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Show . . ... .s i s - - . THE GftANTSViLLE coi-p- X Nebraska on special duty. David Altop who was visiting in Salt Lake City and Ogden, returned home the fora pail: of Los Angeles and Return X ' Ik V V I. Ik' TICKETS ON SALE DAILY TO SEPTEMBER 30th. X X V X X' ' x X including X X Proportionately low fares x X X X X X S' X X X X X X X Stopovers at all points. No. validation fee. Judge J. B. Gordon of the Standard Furniture Co., returned last night from a business trip to Salt Lake City. i FINAL LIMIT OCTOBER 31, 1917; X X X X X X X For reservatons and routings see II. D. COOK, Agt. Tooele. or address X X X X X X X Wm. WARNER, A.G.P. Halt Mrs. A. D. Hunter returned home last night from Salt Lake City. Iike Cty, x The Grantsville News. Published Every Friday by CO. BULLETIN PRINTING be thoroughly school before tens fumigated again. will buildings te - Utah. When in Tooele visit the Strand always a Feature Program 10c. MANY NEW FEATURES AT THE SPA HI FA JR. - 2 TRAINS DaILY THE SCENIC LIMITED (Westbound Leaves Burmester 12:39 p. m.) (Eastbound Leaves Burmester 2:37 p. m.) (Westbound Leaves Burmester 11:00 p. m.) (Eastbound Leaves Burmester 3:56 a. m.) Through Standard and Tourist Sleepers. , Observation Cars. Dining Cars. Oil Burning Locomotives. Service and Scenery Unsurpassed ' Literature Tickets Information Any Western Pacific Agent or Ticket Office or E. MAYER Utah. Burmester, Agent, inrMtnwwii FORFEITURE NOTICE. Salt Lake City, Utah, ber 13, 1917. T. R. Larson, J. C. Nelson, M. R. Stewart, William T. Hackett and Frank T. Roberts, their heirs, To C. B. Diehl, D. L. Dunyon, assigns, grantees, and to whom it may concern: You are hereby notified that the undersigned have expended Utah Excursion RaRles on Salt Like Route. R. I), llulladay, Editor. For above occasion the Salt Subscription, $1.50 ppr Year. Lake Route yill sell excursion Kntured as srcond class until nmlteT tickets from all Utah stations disal Uraiitsvlllc. 1'liili, under Uie Act of as follows: Nephi-TintMu n il 3. 179. trict and all points East kept. 29th to Oct. 7th. Good rot inning until Oct. 12th. ADVERTISING RATES From all other points Dept Inch One per ppr (lollar liisjilaj. Mouth; Single Issue, 13c per Inch; 28th to Oct. 6th. Good ret limFull Position Top or Column, Next ing until Oct. 15th. Heading Mailer, 25 per cent AdditionExtra equipment on all trains. al. Grantsville, - The production of the state of Utah during the year 1916, amounted to 186,679 fine, ounces, and of a value of $3,859,000. The amount of sill)cen assigned tc the First Colo- ver during the same lie left Halt time produced rado Infantiy: to 13,545,802 amounted Lake City lor Fort Logan Thins, fine ounces and of a value at curday morning. the rent prices prevailing dui-inof $8,911,000. year, Mr. and Mis. J. It. Eliason returned .home from Salt Lake TOOELE HAPPENINGS City Sunday afternoon. , Mrs. twelve members of the The Eliason arrived in the city from Red Cross at Gold Hill have Council Bluffs, Iowa, dining the foiwarded to Mis. G. W. just Goins, latter part of the week after a secretary of the local Chapter, relatives months visii with the suhi of $88.00, the proceeds there. of a dance and social which they gave for the benefit of the Red durclosed Cross. here were Schools' of the order week by ing the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vowles Board of llr.i'th on acount ol the death'i'roni diphtheiia .Spec- are spending a week visiting ial deputy Marshals were ap- friends in Salt Lake City and pointed to keep school childitri Ogden. off the stivcts dicing that time The friends of Jos. II. Hamiland all public gatherings were ordered stopjw 1. The school ton who enlisted in the hospiti.. ACCOUNT HOME VISITORS FROM ALL UTAH STATIONS gold in . for the years 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915 and 1916 through themselves and their predecessors in interest one hundred dollars in labor and improvements for each of said years upon each of the Undine, Undine No. 2 and Undine No. 3 lode mining claims, situated in Clifton Mining District, Tooele County, Utah, of record in the office of the Recorder of Tooele County, at Tooele City, Utah, in order to hold said claims under Section 2324 of the U. S. Revised Statutes and amendments concerning annual labor on mining claims, being the amount required to hold said claims for the period ending December 31 of each of said years. And if within 90 days from the personal service of this notice, or within 90 days from publication hereof, you fail or refuse to contribute your proportion of said expenditure as your interest in sand claims will becojne the property of the unundersigned, your der the terms of said statute. WM.M.LAMB J. P. GARDNER, Salt Lake City, Utah. xcurstons ic Dr. B. W. Black received woi-from the War Department during the week to report at once at Fort Logan, Colo., a he had D. R. The Feather River Route Sheriff D. M: Admson returned last night from Lehi where he had been on business. SAN DIEGO, PORTLAND, SEATTLE. X EAST Western Pacific . , POINTS Via Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Baker were in Salt Lake City Monday. for tickets including ALL TO Former State Engineer A. F. Doremus came out ffrom Salt Lake City last night. Francisco. S-- Or Lake City on business the fore part of the week, returning home last night. Diverse routes via rail and steamer, X X X X X CALIFORNIA TO J. A. Hanson of the Tooele Furniture House, was in Salt X X I the week. V ' some time ago, will be glad s 3 to hear that he has been sent to ar UTAH. NEWS, GRANT8VILLE, Cheyenne Denver Chicago Omaha Kansas City St. Louis Memphis Minneapolis I SALE DATES OCT. 27, NOV. 24, 27, DEC. 20, 22, 24. And other eastern cities For tickets and further infor mation apply to agents SALT LAKE ROUTES or write WM. WARNER, A. G. Salt Lake City, UUtah. f co-own- P. A. WATCH FOR DATA ON THE CHEVROLETS Long hours, close and tedious work are very apt to result in "Headaches or other Pains. Dont suffer. DR. MILES PILLS ANTI-PAI- N will quickly drive your Dr. Miles Nervine will assist you by relieving the Nerve Strain. IF FIRST BOX, OR BOTTLE, FAILS BENEFIT YOU, YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. TO I severe dluy nut Bleep ami my appetite was poor. I began using Dr. Miles Anll-Tsl- n Fills and they always gave me Instant relief no matter what tho pain. Then X used Dr. Miles .Nervine regularly and was soon In perfect lieallh again. MRS. S. L. TOUNO. aches epells. Pain away, and I DIZZY SPELLS. My nerve became all worn ouL had bad head- .124 and X Fashion Book from VICTOR could Pittsburg COMLADIES TAILORING PANY of Chicago has just arrived the beautiful styles and and Materials shown will be sure to greatly interest you. I will be pleased to have you look over the line at any. time which may suit your convenience and hope to hear from you soon as to a definite appoint- 8L, Newcastle, Penn. ment. S Yours very truly, MRS. M. E. HALLADAY, Representative. Baby Grand , J ' Before You Purchase a Car. ' This Car will be carried in stock at Tooele. . OPHIIl MERCANTILE CO. Agents, Ophir, Utah k |