending (wo weeks in Salt Lake City, taking in the" State Fair, They were met there by their sons, William and Leonard. Miss Maggie Kelly was an out-gji- Diverse routes via rail and steamer, A S i including A A A ng for tickets including passenger to Salt Lake City Saturday. Miss Glodys Davie returned Satui-dafrom Brigham City where she had been visiting with friends. SAN DIEGO, PORTLAND, SEATTLE. y Stopovers at all points. No validation fee. A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Francisco. Proportionately low fares A A A A A A A A A s S'Ui , Rhares Frank with a number of friends came up from Tooele to spend Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mi's. John Frank. A most enjoyable surprise was tendei'ed Mr. and Mrs. F. E. s A A A A A A A A A NEWS, GRANT8VILLE, . FINAL LIMIT OCTOBER 31, 1917. Misses Vivian Bracken, coll Chamberlain, Lizzie Frank MacFariane motored For reservatons and routings see to Tooele Friday night to take in the dance. All report having had a swell time. II. D. COOK,'Agt. Tooele, or address Win. WARNER, A.G.1. Salt take Cty, Rah. When in Tooele visit A The Grantsville News. Published Every Friday by BULLETIN Gruntsville, CO. PRINTING Utah - - R. 1). llalladay, Editor. Subscription, $1.50 per Year. Eulcml us second class mail matter ul Clrantsville, I' lull, under the Act of March 3, 1S7H. ADVERTISING Display, One Dollar .Month; Single Issue, full Position Tup of RATES per Inch per 15c per Inch; Column, Reading Matter, 35 per cent Next Board of Education Meeting. account of having a veiy important engagement in Salt Lake City Jas. L. Wrathall was unable to be present at the meeting. The following matters were taken up and disposed of by the On Board. John-an- d on evenings when dances are being held in the buildings. Acting on a communication frem the teachers at Stockton as to the admission of children the under the age of six years schools, the Boai-- made a ruling that teachers are not to receive children under that age who apply for admission. The matter of a school at Lof-grewas left to Mr. Bennion and Supt. Hicks to ascertain if there were sufficient number of the Strand always a Feature Program 10c. t-- j d - TO CALIFORNIA TO ALL a S POINTS EAST v- - 5 Western Pacific R. EL The Feather River Route K I 2 trains Daily THE SCENIC LIMITED (Westbound Leaves Hurmester 12:39 p. m.) (East bound Leaves Burmester 2:37 p. m.) (Westlwund Leaves Burmester 11:00 p. m.) (East bound Leaves Burmester 3:56 a. m.) Through Standard and Tourist Sleepers. Observation Cars. Dining Cars. Burning Locomotives. Service and Scenery Unsurpassed Oil Literature Tickets Information . Any Western Pacific Agent or Ticket Office or E. MAYER Utah. Burmester, Agent, FORFEITURE NOTICE Salt Lake City, Utah, T. R. Larson, J. C. Nelson, M. R. William T. Hackett and Stewart, 13, 1917. T. Roberts, their heirs, Frank To C. B. Diehl, D. L. Dunyon, assigns, grantees, and to whom it may concern : BACK EAST You are hereby notified that the undersigned have expended for the years 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915 and 1916 through themselves and their predecessors in intei'est one hundred dollars in labor and improvements for each of said years upon each of the Undine, Undine No. 2 and ACCOUNT Undine No. 3 lode mining claims, HOME VISITORS situated in Clifton Mining District, Tooele County, Utah, of FROM ALL UTAH STATIONS record in the office of the Recorder of Tooele County, at TooTo ele City, Utah, in order to hold said claims under Section 2824 of the U. S. Revised Statutes " Chicago Cheyenne and amendments concerning anDenver Omaha nual labor, on mining claims, beKansas City St. Louis ing the amount required to hold said claims for the period endMinneapolis Memphis ing December 31 of each of said years. And other eastern cities And if within 90 days from the personal service of this noRETURN LIMIT tice, or within 90 days from publication hereof, you fail or refuse 3 Months to contribute your proportion of said expenditure as your interest in sand claims will For tickets and further infor become the property of the unmat ion apply to agents SALT undersigned, your LAKE ROUTEE or write der the terms of said statute. WM. WARNER, A. G. P. A. WM. M. LAMB Salt Lake City, UlJtah. J. P. GARDNER, Salt Lake City, Utah. xcursions en children there to warrant maintaining a school. The Board on a request frem Principal Holliday ordered a stove placed in the small r:om in the rear of the primaiy school building on Vine Street. Mrs. Ted Davis was appointed janitress of the school building at Ophir Creek. The matter of furnishing transportation to Lake Point for the music teacher of the Grantsville schools was left to Messrs. Wrathall and Jennings and Supt. Hicks, $150 being apjn'o priated for that purpose. The Boai-- ordered the payment of $3 per month for the transportation of all children who live more than two and a half miles from the school building. The construction of outbuildings for the Gold Hill school was ordered by the Board. I- UTAH. SALE DATES OCT. 27, NOV. 24, 27, DEC. 20, 22, 24. d The matter of having the roof of the Ophir school building repaired before the winter set in The was left to Supt. Ilicks. residents of Ophir report that every time it, rains that school in one or more of the rooms has to be dismissed. OPHIR MENTION A fence was ordered for the Hows your subscription to the matschool grounds at , the News? ter, of getting same and having Mrs. Fred Westlund was callJenMr. it put up was left to ing on friends in Ophir Sunday. nings to look after. Charles Johnson left here The Board made a motion to instinct the janitors that they Monday, accompanied by sevare responsible for the school eral friends. co-owne- Ei-da- 7777??? WATCH FOR DATA ON THE CHEVROLETS. rob you of all your efficiency. DR. MILES' ANTI-PAI- SEVERE HEADACHE. I once had terrible headaches anl feared La I could not Grippe. to my work. I took xome of Dr. Miles' Anti-P- ii In l'llls and the pain wan quickly gone. Then I xl.irted using Dr. Miles' Nervine and the trouble vanished completely and I felt well and active once more." HENRY FABNHAM, Spring Valley, Minn. at-ti-- N PILLS quickly relieve Pain, but at the same time, when k or nervousness is the cause, Dr. Miles' over-wor- Restorative Nervine should be used. to relieve the cause. IF FIRST BOX, OR GOTTLE, FAILS BENEFIT YOU, YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. TO The large and attractive new Fashion Book from VICTOR LADIES TAILORING COMPANY of Chicago has just arrived the beautiful styles and and Materials shown will be sure to greatly interest vou, asea to have yi look over the line at any time which may suit your convenience and hope to hear from you soon as to a definite appoint- ment. Baby Grand Before You Purchase a Car. This Car will be carried in stock at Tooele. OPHIR MERCAQTILE Yours very truly, MRS. M. E. IIALLADAY, Representative. Agents. 00. Ophir, 'Utah - |