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Show THE GRANT8VILLE VNOW SICE REALIMER DRESS TOOVEARS Model That Will NEWS, GRANT8VILLE, UTAH. HUSSAR BONNET FOR FALL Woke the Next Man. Working Under Difficulty. Did you wake up No. 44? Burglar I hate to work a Job alone. But If I git pinched I can't turn state's eviNo, sir, couldn't wake him.' I did the nearest I could. dence on pohody and git off. What was that?" Love at first sight Is easy, but few I waked up No. 45, sir I Comic Cuts. people can stand the test of a protracted acquaintance. Political clubs are used chiefly to Thrift and stinginess are as similar put opposing candidates out of business. as they sre different. Look Well in Velvet or Velveteen. Could Do No Work. Now Strang as a Man. Fashion Designers Struggle Hard to Rotain Straight Lino Frock Which Has Boon Favorite for Root Two Seasons. For about two femalo tnnblojaan ao I waa imabto to walk or do sire of my work. I read about Lydia E. Pinkham'a ' Vegetable Com- pound in the newspapers and deterXt mined to try it What Is Castoria ' I m To retain the'stratght line frock, which baa been such a strong favorite for the past two seasons and still make It new and distinctly of the 1917-1- 8 vintage Is a task that fashion designers have struggled mightily with during two or three months. Many attractive .styles have resulted, and perhaps an equal number that are not attractive. The ultra-tigskirt, on dresses In any event, la not approved, and comfortable weakneaa baa enfullness la let In either through the tirely disappeared 'medium of plaits or gathers. and I never ned betThe dress shown In the sketch would ter health. I weigh and am aa strong aa develop extremely well In velvet or 'velveteen, If it la to be a real winter money la well apent which pur iea Lydia E. Pinkhama Vegetable dress. If for earlier wear velvet or1 Mra. Job. OBstaic, 1786 Compound. velveteen might be used for the bodice Newport Avai, Chicago, I1L The aueeeaa of Lydia E. Pinkham'a section and the cuffs and crepe meteor Wearing them higher, does not necmade from roota or satin for the remainder of the frock. mean the shoes or the skirts essarily leled. It may be Or it might be developed in satin and of Miladl. They are also building uaed with perfect confidence by women serge. from the The chic little toque top. who Buffer from displacements, If the supply of black satin and navy has grown In for the fall. proportion periblue serge holds out women need have This Hnssar bonnet of tan French felt odic pains, backache, bearing-downo fear In regard to apparel for tbe and black hatters plush, moat effecdiirinesa, coming season, as from present indica- tively combined here, tops" them all Pink E. i the stan- tions these two are to be by all odds not all In altitude bat in style. The dard remedy the most popular materials. ole trimming of this hat is the The back of this dress is cut exactly mart Jet ornament unique The crown is in like tbe front The long pointed panel two wings which adds to the qualnt-neseffect into which the bodice is conand gives it an air of distinctivetinued ia important In that it gives ness that ia not found in moat bits of 1 I Reduces Strained, Puffy Aakka, length of. line to the finished frock. millinery. I I Lyaiphseiitis. Ml Evil Fistula, Touches of metal or colored embroidI BoSs, SwelHnfi; Stops Ismeaess trim the bodice, which fastens ery Heals and Catt Sons, flpV allays pain. WRIST BAGS GROW SMALLER Bruises, Boat Chafes. It is a with small, decorative buttons In the center front. SAFE AITISEPTI6 AID IEHMIIE To make the dress one and a half High Pries of Precious Metals Hae Does not blister or remove the Something to Do With Change ksir and horse can be worked. Pleasant to use. yards of velvet or other material will brought almost immediate relief. My ht is a harmless substitute for Castor 00, Paregoric,' CASTORIA It contains neither Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant Its age ia its guarOpium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. antee. For morn than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colie and Diarrhoea; allaying Feveriah-nes- a arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. Tha Children! Panacea The Mothers Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 80 yean, has born the signature of Cnaa. H. Fletcher, and has been made under hie personal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. d All Counterfeite, Imitations and are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the haalth of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment Genuine Caatorim always bear the signature of iregiVy Jnet-aa-Goo- SV inflam-irregulariti- feel-itio- n e, j jy in Style. 