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Show THE GRANTGVILLE NEWS, GRANTSVILLE, INLAND NORTHWEST CRISIS OF WOW LIFE Change Safely Passed by Taking Lydia E.Pinkhams Vegetable Compound. Six hundred candy makers are on strike in Seattle for higher wages and the dosed shop. wants The federal governments Idaho to Increase Its wheat acreage 17 per cent In 1918 over this year. The building trades throughout th$ state of Washington liave decided to refuse to handle lumber made iu 10-ho- mills. Wagoner, Okie. of praising Lydia EL I never get tired Pinkhama Veg- etable Compound beeauee Change of Life waa in bed two yeara and had two operations, but all doctors and did me no good, and I would nave been in my nt grave today had ft not been for Lydia EL Pinkhama Vegetable ompound which brought me out of it all right, I am now well and do all my homework, beaidea working in my garden. Seven! of my neighbor! have g ing Lydia K Pinkham V lira. Viola Finical, Wagonpound k er, Okla. Such waning aymptoma aa aena of ears, palpitation heart, aparka before the eyes, ' laritiea, constipation, variable ap weakness and miriness ahoold be f women. Lydia E. by middle-age- d Vegetable Compound baa carried aafely through the crisis-- Electrical workers employed by the telephone companies of the state of Washington are ulsiut to take a vote on a strike for higher wages.. The safety leMisit vaults of a bank at Medford, Ore., were robbed of $5U0 In money und $500 in jewelry. The only clue to the rohliers is two chisels stamped F.E.H." Idahoans are shipping honey to Europe this year. One of the Inrgest producers of the stute, living near Meridian, says his honey crop this year will tie 40,000 pounds. Idaho will get $15,000, her share of the appropriation for vocational education, if congress pusses the special 1)111 drawn by the vocational education bureau and sent to congress. Jay Hague, an Idaho hoy, who recently was commissioned us first lieutenant, bus been ordered to France. The young lieutenant was horn In Bellevue, Ida., and his relatives live In McCummou, Idaho. UTAH, IT IS MAGIC! WOMEN! LIFT OUT ANY CORN a few drops then lift corns or calluses off with fingers nc pain. Apply Just think I You can lift any corn or callus without pain or soreness. A Cincinnati man discovered this ether compound and named it freezone. Any druggist will sell a tiny bottle of freezone, like here shown, for very little cost You apply a few drops directly upon a tender corn or callus. Instantly the soreness disappears, then shortly you will find the corn or callns so loose that yon can lift It right off. Freezone Is wonderful. It dries instantly. It doesnt eat away the corn or callus, but shrivels it up without even irritating the surrounding skin. Hard, soft or corns between the toes, as well as painful calluses, lift right off. There la no pain before or afterwards. If your druggist hasnt freezone, tell him to order a small bottle for you from his whole: sale drug house. adv. off Wasted Energy. Two business men were dining and the talk had turned to business efficiency. I tell you," said one, there is nothing in all the world that is of more advantage to a man In business than a good memory. I'm taking a course in memory training aud hi Just two weeks Ive learned a string of 125 figures, the names of all the presidents of the United States and the names of 47 different kinds of soup. I tell you It's grent stuff." Sounds pretty good, admitted the Who originated the system?" other. Er I dont remember." Kenator Borah of Idnho will take up with President Wilson and Food He Is No Man. Administrator Hoover the question of i Qulnlun, George county superintendestabhaving Portland and Seattle ent of highways, who recently won the lished as wheat markets at 17. prlniury W. N. U, Salt Lake City, No. which the 1917 price of $2.20 shall rank of major In the engineering corps, returned to the county building reapply. Make War on the Rat : The silver, copper and lend output cently. He tells this one There are more rata than human beOne Instructor the (captain of day ing! in the United Staten, and every of Nevada In 1917 will probably show the company) came along anil called an increase over the output of the prerat la a food waster. out to a fellow from Missouri : vious year, hut no improvement is Send that man up here.' in gold, the production of SOOTHES ITCHING SCALPS No mnn here,. answered the Miswhich has been steadily declining for sourian. the last few years. And Prevents Falling Hair Do Cuticura But I see him,' said the captain. W. Seventeen members