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Show f THE GRANT3VILLE THIS NEEDSJIG LOT Type Described Here Pleasing to Admirers of Odd UTAH. bay. Toward the front of the house through a large cased opening Is the coziest little den which anyone might ask for. Bookcases are placed on either side of the room just within the opening and from these, entirely around the Inclosed space, there Is a built-i- n seat There Is a large window In the center of the forward wall of the nook. A colonnade separates the living room from the dining room, which completes the group. The dinbay ing room also has a three-windoIn the outer wall and a buffet la placed against the center of the wall opposite. three-windo- HUH NEWS, GRANT8VILLE. w w DETAILS OF THE STRUCTURE Remarkable. It has been a remarkable aununer." Yea. I don't recall a summer that bus given people so many things to talk about besides the cllniAte." Entrance Into Living Room Is Througl Vestibule Roomy Sleeping Porch on 8econd Floor Many Neat SKIN-TORTURE- the Fingers ! Says Corns Lift Out Without Any Pain Sore eorns, any. kind of hard corns, soft corns or a corn can shortly be lifted right out with the fingers If you will apply on the corn a few drops of freesone, says a Cincinnati authority. Xt little cost one can get a small bottle of freesone at any drug store, which 111 positively rid ones feet of every com or callus without pain or soreness or the danger of Infection. This new drug is an ether compound, and dries the moment It Is applied and does not Inflame or even Irritate the surrounding skin. Just think! Yon can lift off your corns and calluses now without a bit of pain or soreness. If your druggist hasnt freesone he can easily get a small bottle for you from his wholesale drug houses adv. Mr. William A. Radford will answer questions and give advice FREE OF COST on all subjects pertaining to the subject of building, for the readers of this paper. On account of his wide experience as Editor, Author and Manufacturer, he Is, without doubt, the hlgheet authority on all these subjects. Address all Inquiries to William A. Radford, No. 1827 Prairie avenue, Chicago, I1L, and only enclose two-costamp for reply. able, a bungalow of the type shown In the accompanying perspective view is an excellent residence design for the person who appreciates bungalow architecture. The building la one which is designed to have its longest dimension on the street The foundation walls of the house are of concrete up to grade and of face brick to the sills. A belt of wide rough clupbonrds girts the structure between the brick and the window sills. . Above this line, the walls are finished with standard narrow bevel siding up to the plate. The gables and the dormer walla are finished with stained shingles. The rough clapBone 8urgery Marvels. boards may be painted In some A reserve officer In the United color which Is not too dark States medical corps who recently re- and the trim Is best finished In turned from Great Britain Is loud in white, since contrast Is needed pure with his praises of the work In lione sur- the durk tones of the walls. prevailing gery being done In British hospitals, Oranmentution of the roof consists lie says: They can take a rib from a man and use It to replace a crushed bone 'In his arm. Patients who In earlier times would have been considered permanently disabled are now fixed up In a few weeks so that they can go back to the front. In a single month, In one hospital, we had 1,350 bone cases, and 1,000 of them were ready at the end of the month to go back and fight again. - Japanese Naval Maneuvers. The grand Japanese nuvnl maneuvers .which will take place off Tora will consist of the first, second and third fleets and several reserve vessels, says the East and West News. The guns mounted on the Ise will be put to practiand ' cal test All vessels participating will Assemble at Hiroshima bay in the Inland sea, and the contending forces Will use Kure as the base of opera-pon- s. The sham battle will last ten Tom soan si will irrnt by yovr anw.i E;,? M DR. R. SCHIFFMARHS HSTHftADOll m Ml.tnra or PowdoO altb.r turn (Uniwt. PI KbLLIKF In ctpijt CM. po.itlT.lr pirra INSTANT had and ha. panuanantlr eurwd Ibouuuul. bo on.ld.iM Incurabla, aftor baring tried er.rr oihw an mean, of ralief In rain. Suflriwn.MaffuroMl