82. 00 a bottle, delivered. Describe your case for special instructions and Book 5 M free. ftlWfrriftmt Hi istlintlr InlrTnT fr nnnl n Velas. few Mass. W. FJTOUNl TWO VARIETIES OF HEROES One Who Admits He le of Make lieve Claae, Telle of Life in the Trenches. Be- 8 There are reel heroes and make believe heroes; and they are not always I do not hide easily distinguishable. from myself that I belong to tbe make believes. And yet it la remarkable that I did not find the second week at the front as terrible aa the first It is not as bad there as It seems, says a writer ip the Atlantic. ltben once you get accustomed to the idea that yon may be dead In a day, or In an hour, or in a minute, and when yon are clear as to your future, your mood Is relieved from constant depression. Involuntarily yon become kind and helpful to those about you, yon do not get vexed over trifles, yon are ready to make all aorta of sacri- HEALTH AND BEAUTY. If you are very tired take a bath la soda water. Gray hair should always be shampooed with white soap, aa another kind la liable to leave the hair yellow. A little bicarbonate of soda added to the water In your bath mill absolutely kill the odor of perspiration. For Instant relief ln'case of cramps In limbs, dip hand in cold water and run under the knee of cramped limb. fices. Of course, if, in the midst of such a condition, a grenade suddenly drops Into your trench, if you see three or four of your comrades getting killed, your misery returns, no matter how good an outward appearance you may keep up. At least for a while. . But then again the thought comes that getting wounded means rest and aafety, and good care. And death? that Is still leu terrible. One boast of reaching ones destination along the shortest road I Is not death every ones final destination? Atlantic. B ir A New Lease. 83 Straight Line Frock of Velvet or Vel- - be required for bodice and cuffs and four yards of any preferred material 86 Inches wide for the gown proper. When considering the cost of a dress or blouse on which embroidery Is to appear as the trimming if expense la must be a mutter of moment-be- ads pmltted. Beads have advanced in price from 100 to 400 per cent daring the past few months, according to type of beads selected that is, steel, chalk, glass, etc. JLatest reports indicate their cost la stin going up. However, fortunately, one can straggle along very well without bead embroidery. Embroidery will undoubtedly be used to a great extent aa a trimming during the fall and winter season, ut various .braids are also favored, and pipings in contrasting color or fabric are being used. you never tasted Srapetiuts FOOD you have missed one of the good things in life I Gray a Rival of Purple. Gray la crowding purple very closely, in the way of color, and beautiful gowns appear In the solid gray with dull bronze and silver trimmings for evening wear, while the afternoon shows the gray georgette over white with gray velvet bands and soutache braiding. Long gray costa for evening and for motoring have purple or red collars. CLEAN PIPE $1.00 - Wrist bags are a hit smaller this season. Perhaps the high price of gold and other precious metals has something to do with It but more likely It le merely a whim of faeblon and a matter of differentiation between the enormous bags which women are now predisposed to carry on their shopping tours, and those, meant solely for dressy purposes. The mesh bags are made of gold very finely woven and with Iridescent hues. The frames are frequently studded with precious stones and always the chain is a feature of great beauty, the workmanship being exquisite and the design unusual. Sometimes these bags are lined, but the great majority of them have no Interior finish other than the gold chain work itself. Stria Fshhl tasri, Iwsllm Cm. Sa mMd ml? a Smm ntairel atM agiUcadm. Prhs E-- Z Leather belts are acquiring a new lease of life, black patent leather 4n various widths being need with many of the modish gipgham and chambray and other tab frocks, and wide soft crash belts of leather and of fabrics being extremely modish. These wide crash belts are made in both suede and smooth finish leather and in many colors, gray and beige and green and white and old red having especial popularity. The very narrow belt of leather has Its vogue, too, and when one turps from belts to belts and girdles In which leather plays a secondary part or none at all there Is no end to the variety. er Dolman Sleeve The dolman sleeve in the new top coats are their peculiar new style