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Show THE GRANTSVILLE NEWS, GRANT8VILLE, appointment of Len Hale of Gi iaitsville as deputy game war-- 1 den for Tooele County, Mrs. Mary E. Jensen ap-GRANTSVILLE DPERA HOUSE 'peared before the Board rela-j- j th e to the terms on which the county leased the county infirm- ary to her. The Board authorized the pur- Given by First Ward Ree Hive Girls ch:ise of a wheel chair for Eddie Dp. Hiv Girin Dird provided the relatives ray UTAH. Patriotic Program and Dance! j August lOtlv 1917 ; 10. 11. 12. 13. Come i fV.im deed issued to rkv.u j i j PAY. BY CHECK, AND BY CHECK ONLY, THEN OLD BILLS YOU MAY IGNORE, a quit Eugene pea- - man" for . property located m SI jckton. The Board approved the franchise of the Clark Electric Pow-- j ei; Co. to run their line from ENDORSED CHECKS WILL PROVE THE PAYMENT OF THE BILLS YOU PAID ,BEFORE. ' Grahtsville to Burmester. D, E. Davis appeared be I'ora the Board relative to the conClover struction of bridge which was taken under BANK DESERET GRANTSV1LLE p 'at Grantsville. Utah. nunt. The' bond of the Tooele County Abstract Co. was approved as' w as .that of the Security Abstract Co. of Salt Lake City. saloon keepers fail to FILE INVENTORY; AND S' ARE PINCHED v Los Angeles and Return j ; csSa5S!d , and Do Your Bit! i j ; :::: Recitation You Are the Men of Coming Years Bernice Peck Bee Hive Girls Chorus Flag of Our Union Forever .V. Land Oh Amy Hudson Land, My Recitation . Anderson Colors . .Rae to Gone Kid the Has The Recitation Bee Hive Girls Chorus Our Flag Is There Irma Sutton Recitation Where the West Begins .John Soelberg Recitation The Mother of a Soldier" Bee Hive GirLs Chorus U. S. A. Forever One Act Play For France Bee Hive Girls Chorus Marseilaise Bee Hive Girls Chorus America TICKETS FOR PROGRAM 10 &.15c DANCE 30c Per COUPLE Open A Checking Account With Us Today ! CALIFORNIA TO . Or 101NTS From Tooele Bulletin. EAST TO ALL account of the retail liquor jS dcalera fuilng to file an Via inventory 5 ! oi the kind and quantity of S iarar liquora on hand at the close of heiness on July 31st, the law requiring that the same be filed I with the County Clerk by Aug-The Feather River Route ust 2nd, complaints were swum at 2 TRAINS 1) ii I L Y to and warrants issued for all fr TO saloon in the the county l;cciers s THE SCENIC LIMITED except Jack Brazier of Stockton. Diverse routes via rail and steamer. The law also raquiras that drug(Westbound Leaves Grants 12:39 p. in.) gists file ap inventory. . This (Eastbound leaves Grants 2:37 p. m.) was done by one but the other, including Sail Francisco. (Westbound Leaves Grants lf:00 p. m.) pursuant to rules and ragula-- ! (Eastbound Leaves Grants 3:56 a. in.) low Board out thins the sent State fares jj by Proportionately Through Standard and Tourist Sleepers. At-- ; of sent to his the Phamiiicy, J tomey General. .The cases are for tickets including Observation Cars. Dning Cars set for trial Friday. SAN DIEGO, PORTLAND, SEATTLE. Oil Burning Locomotives. Service and Scenery Unsurpassed Locals. Stopovers at all points. No validation fee. Literature Information Tickets FINAL LIMIT OCTOBER 31, 1917. M re. George Kostello was a Any Western Pacific Agent or Ticket Office or : Salt Lake visitor the fora part of ' E. MAYER the week, reluming home last For 1eservatons and routings see night. 11. D. COOK, Agt. Tooele, Utah. Grants,.. Agent, a WZHWWWW or address Leo Isgreen who went to Salt Entered rs second clans mail matter . Lake City yesterday, was taken i Wm. WARNER, A.G.P. Salt Lake Cty, Utah. to a hospital there and will un-0 GrailtSVlIle N6WS. a( Grantsvilfe, Utah, under the Act of dergo an operation lor appendi- March 3, 1879. citas today. Published Every Friday by E. O. Sowerwine, cashier at BULLETIN PRINTING CO. ADVERTISING RATE8 the International smelter, rc-- I Grantsville, Utah Display, One Dollar per Inch per The business transacted by deputy Road Commissioner at turned Monday from a trip to Month; Single IsRue, 15c per Inch; Lake Salt City. Burmester. the Board is as follows: R. D. Ilalladay, Editor. Full Position Top of Column, Next On account of the inability to Heading Matter, 25 per cent AdditionEmery Tanner w?as appointed Mi's. Josephine Coleman who al. secure of the enumeration to make the persons to fix the roads night superintendent of Subscription, $1.50 per Year. persons, in Grantsville between the Board ordered the wages vas nurses at the Pocatello General the ages of 18 and 45 years'who paid to be increased from $2.50 under the law' passed by the last to $$3 for men and from $5 to $(i Hospital and later was employed at the hospital at Idaho Falls, ai- Legislature compose the militia for teams. lived home last night. Last week unThe was Clerk to directed ihe unless state of exempted Coleman suffered from an write the Secretary of Slate for der the provisions of the act. oi ptomaine poisoning nltoek is-permission of the railroads to ! . Mrs. Joseph Brnzeuu was granted increase from $5 to $10 from Sue transportation to the Shcril? yhielt nearly proved fatal and and his deputies, County Asr.cs-- : from which she is. just recover-so- r, the indigent fund. . Dan