of W. the I. ' not a man; hes my ser'He's Soap and Ointment. who had been picketing Lester's camp " geant. On retiring, gently rub spota of dan- near Montesano, Wash., for two weeks, of druff and itching with Cuticura Oin- were arrested last week. Fourteen each (Mists. fined were and $25 them tment Next morning shampoo with None of them was able to pay, so Cuticura Soap and hot water using were lodged ill Jail. they plenty of Soap. Cultivate the use of 'Walter Fuller of a Grande, a brake-ma- n Net Content lBFluid Pacta Cuticura. Soap and Ointment for everyltall-roa- d u on an toilet purposes. day & company Free sample each by'.mail with Book. train, wasNavigation killed nearfreight PenInstantly Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept L, dleton, Ore., when a engine follight Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. lowing the train plowed through the caboose in which he was riding. From a Menagerie. One thousand sheep perished In a A noncommissioned officer whr readfire which cut them off in the forest ing the mimes of a number of recruits. mountains at the head of Bock Creek, Your name! he snapied to the Mont The herder, who had 2000 anifirst- . mals in charge, escaped with half his ALCOHOL-- 3 PER OEW Fox." were owned by Mills flock. The sheep AfcWabfcftcpiiiMfc "Next 1" Wright of Burley, Ida., und were similalingthefbod bf fefc? "Bear," was the reply. valued at $10,000. linttheStWMdsMdBwwba The seargesnt sniffed, and glanced A majority of the sawmills and at the third. IIM'ANTS7CHILDH! mills in the state of Washingshingle Wolf, said the recruit, and his In- ton closed for several been have Thereby Promoting terrogator gave him a sharp look. a of workmen for the weeks CheetfttaeM nd HeCMl And what do yon call yourself?" he eight-hou- r by strike (lay and hlglier wages. The t neither Opium, Morpto asked a tall youth. that owing to the (lull say employers Narcotic recruit the Mineral. responded, "Lyon," for lumber they can afford to whereat the noncoin threw down his market leave their plants idle. d pen and shouted with Smith of Idaho, Itepresentative laughter. Go and order some rages to be through a hill reoently Introduced and on judiciary, huilt ! he roared to a private. Weve referred to the committee proposes to wipe out the I. W. W. by been recruiting from a menagerie! the application of drastic methods. He would fine or imprison or administer i Proving His Innocence. dual punishment to all members of the AKefpfulBenHyhr Believe me, Grace, when I am away. L W. W. and similar organizations. and Dun,,J Constipation I am always thinking every instant of Mrs. Emlee Carroll Kelly, wife of Fevtrishs and your hlue eyea and of your lovely fair Joseph Kelly, merchant. Is dead as a hair." outresult of an alleged Tut, tut! I am sure you said the break In Bawhlde, Nevada. It Is same thing to another girl before jhpSiaeWnM charged that Mrs. Kelly wus thrown me. bodily from the store of W. A.. Nagle, Grace, dont be cruel. I swear sol- with whom she hud disagreed over a TjisGewtaotGoW& emnly that you are wrong. The girl purchase, being found In a dying conNEW TQgS before you waa dark. Puck. dition. In All of the fish the upper waters The man who earns the money Isn't of Burnt Fork creek In the Bitter Boot always the one who gets It. valley in Montana, - were killed liy to forest fires last week, umn-dlnPhilosophers are men who imagine government rangers who insiiected the Copy ofWteppM devastated district The heut from that they have ceased to be fools. the burning woods was so intense that hundreds of trout were 'cooked alive in the stream. In Same frx ae Our Enemy Aliens. Grain produced this year in the PacA traveler at a small hotel in a ific northwest will he milled at home. .mrkward sea const town of New EngThe hulk of the flonr will he shipiied land complained to the clerk of the inn to Europe, but the niillstuffs will he concerning the food, the beds, the. This an- rooms In fnet, there was nothing in largely consumed here. nouncement was made at Portland last the house flint pleased him. When d week by Theodore B. Wilcox, federal he finished, the old, proand Mux 1L prietor of the place drawled: milling commissioner, Houser, federal grain commissioner. Young man. did anyone ask you to Organized lalmr is loyal to the pres- come here? ident In the wur, hut It demands an No, I don't know that they did." Increased wnge in keeping with the Wal, did anyone nsk you to stay here after you came? huge profits being made by manufacNo. I don't know that they did. turers because of the war, C. O.Young, Wal, they