fea- They are not exactly the dole man shape of wraps, but there is much of the same peculiar These sleeves contour, modernised. start from very large armholes, placed low in a capelike garment Large at the top, they become mnch smaller. Sometimes they have a loose fur cuff, sometimes one gathered with a sort of large ruffle below. ture. old-tim- The Surplice Idea. The surplice idea la applied not only to frocks but to. separate coats and Jackets as well. On frocks the use of fancy neckwear la very pronounced. Beautiful collars and cuffs may be made of crash, linen, mull, net crepe georgette, organdy or batiste, and the trimming may be hand embroidery, lace or tatting done with fine thread. There Is a let-u-p op filet Point de parts Is a new lace on blouses, childrens frocks and evening robes. A JIFFY PIPE IN CLEANidea YOUR inner tabs keeps your pipe construction in New, scientific free and clean removable pipe at all tunes. Send $1.00 by mail to CLEAN PIPE COMPANY, 213 Wot Forty-Nin- E--Z Street, NEW th YOU The True Joy Rider. A Test of Friendship. n So you got a motorcycle?" characAndy Foster, a For a starter. . ter in hie native city, hat! recently Couldn't you have more fun with shuffled off this mortal coll In destitute circumstances, ulthough in his an automobile?" You don't understand. The reul way earlier days he enjoyed financial proshave to fun with nn automobile is to perity. A prominent merchant, nn old frlepd get n motorcycle and get out on the of the family, attended the funeral and road as a cop. was visibly affected as he gazed for the last time on his old friend and associate. Why The mourners were conspicuously Morning lameness, sharp twinges few in number and some attention was back-achy when bending, or an merchant. attracted by the sorrowing each la cause enough to susThe old gentleman was very dear to pect kidney trouble. Get after the We cause. you? ventured one of the bearers afHelp the kidneys. ter the funeral was over. Americans go it too hard. We overdo, overeat and neglect our Indeed, he was, answered the mourner. sleep and exercise and ao we Sre Andy was one true friend. fast becoming a nation of kidney to him lend a me never He asked cent, 72 more deaths than sufferers. though I knew that he wus practically in 1890 Is the 1910 census story. to death." Harper's Magastarving Use Doans Kidney Pills. Thouzine. sands recommend them. well-know- That Lame Back ? e; all-da- An Idaho Case CUTICURA HEALS ECZEMA And Rashes That Iteh and Bum Trial Fret to Anyone Anywhere. In the treatment of akin and scalp troubles bathe freely with Cutlcura Soap and hot water, dry and apply Cnticura Ointment If there la a natural tendency to rashes, pimples, etc., prevent their recurrence by making Cnticura your daily toilet preparation, Free sample each by mail with Book. Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept L, ' Sold everywhere. Adv. Obviously. Come on," said the first lien, htho-pe- d from the brown bear's left foreleg; come over and join me at a short game of golf." Golf, exclaimed the second flea, hastily taking a bite of hyena ; "where in the realm of Bumum are we going to play golf? Why, said the first flea, over on the lynx, of course." Jack O' Lan- tern. The more a woman talks to a man he less he is inclined to sit up and take notice. Success Is merely a matter of doing the right thing at the right time. 'URINE Gnumlated Eyelids, Son Eyes, Eyes Inflamed by 5m, Asst andWhsd quickly back liy my light was poor and my kidneys disordered terribly When I had almost given up hope Doan's Kidney i'nls cured me. The cure has lasted. add, . Boston. 8. D. Inghram, 2403 E. Main St., Lewiston, Idaho, says: I waa ao crippled with rheumatic pains, that for two years I had to hobble around on crutches. Life was a burden and ached all my the time, system was filled with uric j : Gel Doeab at Aay Store. SOc a Baa DOANS "iSSST VOSTERfMEBURN CO, BUFFALO, N.Y. Every Woman Wants' FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE Dueolvadia water far douches steps pelvic catarrh, ulceration end inf RernmieasrfeJ by Lydia E. Fmkhawi Mad. Cow for tea yearn A heeling woader far Basel catarrh, sore throat aad sore eyes. Economics 2am-sti- oa. Fite Letteriif Outfit ing and Hlpi Painting. Write for particulars. Prov-Mm- m School of Lettering, Hmiltu., lruTllwMl ILL PATENTS. TRADE MARKS, COPY-IGHT- Snun,WAUui6ii! S Try it In your Eyesand in Babys Eyes Cut High Gist of XsSawthg.Jnat EyeCesdnt one and pint Bilk, without macMno. Polly agplaln-At Tmt DnuMi m by for Ho. Mas sing, us io... ms iMsus relieved by Murine. living W. N. U, Salt Lake City, $? No. 39-19- 17. |