Pankovich was granted County Attorney, and the an allowance of $5 from the in- Commissioners should they mat-- : II. J. Pearce was in Salt Lake ter meet with their approval. digent fund. The resignation of Jos. ConBrigham Davies was appoint- - City on business during the fora ed deputy Road Commissioner part of the week. . ley as deputy Road Commission: vice W. G. Clark resigned. was at er Wendovpr accepted. SPECIFICATIONS notice. The Board recommended the J. A. Reeves was appointed ed. Wheels filled with and cone ar K K fr On ! Western Pacific R. R. TICKETS ON SALE DAILY SEPTEMBER 30th. i j j Tooele i j i i j i j County Fathers Regular Meeting j I ! ! . j j $625.00 Delivered to You! i j . j Notice is hereby given that I lie as--I fiessineiit ofjhe lax levied by the City Council of (frnntsville City, Utah, by ordinance panned July 18, 1917, upon the property a bill ling upon the North aide of Main . Street, from Hale to Kearl Street n, in Sidewalk District No. 3; the North Ride of Clark Street and Hale StreetH, in - Fuur-cylinde- r, vulve-in-heu- OPERA HOUSE, AUG. 15, 1917 i , . FRIENDS 11-1- - 6 . 2x 5-- cup d in. liore, 4 in. stroke.type, 3 Cylinders: Cast en block (including upper half of crank case). Head de- tachable. . l1, 4 inch diameter. Valves: ' Connecting Rod Bearings: lftxlft in. Crank Shaft Bearings: Front, The Grantsville 1st and 2nd Mutual Dramatic Clubs 1 in.; rear, in.,'center 1x19-3Under the able Direction of Miss Grace Bonwell will present the Sidewalk District No. 1 5; tlie North Kin. , beautiful society play by Milton Royle entitled side of Clark Street between llale and with positive Kearl Street h, in Sidewalk Diatrict No. Oiling 8ytem: Splash, individual oil and pump, plunger beRide of Main Street G; the North pockets. tween Kearl Street and the Eatit aide Carburetor: Zenilli improved double of J. W. AnderMonH place, in Sidejet. walk DiKirlct No. 7; and the South Connecticut Automatic. CAST OF CHARACTERS. aide of Clark St reel between Center Ignition: Cone Clutch: type. . . Rae Anderson Street and Roy Sntton'a residence, in Marguerite Olio Transmission: Thermo-syphosystem, e No. District for the Sidewalk 9; ; T. R. Johnson Hans Otto . . . extra size cellular radiator, with of contrucling cement aldewalks, J. Alvin Butler la completed. large- overhanging tank carrying Harold Hunting head of water over valves at all John Sr John Paden, Soelberg That the City Council Bitting as a times. Paul Johnson Board of Equalisation and Review, Rear Axle: John Paden, Jr r floating the Grant Benson will meet at the residence of and Adrian Knrjc . wheel bearing carried on the wheel-bu1917, Monday, August 13, and in axle housing. Load Alta Jefferies Mayor Jennie Merry weal her continue la session each day until axle housing, not axle Rbaft. Miss Wolfe Friday, August 17, 1917, between the Nickel steel Bhafts and gears. Hyhoura of 3:30 and 4:30 p. m., and will Miss Hartman att roller bearings. Ratio 3 to 1. and consider any objections and Front Axle: Drop forged; with Lyman Fawson hear Henry make correction of any tax which said of special steel, with yokes Integral Board may deem unequal o t unjust. SYNOPSIS. v double-hea- t treated; tie rod ends, That during Raid time, between the Act 1. Mrs. Merryweather's Lodging. steering spindles and arms of hours of 9 a. m. and 5 p. m., said list Chrome Vanadium steel, heat-treAct II. Drawing Room at Marguerite Ottos. will be open to public inspection at ' the Mayors residence, Grantsville, Act III. Harold Huntings Apartment. Act IIII. Green Room leading to Marguerite's dressing room Utah. order of Ihe By City Council dated at the Metropolitan Opera House. 30, 1917. July SOCIETY 2 . n pur-poa- - Three-quarte- b car-ried'- ....... - at ball bearings. Brakes: Emergency, internal expanding type; service, external contractbrake drums. ing type; Wheels: Wood, artillary type, clincher rims, large hub flanges. Tires: 30x3 front incites; and rear. . Drive:. Left side, center control, spark and throttle under steering wheel. Foot accelerator. Steering Gear: Compound spur and sector, adjustable for wear (patent pending). steering wheel. front and Springs: rear, each with extra wide main lear, or driving plate, made of - non-ski- h Semi-cantileve- r, Chrome Vanadium Btecl. Bodies: roadster; five passenger touring; and five passenger touring with top. Ttfo-passeng- er Wheelbase: 102 Inches. Finish: Black. Equipment: Electric lights and starter, highest type system, sin- gle wiring used. Complete lamp equipment. Including head light dimmers; mohair tailored top, top cover Rnd side curtains (two passenger roadster and open touring car only) ; windshield; speedometer; electric' horn; complete tool equipment, including pump and jack. two-un- it . This Car will be carried in stock at Tooele. PLAYTj PONT FAIL TO, SEE THIS BEAUTIFUL GIVEN FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR MISSIONARIES DEPARTING IN OCTOBER. Children under PRICES 50 35, and 25c. years 15c THEO. R. JOHNSON,1 . City Recorder.' Sidewalk Extensions Nob. 3. 5, 6, 7, 0PHIR MERCANTILE CO. & 9. First and Final Estimate. Date first publication Aug. tj 3, 1917. Agents. Ophir, Utah |