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Show THE GRANT8VILLE CoveiK ' K 50 ; f X X A V Los Angeles and Return 9 i Benmore son. Diverse routes via rail and steamer, A including San Francisco. V K V Thei-s. Proportionately A A ; S for tickets including A A SAN DIEGO, PORTLAND, SE ATTLE. I A A FINAL A A A A Skull Valley A A To be announced Oil Burning locomotives; Supt. Hicks states that it is difficult to secure teachers this year with the proper, qualifica--: I tuns A A Observation Cars. Dining Cars. To be later. LIMIT OCTOBER 31, 1917. y (Westbound Leaves Burmester 12:39 p. m.) (East bound Leaves Burmester 2:37 p. m.) (Westbound Leaves Burmester 11:00 p. m.) (Eastbound Leaves Burmester 3:36 a. m.) Through Standard and Tourist Sleepers. To be announced Burmester Stopovers at all points. No validation fee. f trains Daily THE SCENIC LIMITED 2 Elsie Isolds. later. hi R. R. The Feather River Route Richards, Rae T. Felt. Gold Hill i EAST ALL POINTS Via Western Pacific Ibapah-Mo-rel A' A' TO lose pa To be announced fares low Or Measer Sav Lofgreen Lulu Shields. Bates Creek Nettie Park. i A Prin-cip- al . Wendover A a CALIFORNIA TO .. TICKETS ON SALE DAILY TO SEPTEMBER 30th. x v ttWftWWWBBBWWWlMWWiWBW lrinci-Sl:i- l; Vernon Rulon Bennion, ; Georgia Measer. r ' A. D. Steele, UTAH. Eva Keeler. tf tr &' - NEWS, GRANTSVILLE, Service and Scenery Unsurpassed Literature Tickets Information Any Western Pacific Agent or Ticket Office or as provided by the State Board of Education, and on ac- -' E. MAYER count of other lines of industry , 1 sourcproviding more profitable Utah. ' Burmester, Agent, es of employment many teach- a: e;-are leaving the profession to UMWWUllMUWlWltKWWW.i.?,r . in oth6l. vocations. cngage them to their horned. They ap--j Shall) 1st guide. will The schools of the county Erda Boys News. Attempt before the Probation Of-i-i. Grantsviile ieared The open on Monday, Sept. 17th, and fleer who after learning that it nw . n. 'teachers will be provided for Tooele High School. W W was ild est stunt only a boyish prank as they Published Every Friday by N. H. Webb, principal; T.I.' J. those schools to which no teach were returning home from Mui Tooele Bulletin. PRINTING CO. Andrews, Commerce ; Lois Wal- -; e:3 have been assigned up to the BULLETIN tual, warned them not to repeat time, ianL. A. Chris lace, English; Utah Several boys attempted a wild the performance. 0 Grantsviile, One of the officers said that it sen, Agriculture and Mi.iual west perfoimance at Erda Sun -. i.'duW. J. xvas West, Physical VERNON MENTION Ails; only by E001 fortune that R. D. Ilalladay, Editor, dav niirht and nearlv became tte noticed that they cation and Coach; Marie Christ-- : officera target of several rifles which a LJffie Domestic tenson. Art; Year. Subscription, $1.50 per Tom James went to Salt Lake number of the officers earned a? the officers went down them when matter to his ee they mother sSenS! .to Sunday wcond cia.. nii who; ;vith anS end d would-b- e despern- , ..Ville rub. under ih. Art or the supposed Vm j h:,d been in the hospital them. (loes- - the Mrs. S. M. T. Seddon and fain-- j . outlaws Garnett, Physical Education and As the automobilists were re- G. Co. A. Oral Expression; per, ily are moving to Salt Lake City, Mechanic. Arts; P. J. Rock, prin-- 1 having sold their ranch to Mr. tinning home from Salt Lake ADVERTISING RATES Inch- per the . TOOELE HAPPENINGS ' City during the evening, Dollar One per Display, cipal Junior High School; tan- - Plant. 15c Inch; Mrs. Cutler per and family boys with handkerchiefs tied o--! Ag Beamson went to Salt Frank Month; Single Issue, l ull Position Top of Column, Next Lake in and for home their ver faces City on business Sunday left Tuesday having vegetable Heading Matter, 25 per cent in their hands waved at night. Salt Lake City after spending Tooele Central School (!. 