wun't." Manufacturers general organizer in the United Slates and Canada for the American Federa- Record. tion of Ijiibor, declared In a siieech delivered at Boise, Idaho, Inst week. When a young girl throws an old Discrimination against the lumber beau over he Is forcibly reminded that , industry of the northwest states in youth will have Its fling. favor of California and southern stutes Sff- -r m., """wwaaiHiiiiiwiiimiewieeiwe is feared' by tthe Oregon Lumber comMirlPi It for Tired Eps. and Portland other northwest pany at MOVlfiS Rad Eyas Sore Eyas b concerns in changes of minimum Siaaalatad Ijallda. Radi 5 Marina li a Tamila E luloiw liftetn weight on cars of lumber and lumfor Trasimat Brothel fssl dry and iman. S Olva yonr Mrw of yoar lovlBf ia s noh ber products, which transcontinental Mypmr Tooth pad with the jap ralsillr. lines proiKise to make effective SepcMfmnm. jMuaanMTiEwiTfsr gold u IMS aad Oyttoal Worn or by Moll i tember 24. ITotests nre being filed M Data Ejo Ram Co, CMmo te Fm MM -1 with the- Oregon public service i Pink-Da- Right in Line. Have your niillions' enabled your children to marry well?" Bather. My daughter married a cnbaret dancer and my son is engaged We're to a prnnfinent chorus girl. now. headed for the best Kansas City Journal. sm-let- ExtravaganL Is he extravagant?" I should say he is. He even pays more than $10 for his I'nlm Reach suit. not good-nature- The wholesome nutrition and wheatmost of in barley appetizing? form 1- Mra E. A Utah Case A. Danger- - i (W Ivereon CL. w, Salt Lake Utah, says: My kidneys became very weak and I had such awful backaches I could Ret hardly around to do anything. I was finally laid up. The nurse who was taking care of me told me how Doan's Kidney Fills had helped her and 1 used them. They regulated my kidneys and rid me of every sign of kidney trouble and the Buffering hasn't returned." GetDoea'sat Aay Store, MciBa fleld; 644 -- City, DOANS VJK.V FD3TBUULBURN CO BUFFALO. N. Y. You know well enough when your liver is loafing. CONSTIPATION is Hie first warning; then you begin to "feel mean all over." Your skin soon geti the bid news, it growa dull, yellow, muddy and unsightly. Violent purgatives ere not whet you e need just the gentle help of date standard remedy. Small Pill, Small Dose, Small Price. old-tim- many colorleae faces but IRON PILLS pARTERS will greatly help most people. pale-face- d Children Cry For n WWWWVAvCwX What Is GASTORIA Caitoria Is a harmlCM substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age Is its guarantee. For more than thirty years It has been In constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural deep. The Childrens Panacea The Mothers Friend. CASTORIA GENUINE ALWAYS pBears the Signature of pro-Germ- long-bearde- Housework ie too herd for e woman who ie helf tick, nervous and always tired. But it keepa piling up, end gives week kidneys no time to recover. If your beck is lame and achy and your kidneys irregular; if you neve mlue anells," eick headaches, nervousness, dizziness and rheumatic pains, use Doane Kidney Pills. They have done wonders (or thousands of worn out women. You Look As YOU FEEL 37-19- Oregon-Washlngto- Back Given Out? ' I In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought i eitVg No Hardship for Him. Priests Undoubted RighL A judge, a military officer and a Why do you think hell feel at priest applied for lodging at an Inn home In the trenches? He's a suburbanite.'1 Life. where there was only one spare bed, so the landlord lind to decide. The wise guy and the find's money I have Inin In garrison for 15 years soon get together. at Birr," said the officer. I have sat. as a judge for 20 years In Dublin, SHld the judge. Many a man who Is willing to he And I have stood In the ministry good is unable to make good. for 25 years at Nnvnn, said the priest. "That settles the question. said the landlord. The aged- priest has stood for 25 years, so he has the best right to the bed. - His Discovery. Friend Well, old man, have you found that two can live ns cheaply as one? Newlywed Perhnps, but not as peaceably. FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE Dissolved hi water for douches stops pelvic catsuit, ulceration and iaflaae-matio- n. Reeomnendod by Lydia E. Pinkham Med. Co. for tea yeara. A healing wonder for nasal catarrh, sore throat and sore eyes. Economical. Gentle Hint Do you know, I think you are a most singular girl. She I assure you It isn't from PATENTS. TRADE NARKS, COPY- G. PARK. JR.. 1419 choice, ElUflla VRICHARD STREET, WAUIlIlUTOMtIML lie |