tbciiwclva. of lb I. -opportnnitr of availing offer as fnua tbrun.h pure baaing guanulM their own ngul.r Druggi.t, fluy are anra thou 1 alia money will be refnndod by him If I be Yon will be the aula judge a. to whether yon are beneSiedand will get your looney tack If you at. not. We do not know ox any fairer pwpuelUoa which weeould make. R. Schiffminn Co., Proprietors, SI. Paul, Mina. In . Im-- Monar-Bjuk" LOSSES SURELY PREYEKTEB W CUTTETS ILACKLEO PIUS Low-pile- . d. hd. velUbU; pr.l.n.dbr I What It Does. Wliut does golf do for a man?" Well, for one thing, it makes him decide to take Ills vacation in the win- trail, for .ale. ter when he can pralmt wtaraailNr wmIm. fall. nd loHrabh. IMms pk(.eiMMit Ptl!, II.GO ITm Write lor booklet BIMscMfeg. BtacUag Kb, $4 M U my hdeclof, btil CultaC. SiiiiliW ,,d Wroaff W. Cutta product, i. due m ow 11 Th. mperiarity n d WMcmtabig I. VACCIMBS AMD BUI'.. cult. iHUk'r OM CUXTWSi li Banl.lMil The Csttar Ubamtoy, OwMry, Erfltanria of Wyoming Registered Hereford Exclusively 78 pood, go south. registered WRITS U8. ARkER& HAIR DAL3AM A lawsuit is the thief of time and money. Marriage is neither an earthly nor the other pluce. 8econd-Floo- r Plan. all glazed, which establishes this as one of the most pleasant features of the house. In the corner of the house adjacent to the breakfast room Is grouped the rear entry, the kitchen and, near the center, the pantry. The arrangement Is Ideal. The refrigerator is placed In the entry and a door Is built in the wall for Icing it ticnlly tollat prepwariaa of merit. Belt, to eradicate dudnt For Rariorias Colnread Beauty to Grey orFid .d Heir, Wa. and li.oo at Irnigiylrta A yyj heuv-e- W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 40-19- 17. For Constipation Carters little liver Fills indicate the absence of Iron la Faces usually . the blood, which will be greatly helped by wftrtCr S iron 11118 PnlnrldacR or Pain a condition CLEAN PIPE $1.00 . E-- Z 14-in- In the use of a simple open rafter cor- nice and attractive brackets. A spelays. cial ornamentation feature la the small at one end of the second floor, balcony A Culinary Necessity. ; the front porch. This balcony above, I He It Is awful this raise In bread. is by three cantilever beams supported ' She to a, me, John, bread's got which are securely anchored to the raise, hasnt it? second floor Joists. The rail used Is of an especially pleasing design. Quite Appropriate Motion. Even more interesting than the exte; Thrones are rocking these days." rior design Is the Interior arrange- Quite right, too. A rocking throne Is the cradle of liberty. A weak mind is like a microscope, IWhlch magnifies trifling things but Cannot perceive great ones. ASTHE The Hereford Corporation g. By WILLIAM A. RADFORD. Where a sufficient frontage Is avail- REMEDY FOR Send today for free samples of Cutl-eur- a Soup and Ointment and learn how quickly they relieve itching, burning skin troubles, and point to speedy lieul-meof buby rashes, eczema and Itcli-lngHaving cleared babys skin keep it clear by using Cuticura exclusively. Free sample each by mall with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. nt nt - BABIES D A GUARANTEED 8leep, Mothers Rest After Treatment With" Cuticura Trial Free. Conveniences Too. With New Weather Words. Tlie esteemed weutlier bureau hils sprang a new one. It is the word smog," and It means smoke or fug. The bureau explains . that very fre-fluently there are times when the mix- ture is apparent In the atmosphere, and it considers the new word a great little Idcu. Very well, smog let It he. But why end there? Lets cull a mixture of enow and mud smug," a mixture of snow and soot snpot, and a mixture Thus we of snow and hall snail. might have a weather forecast: Snail today, turning to snoot tonight, tomorrouA snoggy with siuud." Builder's Guide. broad seat Is built Into the bay, add' lng the final touch to the scheme. French doors lead back from the dining room Into the breakfast room. The outer walls of this room are prae-frothe rear porch. Across the wall opposite the entrance there Is a shelf from the chimney to the side wall. This shelf is high enough so that the A refrigerator sets under It The most interesting detail of this arrangement Is the location of the serving pantry. This pantry connects the kitchen with the dining