0. several months on their dry the occupants of several care to Holliday, Principal; Mae E. faim in Vernon. When the drivers saw the Mrs. S. T. Caiman is visiting Jennie Huffaker, Thelma; Ivor Sharp of the National boys, they put on extra power vvith heifolksTn Salt Lake Goins, Tooele City. Teachers for Taylor, Albert Newman, Flor-- Guard of Utah, was home Sun- - and sped by them. Helen ence Bennett, Cuddihy, day, returning Monday to Fori On reaching Tooele they re- ri. Dean Knudson, Alice Westi lch, Douglas. County this Year. TnL rTtvnnhnsi poried to the officers and City Stewai-t-, Georgia tTOgh- A. sharp ieft Monday Marshal Elkington took hi, car, john Grantsviile High School. ton. Ida Peterson, Beulah liow--: for Montpelier, Idaho, where he with Sheriff Adamson and rev-returning home on late the train B. Parker Pratt, Principal; ell, Amanda Price. is teaching in the high school. eiai 0f the other officers, armed Osmond Justesen, English and Emil Pehrson and family were with rifles, proceeded down the Mra. John Leckliter.who spent C. C. M. Teitjen, prin-- , visiting at Lof green Sunday, Plat. History; Geo. W. Page, Science road to Erda. When they arrived and Agriculture; Lillian Row-berr- cipal ; Edith McKean, Maiy Rey-- : A. A. Cahoon, Hallie Cahoon at the place where the road the latter pari of last week in Domestic Science and nolds, Selma Woods. and Miss Harrington went to branches off to Grantsviile, one Salt Lake City, returned home Art ; Aurelia Bennion, Language Salt Lake City Saturday. . of the boys sprang out and Sunday. and English ; Sarah Cook, PhysMrs. Joseph Fredrickson and shouted that they were exceedLake Point Frank Johnson, ical Education and Elocution; Miss Emma Larson came from ing the speeg limit. When he Lucile Andei-sou- . Kenneth Bird, Music Supervis- Principal; Lchi 'Sunday where they had saw the officers get out of the When in Tooele visit or: Acel Richardson, Physical been Prinstaying for two months. Ciir he ran and hid. The officers Erda Allen Parkinson, Edueation and Coach; Junior . and Mi's. Victor Thomas found several of the boys and the Strand-alw- ays Mr. a Agnes KonPeiiy. High School, Cora McBride andj01 returned home Satui'day from after who they learning Ian thus Hilton. Stockton Ray Kelson, Prin- Salt Lake City where they had were and admonishing them of Feature Program 10c. been to have an .operation per- the danger of their actions, sent cipal; Mi's. Ray Kelson. formed on their eyes. Grantsviile District School E. rA. Neilson, Ophir Acel Richardson, Principal; M. ; Chloe Neilson, Florence JorEdith K. Griffiths, 5th grade; Irene genson, Geneve Jorgenson. Sp:in ton, 1th grade; Mildred 3rd Wrathali, grade; St. John L. C. Peterson. Prjn-- 1 Bmmester, 2nd grade; Rachel Anderson. 2nd grade; Emma cipal ; Naomi Todd. ; s ; ; - I'Y-.m- , Si "iiy -- . j j J : , ; i J . Agi ! , ! . ! I y, i ; WATCH FOR DATA ON THE CHEVROLETS- Close attention to work is the cause of much Pain and many Headaches. Obtain relief by taking one or two DR. MILE'S SUFFERING. 1 untold nRony wlih neuralgia. I thought I would go mad with pain. A AWFUL frloml of mill advlw-- m to lake Dr. Milos Anti-Pai- n ills. I did so and the pain rid.'pod almost at once. Yl:i-I commenced using I r. Mills1 Nervine and before long I was bo that I did nut have these pains any K. J. WINTER, more. EG1 E. Platte Ave., C'olin-ad- o Springs, Colo. ANTI-PAI- N PILLS Then tone up the Nervous System by using Dr. Miles Restorative Nervine IF FIRST BOTTLE, OR BOX, FAILS TO HELP YOU, YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. The large and attractive new Fashion Book from VICTOR COMLADIES TAILORING PANY of Chicago has just arrived the beautiful styles and and Materials shown will be sure to greatly interest you. I will be pleased to have you look over the line at any time which may suit your convenience and hope to hear from you soon as to a definite appointment. Yours very truly, MRS. M. E. HALLADAY, Representative. Grand Before You Purchase a Car. . i This Car will be carried in stock at Tooele. DPHiR MERCANTILE CO. Agents. Ophir, Utah |