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Show THE GRANT8V1LLE HUES HOLD HOLD FAST Military and Called by the Wsr Council of High Leaders Kaiser. Russians Steadily NOTRE DAME, INDIANA ' Offers C Court la Agricoltan 'While the rain and the morass have Tull eoQTMt also la Let ten, Journalism, served to hold the entente Library Boieses, Chemistry, Pharmacy, Madl- - in leash, preventing a resumption of elne. Architecture, Commeree ud Low. the great offensive of Tuesday, they have not been effective In keeping the for Germans from CWAMP. It not recommended you throwing counter-attackwith large forces of men against be found Juet the medicine you need. S At several newly won sectors of the front and dollar elses. held by the British and French troops, drugglata In You may receive a eample els bottle of this reliable medicine by Parcel Poet, o nor in bringing about a cessation of the violent artillery duel along the enpamphlet telling about It Addreee Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, tire line. N. Y., and encloee ten cent, also men tion thla paper. Crown Prince Uupprecht evidently considers the British gain northeast of "mKSP0 Ypres the most important made lx Tuesday's battle, for upon this terriSmmyl. eeljgfc tory he had concentrated the strongest of his operations In an attempt to regain the lost ground. His efforts, however, have gone for naught, the British artillery and Infantry fire raking the advancing forces The Hereford Corporation mercilessly, patting an end to the at-f Wyoming SySSKS: tacks and adding materially to the already heavy casualties the Germans Beiaiered have suffered. It is assumed that a war council of nforgood, wfiuwi the high military and naval leaders in Bale. WRITS TO. Germany, called by Emperor Wllllam-tmeet in Brussels, had as Its objective an analytical survey of the offensive, which, If it Is carried on as planned by the allies, would prove a menace to the German holdings In Belgium, and especially along the W. N. Salt Lake City, No. coast The situation of the Russians on the eastern front grows increasingly acute, Her With. I wish you were like Mrs. Green'a the Russians steadily falling back Bo far have the operahusband. everywhere. of the Teutonic allies been adtions Whyr Bukowlna In He to her. her vanced that seemingly the "Het to Rood buys little Austrian crownland soon again everything I want. will be returned to the Austrians. Numerous additional towns and vantCARE FOB YOUR SKIN age points along the 'front have been And Keep It Clear by Daily Use of captured by the Teutons. Berlin asserts that from the truth to the eastCutlcura Trial Free. ern foothills of the Kelemen mounA hot bath with Cutlcura Soap foll- tains, a distance of approximately a owed by a gentle anointing with Cutl- hundred miles, the Russians are steadcura Ointment clean the akin dtracalp ily giving ground. In moat caaee of eczemas, rashea and France to Limit Bread Consumption. Itching of children and adults. Uake Paris. Bread cards will he IntroCutlcura your every-da- y toilet preparaduced Into France. The Journal Offitions and prevent such troubles. a decree where each cial will Free sample each by mall with Book. adult andpublish head Is to receive a family Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept L, card entitling grown persons 'to 500 Boston. Sold everywhere Adv. grams of bread dally. Children under 7 years will be allowed 800 grams. Fault of the Light This ration may be augmented by 200 James had been playing late and grams, If a holder of a card furnishes was Just about to wash his hands, aa sufficient reasons.. he' was required to do before coming Million Dollar Dry Ad Campaign. . to the table, when he saw his father New York. Inauguration of a milfilling his plate and, as he was parhis looked at he lion dollar advertising campaign ticularly hungry,' hands dubiously and decided they against the liquor traffic In the wet" might pass muster; so he took his states was announced here today by place, determined to run the risk of the Federal Council of the Churches of banishment Christ lrf America. It will be known camHis sister Mary observed the omis- as the Strengthen America sion almost at once and said: Why, paign. James, look at your hands Theyre Ritchie Comes Out of His 8hell. not clean. San Francisco. Willie Ritchie, forOh, yes, they are, Msry, he replied. If mer lightweight champion of the He considered them s moment world, came out from retirement here the the look Just Its way they dirty Thursday night at a boxing carnival light strikes them on this white for the benefit of the California field artillery regiment, and decisively defeated Johnny McCarthy, an old rival. As Hs Heard It Little Raymond returned home from In four rounds. Sunday school In a very Joyous mood. Silver Crowds Out Gold. Oh, mother, he exclaimed, as he No is being Washington. entered the house, the superintendent coined In United State gold mints at pressaid something awfully nice, about me ent 'Minting silver rains is proceedIn his prayer this morning! at every mint In the country at did What he lovely-say, ing Isnt that five to eight times the volume of from petl questioned his mother. years. Quarters and dimes are He said, Oh, Lord, we thank thee past most in demand. for food and Raymond. Harper's Magazine. Germany Was Eager to Begin War. Washington. Positive information Extent of Sympathy. that Germany had knowledge of AusThe young mans story was a very tria's ultimatum to Serbia which affecting one. Didnt he touch youT plunged the European continent Into He did for five dollars. war Is In possession of government officials, Foreign Secretory Zimmerman England employs 45,000 women admitted. s .. 