room. There Is a cased opening from It Into the kitchen and a swinging door Into the dining room. A cupboard occupies the wall toward the rear of the building. A slide Is provided which extends out under the window in the hall between the pun-tr- y and the breakfast porch. The first floor bedrooms are arranged according to the best modern practice, which places them side by side with a connecting hall. Each bedroom closet Is fitted with a shelf and a rail all around for clothes hooks. Most contractors and builders will suggest that an iron pipe or wood rod be placed horizontally across the closet Just under the shelf, so that clothes placed on hangers may be hung there, greatly increasing the capacity of the closet and keeping the clothes In much better condition than If they were hung agulnst the walk The second floor Is reached from the living room, the stair door being directly In front of the vestibule. The stairs lead to the sewing room on the second floor which connects with an open hall leading to the bedrooms and toilet. There la a linen closet In this hall handy to the two bedrooms. These bedrooms are provided with closets In the larger one there Is also a and ' shelf just behind the door as It swings open. The statement has been made that there la practically no outside exposure on the wells of the second Plan. floor rooms. This Is clearly Indicated ment The entrance Into the home on the plan, which shows that there la la by way of a vestibule which, opens plenty of storage space provided unInto the living room. Three rooms are der the roof along both aides of the here grouped together In a most pleas- bnlldlng. These space are reached ing manner. Centrally located In the from the sewing room and from the group la the large living room with Its sleeping porch. Flrat-Flo- or CLEAN YOUR PIPE IN A JIFFY removable inner tube keeps your pipe New, rniientifie idea in pipe conetruetica free end clean at aU times. Send $1.00 by mail to E-Street. NEW YORK CLEAN PIPE COMPANY. 213 West Forty-Nint- h Z What He Wished. Titles of books lire confusing to those who study them, and even more so to the parents who have to buy them. A few days ago the Greencus-tl- e public schools opened, anil 8. C. Sayers of the store of Sayers & Hamilton, was stunned for u few minutes when a school iiatron asked for Ihyxic and Health and n Compound He thought for a minArithmetic." ute and handed the woman a Physiology and Health nnd a Complete Arithmetic." Indianapolis News. How's This? Walls. A raw of villas In suburbia wore going up npace, and when they were almost finished the builder and bis foreman made a tour of Insiiectlon. Tbe former left Ills assistant hi one bouse and went into tbe bouse adjoining. "Can yon hear me?" railed the builder, tapping on the dividing wall. "Yes. Can you see me?" te No. Tbe builder rejoined the foreman, beaming with satisfaction. Now, them's what you can cull walls! he said. for any cbm of catarrh by HALL'C CAEnemy Precautions. TARRH MEDICINE. HALL'S CATARRH Whnt tlbl Bill do when you told him MEDICINE is taken internally and acta through the Blood on the Mucoua Sur- you wanted him to dance at the gerfaces of the System. Sold by druggists for over forty years. man?" He took French leave." Price 76c. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, An Ambitious Collegian. Selective Draft She Are you a freshman? Much uiuuKement was caused in the lie (confused) I try to be. Bruno-nliihouse of commons by the official admission that by a regretahle clerical error" the national service departAt Times. ment had notified the fqicnker that Don't you like hot water in the they proposed to transfer him to house?" new employment at Wolverhampton nt Not when Im In It." uliout one dollnr per day, with a weekly war honuB of a little more than a A Visual Mix-Udollar on the ground that sueli emThe way for a game like this only ployment was deemed of greater na- Is to blind." It go tional imiortance than that on which "Well, I ennt see It. he was now engaged. Wo offer $100.00 that cannot ho cured n. p. Has Another Think Coming. The man who thinks he knows It all generally marries a woman who teaches him a lot more. When Vour Eyes Need Care Try MurineMyaEye Remedy Mo Baaitlas Orator!. M mu a! Jut or rati. Write tor Tim Mrs Book. Prutf MDRlMERfi UltEUT CO., CHICAGO |