2J ROOT fiSsA.S"-flfty-ce- s nt al-a- tVmbmta counter-offensiv- e m ISTluid Dradm For Infants Genuine Castoiia ALCOHOL-- 3 PER . AWabfeIVcpaiahasfaAl-Hinulatinjthclbod lyBcjtt! llNTANTS'lC n Cheerfulness sndBeJ neither Mineral. Not Narcotic issh ml GonstipaMoc and DiMTh and Fewristavw lotforSBW KuaiaaeSijntfwvrf CMTWxCtmrfltx " id flMMran. Mothers Know That flat-foot- Flies! Kill All of Older Strategy. luby-rlnt- Falling Back. allied-force- - 1 TO OPEN TACTICS It seems probable now that we shall not be able to go Into the trench fighting at the training camps quite as thoroughly as the Canadians and the English have done, Herbert Reed writes in the New York Independent. Of course the trench charging, bayonet und bombing, through wire entanglements and fascines will be taught, but unless there Is a sudden clinnge in plans I doubt If the complicated used over the northern bonier will be duplicated. There seems to be a growing feeling that since we are bdllding up from the bottom we must devote more time than the new levies of our allies to the strategy and tactics of open warfare. It Is of course, understood that .many of us how many no one knows are going to France, where trench warfare la at Its height, but the powers that be have not been unmindful of the work of Von Hlndenburg early in the war on the eastern front, and. they do not want to be caught should the opportunity for swift open field operations on a large scale ever offer. It Is in such operations that the officers of the line, the battalion commanders especially, and the second lieutenants as a matter of course, need a larger vision than is to be gained through the Intensive study of trench warfare alone. DESPERATE EFFORTS OF GER MANS TO REGAIN L08T GROUND GO FOR NAUGHT. University of Notre Dame ON American Soldiers Not to Be Trained In Trench Fighting to Exclusion ' Naval NEW8, GRANT8V1LLE, UTAH. Undoubtedly. He's rich and yet lie never spends any more than he has to. Thats probably the reason he's rich." sfflW YDRHl-- J d teadier. Experience. Is a It keeps a man hustling to pay the tuition fees. high-price- Exact Copy of Wnppac. Thirty Years fjUfriEtn tm IIBNMW, MWINMim . 82-19- 17. 25.9. Miles Per Gal. of Gas 1 1 clerks. a Patriot. , Washington.-patriotic appeal by ' Representative Kahn of California, a Republican, born In Germany, was the feature of the debate Friday on the food control and food survey bills. He urged united support of President Wil- German-Bo- m SAYS Try a dish of Post Toasties with cream for lunch onJxrtdays 234 stock model Saxon Sixes travel 70,200 miles July 18 and set grand average of 25.9 miles per gaL of gas To give a national demonstration of the remarkable gasoline econ- omy of Sqpon Six, 234 Saxon dealers joined in a 300 mile drive July 18. A grand average of 25.9 miles per gallon of gasoline was registered for the 70,200 miles of travel. Consider different different that this run took place in parts of the country, under sets of conditions, over 234 234 234 dif- ferent kinds of roads. That proves that this 25.9 miles per gallon of gasoline is the ordinary, the' average performance of 234 Saxon Sixes" taken right out of stock. And it proves as nothing else would grove, the gasoline economy your Saxon Six" will give you. No other car in ita class can match this record. Furthermore, these 234 Saxon Sixes " averaged 175 miles per quart of oil. And not a single instance of mechanical trouble occurred throughout the entire 70,200 miles. Consider that these 234 cars were stock model Saxon Sizes not tuned up" special cars, not cars with doped" There is the proof that Saxon gasoline. $935. Six" is your kind of a car. Price f. o. fc. Detroit, Congressman Saxon Motor Car Corporation, Detroit ton. Oklahomans Object to Draft. Oklahoma City. Groups of men numbering probably 400 In' the aggre Not Stingy. A Poser. If you kiss me I shall call auntie. Nature abhors a vacuum." Then why Is the Inside of the hollow T armed themselves and were gate southIn several in places gathering central Oklahoma Friday night, preThe happiness of some people pared to resist forcibly their selection pends upon their ability to make s soldiers under the draft law. unhappy "Well, I guess kiss, too. Have de- I can spare her a Wading River, X L, postofflee has been in the hands of the Miner family since 1825. Ton can sometimes Judge a man's ability by the number of relatives hr ' has to keep. When Your Eyes Need Care Remedy Try Murine Eye Xe SmitlBB Jert Comfort. H mbm at DraaalMs or mil Writ, for fiw If. KYK SIMIDI CO., CHIOAO |